Chapter 264 Is it worth it

Sell ​​concert hall reservations to people off campus.

In previous years, such a situation was impossible.

Even in previous years, many students who graduated and returned to the concert hall were not necessarily full.

But this year is different.

There are whales falling among this year's graduates.

No one will underestimate the music of Whalefall.

What's more, many people know that Jingluo's frequent visits to campus in recent months are to prepare for his graduation work.

No one thinks that the work that can make Whale Fall invest so much time and energy will be simple.

So not to mention the fans of Jingluo, many music lovers are very curious about his works.

There are many composers, music producers, singers, etc. in the circle, and they even approached the school, hoping to come to listen to a live show that day.

From this, it can be seen that the graduation performance of Jingluo has received attention and attention, which is no longer a work of a student.

Coupled with the fact that there were rumors from Haohan in the early days, Jingluo's graduation work this time was not easy, and even sent invitations to many Qu fathers in the circle.

Faintly, someone already felt an unusual smell.

Some people speculate that Jingluo may have caused a big disturbance this time.

Therefore, the school had already expected that students would compete for reserved seats and then sell them to outsiders, but they were not prepared to take measures to stop them.

Who will listen to the concert?
As long as the people who come follow the rules, give votes after listening, and complete the tasks they should have, they don't care whether it is themselves or not.

It is a benefit for students to let students reserve the location of the concert hall in advance.

As for whether everyone wants to enjoy it for themselves or exchange this treatment for money, the school will not interfere.

This wave is a win-win situation between the school and the students.

Of course, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

In fact, there are still many netizens who don't understand why some people are willing to pay for listening to a student's graduation work.

They raised their own questions, and of course there were many answers.

At this time, on the Internet, the topic of buying audience seats for Jingluo's graduation work has already been topped the hot list.

"It's just a graduation project. Is it necessary to be so enthusiastic?"

"It's really not necessary, so if someone from Haohan University accidentally makes an appointment, please contact me, the price is negotiable!"

"Maybe Jingluo didn't take it seriously. Are you crazy fans? That's not how money is spent."

"Yeah, what you said is right, I just hate the noise outside and want to spend money to wash my ears!"

"Purchase the reserved seat of the Water Moon Concert Hall of Haohan University on the evening of May 5th at a high price. If you are interested, please talk to me!"


There are not many people who are willing to pay for a position, and there are many who pay high prices.

The excitement is no less than any star's concert.

A younger brother analyzed the reason:

"Jing Luo has never held a concert. This is a rare opportunity to see him live. How can fans miss it? Let alone fans, even passers-by like me are curious."

"In addition, the most important point is that Jingluo took such a long time to prepare this graduation work at such a critical juncture to challenge the ace, which is enough to show that Jingluo attaches great importance to this performance."

"Whale Fall doesn't treat his other works with such prudence. It gives me the feeling that he doesn't even pay such attention to the works that challenge Ace."

"We all know that Whale Fall is a perfectionist. He has always strived to be the ultimate in music, so we have reason to believe that Whale Fall may give us a big surprise this time." .”

"Of course, the above is just a personal guess. However, regardless of the quality of the work, just because this is the premiere of Jingluo's latest work, I am willing to buy a ticket to watch it."

However, even so, the ever-increasing buying price still makes many people look down on it, and appeals to everyone to pursue stars rationally.

"Say a thousand, say ten thousand, this is just a graduation project, how can it be better?"

"Buying places reserved by students is a rule breaker and unfair to other graduates."

"A good campus learning environment has been taken over by groupies."


A few experts who claimed to be experts in the education field even began to bombard Haohan University for using unscrupulous means to publicize, sensationalize, and turn good students into profit-seeking.

"School is not society, children should be given a purer environment!"

"If all the people who come to the concert are fans of Whalefall, does anyone really care about the works of other children?"

"Is Haohan University planning to take advantage of Jingluo's last time at school to take the opportunity to promote its own concert hall?"

"As a school, doesn't Haohan guide or restrain its students from using school resources to earn personal benefits?"

"Such a buying and selling behavior seems to be rotten from the root!"


However, to the surprise of many people, these experts did not wait for the school's rebuttal, but the students of Haohan University who heard the news blasted their Weibo.

