The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 434 49. Bat Family Secret Operations Rescue Super Clark

Chapter 434 49. Bat Family Secret Operations Rescue Super Clark

Mason came back to Gotham this time to deal with the lurking Skrull spies in this world.

It wasn't hard for him to do that, having already got the Psychic Beacon from Brainiac, but the really hard part was that the Skrulls were just one of the outposts in the larger invasion.

The "wake-ups" in this world are the real trouble!
Just like the relationship between the Sinister Six and Brainiac, these guys who chose to betray their hometown for various reasons are rooted in their hometown. They have many ways to hide themselves very well, unless they actively Exposed otherwise it's really hard to catch them by the tail.

Batman and the Justice League and the old man's Assassin League have been secretly tracking these people, and they have gained something, but it is obviously not so easy to have a thorough eradication.

Mason didn't ask too much about the master's progress in this regard. He is also a member of the Bat Family and is familiar with the master's behavior style. He thinks he will speak when it is time to speak.

It is useless to ask now.

Although already an honorary Robin, Mason is obviously not confident enough to make Batman completely trust himself.

Because this guy doesn't believe anyone!
He installed surveillance cameras on all the women he loved, hell, if someone else did this kind of thing, Mason should have called the police on the spot.


The activated speed force tail ring was as powerful as ever, and within a few seconds, Mason and the master were sent to the Kent farm in the small town of Smallville, Kansas.

This is Dachao's home, which belongs to the area that the Justice League must focus on protecting.

The farm was quiet under the night, and the harvested corn was still piled up in the open field, which looked like a bumper harvest. The crops on the Kent farm were in excellent condition, and they would definitely sell for a good price.

And Xiao Shan, who arrived in advance, is running around in the area to collect clues, while the assassin saint Wick is observing the surroundings from the commanding heights, and Master Nightwing is treating the unconscious Martha Kent.

"She passed out, and it's hard to say if the enemy did it now."

Grayson raised his head and said to Mason and the master:
"But she was not injured. I am more inclined that it may be caused by shock. After all, it is impossible for Dachao to allow others to hurt his mother."

"What about the trace search results?"

Mason squatted down and began to check Martha's situation, while the master asked a question, the young master shook his head and said:

"There were no marks, no fighting or even tugging, it was like it happened in a flash, but I can't imagine anyone can subdue Superman in a flash.

Perhaps some secret force has emerged again that we have not discovered. "

"Hat, check."

Mason said something about the Panama hat on his head.

The hat threw out a large-scale magic detection without saying a word, and the dim blue light covered the direction of the Kent farm. After a few seconds, it said:
"There are magic residues, but the spellcasters are highly skilled and I can't trace any space traces. In addition, there are residual kryptonite breaths, but not much."

"This is really strange."

Mason curled his lips, diluted a palliative and took it for Mrs. Martha, and said to the young master and the master:
"She was just stunned and exhausted, she'd be fine with a little sleep, but I suspect Martha may not know what's going on either.

She is just an ordinary person, and it is difficult for her to capture really valuable information.

Now Da Chao and Xiao Qiao are missing, but what about Louise?

Was she not attacked? "

"Louise is out for an interview tonight."

Xiao Shan appeared next to Mason, holding a corn cob from Kent Farm in his hand, rubbing it back and forth twice to let it cook at high temperature, breaking off the popcorn and throwing it into his mouth, saying:

"I went to see it just now. She is driving back and should have received the news."

"You go and protect her."

The master told Xiao Shan:

"She may also be a target. If someone wants to intimidate Clark, capturing Louise and threatening them is a very effective strategy."


Little Flash stuffed the corncobs in his hand to the young master, and disappeared with a whoosh. Grayson continued to look after Martha outside the door, and the master and Mason walked into the farm room.

It's really run down here.

It fully proves that Dachao's economic conditions are not affluent, but the clean up is very warm, and it can be seen that there is an excellent hostess maintaining it.

There were no traces left here, but Mason went straight up and took a picture on the old TV and said:
"Tell me, what happened just now?"

"You should be more polite to me! Mason Cooper!"

A round human face constructed with data popped up on the screen of the turned off TV, and Dr. Zola scolded angrily:
"I'm already a member of you now, what the hell, I said everything I should say, and I was even forced to act as a TV set on this small farm to entertain that brat.

Isn't that enough for you to trust me? "

"You know it's your protection."

The master said hoarsely:
"A lot of people are looking for you, and they even touched the Arctic Circle. Transferring you here is the best decision right now."

"But you should loosen my restrictions a little bit."

