Chapter 2, The Gift

In fact, this is the first month that Gu Hang has traveled here.

He is now living in a cosmic era, where a huge human empire rules the boundless star field. The God Emperor who ascended 1 years ago established a 'spiritual network' and brought spiritual energy to human beings.The current empire is ruled by the Supreme Council sitting in the human home planet Terra.

About 120 years ago, the planet Gu Hang was on was still an ordinary world.A war completely destroyed the surface environment of the entire world, and the Fury Star became a waste planet.

Twenty-nine years ago, the imperial government assessed that there was still hope for saving Owl Star, and for the first time after the war, the governor was sent to take charge of the reconstruction work.

Within the empire's system, planetary governors can rule their planets in any way, provided that the governor remains loyal to the empire.

What is loyalty?Paying taxes is loyalty.If you don't pay taxes, or if you don't pay enough, you will be executed and replaced with a loyal one.

Up to now, in 29 years, Nu Xiaoxing has changed five governors.

Even, before Gu Hang's three jobs, each of them only worked for two years.Star Fury's imperial tax is paid every two years, and none of these three unlucky ones survived the first tax payment after taking office.

And now, Gu Hang is here.

A month ago, when he had just crossed over and fused the memory of his body, he was already on the starship that came to Star Fury.He wants to ensure that after two years, Fu Xiaoxing can pay a quarter of the standard tax, and the less than three quarters will be paid by the star district government. This is the favorable condition that the Gu family, the political family he belongs to, has won for him. .

The second tax payment after four years must be paid in full.

A cruiser belonging to the Sector Navy was anchored in orbit around the planet to support him.And the manpower he brought to the surface was only 3000 servants, 300 machine servant soldiers whose frontal lobes had been removed and mechanically transformed. 30 Marines, led by Captain Yan Fangxu.

The main regime on Fury Owl, called 'Alliance', was established 29 years ago for the first generation of governors.

It stands to reason that after Gu Hang came to Fury Star, he should land in Fuxing City, the capital city of the alliance, take over the status of the leader of the alliance, and then start to implement the power of the planetary governor based on the alliance government.

But he didn't.He took his people and set up a camp not far from Fuxing City, and then buried himself in some incomprehensible things.

For example, Yan Fangxu didn't understand why Gu Hang wanted to train those 300 servitors?
These servants who no longer have their own thinking, can't even operate armored vehicles and artillery well, and can only be equipped with the lowest level of equipment. They are used as cannon fodder and have no training value at all.

However, he had to be ashamed of his shallow knowledge.

He watched helplessly, those machine servants had really undergone earth-shaking changes in a very short period of time!

He saw that under the command of Gu Hang, these servants quickly completed a series of pre-departure tasks such as forming a team and inspecting equipment; and in the previous training, these servants also showed far superior skills and tactics level.Shooting, physical fitness, tactics... These have all been greatly improved. Coupled with their original characteristics of not being afraid of sacrifice and fully observing discipline, they have become high-level soldiers.

This is already the level of the regular troops of the Imperial Guard Star Militia.

Although, he still didn't feel that these servitors were the opponents of his elite marines, but that was only one-on-one.There are only 30 elite marines, and there are 300 of these servitors.

More importantly, Yan Fangxu didn't understand at all how Gu Hang did it.

This is completely beyond his cognition: Mechanic soldiers, don't they only depend on their level when they are transformed, and follow-up training is meaningless?

Just as he was in a daze, he heard Gu Hang's angry voice: "Captain Yan, tell your team to move faster. The elite marines, how come the pre-war preparation speed is not as fast as the machine servants?"

Came back to his senses, Yan Fangxu saluted Gu Hang a little ashamedly, then turned his head, and shouted at his subordinates who were also stunned by the changes in the Servant Battalion: "What are you bastards doing? Hurry up! The five slowest people will start sleeping with the machine servant tomorrow!"

After watching Yan Fangxu start kicking the team members' butts one by one, Gu Hang chuckled, looked away, and refocused on the panel information that appeared in front of him.

The illusory and floating characters in his eyes constitute multiple options:

【Current Gift Points: 2】

[Total income of the territory: 5/Tera month]


【Soldier card】

There are four items in total, Gu Hang clicked on the second item [Total Territory Income].Here, he saw more detailed information: [Governor Temporary Camp: 5/Terra Moon].

There is and only this one.

According to Gu Hang's understanding, this monthly total income depends on the total income recognized by the system and provided for his territory.And his current territory is only this temporary camp.

After seeing the system and knowing that he became the governor, he was very interested. He wanted to know how many gifts he could provide him every month after having a planet as his territory?

However, after landing in Fuxing City from the starship, this number remained zero.

At that time, he guessed that the nominal territory could not be recognized by the system, and he had to control it himself.

As an airborne governor, how easy is it to control a loose wasteland alliance regime and integrate the entire alliance?If it is easy to do, the previous governors will not be finished.

Therefore, he resolutely abandoned the route that led the past governors to take, turned around and asked for slaves and some armed forces from the starship, left Fuxing City, found an open space, and planned to start from scratch and use the Golden Finger that accompanied him to travel. stand up.

After he took people and established a temporary camp completely under his control, the number finally changed from 0 to 4.

Gu Hang guessed that the initial 4 was due to population; the later increase was probably due to the fact that the camp was built bigger and more complete.

In the latter two items in the system, [Hero] showed his own panel; in the soldier card, there are two items.

[Marine Corps 1 Unit, comprehensive T4 level, upgradeable]

[Quantity: 30], [Equipment: T4], [Training: T4], [Experience: T4]

This is the situation of the 30 people led by Yan Fangxu.

And the other one is the Servant Light Infantry Battalion that has just been upgraded.

[The 1st Servant Light Infantry Battalion, comprehensive T5 level, cannot be upgraded]

[Quantity: 300], [Equipment: T5], [Training: T5], [Experience: -]

The level of T should correspond to the overall strength of the troops, the smaller the number, the more elite.The Mechanized Light Infantry Battalion was a low-level battalion at the beginning, but it was fully equipped, including rifles, grenades, and squad machine guns; the platoon level had mortars and rifle grenades, but lacked heavy weapons, so it could only be regarded as a light infantry battalion.

He spent 3 gift points to upgrade this light infantry battalion.In four days, this cannon fodder unit that has no brains, can only follow orders, and is considered to be of extremely low training value has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Reaching the training level of T5 level can almost be considered to have reached the strength level of the regular army of the empire.The T4 level where the Marine Corps is located can be regarded as a regular elite force.

It was precisely because the servitor infantry, who were originally just cannon fodder, had completed their upgrades, that Gu Hang had the confidence to join in forcefully after hearing about the situation of the Waste Cave Society.

This is an opportunity, and he now has the ability to take it.

He hoped to take advantage of this event to incorporate the Waste Dong Society into his actual rule, not just be a governor in name.In the future, he will gradually expand the scope of his actual control to the entire planet.

(End of this chapter)

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