The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 452 67. The oath declares that we will advance together and retreat together, and blood forg

Chapter 452 67. The oath declares that we will advance together and retreat together, and blood forges an alliance of brothers!

Thalia's ideas are bold, and this woman's delicate control of the situation is also surprising.

She has only been in this world for less than three hours, but she has already grasped the "mainline contradiction" hidden under the history in the Isu world, and is ambitiously planning to use it.

Mason's thoughts on this were to have no idea.

After all, compared with the chaos he has to face now, the contradiction between the Isu people 7 years ago and modern human society cannot be put on the table.

That's not something he, an outsider, needs to consider for people in this world.

"Your idea is very good, come up with a report and action plan."

Mason flicked his fingers and said to Thalia:
"Submit it to the elders of the Templars and Assassins in this world for review, and finally let Ms. Cassandra make a decision. If she does not stop your actions, then I have no objection.

As for the opinions of the Isu people"

Mason thought for a while, patted his skin and called out the projection of Consus.

Of course, Thalia can't see it, she hasn't been strengthened by the "Phoenix Project", and doesn't have the ability to directly communicate with the Isu consciousness.

"What do you think of her thinking?"

Mason lowered his head and lit a cigarette and asked. Consus, who was hanging beside him, looked at Thalia with a scrutiny. After a while, he said:
"This lady is ambitious, daring and methodical, and she and Juno must have hit it off, they were a perfect match.

But you have to ask me how the plan is.

I can only tell you, neither good nor bad. "

Consus turned to look at Mason and said:

"Moving the main body of our civilization to another world seems to solve the problem, but why did the Isu leave their homeland? It is obvious that the Isu were the first settlers in this world, and if they want to leave, it should be human beings who move away.

Mason, I'm not complaining.

I can understand the feasibility of Thalia's plan, but the problem is, there are radicals among the Isu.

The result of letting Thalia take them all now is likely to trigger a war between worlds in the future, I have imagined what kind of slogans those radical compatriots will play to incite my people who will recover in the future .

This will only sow the seeds of disaster.

Think of it as a backup plan though. "

Consus thought for a while and said:

"After all, my civilization has been trying to find other worlds in the prosperous era. In a sense, this can be regarded as a dream-fulfilling plan.

Let me talk to her.

After Ms. Thalia accepted the infusion of Isu blood and awakened her own "ancestral sequence", after she truly became a member of the Isu system, she was qualified to participate in the formulation of this civilization plan. "


Mason nodded.

He can accept this result, but then he said jokingly:
"Look at you, Consus, you have already begun to think about the future, are you sure that my resistance will win and we will be able to come up with a way to safely survive the impact disaster?
Do you have that much confidence in me? "

"You are turning your career and planning into reality bit by bit. I am fortunate to witness this process with my own eyes."

Consus replied with a tone of affirmation:

"If we can really come up with a relatively perfect solution to the problems facing this era, then I believe it must come from you.

The elders of the Templars are coming, and it seems that their discussions have come to an end. "

He reminded, and then the pixels turned into data disappeared beside Mason. Thalia watched the whole process of Mason "talking to himself", and she asked curiously:
"Were you talking to the Isu just now?"

"Yes, one of several Isu still active in this era."

Mason nodded and said:
"Go and participate in the Phoenix Project first. When you become an Isu hybrid, they will naturally contact you. Thalia, I won't interfere with your thoughts and plans, but I hope that during this period of time you can For the heavy.

Both worlds are facing the pressure brought by the stars, our unity is imperative, and all your plans must wait until we pass the common crisis. "

"Do I look like an idiot?"

Thalia snorted and put the champagne in her hand on the table.

The next moment, the door opened, and a well-dressed middle-aged lady nodded to Thalia and Mason at the door, and said invitingly:

"Two, please follow me to the meeting hall. The elders have reviewed the observation information brought back by Saint John Wick and completed the discussion. We need two to participate in the final decision-making meeting."

"Wait a minute, I'll change clothes."

Thalia unbuttoned her bathrobe and said something. Mason turned his head and didn't look at the whole process very gentlemanly. That was the master's woman. Well, she was also Er Tong's one-night lover. It would be very troublesome if there was a dispute.

A few minutes later, the two of them entered the solemn conference hall under the leadership of the female elder.

Elites from the Assassin Brotherhood and Templar Knights guarded the outside of the hall, while the hall of the ancient Roman room completely made of black marble in front of you was full of heads of secret systems from all over the world.

Including the managers, foremen and accountants of the Continental Hotel in various places, as well as the big and small executives of Abstergo Corporation, and even politicians, among them there are many "big celebrities" who often appear on TV programs in this world.

