I opened an elf breeding house.

Chapter 47 Reaching the Peak, Laplace 1 Clan

Chapter 47 Reaching the Peak, Laplace Clan

The three chatted all the way and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Along the way, Hua Jianming kept thinking about his harvest this time.

In addition to getting acquainted with a big mistake, an old man with great power in the Huaxia Alliance, he also knew about the breeding house's application for adoption.

And with a high probability of obtaining rewards from the Alliance's Royal Three Clans.

By the way, there is also news about the procurement conference.

The purpose of Wenren Xuesong is very clear. Hua Jianming followed the old man while observing the information of the elves in the reserve.

There are quite a few groups of elves in the reserve, more than half of each group are elves with green aptitude, and the rest are elves with yellow aptitude.

Pokémon with orange and red aptitudes are barely visible.

It is very likely that the staff of the reserve will deal with it first.

As for the little elves with cyan aptitude, Hua Jianming hasn't found one so far.

Moreover, a kind of elf does not necessarily have only one ethnic group, there may be several ethnic groups.

The road up the mountain was very long, and the time soon came to noon.

Everyone sat on the ground and dealt with their stomachs.

There is an endless stream of food in Chen Ying's spatial backpack, even pots and pans.

She actually cooked porridge.

Seeing Hua Jianming's strange eyes, Chen Ying blushed again.

She explained softly: "The dean is getting old, eating some porridge is better than anything else."

As one of the four heavenly kings of China, the famous Xuesong can be said to be in charge of everything.

The new calendar has only gone through 14 years, and the various rules and regulations of the alliance are not perfect. There are still many things that need to be worried about by the elderly.

I seldom have time to spare to have a good meal.

"Xiao Ying'er knows how to live."

Chen Ying's actions made Wenren Xuesong very happy.

Naturally, elves are indispensable at lunch time, and the three of them released their elves together.


"Wow, wang wang!"

Except for Chen Ying's fire-breathing dragon and Katie, all the elves are quiet.

All the fairies who have heard about Cedar trees appear in front of Hua Jianming.

In addition to the water arrow turtle, tyrannosaurus, white sea lion, and spiny shell that I saw yesterday, there is also a water elf and a Menus.

All six elves of the Heavenly King Trainer!

Elf: Water Elf
Level: 62

Sex: male

Qualification: Green

Attribute: water system
Features: Water storage (When attacked by water attribute moves, it will not be damaged, but will be recovered.)
Props: Mysterious water droplets

Skills: Water Gun, Eagerness, Help, Scream, Coquettish, Impact, Baton Catch, Bite, High-Speed ​​Star, Sand Shake, Lightning Flash, Black Mist, Water Wave, Aurora Beam, Water Ring, Turbidity Current, Melt, Water cannon, treasure, pray for rain
Inherited Skills: Pray, Yawn

Elf: Menus
Level: 55

gender: female

Qualification: Green

Attribute: water system
Feature: Magic Scale (If it becomes abnormal, the magic scale will react and the defense will increase.)
Props: Mysterious water droplets

Skills: water wave, leap, impact, crazy, water gun, tight beam, voice of charm, tornado, water ring, drop of life, charming, dragon tail, self-regeneration, water tail, mysterious guardian, surfing, praying for rain, curl up, water cannon, sleep, stand-in

Inherited Skill: Dragon's Breath
The water arrow turtle of the sky king level, and the quasi-king level Menas.

Every elf of the famous cedar has props.

You don’t need money for your belongings!

But think about it, anyway, it is one of the cards of the alliance, and it is very easy to get these carrying items.

Although the elves of Wenren Cedar are of high level, they all have very good personalities.

Even the most ferocious Gyarados was lying docilely beside Menus at this time.

How to describe it.

Like a licking dog!
Hua Jianming also released his Gu Yuyu and Gu Jiansnail.

How to get along with your elves is also a science.

Different ways of getting along will create different relationships and affect many aspects.

To give the simplest example, it is the [repayment] skill and the [anger] skill.

Both of them cause different damage according to the degree of intimacy.

When the trainer and the elf are intimate, the skill power of [Repaying Grace] can even be compared with the general ultimate move [Destroy Death Ray].

