I played the world alone

Chapter 511 Chinatown? (2 in 1)

Chapter 511 Chinatown? (-in-)

Zhang Ling first took a look at the items in the Lord God's store, searched by name, and quickly found the amnesty token.

However, the price is extremely high, requiring a full 3000 points!
The moment she saw the price, she almost thought that the Lord God was deliberately using this thing to take back the points that had just been awarded to her.

But that's just a thought.

In her opinion, the main god's men must control a large number of reincarnation worlds, and there are more reincarnations.

How could a novice like her make the Lord God care about her with just a few points?
I must be thinking too much.

After the two seniors finished speaking, they left quickly.

She didn't dare to delay and went directly to Huo Yu's small world.

Still in the mountain temple, the old man made a homemade Taishi chair and was lying in the yard filled with fallen leaves, swaying slightly and basking in the sun.

If you ignore the desolate environment around you, it does look like an ordinary old man, enjoying the end of his short life.

The smile that the old man raised just now slowly disappeared, and after a pause, his face showed a look of nostalgia and sadness, and even his voice trembled a bit.

"Although it's been so long, your parents are still looking for you and will publish your missing person notice every few days."

The next second, the figure of the old man who had just squinted his eyes to enjoy the warm sunshine disappeared in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in front of her.

Although he has enjoyed countless lives in this world, had many confidantes, and was even once an uncrowned king!
But when you are tired of everything, you will finally feel an extreme loneliness.

He quickly explained: "Old sir, you don't have to worry about this. In fact, spiritual energy has been revived now..."

The old man asked about his parents' current situation and learned that although the official did not tell them the news directly, they had secretly contacted them and provided some subsidies, and nodded with peace of mind.

The way to cultivate immortality here does not require any great way to forget love, nor does it need to cut off the worldly ties. But the real torture is that you can live forever, but your loved ones around you gradually grow old until only one person is left.

Presumably the other party is still worried about whether he will be feared by the authorities after he returns or will be subjected to various horrific experiments like those in movies and TV series.

Zhang Lingchu nodded matter-of-factly.

"how's it going?"

After hesitating for a moment, he added carefully.

However, he then asked a little strangely: "Speaking of which, judging from what you just said, do you think you have reached a cooperative relationship with the country?"


"In that case, I probably won't attract attention if I return to reality."

Zhang Lingchu told the truth.

Zhang Lingchu greeted politely.

"You did disappear in our world. It was not the worst case scenario similar to a parallel world. We can also find information about you through official channels. It was a disappearance case about ten years ago."

"Isn't that a setting in a novel? Did it really happen in reality?"

"I have seen too many fights for power and intrigues, and I am really tired of dealing with them. A quiet retirement life like this is suitable for me."

When he was in school, he had read some novels, which contained some similar settings.

When Zhang Ling first heard this question, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then she realized it.

Only then did the old man react and nodded with some relief.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he insists on returning to the real world, at least there are relatives he can't let go of.

The other party traveled too early, and at that time, there were no extraordinary reappearances like this.

Zhang Lingchu smiled helplessly.

Zhang Lingchu suddenly realized this.

"Revival of spiritual energy?" The old man was even more surprised.

"Mr. Shu, I'm back!"

"That's it...that's it..."

His parents are missing him, so why doesn't the old man miss them?
Even the time to endure this kind of suffering is even longer, hundreds of years!

"I am now many times older than them all..."

From his few words, it can be roughly guessed that he may have experienced too many such things, so he finally chose to live in seclusion here.

"That's right. I am an unscientific person myself, so why should I care about those things."

Zhang Lingchu said euphemistically: "Since the time traveler and the main god space have appeared, it seems that it is not surprising that the spiritual energy is revived."

"The matter you asked me to inquire about has come to fruition."

Afterwards, he curiously and carefully inquired about the current situation of spiritual energy recovery, and was relieved to learn that some monsters, ghosts, supernatural beings, and Western wizards had appeared.

The more deeply you use your affection, the greater the backlash you will receive in the end.

"Won't the official guard against you, or even arrest you for research?" The old man was a little confused.

"They're still missing you."

Until an uninvited guest broke the tranquility.

He has a good memory.

"That may not work. In the current real world, because the spiritual energy has just been revived for a year, the strongest ones are the monsters. In addition to technological weapons, the human race is still very weak in extraordinary strength."

"So when you go back, you may be needed to help take charge of the overall situation."

Before coming, Professor Han had already explained it in advance, especially mentioned this point.

The old man frowned, somewhat reluctantly.

But after all, it was still a cooperative relationship between the two parties, and after returning home, I and my parents would also need official care for their lives, so I thought about it again and again and finally agreed.

"I knew it would be nothing good. But let's be honest, if they ask me to do something I don't want to do or something that violates the bottom line, I won't offend them."

The old man snorted.

Zhang Lingchu didn't dare to say anything more. Anyway, these matters would be left to Professor Han and others to discuss slowly after it was over.

The most important thing for her now is to complete the mission of the Lord God.

"This time I also brought some elixirs that can replenish spiritual energy. As for the amnesty token that can take you back, you need to wait until the mission is over to redeem it."

The old man had no objection to this. His eyes quickly fell on the bottle of elixir in Zhang Lingchu's hand, and his eyes lit up.

He quickly took it, opened it and sniffed it gently on the tip of his nose, and his whole body was instantly shocked.

"Incredible! The spiritual energy inside is so terrifyingly pure!"

Zhang Lingchu felt a little pained: "Each of these pills requires 50 points, and this bottle already costs 200 points."

