Chapter 59

When Sherlock entered the room, he raised an eyebrow subconsciously.

He saw at first sight that there was too little food on the table and too much was being eaten.

Avalon is different from Starbow, the virtue of frugality is not advocated here in the country where knights were founded.Here, throwing a feast is an honor - and it's considered a faux pas if the food and wine are almost gone but the party is far from over.

It was because the host prepared too little food that the guests needed to leave early to end their trip.Therefore, when the guests realize that they are about to finish eating, they will deliberately eat less to save face for the host.

So this is unlikely to be the first round of meals.It should be the second round.

In the same way, if it is a kind of impolite to finish the meal, then replacing and serving the second round of dishes is a kind of respect and retention.The implication is: "I have replaced you with another table of fresh and hot meals, isn't it a little rude for you to leave now?"

"...good evening, Mr. Sherlock."

Isabel was the first to speak, "Nice to meet you."

——What are you suddenly happy about?
Sherlock was a little confused, but there was still nothing wrong with the etiquette.

"The Dragon with the Silver Crown is above."

He didn't dare to raise his head to meet the princess' eyes. He knelt down respectfully on one knee, put his hand on his chest, and lowered his head in a knightly salute: "Princess, I wish you all the best."

"Get up, Mr. Sherlock."

Isabel made a crisp sound.

Only then did Sherlock dare to stand up and say hello to Yanis who was still sitting at the table, and Aiwass who was sitting in the wheelchair.

Agnes smiled and nodded in response.For Aiwass, who was unable to move, Lily behind him bowed slightly and returned the salute.

Soon after getting up, Sherlock noticed Princess Isabel's slightly drunken face with a glance of eagle-like eyes.

—Did you drink so much?

He was a little surprised.

From that point of view, Master Yannis still thinks highly of Mr. Aiwass.

Otherwise, she should have prevented Her Royal Highness from drinking too much alcohol - in terms of etiquette, most important people would not drink too much alcohol at a banquet, and would only take a polite sip or two.If you finish a glass and add another drink, you will appear too close and take the banquet too seriously.

And that in itself is a political signal.

If Master Yanis thought Aiwass was an insignificant guest, she would signal Isabel to keep her distance.

But now I'm afraid it's not a matter of drinking a glass or two.

Look at the two empty wine bottles on the table... The three of them actually drank two bottles of wine?

Those servants in the Temple of Silver and Tin will surely sell this information.Sherlock knew... some of them had connections with a certain minister or knightly family.Sometimes, he himself would buy some information from them.

In other words.

Tomorrow morning at the latest, the information that Princess Isabel is very fond of Aiwass Moriarty will be sent to the desks of several ministers.

Young and promising...

Thinking of this, Sherlock suddenly had a thought in his mind:
...Speak up.

Her Royal Highness played the role of little Aiwass' mother in the ceremony before... Could it be that she hasn't played yet?

"Speaking of which, Mr. Sherlock. I heard that you and Inspector Edward went to deal with some cases? Do you have any food tonight? Why don't you sit down and eat something."

"...don't dare."

Sherlock quickly and politely refused.

But he still symbolically took a piece of bread in his hand, indicating that he accepted the food given by the princess.

He knew that it was time for Her Royal Highness to rest at this point, and he must have eaten.He didn't dare to let Princess Isabel eat with him because of his own reasons.

If his father knew about this, he might have to beat him up.

Thinking of this, Sherlock suddenly saw the corner of the little princess's mouth slightly raised, and realized that she might indeed have drunk a little too much.

... Now I'm afraid I'm deliberately teasing myself.

In the dream before, as the only experienced senior in the team, I reprimanded the naive "Lulu" several times.

Basically, only he has to say, and there is no room for her to refute.As a result, now in reality... In the Temple of Silver and Tin, the positions of the two were completely reversed.

This is no way.

After all, it was me who took the initiative to expose her identity... no wonder she.

But Sherlock soon found himself in trouble.

If there were only the princess and Master Yanis, he would be able to speak directly.By the way, let me remind Master Yanis about the dangerous and mysterious Mr. "Fox".

...But Aiwass is still here.

Although Sherlock is very optimistic about Aiwass, he can't take the initiative to disclose Princess Isabel's private information in front of outsiders.

After all, this is something only he and Isabel know.

If he said it here, does it mean that he will leak or even sell the little princess's personal information outside?Sherlock is loyal to Queen Sophia, so naturally it is impossible to do such a thing that endangers the royal family.

...But here comes the problem.

Sherlock, who has always been outspoken, now how can he explain his motivation for going after the Sweater Brotherhood?
So Sherlock thought for a while, and thought of an answer that only Isabel could understand:
"I stumbled upon the meeting point of the Lloyd Stranglers from an unreliable gentleman."

Sherlock hinted in a deep voice: "They may be related to the mastermind behind the Pelican Bar. I considered that it would be risky to go alone, so I invited my friend Edward Moriarty to accompany me."

"So, what's the result of the investigation?"

Aiwass interrupted suddenly, looking very interested in this topic.

