Chapter 223
A video opened the eyes of many netizens who didn't have the slightest impression of groupies.

Some people couldn't help leaving a message and sighing: "Are the fans of traffic stars already so qualified?"

However, unexpectedly, all he got were negative answers:
"No! Only small water droplets are like this."

"You can't generalize, small water droplets are a special case!"

"I still hate groupies, except for Little Water Droplets!"

"Little Water Drop is indeed the most reasonable fan I've ever seen!"


Yu Hai doesn't know what the fans are doing.

Even, Tang Cheng did not manage or guide the little water droplets.

Because they all know that Whale Fall does not engage in fan economy.

He has never had the self-consciousness of being a top-notch. Although he feels very grateful to his fans, he does not have the attitude of many traffic stars who need to be cautious and try their best to please them.

He is not a person who relies on the achievements of fans, nor is he a person who likes whoring for nothing.

Everyone likes his work, just pay to download it, and in other respects, he doesn't need support from fans.

For the little water droplets, Yu Hai does feel confident.

He didn't let the fans really pay for him, so why should the fans demand so much from him?
What does it matter if you like me or not?
Is the song nice or not? Still download it?
Therefore, after debuting for such a long time, Yu Hai has become more and more self-willed.

Tang Cheng has a deep understanding of this point.

He felt like he was on a whale-falling ship.

In fact, many entertainment companies in the circle are particularly incomprehensible to Hai's behavior, thinking that he is so stupid to let such a large number of fans go without using it.

Of course, some people think that Jingluo is smart. In this circle, after all, it depends on the works, not on the character.

When the work is not good, and the character is not good, then it is certain to be abandoned by fans.

In fact, most people in this circle can understand this truth.

Can traffic people not understand the importance of the work?

No, they all know it, but they can't help it.

It is an objective fact that they cannot produce good works and their abilities are limited.

Many celebrities are anxious to cash in their traffic once they become popular because they cannot guarantee how long they will be popular, nor can they guarantee that they will continue to be popular.

After all, liking the new and disliking the old is the basic attribute of human beings.

And Whale Fall has no such worries.

There is one thing to say, although all the heat was not caused by Jingluo's intentional arrangement, but he is the beneficiary for sure.

However, he has increased the favorability of passers-by, and netizens' expectations for his upcoming song in November have been raised a lot.

Of course, if Jingluo's new song is not popular enough, the backlash from the popularity will be huge.

In addition, the follow-up of this video also sparked a very hot topic on Weibo.

#When did you fall in love with Whalefall? #
In addition to tens of thousands of fans, the participants also had many passer-by fans, and even some artists participated in the discussion out of consideration of hype.

Of course, it can't be better than the singer Biao Zhongxin who has worked with Jingluo.

If you miss it, you miss it: "I just found out that the song "Later" was written by Jingluo. He wrote it. A treasure trove of composers."

I will not be embarrassed: "I still remember that in the first episode of Singer and Composer, he pushed open the door and bumped into my sight with a look of ignorance. I could see the embarrassment on his calm surface, it was my It looks like a heartbeat."

Lemons in Lemon Chicken: "When he has the essential guide to social terror in his pocket, I know I'm in love with this man!"

Pick up an east wind: "China wind, east wind breaks, I don't need to say more, this man is my fan for the rest of my life."

Singer Chen Song: "Of course it's time to sing Red Rose. At that time, I felt that this composer is too talented!"

Miss A Diao: "You can tell what a good person he is when you see my name, thank God for giving me a meeting."

Ms. Huang: "As a singer, sooner or later you will be fascinated by Mr. Jingluo, but I fell for it the first time I saw it!"


What's even more amazing is that a father Qu was suddenly mixed in.

It turned out to be Long Cang who was next month's opponent with Jingluo.

Long You Cangqiong: "I like the words of Whale Falling, such as White Rose, and I have tried to continue writing, but it was not satisfactory after all. I hope to hear his Cantonese works again."

Isn't this a coincidence?

In the office, Yu Hai, who was reminded by Lao Xu to read Weibo, moved his thumb decisively and replied: "Okay!"

Not to mention that the netizens didn't expect Jingluo to reply directly like this, and Long Cang himself who left the message didn't expect either.

"What do you mean?" Long Cang asked his friend next to him in a daze, "He will release Cantonese songs next month?"

"I don't know!" The friend shrugged: "Maybe he meant to write in the future?"

"Maybe." Long Cang thought about it carefully: "Jingluo is a little arrogant."

"How to say?"

"I paid attention to his song style in the past few months, and found that he chose songs through his opponents. It's a bit positive and tough!"

"Do you think he will release a Cantonese song next month to confront you head-on?"

"It's very possible!" The more Long Cang thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, and his eyes shone slightly.

"He's in full swing now, aren't you afraid of losing to him directly?"

"What does it matter whether you win or lose? So many song daddies have lost to him, and I'm not one behind." Long Cang said with a smile: "If his Cantonese writing can really beat me, I will only be happier, which means that Cantonese songs Someone is still listening."

Speaking of which, he sighed. Compared with Mandarin, Cantonese is indeed a small language. Long Cang has always hoped that Cantonese songs can be heard by more people. If he can find a chance to gain popularity, he is very happy.

At the same time, many netizens also had the same idea as him.

"If I didn't study carefully, I really didn't realize that Whale Fall is trying to defeat the opponent in the field he is best at!"

"Folk versus folk song in the first month, love song versus love song in the second month, and the style of music this month, he is really brave!"

"The most important thing is that Whale Fall actually won, without any moisture at all!"

"Suddenly discovering that Whale Falls is a bit arrogant."

"Needless to say, there will definitely be Cantonese songs next month!"

"What's the matter with suddenly feeling a little hot-blooded?"