According to the Lord God's introduction, one pill here can instantly fill up the entire spiritual power of a mid-level foundation-building monk, which should be enough to cope with the current situation.

"Okay, okay! You can rest assured that since I have these pills, I can solve all the troubles on my own during this trip. Even an army of ten thousand people can't do much to me."

The old man was very domineering, but Zhang Lingchu still chose to follow the plan. Even if there is only a 1% probability of failure, it must be avoided.

We still have to wait for Huang Yingzhuo and the others to arrive together before taking action.


In the empty main god space hall.

The two seniors who had just disappeared reappeared.

But at this time, the original ordinary-looking young man had changed his appearance again, revealing his true self as Lu Chen.

In order to help them without lowering the Lord God's own qualifications, he really put a lot of thought into it.

The final decision was made by senior players who were also players.

Now it seems that the effect is indeed very good, she was completely fooled.

As for the tauren just now, it was naturally Niu Hao.

This guy was a bit naive, but he was very honest and didn't ask any questions. He just read the lines he taught me.

Lu Chen glanced at the place where Zhang Lingchu disappeared just now, raised his hand and turned it over, and a piece of fine iron the size of a palm appeared in the palm of his hand.

Then, with a thought, the iron block that was supposed to be harder than stone actually squirmed and compressed quickly like a liquid.

After a while, it was reshaped and transformed into a token.

Written on the front were three large characters: "Amnesty Order."

There are some mysterious runes carved on the back, allowing it to play a short-term defensive role.

It can probably withstand a full-strength attack from the early stages of the golden elixir, but it's only a one-time thing.

Even if this is a small gift, the three thousand points will not be wasted.

But the real key point is that this thing can serve as an anchor point, so that you can bring it out after your progress in exploring the small world reaches 100%.

However, according to the progress of those four people, it is estimated that it will take several days to reach the capital of Eagle Kingdom.

During this period, he did not wait.

In addition to continuing to accompany Professor Chen to participate in the restoration and protection of cultural relics and historic sites outside, and occasionally accompanying Zhou Manyin to wander around, he began to formally investigate the small worlds that he had controlled.

In the past, I just pushed the exploration level to 100% and then basically ignored it, treating it purely as a task to complete the system.

But ever since he discovered the anomalies in Huo Yu's small world, he began to become a little concerned about it.

"Will there be similar time travelers appearing in other small worlds?"

Thinking of this possibility, he asked the Bai family and others who were sent out to focus on collecting relevant information in addition to killing the enemy.

In addition to them, he himself began to frequent these small worlds again, looking for the friends he had known before.

Although due to some concerns, he did not directly tell them about the time traveler, but only made insinuations.

And soon, he actually found some suspicious news.

The first person to get the news was the wizarding world.

After the immortal cultivators of the Bai family had inexhaustible spiritual power, they began to be able to use various wonderful spells. Thanks to this, they learned English very quickly.

In just a few days, it is enough for them to read some English books at the high school level.

And it was here that I found a piece of news.

But it's not the magic part, but in the modern city.


There was a thin drizzle floating in the gray sky. Although it would not make people soaked in water, it was still a bit uncomfortable to have their clothes wet.

Passing by the blond passers-by, Lu Chen held a black umbrella and slowly walked into a small restaurant in the local Chinatown.

Although it is not a restaurant, the business in the store seems to be pretty good. Half of the ten tables in the store are occupied, and people are coming in and out one after another.

The air was filled with the aroma of authentic food, and several drunken guests were complaining that it was too difficult to find jobs recently.

The whole environment is filled with the familiar atmosphere of human beings.

His appearance did not attract the attention of other guests, and they just regarded him as an ordinary guest coming to eat.

Until a young man with black hair and dark eyes who was checking out looked up and saw him coming, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately greeted him nervously and excitedly.

"Sir... you are here, come in quickly, the boss has been waiting for you for a long time."

The Chinese language used is incompatible with this place.

"I didn't expect you to start doing business here instead of fighting monsters and upgrading."

Lu Chen felt a little emotional as he walked.

If it weren't for the unfamiliar posters posted around him, he would almost have thought he had arrived in reality.

"Hehe, what we think is that everyone has his own ambitions. We are not good at fighting like others, so we just want to do something we are good at." The young man scratched his hair and smiled innocently.

This store was opened by people from the Bai family who came to this world.

From the boss to the chef and the cashier, they are all people he has summoned who are not good at or don't like fighting.

He has no objection to this. After all, everyone has their own preferences and he will not force these people to work for him.

After entering the kitchen, the smell of oily smoke came to us.

Although there seems to be some special dust-purifying spells here, the effect may not be very good because the amount is too large.

The boss who had been waiting here for a long time, a young man from the Bai family, quickly took him to a quieter office further back.

"Actually, we didn't plan to open a restaurant here in the first place. We just came back from the Magic World and happened to meet an unlucky guy who was being chased by gangs here, so we helped him out."

"In the end, the other party insisted on thanking us and took us to this Chinatown."

"But after eating the food here, I found that it was not very authentic. Many of the flavors were modified to make it nondescript. I used to be a cook. I was really angry, so I opened a restaurant here. What happened..."

He smiled sheepishly.

But he quickly got to the point again.

"By the way, after we got your previous mission, we immediately started mobilizing the people around us and the guests, and we actually found some information."

He said mysteriously: "Do you know that in this world that clearly doesn't speak the same language as ours, why is there this strange Chinatown and those familiar yet paradoxical meals?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly reacted.


This world itself is an incomplete world. There is only this Western Alliance, and the Eastern Continent is completely absent.

So where did this Chinatown come from?

(End of this chapter)

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