Chapter 287
"Damn it, what's the matter with an ad that forced me to see blood?"

"This special effect is so amazing!"

"I'm going, I really cried when I saw it!"

"This disguise is awesome!"

“The soundtrack is simply stunning!”

"Great Sage, this is the Great Sage I want!"

"He is not a puppet, not a clay sculpture, the great saint in my heart, he is alive."


The inspiration for this cross-dressing was borrowed from Yu Hai, a cross-dressing blogger named Zhu Tiexiong on Earth.

His cross-dressing with special effects makes Yu Hai feel great every time he sees it.

Here it is borrowed.

Judging from the audience's reaction, the effect is quite good.

The handsome costume and transformation effect are in line with the scene of Monkey King's appearance in many people's minds.

It also fits the mood of the young people in the video.

The promise he made when he was a child, to protect his grandfather when he grew up, failed to break his promise after all.

Grandpa was reluctant to leave, so he stayed with him. Since there is always someone who has to give up, why must the one who gives up be the elders?

Obviously they have paid enough!

At the end of the video, the young man and a group of old men performed a shadow play together.

A figure walks through the streets on the transparent curtain.

Just like these former shadow puppets.

The music is melodious and light:

"Walk all over the world, everywhere is my home"

"Take a long distance, the wind blows and rains; climb a high platform, and preach the scriptures"

"On the sound of the qin, the six tones communicate with good fortune; in words and meanings, the four tones dare not be different"

In front of the screen, the audience who were discussing the awesome special effects were suddenly attracted by this vicissitudes of life.

Listening to this word, they felt as if they had seen the life of these shadow puppets.

"On the plot, one white, two laughs and three hums, foreigners must be like him in the last post"

"Playing a bitter play makes people cry; playing a happy play makes people laugh haha"

"Since ancient times, Taoist dramas have been fake and the emotions are not fake. How can it be said that the actors are crazy and the people are melons."

An old voice, not full of breath, but no one will find fault with him.

They will only be hit by the desolation in the opera.

These older generation of keepers, with their own persistence and persistence, do one thing for a lifetime.

This is about shadow puppetry, but also about life.

They have experienced brilliance, and finally walked into loneliness.

Perhaps the disappearance of shadow puppetry is something that no one can save, just like a person's life is coming to an end.

But at least everyone knows that he has been in this world for more than 2000 years.

At least the grandson of the old craftsman always misses him.

"When you meet a bosom friend, you are welcome. Although the skill is high, it cannot be boasted."

"This is also a culture, let mediots and philistines laugh at us."

The video ends.

The audience looked at the screen, reminiscing about the drama.

Reminiscing about the free and easy and uninhibited in the libretto.

After reading the vicissitudes of life, my hometown is where my heart is at ease!

"Although the cross-dressing is very handsome, the last libretto shocked me even more!"

"That's really good, let him be a mediocre and common man to laugh at us!"

"Who said shadow puppetry is stupid? It's an old movie!"

"It made me cry!"

"Who can tell me the name of the last shadow play, I must go see it!"

"So, this is what you call advertising?"

"The money can't be spent anymore!"

"Title Party!"


About an hour after Jingluo released the video, there were already several hot searches on Weibo:
"shadow play"

"Walk all over the world, everywhere is my home"

"Changing Ceiling"

"The whale landed in Guan City?"

Under the hot search for "shadow puppetry", the most discussed topic is where to see this performance.

"Ma Dan, after some inquiries, we don't have a single person performing this."

"I heard from Jingluo that I saw it in Guan City, maybe it's only there."

"Sure enough, I'm lonely. There is no one to inherit it. The old artists have also left. They really disappeared!"

"If it weren't for the whale fall, I might never have known this traditional culture in my whole life."


It is a pity that this kind of opera cannot be seen in most areas now.

Even if there are very few small theaters in cities that retain performances with the support of literary and art associations, they don't have performances every day.

And in the hot search of "traveling all over the world, everywhere is my home".

At the beginning, many people thought that this opera came from a certain traditional shadow puppetry.

However, many people have asked many people, even those who understand this culture can't tell the source.

"Has shadow puppetry really disappeared? How come no one knows the source of this play?"

"This word is written with too much taste!"

"Compared to the lines of many TV series and movies, it is much higher!"

"The latest news, this libretto comes from Jingluo."

"how do you know?"

"The young man who played the grandson in the video was exposed by his friends. He is the fan that Jingluo met by chance. He himself is the successor of the shadow puppetry. He said it himself."

"If it's a whale fall, I can understand it!"

"It's something he can write."

"Don't you think, from another perspective, this poem is actually written by Jingluo himself?"

"It makes sense!"


