Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 460 The strongest product marketing plan in history!

Chapter 460 The strongest product marketing plan in history!

First, it is the CUDA architecture that is not inferior to Sugon's unified computing architecture, and finally, it uses the 65-nanometer process technology.

In some respects, the performance of Invida's new graphics card will be stronger than Sugon's graphics card.

Of course, because Invidia's new graphics card will certainly not be fully optimized by the Unreal 3 game engine, the actual game performance cannot be judged solely by hardware performance.

But even so, with the leading advantage of the process technology, the 65-nanometer process technology can take advantage of two or even three times more transistors than the 90-nanometer process technology.

Since the actual hardware performance of the Vida graphics card will definitely be stronger than that of the Sugon graphics card, whoever wins will depend on the future.

In addition, Intel on the other side only needs to wait a few more months, and their third-generation Core processor will be released in a few months!
Therefore, in a few months, Sugon Technology will have a tough battle to fight with Intel, Invida and even Veritas operating system. No one knows who will win by then.

However, Shuguang Technology will never let the market be occupied by the products of the Visoft-Intel-Invida Alliance, and will fully defend its current dominant position.


Daxia, Sugon Technology Headquarters.

At this time, Shuguang Technology Headquarters fell into a sea of ​​joy.

All the senior executives at the scene, including ordinary employees, all had smiles on their lips. After all, there is nothing more satisfying than surviving a disaster.

I heard before that Sugon Technology was going to be forcibly broken up into four companies, and ordinary employees and even the company's top executives and other management were very uneasy.

Although Sugon Technology was split into four parts, it seemed to be a good thing for the company's management. After all, the number of good positions increased fourfold at once, but is Sugon Technology still Sugon Technology without Lin Chen?
The high-level executives on the scene can achieve their current status and achievements all because of Lin Chen's support. Lin Chen lost the controlling stake after Sugon Technology scored four points.

At that time, Mediland will definitely put its own people in, instead of continuing to let people like them control the company's management positions.

Therefore, both ordinary employees and senior management felt a sense of relief and were happy that Sugon Technology had overcome this crisis.

At this time, in the large conference room of Sugon Technology Headquarters, Rebus was delivering a report on the incident as the host of the meeting:
"We have both gains and losses in this incident. The gain is that we successfully got rid of the blood-sucking burden of antitrust litigation.

After getting rid of the blood-sucking burden of the antitrust lawsuit, we saved at least US$[-] million in the next year!

In addition, if the antitrust lawsuit is delayed for several years or even more than ten years, the money saved may be as high as one billion or even two billion US dollars!
So we also gained good benefits from this incident. After all, if so much money is used for research and development, it will definitely greatly enhance the technological strength of Sugon Technology and allow us to have more core technologies.

These core technologies will be the core pillars for us to defeat our opponents and continue to maintain our market dominance, so we have gained considerable benefits from this incident.

But there are gains and losses. The loss is that our brand image has suffered huge losses in the United States, and our brand image has also suffered certain losses globally.

After all, we have caused the "computers and mobile phones turned into bricks" incident in the United States, which will naturally leave a psychological shadow on the hearts of many people in the United States.

As for overseas, although we have not had the same "mobile phones and computers turned into bricks" incident overseas.

But under the influence of killing chickens and scaring monkeys, they will definitely worry that the Sugon mobile phones and Sugon computers they bought will turn into "bricks" one day, which will naturally have a certain impact on our future product sales.So this time we had gains and losses, but overall the gains outweighed the losses. "

After hearing what Rebus said, the senior executives of many Dawning System companies at the scene all nodded slightly, and then clapped.

They are applauding Sugon Technology for successfully defeating the enemy's conspiracy, and applauding Sugon Technology for saving hundreds of millions of dollars in legal expenses a year.

At this time, as the biggest leader of the Dawn System, Lin Chen naturally wanted to speak:

“First of all, although we have experienced many dangers in this matter, the ending is good in some aspects, which is something worth celebrating.

You should make a list of relevant contributors and send a small red envelope this month, and then a big red envelope at the year-end dividend meeting next year. "

Hearing this, the senior executives at the scene nodded slightly and agreed, and then Lin Chen focused his attention on Rebus.

“We must try our best to make up for the damage our brand image has suffered in the United States, and I believe Rebus will do a good job in this regard.

After all, it is an exaggeration to say that human memory is 7 seconds, but I believe that as long as we operate it well, they will forget or understand this matter. "

Hearing this, Rebs said with a smile:

"This aspect is actually easy to solve. As long as we give consumers some benefits, they will naturally change their view of us."

Hearing this, Lin Chen also pondered for a moment, and then slowly said:
“A famous marketer once said that the strongest marketers in the world are the friends and family around consumers.

Next, we must take advantage of this skillfully and establish a legal, compliant, mature, stable, and long-term "rebate promotion mechanism."

As long as one consumer buys our product, he can become our invisible salesman!
When their promotion successfully convinces a consumer to purchase a Sugon mobile phone or Sugon computer, we can give him a rebate of tens of Xia Yuan.

In this rebate, we need to design a complete hierarchical system. For example, the salesperson will get the most when the sales are successful, and then the income will gradually decrease as the number of successful sales increases.

We want everyone to see the hope of making a small amount of money, so as to stimulate everyone to actively become salesmen of Sugon products and let them become free advertising promoters of Sugon Technology!

I believe that with the help of the strongest salespeople, including our neighbors, relatives and friends, we will definitely achieve an explosive sales volume and thus reverse our unfavorable brand image. "

Hearing this, the people at the scene suddenly brightened up and realized that the solution proposed by Lin Chen was really wonderful.

The best thing about this is not how much money Sugon Technology can make by selling many products through this "rebate promotion mechanism".

But through this "rebate promotion mechanism", Sugon Technology can quickly reverse the current bad and unfavorable brand image of Sugon Technology!
Because when those relatives and friends promote a Sugon Technology product, they must say good things about Sugon Technology and Sugon Technology's products, and it is impossible to say bad things about Sugon Technology and Sugon Technology's products!

(End of this chapter)

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