I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I don't need approval

Chapter 63 063. When the clan meeting is in progress

Chapter 63 063. When the clan meeting is in progress

The Third Hokage is very satisfied with the results of his home visit.

Under the influence of the will of fire, even a naughty boy like Naruto will eventually aspire to become Hokage, and then pass on this spirit to the next generation.

But for how to deal with Uchiha, the third Hokage seemed hesitant, fearing wolves before and tigers later, wanting everything.

The result of letting things go is that the ending will go out of control and cause more serious losses.


Time moves forward a week.

With the beginning of the ninja school holiday, there were no naughty students in the streets near the school. They all went to other places to make troubles, and everything seemed quiet and peaceful.

But these are the thoughts of ordinary villagers. The ninjas in the village know that the atmosphere in the village is very tense. The security forces are fighting against the Hokage Building, and there is a risk of civil strife at any time.

Most of the ninja families in the village did not choose to stand in line, waiting for the winner to appear.

They will help whoever wins. This is the way of survival for small and medium-sized families. After Minato ascended to the position of Hokage, they gave up Orochimaru. Now they still maintain the idea of ​​​​waiting and watching, and they will definitely not easily stand in line.

So the surface calm of the village is just the prelude before the storm.

At this time, the land of the Uchiha clan, in the main hall of Nanga Shrine.

As a gathering before the official launch of the coup, almost all Uchiha ninjas came to Nanga Shrine. They were all ready to fight the Naruto Building, just to regain everything that belonged to Uchiha.

Scanning Uchiha in the main hall, Fuyue did not get up to give a speech, he was waiting for the last person to enter.

That person is his eldest son, Anbu Captain Uchiha Itachi.

Whether it is the intelligence of Anbu personnel possessed by Itachi, or the Kaleidoscope Sharingan awakened by Itachi himself, it can greatly improve the success rate of the Uchiha coup and make the future of the clan a step further.

But 10 minutes passed, and 10 minutes passed, and Itachi still had no sign of appearing.

With the passage of time, Uchiha's morale has clearly shown a downward trend, and many clansmen have shown impatience.

Seeing this scene, Yashiro quietly said to Fuyue: "Fuyue, if we announce the details of the coup plan now, the coup will probably fail again if we wait any longer."

Fu Yue suddenly felt uneasy, but he still said patiently: "Wait a little longer, we need Itachi."

Fu Yue had spoken, and the others could only wait patiently, but morale gradually began to decline.

The clan was supposed to launch a coup more than half a year ago, but because of Shisui's disappearance, they were forced to delay the time of the coup. This time there should be no accident again, and Uchiha will really become a joke.

Other than Fu Yue, the person waiting anxiously was Shisui who was hiding in the crowd.

Fugaku waited for Itachi for Anbu's intelligence, and used Itachi's Sharingan to control Jinchuriki, and used the power of Jinchuriki to launch an attack on the Hokage Building, so that Hokage surrendered to the power of Sharingan.

Shisui's idea is simpler. He wants to join forces with Itachi to launch a coup in the clan and seize the leadership of Uchiha.

Then at the clan meeting, Uchiha announced the decision to leave Konoha, and forced the clansmen to leave Konoha with absolute power, but Itachi did not show up for a long time.

This made Shisui a little worried. Itachi might have been attacked by Danzo like him and chose to commit suicide.

But after thinking about it, Itachi is not someone who gives up easily, he is more tenacious than himself, and he will never escape by suicide.

Could it be that Itachi betrayed a clan and chose Konoha's high-level team to join forces?Impossible, absolutely impossible, Itachi couldn't abandon his clan.

Shishui tries not to think about this possibility. He and Itachi are close friends and will never betray each other.

Soon, Fu Yue also thought of this possibility, and his face gradually became ugly. He had issued an ultimatum to Itachi before, asking Itachi to choose between the village and the clan.

Could it be that Itachi really stood on the side of the village and completely betrayed the whole family!
Why is this, why every Uchiha who awakens the kaleidoscope will betray the family, Uchiha Madara is like this, Uchiha Shisui is like this, and now even Itachi has stepped into the footsteps.

As a family member of the family, he didn't awaken the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Is it really because his vision is too narrow?
If this is the case, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is simply a curse for the family!

At the same time, Itachi Uchiha appeared above Hokage Rock.

The wind above Hokage Rock is very strong, making people a little unsteady, and the field of vision is very wide, and the entire Konoha Ninja Village can be easily seen.

Whenever he stood on it, he had the illusion that he could control the village at any time, and he was easy to get carried away.

However, what he will do next can indeed change the future of the village.

In addition to Itachi, there is Obito standing near Hokage Rock and blowing the wind. Before creating the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he also stood here and had a bird's-eye view of Konoha.

It's just that he was the protagonist eight years ago, and now he is an audience, waiting for a good show to be staged.

After sighing lightly, Uchiha Itachi finally looked in the direction of the tribe, jumped down from above the Hokage Rock, and swooped down to the Hokage Building below.

He knew that today was the last clan meeting before the coup.

It is also clear that the ninjas and father of the clan in Nanga Shrine are waiting for him, waiting for the only owner of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan of the clan to show the supreme power of Uchiha.

But it is a pity that he cannot abandon his companions in the village and gamble on the illusory future for the sake of his clan's selfish desires.

A family's coup is doomed to fail, and it is better to minimize the losses than to lose both.

At least Shimura Danzo has promised that Sasuke will grow up healthy and healthy in Konoha. Although Danzo's promise is not credible, as long as he is still there, Danzo will not dare to act rashly.

Thinking of this, Itachi sighed heavily, used Kunai to slow down the speed of the descent, and jumped to the open space in front of the Hokage Building.

Putting away Kunai, ignoring the surrounding Anbu, walked directly into the Hokage Building.

After walking to the end of the corridor on the second floor, Itachi pushed open the door of the meeting room, and was greeted by the Konoha executives.

The four senior executives in charge of Konoha looked at Itachi who pushed the door open, and breathed a sigh of relief. The Third Hokage said directly: "Itachi, you are finally here. Do you have any important information to report to us?"

Itachi took a deep breath, looked up at Konoha's senior management, and said slowly: "Yes, according to my investigation, the Uchiha security force will launch a coup tonight, and their targets are you adults and the Hokage Building."

"And apart from reporting this matter to your lords, I also came here to resolve this rebellion."

"I will personally stop Uchiha's coup."

(End of this chapter)

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