you elf, are you legal

Chapter 467: 1v10 only requires surfing skills, Pipi Whale: That’s it?

Chapter 467: 1v10 only requires surfing skills, Pipi Whale: That’s it?

At this moment, the Smectas seemed to have returned to the peninsula, to their golden sand beach at the extreme southern tip.

They heard the waves crashing against the shore, the sound of water so distinct.

It seems to smell the salty smell of sea water.

They watched as a wave like a coastline swept up from behind the Pipi whale.

In between breaths, it was already two or three meters away.

The waves rolled up the waves, getting higher and higher and fiercer.

On the top of the waves, a Pipi whale was jumping happily.

"Ho ho ho~"

"Hit him!!!"

This is surfing!

I found this guy, he was making waves all the time, he was having a great time.

How come a surf is gone?

Roaring, unbridled impact.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Pipi whale rushed to the same height as the three opposite ones.

Surfer roared.

The fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side was a little dumbfounded.

But there are three more in the sky.

"It's too late!" someone shouted.

what happened?

In just one encounter, seven of the ten elves were already involved in this huge torrent.

However, these low-level proficiency guard skills are difficult to resist even with proficient surfing skills.

Pipi Whale seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with the situation... This opponent was too inexperienced.

Eat it, eat it, eat it all.

Four times the blood grams, the effect is outstanding.

Teacher Da Hudi's eyes widened and he immediately increased the output of his super power.

The remaining three elves are flying high.

"Wall of light, wall of light, wall of light!"

He looked at the tragic scene below in horror.

Pipi whale sinks to the bottom
The next moment, it jumped high like a cannonball.

Can this deep-sea thing really fly?

It doesn’t matter what electricity, seeds, sunshine and flames you have.

Just now, if they hadn't almost instinctively flown up, once they were involved in that terrifying surfing technique, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Deputy Jin roared and took him down!
But all the attacks were swallowed up by the waves.

Not to mention now.

His head continued to chase the body of the Pipi whale.

Do you think there is nothing I can do in heaven?
How do you think I go surfing in the sky?

But it doesn't matter.

It's a pity that the current peak skill has only been broken for a few days, and it doesn't have the ability to change yet. If you practice a little more, you can be swept up by a wave.

The terrifying tearing force made Deputy Jin Longlongyan so frightened that he passed out without even a chance to resist.

The first one to be involved was Longlongyan.

Teacher Dahudi was so angry that he almost threw the spoon away.

Keep the light curtain on.

Terrifying waves swept past.

Pipi Whale's eyes were aimed at the sky.

Have fun!
The seven elves below have all been beaten to death by you, and they are still playing there.

Then it's Venusaur, Boscodor...


Teacher Dahudi stared and looked at the Pipi Whale in the center of the field.

"Hold on? Hold on!"

The waves did not recede, but continued to rush towards the protective barrier.

Suddenly clouds came over, blocking his sight.

An unpleasant feeling resounded in my heart.

"Charizard, use Sunny Day!"

At this time, someone in Smecta's team finally reacted.

But, it's too late. In the dark clouds, terrifying energy came.

Then came the downpour like waves, rushing down.

In the heavy rain, one wave higher than the other, I rode the waves down.

Rain praying surfing technique~

Three kills.

The rain gradually stopped, and Teacher Da Hudi took off his proficiency guard and let out a long sigh of relief.

Damn, this is the most difficult trump card he has ever brought.

The protective cover was removed and the accumulated water was allowed to rush into the nearby artificial lake.

Pipi Whale scanned the whole place, not a single elf could stand up.

After bouncing twice, I felt a little disinterested.


Two-shot surfer.

That's it?

For a moment, the scene was silent.

No one spoke.

They all looked at Chen Yuan's Pipi Whale as if they had seen a ghost.

Open your mouth wide.

Totally in disbelief.

It's also completely incomprehensible.

Is this the surfing technique of Ace Elf?

Can this kind of destructive power, this kind of power, really be produced by an ace elf?
Tell them this is a top elf and they will understand.

But...this is an ace elf!

what happened?

When reality collides with perception.

People's first reaction is that it's impossible.

How is this possible?

How could an ace elf instantly kill even three peak elfs of the same level? !


Do not!

Don't understand, don't understand.

It's like they don't know how Chen Yuan developed that snake bear.

They also couldn't understand why this Pipi whale was so strong.

The Smectas stared blankly at their elves.

Thinking about setting the score at 10:0 and just going back...

I can't hold it any longer, I can't hold it any longer.

How did Chen Yuan cultivate elves?

Why is it so outrageous!
Chen Yuan took back the elf.

