The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 1539 Everyone is his own protagonist

Chapter 1539 Everyone is his own protagonist
"That's why there is an old Eastern proverb: 'A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step.'" Wu Chen has found the inspection door that has almost merged into the rock of the asteroid.

"So, walking ninety miles is only half of a hundred miles?" The Queen of the Citadel, "Princess Fury" Furiosa, really enjoyed the relaxed conversation with Wu Chen.

"Or, half success and half failure." Wu Chen smiled and gave another deeper understanding.

"Wow..." The Queen of the Citadel, Furiosa, immediately understood. "In other words, even if 90% of the work has been done, the chances of success and failure are -."

"Yes. It is also suitable to describe the astronauts on the planet of Destruction." Wu Chen used the little black bird to break through the gate in an instant. The pneumatic gate sank into the bottom of the foot with the entire rock wall. Inside was a long sealed disinfection chamber. In addition to preventing the escape of precious air, the more important function was to prevent infection spores.

In fact, the vitality of a single strain of ancient mold is very fragile. If only a few strains are infected, the human immune system can fully support it until timely treatment is obtained. The most feared thing is the "scatter day" when the mycelium flies all over the sky and blocks out the sun. The immune system collapses instantly. Humans are devoured by the infinite mycelium without any resistance.

Walking slowly in the long silo, just like an automatic car wash, there are strict cleaning steps such as spraying liquid, ultraviolet light, and liquid nitrogen freezing. As long as you follow the steps, there will be no problems. This is also the valuable experience summed up by astronauts in the half-century fight against ancient mold.

The Citadel Queen, Furiosa, who had been listening to the astronaut's log in her headset, suddenly stopped. She looked like she was listening attentively, and it was obvious that she had reached the most important point.

"Oh my god, they didn't come back. They just went straight into deep space. Until..."

"Until the fuel or oxygen is exhausted." Wu Chen already knew the reason for the mass death of the astronauts in advance.

"Yes, that's right. It's like a moth to a flame. After a precedent, a few days later another spaceship would fail to return. Similar incidents became more and more frequent, like an infection." The Queen of the Citadel, "Rage Princess" Furiosa, said in a heavy tone, "Until the last spaceship also disappeared in the vast sea of ​​stars, and no one ever returned."

"What happened to the people who stayed behind in the base?" Wu Chen walked out of the sealed disinfection warehouse first.

"Those who drove the spacecraft were all young and strong. Some of the old and weak who stayed behind died of old age, and some died young. In short, many safety accidents occurred due to lack of manpower." The Queen of the Citadel, "Furious Princess" Furiosa, also found the answer: "The last engineer died in the main control room. He had buried the last companion who died of old age, who was also his lover."

"This is the final outcome of the 'slow death' that all apocalyptic time and space face: there are not enough species to continue civilization." Wu Chen, who has experienced too many immersive story-based adventures, was not surprised by this ending.

"Where are we going?" The Queen of the Citadel, "Princess Fury" Furiosa, calmed herself down.

"Go to the main control room and refine the route. Then consider the next plan." With the help of the little black bird's "Star Super Brain", Wu Chen has already broken through the entire base.

"Okay, Chen." This is the first space trip for the Queen of the Citadel, "Furious Princess" Furiosa. A week ago, she was still driving her wasteland truck to avoid the pursuit of the three-town warlords, and in the blink of an eye, she became the mistress of the "V8 Citadel". Now she has come to outer space, and her personal story of breaking through time and space has tempered her more and more.

She also gradually understood that "life is like a play, and a play is like life." She also had a deeper and deeper understanding of Wu Chen's all-purpose phrase "the plot requires it."

"Chen?" When she walked into the main control room, the Queen of the Citadel, "Princess of Fury" Furiosa, couldn't help but speak.

"Yes." Wu Chen seemed to be waiting for her to ask.

"Whether good or bad, it's all harvest, right?" "Of course. This is the 'Harvester Rule' that all players must abide by. It is regarded as the first rule by many people in the city." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

"So the corpses inside are actually not important at all, right?" asked the Queen of the Citadel, Furiosa "Princess of Fury".

"No." Wu Chen shook his head firmly: "Even if it is broken, Furiosa. You know that this is a plot world. Players will never remain neutral. We will always change the direction of the plot according to our will and likes and dislikes. These proofs of existence that are remembered or forgotten are accumulated bit by bit. Perhaps people who don’t understand or newbies will regard the plot world as a dream that will wake up sooner or later. Even returning to the real world, even the real experience in the shelter will be doubted. However, love, hate, and grudges, these unforgettable memories are the proof of existence that we cannot easily erase. Here, "I have been here, lived, and loved." Wu Chen once again said his famous quote from a golden age of the broken shelter nine times.

"So, you would go to great lengths to change the fate of everyone, including the Vovalini Mothers. You were determined to fight the battle to protect Athena." The Queen of the Citadel, "Furious Princess" Furiosa, understood: "Because it's worth it."

"Yes." Wu Chen's eyes were clear and his mind was transparent: "Everyone is his own protagonist."

"This is a subjective world." The Queen of the Citadel, Furiosa, then asked, "What is the prerequisite for achieving (a subjective world)?"

"That's a good question." Wu Chen unexpectedly did not give a direct answer: "Because it is subjective, everyone's understanding of the shelter is different. You have to find the answer to this question yourself."

"Because it's subjective, everyone's perception is different." The Citadel Queen, "Rage Princess" Furiosa, was immediately enlightened by this: "So, your space-time patch is very different from the owner of the golden elevator card."

"Ah, it seems that you have understood it. Because he (the fat otaku) and I have different 'thinking organs (ways of perceiving the subjective world)'." Wu Chen walked to the upright mummy without any hesitation and took the most important key to the core module from his body.

"For the subsequent plot, we can't manually control the Annihilus. And the current astronauts' technology level can't hit the bull's eye with 100% accuracy. So we have to think of another way. Fortunately, the situation is not like what Ms. Anushek Ansari, who panicked on the ISS International Space Station, said, that the Annihilus would miss the earth. The astronauts have done everything they can as planned."

"So, we don't need to operate it manually, right?" The Queen of the Citadel, "Princess Fury" Furiosa, confirmed again.


You know, the relative speed of the planet Annihilus and the Earth is about 12.59 kilometers per second. Whether the astronauts have done their best to transform the antimatter space torpedo, or want to control it manually, it is almost impossible to achieve. In addition, we have to consider the survival problem of escaping in time when the final impact occurs.

This may be the reason why people initially invested in the "Asteroid Annihilation Project" with great hope, but the closer they got to success, the less confident they became.

What does 12.59 kilometers per second mean? That's 37 times the speed of sound.

Although the entire Arctic Circle is a large enough target, it is obviously a huge test for the astronauts' engineering precision to hit the bull's eye and penetrate the Kola Borehole with the least cost and the greatest kinetic energy.

"Is this why you brought her with you?" The Queen of the Citadel, "Princess of Fury" Furiosa, looked at the "black crystal ball" held in Wu Chen's left hand.

"Yes, this is also the key to achieving the hidden ending." Wu Chen gently pinched the "demigod core" of the Queen of Mold "Mother of Darkness" Mahakali with his fingertips.

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