I played the world alone

Chapter 541 Freedom

Chapter 541 Freedom
Mars felt intense and indescribable discomfort all over his body.

Especially inside the internal organs, it was more like an invisible big hand was constantly churning it, as if it wanted to crush all his internal organs, and even grind every bone into crumbs!
He suddenly realized that this might be the most horrific punishment in the world!

Death seemed so wonderful at this moment, making him wish that death could come earlier and end all the bad experiences in front of him.

But unfortunately the music stopped abruptly.

The original pain disappeared instantly, but the pain it caused still continued to act, like ants constantly eating the flesh and blood on his body.

The sudden loosening and tightening made him, a criminal who had given all the prison guards who guarded him a headache, suddenly relax and then fainted.

And the second before he fainted, he vaguely saw the tall little giant who had sent them in before walking slowly towards him, and at the same time there were vague comments in his ears.

"Two are dead, and one is seriously injured and needs to be sent to treatment immediately..."

"I checked the death condition and found that it was slightly better than when I didn't listen to music at first. It didn't die so miserably. This shows that our current experimental product is correct and we can continue to develop along this line of thinking..."

"In an hour, prepare to conduct the second batch of experiments..."

Mars reluctantly stood up, walked to the door and looked across.

The official is more willing to cooperate with Huang Yingzhuo and others who can provide stable and large amounts of spells.

"Damn bastard..."

"If you have the chance, I advise you to commit suicide as soon as possible..."

His trembling hands cautiously touched his abdomen.

"Otherwise you will feel the same pain that I feel when you can't live but can't die..."

"Hey man, what happened to you? You were taken out for a whole day and I thought you would never come back. And the other two unlucky guys were nowhere to be seen. Are they already dead?"

Some people chose to join Huang Yingzhuo in cooperating with local official agencies to obtain death row prisoners.

"I actually survived?!"

The death row prisoners were consumed faster than Lu Chen imagined.


Fortunately, the rate of replenishment of the death row prisoners is pretty good. Currently, the number of consumable death row prisoners in Yongning World has exceeded 100, and it is still increasing rapidly.

All of this is of course thanks to a group of reincarnations who work hard in the world of magic light.

The 20 death row prisoners recruited last time were almost exhausted within three days.

"Hey! Mars! Tell me what they did when they took you out?"

After a day, they could roughly guess from the few returning prisoners and the death row prisoners who had completely disappeared that the outside was definitely not a good place.

"What did they do to me? Did they dig out my internal organs, clean them and then put them back in?"

There were circles of bandages hidden there, and when you touched it, there was still a faint tingling sensation as if you had just undergone surgery.

"Have they finally implemented the death penalty on us? Is it shooting or electrocution?"

Even Mars, the most tenacious among them, still failed to survive the third experiment.

"This is not the old prison at all! They just use us as materials for an experiment, just like the guinea pigs in the laboratory..."

At this moment he once again longed for death.

Lubo's impatient voice came from the cell opposite.


Everyone watched in horror as the "jailers" passed in front of their cells, fearing that they would suddenly stop and take them out.

As soon as he recalled the horrific experience before, he couldn't help but put his head in his hands. His index fingers were inserted through his hair and he kept scratching his scalp hard, even if it started to bleed.

This sentence made Rubeus stunned for an instant. Just as he was about to say something, heavy footsteps came from the end of the corridor in the distance.


It's like I want to forget that horrible music through this pain.

After vomiting, he lay back on the ground feebly. Instead of being surprised by his survival this time, he felt even more desperate.

But of course they can't compare with this senior person, and their families are not very rich, so they can only make a little profit but not much.

Even now, he still felt a dull pain in his stomach, and a strong feeling of nausea kept coming out, making him have no appetite even when he saw a plate of delicious-looking fast food placed in front of him.

Seeing that the official channels are almost monopolized, other reincarnations naturally have no choice but to find other ways.

He couldn't help but curse in a low voice, with a look of horror on his face.

The various cells where there were some whispers suddenly fell silent.

Mars suddenly woke up from his sleep, looked around in horror, and found that he was back in the small small cell.

He was still asking endlessly when he suddenly heard a low hoarse voice coming from Mars on the opposite side.

But the difference is that my body seems to have left behind the sequelae of the previous experiment, and I can still feel the terrible torture.

I don't know if it was because of the failure of the anesthesia, which caused the discomfort all over his body to increase. He even couldn't help but vomit, but unfortunately his stomach was empty and nothing came out.

Lu Bo was startled by his terrible expression and lackluster eyes.

With trembling hands, he touched the plate with fast food. Unfortunately, the knives, forks or chopsticks inside were all made of special materials. He could barely pick up the vegetables. It was impossible to commit suicide with them.

There are those who dress up as detectives to secretly investigate various cases and track down criminals, and there are also those who dress up as various extraordinary beings to punish evil and promote good, especially some prisoners who have escaped punishment for various reasons even though they have committed the death penalty.

It's just that the risks like this are relatively high, and it is easy to be targeted by local officials or gangs, so that the number of deaths during this period has continued to surge.

In the end, the big head was provided by Huang Yingzhuo and others.

So many death row prisoners were put into it as meme material, and it finally had some effects.

Like this moment.

Lu Chen received the latest report, and Professor Clyde's face was full of excitement.

"You mean, the first meme has been successfully tested?"

"Yes! This anti-meme, codenamed 'Magic Sound', has been successfully identified by us through twelve experiments! Although 34 experimenters have died in the process..."