"It went well. It was indeed the gathering place of a group of stranglers called the 'Sweater Brotherhood'. We also found a batch of alchemy bombs."

"In this way," Aiwass said with a smile, "that 'unreliable gentleman' seems quite reliable."

Sherlock didn't comment on this, and after a moment of silence, he added: "However, after simple interrogation, they didn't even know it was a bomb. They just collected money and took care of the goods for others.

"I suspect that their behind-the-scenes agents have contact with the people at the customs. Because these bombs came from the customs through formal channels-I went to check with Edward in the afternoon. This batch of goods has formal signatures and stickers. Passed label."

Mr. Detective, with curly black hair and a lazy expression, seemed full of confidence at the moment: "This is very important information, and it is a critical breakthrough.

"Following this clue, we immediately grasped the logistics batches and arrival time of the remaining bombs. If we continue to search, we will be able to find all the inspection personnel of the customs department from this time.

"Your Highness Isabel, I can even say this - this case has now been solved. The remaining work is just repetitive investigation work with no technical content."

He didn't hide from Aiwass, because it was completely unnecessary.

The other party involved in this case is Aiwass' elder brother.He's not the type to follow the rules. If Aiwass asks, he will definitely answer.

"...Also, Your Highness Isabel. The identity of 'Bone Carving' has basically been locked, while 'Fox' hasn't started the investigation yet."

Sherlock asked respectfully: "Next, should we go to the bone carving or the fox first?"

He hasn't written the report yet.

But when he wrote the report and handed it over to the queen, the queen would probably ask him to refer to the opinion of Her Royal Highness... After all, this also involved Isabel's own advancement ceremony.Only she and Sherlock know what's going on inside.With the queen's wisdom, she will certainly not dictate.

At that time, I still have to ask for Isabel's opinion when I do my own investigations—it would be better to ask questions now, and give myself some initiative.

"Let's go find the bone carvings. We need to get rid of those unstable elements who may endanger Avalon as soon as possible. I will support your investigation work. If there is any link that needs to be signed, you can come to me."

Isabel thought for a moment, glanced at Aiwass, and replied somewhat vaguely: "As for Mr. can put it aside for now."

Aiwass blinked.

Isabel began to feel a little suspicious at this moment.

But the answer she gave surprised Sherlock—he really didn't want to find "Fox", so he deliberately said that the identity of "Bone Carving" was almost locked.It is hoped that this method can be used to induce Isabel's decision-making.

After all, in his opinion, Isabel's obsession with her "Mr. Fox" is quite heavy.

—Is it because of Aiwass?

If so, then it's all the better.

Compared with the cunning "fox" with unknown identity and smooth talk, he has an impression of Aiwass who is smart and decisive, humble and polite.In addition, he also respected his professor Moriarty—his math performance was relatively not that good at the time. Thanks to Professor Moriarty's guidance, he was able to maintain his chief status until graduation.

Thanks to Professor Moriarty's guidance, Sherlock was able to realize that his true talent lies on the path of wisdom.In fact, he doesn't really recognize the principles of the authoritarian path, but his behavior of strictly controlling his own will and leading others unintentionally fits the authoritarian path.

And the way he met Professor Moriarty was his friend Edward.

He is the only friend Sherlock met in college.

Therefore, his evaluation of Aiwass was somewhat personal.

"When you go, be careful on the road."

Yanis asked, "Do you have a dagger on you, Sherlock?"

"Yes," Sherlock replied, "Edward brought me one."

Many spells in the path of authority need to hold this short sword to use.Because this dagger is the identity symbol of Avalon's law enforcement officers, and it represents "law".In a sense, its essence is actually a staff limited to the path of authority that can be used as a melee weapon.

Edward brought two swords when he went out, not because he wanted to open two swords, but because one of them was for Sherlock's self-defense.

Sherlock is not a supervisor, just an advisor.He does not have a sword.

He refused to enter Avalon's legal system, so most of the legal spells he learned could not be used.People who are unwilling to obey their superiors and do not follow order are stripped of their power—this is also a characteristic of the authoritarian path.

"That is not bad."

Yanis nodded, and said to Aiwass: "I will send someone to deliver that painting to your house later, so please don't take it. It will be very dangerous—at least Sherlock will not be able to keep it."

"What painting?"

Sherlock was startled when he heard the words, and asked subconsciously: "I think it's okay."

He is more or less a law mage who barely reached the fourth energy level, and he is not something that can be provoked by small thieves.

"It's The Golden Dawn."

Aiwass, who was sitting in a wheelchair, spoke softly, and replied in a soft voice: "I had a very happy conversation with Master Yanis, so she decided to give me this painting."

Sherlock froze for a moment, suddenly startled.

There was a clear expression of astonishment on his face, and the incomprehensible reality made his brain go blank for a moment.

- "Golden Dawn"? !

Can this kind of national treasure-level artwork be given away just by "having a good time with each other"? !
... Young and promising, young and promising!
Sherlock didn't know how to evaluate it, so he could only repeat it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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