Dr. Zola on TV complained:

"Give me a free thread and a few autobots and I can protect myself. Well, well, I know what you're asking.

But the truth is I don't know what's going on. "

Dr. Zola manipulated the TV screen to broadcast its previous surveillance of the entire room.

On the screen, Da Chao can be seen helping his mother prepare dinner, looking happy, and then Xiao Qiao screams outside the door, and the scene ends after Da Chao rushes out.

"In an instant!"

Dr. Zola replied firmly:

"Everything happened in an instant!

Whoever did it must have been premeditated, if you didn't allow me to install more cameras here, I might be able to give you more useful information. "

"Screen playback."

Mason pushed the frame and squatted in front of the TV, analyzing the picture almost frame by frame. After a while, he pointed to a slightly invisible light distortion outside the kitchen window in the picture and asked the hat:
"Does this look like the light displacement caused by 'Shape-shifting'?"

"Well, it's possible."

The hat could not give a positive answer either, it replied:
"If you want to take away Superman quietly and instantly, then Apparatus is indeed an option. This magic is activated very quickly, and if you are prepared, it will indeed not leave more traces.

If the opponent prepared kryptonite in advance or had some kind of means against the Kryptonians, then even Da Chao would be caught in an instant.

The physique of Kryptonian weak demons is really a big problem.

What's more, those guys may have taken his children hostage first. Even the most powerful hero in the world, it is only logical to be ambushed and knocked down under care. "

"Those wizards who have been fleeing have been focused on by Cyborg in this world, and the spellcasters under Dr. Fate have not relaxed their arrest work."

The master said hoarsely:
"There is no reason for them to take a sudden risk at this time, and the target is still targeting the most powerful member among us, which is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

I need to get in touch with Zha.

She's been on the trail of the crafty ones lately and is said to have locked down their hideouts. "

"The most powerful spellcaster in this world took the initiative to host, but there has been no news for almost two months. This in itself represents some terrible guesses."

Mason got up and looked at his watch, and said:
"But you'd better wait 10 minutes before calling Xiao Zha. It might be a bit 'busy'. I came back with Kang Kang this time. Although I don't know how he can persuade Xiao Zha to change his mind, that guy at least behaved full of confidence."


The figure of Xiao Shan appeared in the room in an instant, holding the "reporter man" who rushed home from the interview scene in his arms.

Lady Louise Lane, wearing a trench coat, burst into tears when she saw the empty home.

As the wife of Da Chao Ming Media, she should have been used to such a life full of dangers, but it is hard for this mother to accept that even her child is being kidnapped.

The master stepped forward to comfort her in a low voice, but Mason raised his eyebrows.

Looking at "Louise Lane" in surprise, he first touched the bracelet on his right wrist, and then pulled out the Johnny gun at his waist to aim at her.

他 说:

"You are not a Skrull, otherwise you should kneel in front of me this time, but I am curious, what is the purpose of a pretender appearing here at this sensitive moment?
Say it!

Do you have anything to do with the disappearance of Superman? "


The master, who was comforting Louise, popped out a batarang from his fingertips like magic and clasped it around her neck, and Nightwing at the door also pulled away the armed stick, and Xiao Shan flashed out with a whoosh, still not understanding what happened .

But then, he saw that the Reporter Man, who was carried back by himself, melted his appearance like "soft mud" under the eyes of everyone, and was reshaped into a very strange "green man" in the next moment.

He has a rather bizarre skull structure.

The back of the head is sharp and elongated, but still has facial features, tall and tall, the skin of the whole body reveals a strange green color, and there are cloaks and battle clothes covering the body.

A pair of eyes were dark red like volcanic ash, and he didn't look like a good person.

Facing Mason's pistol and the master's weapon, he did not intend to show his bravery and strength, but moved his mouth and replied in a neutral voice:
"Don't be nervous, everyone, I have no malice. Miss Louise was sent to a mysterious fortress in the North Pole by me, and she directed me to go there.

Because she was attacked by a mysterious person before, those who can flash the space wanted to capture her. At that time, she was interviewing at the police station where I worked, and I rescued her.

She begged me to come and see her family, she was sure it was an attack on her husband. "

"Fortress of Solitude?"

The master watched the pretender take a step back vigilantly, and turned to contact the Fortress of Solitude to confirm Louise's situation, while Mason looked curiously at the very kind guy in front of him.

他 说:

"Are you a Martian?"


The guy looked at Mason in surprise, and asked eagerly:
"Where else have you seen a man like me? You know the Martians, does that mean that there were some of my kind who escaped the horror?"