When he said this, his voice paused slightly, and he seemed a little guilty, but his attention was quickly attracted by the experimental results, and he continued to speak excitedly. "As long as we listen to this anti-memetic melody in advance, 'Magic Sound' sounds like the most ordinary melody to us, even a little unpleasant."

He even danced excitedly.

"If we can let our soldiers listen to this anti-memetic melody in advance before the war, and then use high-power speakers to play the real 'magic sound' to the enemy troops, then we will probably win without a fight. Win!”

Of course, just like viruses, some people may be naturally immune to this meme.

But judging from the ratio, maybe 1% is considered good.

And this kind of natural immunity will also be one of the key materials for their research on anti-memes.

Lu Chen listened to the correct anti-meme in advance, and it probably sounded like an ancient nursery rhyme.

Then listening to 'Magic Sound' again, the melody still gives people a weird feeling, as if some notes have been forcibly changed in order.

But other than this discomfort, there are no problems. The experiment was indeed a success!
"But there is one more problem." Professor Clyde pointed at his feet.

"The surviving death row inmate strongly demands that we abide by the agreement and return him to freedom."

He looked at Lu Chen's face and asked cautiously: "We did make this promise according to your instructions before, so..."

"Well, let him out."

Lu Chen nodded casually, as if the person to be released was not a condemned prisoner but a kitten and puppy.

"Really?" Professor Clyde was stunned and couldn't help but reconfirm, "But if they are released..."

"It's okay." Lu Chen patted his shoulder meaningfully, "A person like me who keeps his word will never break his promise, even if he is facing a group of criminals on death row."

Professor Clyde nodded hesitantly, and then heard the other party whisper: "By the way, don't forget to put some trackers on him to avoid losing this precious experimental material."


Lu Bo never dreamed that he would actually be let out!

When he saw Mars dead that day, he suspected that he might not be able to get out of here, so he was in trouble almost all the time.

But who would have thought that after just casually listening to a few pieces of music with unknown meaning these past few days, they would actually be willing to let me go? !
"Can I really leave?"

He stood at the gate of this base, still in disbelief.

He is different from that madman Mars. He cherishes his life and hates prison and punishment. Otherwise, he would not have tried to escape from prison several times.

"You won't kill me directly in the name of jailbreaking after I leave, will you?"

He was afraid that a sniper rifle was aimed at his head somewhere.

It wasn't until he got a negative answer that he cautiously walked outside.

I walked faster and faster, and in the end I even started running, with excitement on my face!

"I'm finally free!"

He breathed in the fresh air and felt that the world was so beautiful!

But what's a little strange is that maybe he has been in the underground prison for a long time, but everything outside has become so strange, and he doesn't even recognize the architectural styles of these houses.

Moreover, no living person can be seen on the streets. The products sold in the advertisements played on the big screens are also very eye-catching and full of high-tech feeling.

"I didn't expect that after just a few years, the outside world has already changed drastically..."

"But why is there no one there?"

He hesitated for a moment and suddenly his expression changed slightly.

"Is it possible that the place has been notified in advance that the monster is about to land, so everyone evacuated to the shelter first?!"

But when I thought about it carefully, it was wrong. If there was really a monster about to attack, it would be impossible for the surroundings to be so quiet and peaceful, without even a single siren sounding.

Although he didn't understand it for a while, it didn't stop him from enjoying life.

After all, there is no one here. He doesn't even need to open the lock. He can just break the glass and enter other people's houses to enjoy as he pleases, or he can smash and take out a large amount of gold from the bank.

This is a deserted city, a paradise for him to enjoy!

There are various luxury cars and mansions, and you can even light cigarettes with banknotes to play with!
The only regret is that it would be better if there were more women here to play with.

But just as he entered a holiday villa, wearing a bathrobe, smoking a cigar, and enjoying a perfect life, he suddenly saw an eye suddenly bulging on a painting not far away.

An eye that looked like a deformed monster was even staring at him, moving its eyes slightly as he moved.

"Experimenter Lubo is confirmed dead."

When a team of recyclers wearing thick bioprotective suits arrived based on the tracker's location, his body was already decomposing at an alarming rate.

A large number of dense eyes appeared strangely on it, enough to make an unlucky guy with trypophobia faint on the spot!
But for this group of expressionless locals, this is something they are used to.

They could even deliberately avoid eye contact during the recycling process, achieving near-perfect defense.

"Conquering this eye is your next research direction."

Lu Chen assigned tasks to this group of people.

Of course, it is not limited to this. He also hopes that this group of people can develop some memes that can be more applied to real life.

For example, some more positive effects, such as relieving people's negative emotions, or helping learning, etc...

Strange requirements like this seem to be easier to study for Professor Clyde and others.

After all, the mortality rate of the experimental mice in the corresponding study will be lower, and the control experiment can be repeated many times.

After about a week, there were already good results.

"Listening to this music can greatly relieve the pain of minor injuries, such as broken skin or accidental scratches, and it can also speed up the healing of wounds..."

"However, the side effect is that after listening to it, there will be a certain withdrawal reaction, and you may even become dependent. Once you stop listening, you will feel uncomfortable or even panic. We are still studying the solution..."

"In addition, this painting contains some knowledge, so that people who see it can understand many skills that may take more time to learn."

"There is no doubt about the efficiency of this thing, but there are also side effects. That is, it will put a certain burden on the human brain, and a large amount of food must be prepared in advance, preferably high-calorie sweets..."

"And it is not suitable for children who are too young. Theoretical data speculates that a one-time shock may cause permanent necrosis of brain cells..."

(End of this chapter)

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