As for the maximum power of [Extracting Wrath], there is still no conclusion so far.

Because if the maximum power can be achieved, either the trainer is gone, or the elf has run away by himself.

Therefore, the maximum power of [Release Wrath] is only a theoretical value, and it is also calculated according to the power of [Destroy Death Light].

"You are very willing."

Wenren Xuesong was a little surprised to see Hua Jianming feed Gu Yuyu and Gu Jiansnail with the fruit of the attribute tree.

"However, if conditions permit, it is still very good to properly match some attribute tree fruits, which will be good for the future of the elves."

Impressively, in addition to the thousand-spice fruit that is suitable for water-type elves, Wenren Cedar also has some jelly-like small particles in his hand.

Energy Cube!

Hua Jianming recognized it.

It turns out that the world has invented the energy cube!
Energy cubes are made by mixing different kinds of berries.

In addition to filling the elf's stomach, they also have various functions according to different recipes.

Unexpectedly, Wenren Xuesong also had it in his hand.

However, as the Four Heavenly Kings of the alliance, there should be no surprises.

Soon, Chen Ying's porridge was ready, and the elves were full.

After lunch, the three continued on their way.

As the altitude gets higher and higher, snowflakes slowly float in the sky.

At the end of the protected area is Changbai Mountain Tianchi.

The mysterious Tianchi is surrounded by white clouds, colorful, shimmering and shadowy, surrounded by peaks, which is very spectacular.The water of Tianchi Lake is clear and blue, as flat as a mirror.

There are some elves swimming happily in the water, very leisurely.

"That's Laplace!"

Following the direction of Chen Ying's finger, Hua Jianming looked over.

There is a gray shell on Laplace's back, which is very hard and uneven.Laplace is good at swimming and skating, and can master a lot of water and ice moves.

Their minds are very clever, and they have a high IQ that can understand human language. A few Laplaces can even use telepathy to communicate with humans.

There are about thirty Laplaces in this group.

Hua Jianming noticed that Wenren Xuesong had been staring at the group of Laplaces in the distance.

Could this be his purpose?
Hua Jianming observed carefully and finally found a unique Laplace.

It was a young Laplace.

The body size of elves is often related to age. When they reach adulthood, they will basically reach the average size, and some will even be larger than the average size.

Hua Jianming carefully looked at the information panel of this Laplace.

Elf: Laplace

Rating: 26
gender: female

Qualification: Cyan

Attributes: Water, Ice

Features: Hard Shell Armor (Protected by a hard shell, the opponent's attack will not hit the vital point.)
props: none
Skills: Scream, Water Gun, Singing, White Mist, Water Drop of Life, Boulder, Strange Light
Genetic Ability: Maelstrom
At this time, the group of Laplaces suddenly dispersed, and a larger Laplace slowly approached the three of them carrying a person.

And that little Laplace was swimming towards the three of them together from behind.

"Grandpa, is your goal the little Laplace? Do you want to tame it?"

"Yes and no."

Wenren Xuesong obviously knew this Laplace, smiled and shook his head.

Hua Jianming was also very curious. Letting such a blue-colored Lapras live freely in the reserve is not like the alliance used to do.

Logically speaking, such a highly qualified elf has long been assigned to potential trainers in the alliance, and it is impossible to stay here.

Wenren Xuesong saw that Hua Jianming and Chen Ying were both puzzled, so he slowly explained the matter.

To be precise, this Laplace is the patriarch of the Laplace clan here.

In the future, this Laplace will also serve as the leader of the Laplace family and the leader of the elves in the Changbai Mountain Elf Reserve.

The Laplace clan will not let it be subdued by anyone. This is also the agreement between the alliance and their clan when the Laplace clan agreed to join the alliance.

Basically every elf sanctuary has a powerful elf as the leader of all elves.

The current leader of the Changbai Mountain Fairy Reserve is the current patriarch of the Laplace family, an old Laplace.

This is also passed down from generation to generation.

Don't think that the Laplace family can only live in water. With its powerful dragon fins, Laplace's speed on the ice is not slow.

"Heavenly King Wenren, you are finally here"

(End of this chapter)

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