He looked apologetically at the Peninsula Exchange Group opposite.

"I'm sorry, my Pipi Whale seems to be too excited. I apologize for causing you any trouble. Anyway, we are in a hurry, so we won't disturb your free travel in the Magic University. I wish you a happy visit."

Chen Yuan and others left.

The peninsula people were left looking at each other.

One girl fell to her knees on the ground, sobbing.

A deputy team member gritted his teeth and looked at the back of Chen Yuan and the others as they left, without saying a word for a long time.

Only then did Deputy Jin see the hot search on his phone.

Eyes widened.

"Let those people from the peninsula never come back. If they dare to provoke, they should be prepared to swim back to the peninsula."

The child with a yellow mouth is so disgusting! ! !
puff! ——

On the outskirts of the magical city, several young men and women rode elves and shuttled through the woods.

From time to time he burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Especially a fat guy whose voice is full of energy, his laugh is the loudest.

"Chen Yuan, you can do it. As soon as the Pipi Whale's surfing skills came out, you didn't look at the expressions of the Smectas on the opposite side. It was simply wonderful. Several of them broke through their defenses on the spot. It was so cool!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was riding his beloved little fire horse, and Chen Yuan was riding a big wolf dog, which was very comfortable.

Listening to the fat man talking about the battle just now, he also sighed a little. It was originally a friendly exchange, but he didn't expect his mentality to collapse and he was guilty.

I hope there won't be any diplomatic incident.

At worst, when he is free, he can go to the peninsula to make people more enthusiastic.

Thunder Mountain is located in the western suburbs of Magic City.

Chen Yuan and his party ran for about two hours and finally saw the majestic peak of the secret realm coming to Blue Star. Thunder Mountain.

Base camp.

It is also a popular tourist attraction.

Most of the people who come to climb Thunder Mountain will stay here.

A bus stopped, and the tourists got off the bus. The first thing they looked at was the snowy top behind them.

Take photos to commemorate.

"Behind us is Thunder Mountain, which is a wonder that came to Blue Star in the last century. Although it seems very close now, in fact, we still need to walk nearly ten kilometers from here to the No. 1 climbing entrance."

"Of course you can also ride our special riding elf, but you need to charge a certain fee..."

The tour guide of the travel agency began to promote the Fairy Cable Car service to tourists
But don't mention it, it's quite a deal to ride the Tropical Dragon for 100 yuan, and by the way, you may randomly drop delicious tropical fruits.

"Chen Yuan~This way, this way~"

The person who spoke was Zhang Mingxi from the Demon University varsity team. They came over last night to check out the spot.

As soon as Chen Yuan and others came over, they directly stuffed the key stone that they had prepared.

Not only Chen Yuan, but also Di Yan were invited this time.

Even Fatty, You Changshan and the others have one keystone each.

They are all recently approved by the association.

"I heard that the president is in a good mood recently."

Xiahou Jiaqi said.

"That's right, the fairy attributes have been released." Fatty laughed loudly: "It was released in this magical city, I must be happy."

You Changshan patted Chen Yuan: "Sure enough, I, Mr. Chen Yuan, have the most face."

Chen Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said that he would be the King of Evil and the Fairy. It would be great if he didn't beat himself up.

How could it be because of my own face?

But since everyone can enter the secret realm, it’s a good thing.

With Zuo Wanqing, the native quasi-king of the Demon City, in the group, some rules are naturally not rules.

"Tour guide, tour guide, why can those people ride their own elves into the mountains? Aren't they afraid of damaging the environment?"

"It's impossible, let me see."

The tour guide looked back and immediately became happy: "That's the Demon University team and the quasi-king. Did you see that handsome guy in white clothes? That's Mr. Chen Yuan, as you know, right? The current eighteenth attribute, the fairy attribute, is this one..."

Chen Yuan and others quickly arrived at the passage of Thunder Mountain.

Two top-level thunder and lightning beasts were lying there guarding the door.

I was initially wary when I saw the person coming, but when I saw it was Zuo Wanqing, I immediately lay down obediently.

This is a big boss, not easy to mess with.

The feeling of crossing that passage is still quite familiar.

When Chen Yuan came to his senses, he had already arrived at Thunder Mountain.

The sudden sluggish pressure was different from all the secret realms Chen Yuan had encountered.

Even with the protection of the key stone, there is still considerable pressure. This feeling is even far worse than when I was in the Weibai Secret Realm.

Is this the Thunder Secret Realm?

A super secret realm that surpasses the A-level secret realm.

They were currently located dozens of kilometers away from Thunder Mountain.

Looking from a distance, Thunder Mountain looks like a Five-Finger Mountain.