As for the fans of Whalefall or many people who follow the traffic of Whalefall, they are naturally concerned about whether the Whalefall who posted this video is still closed.

"It's definitely gone!"

"The last time the video was posted after the person left."

"Jingluo ran away early, waiting for you to search the whole city will not work."

"Fuck, I was traveling in Guan City before! Why didn't I meet you, I cried to death!"

"I even wonder if Whale Fall knows the invisibility technique."

"This time some fans recognized it, but it was kept secret."

"It's hateful to eat alone!"


Whalefall has indeed left Seki City.

After he sent the video, he got on the train.

And Jian Jixiu, who sent him to the train station, just left the train station. Before he got home, his mobile phone began to receive various messages from colleagues and friends.

Before he could open it and take a closer look, a phone call came from a small phone caller, and before he got through, there was a roar:

"Fuck, did you meet Whalefall? Did you stay with him these days? Are you still a brother? You didn't inform me of such news. You know that I am his die-hard fan, you Are you sorry for me? You..."

Jian Jixiu pulled the phone a little further to ease the pain in his ears.

With a helpless expression on his face, he let himself vent.

He knew that this moment would eventually come.

It can be regarded as mentally prepared.

After the other party output for 1 minute, he said helplessly: "I promised my idol that I can't tell others. How could I break my promise in front of my idol? If it were you, you would definitely keep it a secret from me, right?" ?”


This is the truth, no fan would refuse an idol's request.

"I don't care. You want to compensate me. Do you have any autographed photo of His Highness? You must give it to me. Also, do you know where His Highness went? Forget it, I'll come to you, where are you?"

"The railway station, just sent His Highness away!"

"Ahhh!" made a little furious: "Why didn't you inform me earlier? Then I can buy the same train as His Highness. Where is his next destination, I will buy the ticket now."

"I do not know!"

"How could you not know?"

"Your Highness bought the ticket himself, and didn't tell me the destination."

"You trash!!!"

Anyway, after agreeing to all kinds of unreasonable demands, Jian Jixiu let him go because of his childhood.

It's just that when he opened his address book, he was shocked by all kinds of 99+ news.

Although he expected that there would be many people looking for him after the video was released, he didn't expect there to be so many.

In addition to colleagues in the company, many old classmates who haven't contacted for a long time sent him private messages, including the goddess Banhua from the university.

"is that you?"

"It looks like you in the photo, did you really encounter a whale fall?"

"I seem to have heard you say that your grandfather used to perform shadow puppetry?"

"Old classmate, you have time to chat!"

"I'm going to visit Guan City, is my old classmate free to entertain me?"

"I want to watch a shadow play, can I find you?"


Looking at the seemingly endless news, Jian Jixiu felt that he was suffering from social phobia in an instant.

Look at missed calls again.

At the moment when I just had a small conversation with Fa, three or four calls came in.

He quickly turned off the phone with his scalp numb.

At this moment, I feel that my peaceful life is going to be gone forever.

Is this the trouble with being a celebrity?
Is it a little too scary?

However, Jian Jixiu obviously underestimated the influence of Whale Fall.

A few hours later, people began to find his door.

Not only him, but those old friends of his grandfather were also looking for.

The Bureau of Culture and Tourism of Guan City, many media, etc., began to ask them to find out about the situation of their shadow puppet troupe, and seemed to want them to continue the troupe.

After that, many tourists expressed their admiration and wanted to see their shadow play.

Even, the shadow puppet video that he shot a long time ago that no one cares about has been dug out, and the number of fans has increased by hundreds of thousands.

The number of tourists in Guan City, which was gradually decreasing, also suddenly ushered in a sharp increase.

In just a few days, the lives of Jian Jixiu and several shadow puppets have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Dreams that they thought were out of reach at first suddenly became within reach.

And all this is just that he waved the wooden stick in his hand to a young man a few times in one afternoon.

But for the fans of Whalefall, there is at least one piece of good news this time, they can really meet His Highness by chance.

And from that lucky fan, everyone also knew that Jingluo left Guanshi by train.

Then everyone can narrow down the target where he can go at the next stop.

So netizens ignited a new passion.

I don’t know when it started, but for many people who are bored to eat melons, it seems that guessing the travel location of the whale is a very fulfilling thing.

"The brother who just went to Guan City before, you can guess his next destination. Whichever you guess, I will go there."

"I think the travel agency can develop a possible travel itinerary, so there must be a lot of people signing up."

"Actually, I think the next destination is very obvious."


"I won't tell you! I don't want too many people to reduce the chance of chance encounters. Anyway, I have already packed my luggage."

"Tch, if you don't know, just tell me."

"The aggressive method is useless!"


(End of this chapter)

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