"Although I also admire my seniors very much, as a poor first-year student, I think it is an alternative subsidy for us from the school to exchange a chance to attend a concert for a month's living expenses."

"Science students said that they didn't like going to concerts at all, and even if they went reluctantly, they couldn't understand why. So is there any problem in giving him to those who need it? Isn't this better than playing the piano against a cow?"

"Hehe, you support me if you don't make money?"

"Many graduates said that there is nothing better than more people from other schools coming to listen to our works!"

"As graduates, I personally think this is a rare opportunity, and it is also our first step out of the campus. Thank you Haohan University and Jingluo!"

"Although I didn't sell my place, I don't mind listening to music with people who understand!"


Of course, these people don't admit defeat easily.

So the back-and-forth debate between the two sides began:

"You took advantage of the blind idol worship of Whalefall fans to earn this money."

"One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, it's your turn to talk here!"

"It's fine if it's an ordinary sale. You just raised the price because of the imbalance between supply and demand, and there is no cost. Are the works of Jingluo actually worth the price?"

"In the eyes of those who like it, it's worth the price!"

"I won't talk about the price of Jingluo's concert. After all, there are dozens of songs for several hours, but this fucking is a graduation work. Can a graduation work be something good?"

"How do you know that His Highness's graduation work is not good? Do you know how much His Highness put in it?"

"Hehe, it's just a graduation work. No matter how talented Jing Luo is, I don't think his graduation work is worth spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars to see!"


Thus, the contradictions of all the disputes are completely highlighted.

That is, quite a few people are actually dissatisfied with so many people spending so much money to see a student's graduation work.

Even if this student is a whale.

Even though everyone is rumoring that Jingluo has put a lot of thought into this work.

However, after all, there is only one work, how can it be better?

The logic in it is actually the same as that many people don't like Xiaoxianrou very much.

When the gains and contributions are not equal, it goes against the innate values ​​of many people.

So naturally some people are dissatisfied, some people start to criticize, some people start to complain, and some people start to look down on it.

In the final analysis, many people think that Jingluo's graduation work is not worth it.

It's not worth the price, it's not worth so many people's attention, and it's not worth getting so much attention.

Of course, everyone is not saying that they are dissatisfied with Jingluo.

Everyone knows that Jing Luo is very talented, and he is almost called No.1 under Qu Daddy, and he himself didn't even earn a penny from this performance.

Everyone is not dissatisfied with Jingluo, but dissatisfied with the attitude that everyone attaches too much importance to his graduation work and takes it too seriously.

In short, everyone thinks that this graduation work, whose name has not yet been announced, is somewhat unworthy.

If this work is used by Whale Fall to hit the No. 12-month champion, then no matter how much attention and attention it pays, everyone thinks it is not an exaggeration.

Because such a work is really important, and it will definitely be very good.

It is worth spending more money.

But now it's just a graduation project.

Facing such an online public opinion, some netizens concluded:
"Currently, neither side can convince the other. Now we can only know if it's worth it after the concert on the 20th officially starts and we listen to this graduation piece by Jingluo thoroughly."

Maybe it was because the public opinion was a little too big, and it was a little too fierce.

On the side of Haohan University, the leadership also held an impromptu meeting under pressure.

After the meeting, Hu Weiyuan called Yu Hai to tell him the news:
"The school is going to broadcast live the graduation performance held at the Water Moon Concert Hall on the evening of the 20th on the Digital Concert Hall."

Unexpectedly, within reason, Yu Hai naturally had no objection, and only calmly said: "I see!"

Whether there is a live broadcast for netizens to watch, it will not have any impact on him.

The next day, Haohan University posted the news on its official website, and the official Weibo immediately informed everyone of the good news.

This time, many fans who were struggling to get a seat in the concert hall were barely comforted.

Although I can't go to the scene, at least I can hear the idol's works for the first time, right?

Many people who eat melons are also very happy, after all, the prostitute party is the happiest.

And for those who have already bought the position, it has no effect.

After all, there is still an essential difference between online and on-site.

Therefore, such a concert, which could only be spread in schools, suddenly attracted the attention of the whole network.

Almost everyone wanted to know whether Jing Luo's graduation work was worth paying to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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