There were even a few big Internet celebrities and pop singers sitting in the seats in attendance.

The age group of the participating members is also worthy of complaints.

From the elderly who need to sit in a wheelchair with a breathing mask, down to the immature junior high school students who are still carrying schoolbags and wearing school uniforms, from business elites in suits and leather shoes to down-and-out hobos begging on the street, to those who come to have a meeting while shopping for groceries. A housewife who intends to play a few rounds of mahjong after the meeting.

Thalia was stunned by the complexity of the ingredients.

The League of Assassins she came from claimed to be hiding in the shadows of the world, but compared to the genuine Assassin heritage in front of her, it was really not enough.

But this is also normal.

In a world where assassins have been inherited for more than 2000 years, the open and secret struggle between the two organizations pursuing freedom and order has brought the entire world under the surface into the confrontation with each other.

In the definition of the world by the Star Society, every world worthy of being developed has its own world characteristics, and the characteristics of the Isu world are undoubtedly the struggle of this concept and the power derived from it that runs through and covers all classes of society .

But in fact, the leaders of the two major camps in this world rarely sit together for a meeting in such a peaceful manner.

Although the two parties have been cooperating for a period of time due to the pressure of the shocking incident, the long-term estrangement obviously cannot be reconciled in a few years.

After all, in the past thousands of years, the scenes where the two parties met on weekdays were either to pretend to be each other to spy on and steal information, or to draw swords to kill each other's families, so the atmosphere at the venue at this time was also a bit heavy and weird.

In such an atmosphere, Mason and Thalia sat in the front row of the "inner ring" amidst all the attention, with the expressionless John Wick sitting next to them.

Wick's face was exhausted, and he had been reporting all the information he had investigated to the elders since he came back.

This is not an easy job.

These old men and old ladies are very smart, and they ask all kinds of tricky and profound questions, which require a lot of energy to deal with.

Under Mason's gaze, the meeting host's gavel struck to indicate that the final decision was about to be announced. The entire venue fell silent, and an old man in an Egyptian-style robe stepped forward to the central podium.

This is the current leader of the Presbyterian Church, the nominal controller of the entire world's assassin power.

He is an assassin saint, but he was not awakened through the Phoenix Project, but derived from his excellent blood inheritance.

This old man is a direct descendant of Sister Ka!It is her great-grandson who does not know how many generations. She is also the most famous saint in the last era, and has great reputation in both the Assassin Brotherhood and the Knights Templar.

"In the past two months, the Presbyterian Church has distributed the information about the impact incident and the Stars Meeting to various organizations. Understand what we're facing now."

The elder said slowly:

"While the Brotherhood of Assassins and the Knights Templar do not see eye to eye on these matters, it is gratifying that the alliance that the two sides began years ago has begun to bear fruit.

We thwarted the Astral Council's attempts to colonize us, and we announced our stand by striking them down in Assassin fashion.

Unfortunately, the ancient artifacts left by the Isu civilization cannot protect us forever.

The world cannot stay aloof forever.

A chaos more cruel than shock is about to hit us, we are sure we are ready, we are willing to pay the price for our world and our heritage, to the last drop of blood!

But we need friends.

Courage does not mean recklessness, and determination does not mean stubbornness.

We need a trusted ally to stand with us against the malicious invasion of the dark age, and God bless us, a messenger of noble character and worshiping soul brought us this hope when we needed it most.

Mr. Mason Cooper not only brought us a firm companion, but even gave us assistance far beyond our imagination.

Not a world!
But a whole four! "

The elder’s words caused an uproar in the entire venue, and the projection that had been prepared long ago also created four marks in the air behind him: Gotham World, Osborne Tower, S.H.I.E.L.D. World, and Mikoshi World, and finally belonged to the Isu World The assassin's emblem was also put into it, and the emblems of the five worlds became a combined whole at this moment.

This made some excited people in the entire venue even stand up, but they were quickly reprimanded by the people behind them who blocked their view and had to sit down.

The elder looked at the reaction in front of him with satisfaction, stretched out his hand and pressed down, making the meeting place quiet again.

He announced loudly:
"The alliance of five worlds will meet the challenge that the stars will challenge us! Although this war may not be fought on our world, the warriors from the Isu heritage will never let their allies go alone battlefield.

We choose to fight!

This is the final answer we gave to the threat of the Constellation Society!
We will never surrender!

Not only in the face of oppression, slavery and plunder, even in the face of shock events that destroy everything, we will never surrender!
Because hope is real, it is in the arms raised by every good man, in the unyielding roar of a soldier, in the firm feet of every rebel, in the afterglow of every victory.