"What's hot-blooded? I don't think it's necessary at all. Jingluo is too willful. How can Dad Qu challenge such an important matter so hastily?"

"Yes, yes, it's still too young!"

"It's not upright to say that he won by any means in order to win with a little strategy, and say that he is headstrong and naive without using a strategy to win. Anyway, it's not right to do what Jingluo does!"

"Why, isn't it normal for people to interpret every move of a public figure?"

"I just think Whalefall is grandstanding."

"Actually, he is preparing a way out for himself. If he confronts the Qu fathers head-on, even if he loses, everyone will feel that it is justifiable. After all, he didn't use his best style of music, did he?"

"This is respect for the old man!"

"Why not contempt for seniors?"


As a result, a sudden controversy triggered an online scolding war.

Surprisingly, there were not even many Whale fans in this scolding battle.

The melon-eating crowd, who were so idle, suddenly started arguing.

Let the little water droplets have no time to participate, and suddenly they can't tell the difference between friendly troops and enemy troops.

Many of the participants here have not actually heard the songs of Whale Fall, and they don't pay much attention to this top stream.

They don't even pay much attention to the trigger of the incident itself. Many people are purely disgusted by the other party's point of view. They join the battle for the purpose of refuting the other party, and then gradually rise to the top.

"MD, I hate these remarks about respecting seniors at all times. Are seniors your parents? Are you licking like this?"

"Is disrespect contempt? Are you worthy?"

"I think seniority should be discussed not by age but by ability!"

"Humility is a traditional virtue of China! Whale is a sensationalist, am I wrong?"

"Your sister's grandstanding, do you understand the meaning of this idiom?"

"Which celebrity doesn't grandstand, what kind of public figure does not grandstand?"


In this way, after arguing for two days, October officially ended.

Under such circumstances, the new song list was updated, and a song called "Flastic", like a highly contagious virus, suddenly swept the entire Internet.

On November [-]st, He Ye didn't wake up until noon.

Last night he fought on the Internet until more than three o'clock in the morning, and he was still a little sleepy at this time.

Fortunately, there is no class today.

After calling and asking his roommate in the cafeteria to bring him a meal, He Ye washed up and prepared to continue his efforts in the afternoon.

Although he achieved a temporary victory yesterday, it was obviously not enough. He wanted to break the defenses of all class enemies at the other end of the network.

Not long after, he took the meal from his roommate, and after opening it, he devoured it hungrily.

At this moment, the roommate who brought him the meal turned on his computer casually, and then a few simple piano sounds rang in his ears, leading to an explosive prelude, which made his ears perk up subconsciously.

However, at this time, he was still thinking about how he would piss off netizens in the future, which made him both knowledgeable and stylish.

A whisper sounded like a male voice into his ears:

"If someone asks me, I will tell, but no one comes"

"I look forward to being helpless, and I can't get loaded if I have something to say"

He Ye can understand Cantonese, which is a language he has mastered since he was a child, but he seldom hears it from people around him after going out to university.

The familiar language shifted He Ye's attention all of a sudden.

The first two lines of the lyrics don't sound like anything special.

However, I don't know if it's because of the loneliness in the singer's voice, which made He Ye suddenly think of himself who went to college in a strange place, depressed, eager to communicate, but no one paid attention to himself.

He unconsciously slowed down the chewing speed of the food in his mouth.

"My mood is like a bottle lid waiting to be opened"

"The mouth is growing moss"

"Crowds become quieter inside"

"becoming more and more ignored"


He Ye turned his head and stared blankly at the direction of his roommate's computer. He felt as if something broke out of his heart, and a feeling of empathy and sudden enlightenment emerged at the same time.

There was a time when his suppressed mood was like bubbling soda, but the bottle cap was tightly locked, unable to release or express.

So I am particularly envious of those classmates who can speak and speak.

Sitting in the corner of the classroom, watching them laughing and playing, he felt deeply inferior and out of place.

So it became more quiet, so it became more and more ignored.

He struggled and tried hard to change the status quo.

Use exaggerated language to express your humor, use dazzling clothing to attract attention, and treat guests to dinner to look rich and generous...

All kinds of things, in retrospect, he is like a clown trying to please the audience.


This is the word he likes to use in arguing with netizens on the Internet in the past two days.

However, at this moment, I suddenly realized that this word is really the most suitable for me.

Now that I think about it, how ridiculous and helpless and sad my thoughts are.

Not only will you not be praised for everything you did back then, but you will also be laughed at as a fool, right?

However, now think about what I have done and said on the Internet these days.

Isn't it also grandstanding?
"You think I'm exaggerating"

"Exaggerated just because I'm scared"

"Words Like Wood Like Stone"

"Getting attention?"


Pompous is a good word to use!
He Ye put down the chopsticks in his hand, and suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly.

As he grows older, he, who is submissive, is not as brave as before.

Therefore, the low self-esteem and narcissism that had been restrained made him only look for answers on the Internet.

The sense of existence he longed for, the sense of identity he hoped to obtain, and the sense of self-satisfaction seemed to have been temporarily realized at the moment when he became a keyboard warrior.

After all, this society is what it is, isn't it?

Crowds only need rowdiests, hype stars with megaphones yelling at the crowd.

Silence is tantamount to silence.

How can you get the attention of others without expressing different ideas and using abrupt words?

If there is no opportunity, create an opportunity by yourself; if there is no topic, create a topic by yourself.

Even though I was the target of everyone's criticism, at that moment, I was also the existence that everyone focused on.

To win the attention of the world with such an almost morbid attitude, I really have gone crazy!

However, he really didn't know what method to use to gain everyone's attention and approval with peace of mind and grace.

"That Year's [-]th Alma Mater Prom"

"Stand like a minion"

"That's when I swear in tears"

"You must see me"


(End of this chapter)

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