Standing on the earth, its height and pressure are no less than those of the Red Lotus Volcano.

Are there two legendary elves up there?
I don’t know which two they are.

Chen Yuan touched his chin with a longing look on his face. It would be great if he could meet the legendary elf.

"Welcome to the Thunder Secret Realm."

Zuo Wanqing smiled.

She directly pulled out a special small box and packed the keystone.

Zuo Tianxing on the side also took off his keystone.

Zuo Tianxing, who has lived here since he was a child, is quite familiar with the environment here.

At least now, it can barely adapt to the magnetic field pressure here.

You Changshan and Fatty on the side wanted to give it a try, but as soon as they took the key stone farther away, it almost got cold.

He lay on the ground for a while before coming back to his senses.

This damn old leftist is not a human being.

Can you handle this kind of pressure?
But when they looked at Chen Yuan, the two of them were immediately dumbfounded.

Chen Yuan also asked for a small box and put away all the keystones of Hua Yuxi and Chu Xiaoxiao.

Hua Yuxi jumped up and down twice. This was similar to a deep secret realm. It was a little stressful, but it would be fine if she took a few deep breaths.

Chu Xiaoxiao's face was calm, without any unnecessary expression, as if what he handed over was not a keystone but a key.

And Chen Yuan is even more exaggerated.

Somehow, a faint brown-red light shone on his body and then disappeared in an instant.

You Changshan and Fatty rubbed their eyes, wondering what happened just now.

Anyway, Chen Yuan doesn't seem to have any influence. He's more natural than Lao Zuo. Damn it.

Chen Yuan closed his eyes and felt the oxygen bar of nature.

Very comfortable.

This is the first time Chen Yuan has entered such a secret realm with a super strong magnetic field since he got the stone slab.

When I first got the keystone, it was nothing.

But once the keystone is taken off.

He could feel that the magnetic field seemed to be affecting his body vaguely.

It's like when Xiaoli and the others went to the secret realm for the first time, they were transformed by the magnetic field of the secret realm.

It's very comfortable.

Isn't this the power of the stone slab?
Praise to Mother Arceus.

After taking a look at Chu Xiaoxiao, could it be that my super power has evolved again?

Thunder Mountain Campground.

Artificial lake fat.

There are hundreds of small wooden houses and the spacious small square is crowded with people.

At this time, there are not only the best young generation trainers in the entire Magic City.

There are also some trainers from outside areas, and the three or two places in one outside area add up to a lot.

Of course, there are a large number of young talents from all over China.

At a glance, Chen Yuan saw many figures who had once dominated the national league.

If this was done half a year ago, I would never have imagined that I would have the opportunity to communicate and discuss with them.

In fact, Chen Yuan and his party were targeted as soon as they arrived.

Especially the two quasi-kings in the team, Zuo Wanqing, the genius king of the Zuo family in the Demon City, and Chu Zongze, the veteran quasi-king of the Chu family.

Each one is famous.

Each one has the combat power of several kings.

"Hello, senior!"

"Hello, King of Heaven."

They gathered around immediately.

Some of the quasi-kings who led the team also looked this way with their arms folded.

But when they saw Chen Yuan in the team, they immediately lost their composure.

"Chen Yuan is here too."

I don’t know who shouted this first.

Chen Yuan was immediately pulled out and became the center of attention.

There is no way, this fifteen-year-old silver trainer, the discoverer of the fairy type.

Just don't be too famous.

You know, even among their group of top young trainers in China, few have obtained the Silver Badge.

"Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, can you perform that one?"

"That's the one."

"Bi Diao, the wind is rising at the peak, let's have a game?"

"Yes, yes, we want to see one too."

They are all young people, and they all know that Chen Yuan's future is limitless, and they are very enthusiastic.

As soon as this happened, someone immediately began to invite a fight.

Of course, some people also asked: "Chen Yuan, how old is your family?"

If it didn't take five years, it would really be possible to break through to the seventh level.

Now they are stuck by those seven layers.

Chen Yuan thought for a while, "It seems like five years have passed."

When the onlookers heard this, they immediately lost most of their interest.

Thinking about it, there is usually no one who can master peak skills in five years.

But if it’s been more than five years, then you won’t be able to participate in this Thunder Mountain experience.

such a pity.

I originally thought that Chen Yuanneng was a pretty good young talent.

As a result, their strongest combat power was banned at the beginning. Maybe in the final result, their results were not as good.

Of course, there were also a few people from the four major families in the imperial capital who blinked and looked at Chen Yuan.

Does Mr. Chen Yuan still have the last part of the sentence left to say?
Aren't the remaining elves even more perverted?
(End of this chapter)

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