We will never stop and our world will never fall!

Until the blood declares!

That last moment came.

Now, please welcome Ms. Talia Al Ghul, the representative of the Gotham world, with applause. She will represent the most powerful and righteous group of heroes in her world to send us greetings from another world.

In addition, Ms. Thalia was born in a 900-year-old Assassin family.

Ladies and gentlemen, she was born to be one of us! "

After the elder's words fell, Thalia took a deep breath and stood up. She walked towards the podium. Her outstanding temperament and appearance won her a lot of favor.

This is normal, beautiful women are welcomed everywhere, and this is also an important criterion for Mason to choose a world diplomat.

He can't find an ugly monster to represent his world. After all, appearance is also a part of strength, especially when facing strangers.

However, Mason was not interested in listening to Thalia's next speech. It was mainly an introduction to the customs and customs of the Gotham world and an explanation of the concept, and it was for these new friends.

He and everyone in the Presbyterian Church got up and left the hall with Wick. On the way, Mason said to Wick:

"You guys make decisions really fast. I thought I'd have to wait at least 24 hours. After all, it's a major event that concerns the future and ending of the world."

"With Lady Cassandra on top, the result of this alliance has already been predetermined."

Wick rubbed his eyebrows and explained:
"And this 'fast' comes at a price."


Mason looked at him in surprise, and Wick pointed to the nine elders in front of him. He whispered to Mason:
"When I reported to them, there were thirteen people in their group"


Mason understood immediately.

The four elders who failed to attend this meeting should be the surrender faction or the neutral faction, tsk, they still want to sit on the fence on such a matter that the ancestors personally decide, the fate of those four guys can be imagined.

Look at the decisiveness and speed of the united front, and then look at the procrastination of the Justice League's investigation of spies and surrenders for almost two months without completely eliminating hidden dangers.

Comparing the two, Mason felt that if the Isu world was not born with a weaker power system, the main battlefield against the Constellation would probably be here.

"what's next?"

Mason said to Wick:

"Are you staying here, or going back?"

"The Council of Elders will dispatch a group of vanguards to your place under my command to complete joint preparations with the Assassin Alliance and familiarize themselves with the structure and tactics of both sides."

Wick said:
"My mission as a diplomat is not over yet. Let's not talk about the world of Mikoshi for now, but I don't know much about S.H.I.E.L.D.

I am not resisting this job, but I am hesitating how much time is left for us? "

"One month at most, or even half a month"

Mason narrowed his eyes and said:

"The worst case is that there will be a large-scale invasion war in the next moment, and the speed depends on how long the swordsmen and hunters can hold the warlocks back.

But I don't give too much hope for this, there is still one thing that needs your help to coordinate.

I need a batch of master tailors. "

He patted Wick on the shoulder and said:

"Those tailor assassins in your world who can sew bulletproof suits by hand have to be mobilized to Osborne Tower, I need them to join the logistics group to prepare combat supplies for you.

Firearms and explosives masters also need a batch to assemble new weapons. "

"no problem."

Wick sternly said:

"These craftsmen are all directly under the Presbyterian Church. They can be assembled with just one order, and they can leave at any time."

"Very well, then simply"

Mason looked at his watch to determine the time.

But in the next moment, a hand with a golden bracelet was placed on his shoulder, and the elusive Sister Ka suddenly appeared.

She changed into an outfit for going on a beach trip, wearing sunglasses, capri pants and high heels, with a cup of hot tea in one hand and a suitcase in the other.

Naturally, everyone was stunned by this outfit, but Sister Ka's great-grandson looked calm. He knew what kind of character his ancestor was when he wore open crotch pants when he was a child.

Sister Ka didn't care about other people's gazes. She pushed down her glasses and said to Mason's little brother in front of her:

"I just handed in my resignation letter. It's a pity. I actually like the atmosphere of that small company. I said goodbye to the daily life where I can fish at any time, said goodbye to the bad barista, and said goodbye to the guy who always wanted to date me. A handsome puppy who is 2179 years younger than me.

But I think a spartan farewell kiss will make that sweet little puppy remember me for the rest of his life.

Tsk, I'm planning to go to your place for a while. As the guardian of the world, I want to see the high-end strength of my allies with my own eyes.

Arrange it for me, Mason.

If the main battlefield is not in the Isu world, then it is meaningless for me to stay here, it would be better to see the world in the past.

To be honest, I've always been curious about what kind of Batman can cultivate a guy like you, and this time I can finally meet him in person, I hope I won't be too disappointed. "

(End of this chapter)

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