"Well, I've only heard stories about you guys. You're the first Martian I've ever seen."

Mason rubbed his forehead, seeing the disappointed look of the Martian in front of him, he hesitated whether to tell him the truth.

In the miniature universe in Brainiac's Exile ship, there was a whole Mars housed in it, and that was filled with a kingdom of alive and kicking Martians just like this one.

Mason's answer disappointed the Martian, but he seemed to be used to being disappointed, so he raised his spirits and asked Mason curiously:
"How did you discover my disguise? I have approached the superheroes in this world several times out of curiosity, and even passed Wonder Woman in London, but none of them could detect me."

"Your mental strength."

Mason pointed to his head and said:

"I admit that your spiritual perception is very good, not even inferior to Professor X's silent spiritual spying, but unfortunately, I added insurance to my will a long time ago.

Your snooping just now triggered it.

Another reason is that, as far as I know Ms. Louise Lane, in this case, she will only actively try to save her husband and children, and will not be as helpless as you pretend.

You always have to believe in the courage and execution of the reporter man. It is impossible for a delicate earth girl to win the love of Dachao. In a sense, Clark is also a very picky person. "


The Martian nodded approvingly, and said:

"Miss Lian En has always been calm, and she didn't panic even when she was attacked. It's because my disguise skills are too rough."

"Louis is indeed in the Fortress of Solitude, and she verified what this 'Mr. Ron' said."

The master returned to the room and said to Mason:

"It is true that this enthusiastic 'Martian Manhunter' helped her, and Louise gave valuable information. She told me that the person who attacked her suddenly attacked her disguised as her cameraman.

It's a Skrull!
Those wizards merged with the Skrulls. "

"It seems that the sudden death of Brainiac made the Skrulls at a loss, and they were bewitched by some guys in this world to launch an attack without preparation."

Mason shook his head and said:
"It was really an unplanned event, which is why it makes it look untraceable."

"I can help!"

Martian Manhunter Ron Junds took the initiative to say:

"Or the mutual attraction between pretenders and pretenders. In short, I have been secretly paying attention to those strange aliens who can pretend like me.

I sensed that their activity on the earth might mean that chaos was coming, so I paid attention to collecting their movements.

I know of several of their strongholds in North America. "

"But why are you helping?"

The master looked at the alien who had been hiding on the earth for possibly several years with a scrutinizing tone, and said hoarsely:
"Your suspicion has not been ruled out."

"I am 'Hunter'!"

The Martian didn't care about the master's indifference and vigilance, he explained very seriously:
"This is your equivalent of a 'policeman' here in my lost homeland, and I swore to defend my people and my family.

But I couldn't, I lost them.

Falling into the earth by accident, and being treated kindly by new friends here, if I regard this place as my new home, then I should also contribute my strength to its order. "

"Hey, man, that's a great way to say it!"

Flash whistled and patted Martian Manhunter on the shoulder, saying:

"You should join us and join the Justice League. In this precarious era, we need the power of all good people."

The simple Flash is still making friends here, but the master and Mason have already begun to discuss a plan of action.

"The Justice League can't be used to avoid alarming the enemy. The K team has already registered in this world and can't be used. Xiao Zha has combat effectiveness but the number is not enough. My opinion is to use a special operations team."

Mason said to the master:
"A team that won't attract the attention of others. I will dispatch it. You are going to collect the net. Take this opportunity to catch all the Skrulls hiding here!"

"I suspect the Skrulls have sensed our movements."

The master said seriously:

"Skrull's disguise can imitate abilities, and they took Superman away most likely in a last-ditch effort to replicate his abilities. They are not real Kryptonians, and kryptonite has limited suppression against them.

What a cunning tactic. . "

"I have an energy ray to render Skrulls ineffective in camouflage, developed by an otherworldly intelligent being, and a neurotoxin to debilitate them.

Not even a Super Skrull can resist it. "

Mason didn't care about this threat. He took out the Bat hard drive with the corresponding information and handed it to the master, and said in a firm tone:
"Besides, I have a last resort against them, the Skrulls are at our disposal, Batman, and they will be a nuisance to the enemy.

Just like the trouble they create for us. "

The master was persuaded after he saw the psychic beacon wrapped around his right wrist that Mason showed him with his own eyes.

He contacted the Justice League's various arrangements to collect the nets. Mason also left the Kent farm and took out his flip phone, sent a message to the old man that the "execution operation" had started, and then dialed a number.

"Damian, you just came back to Osborne Tower? It's just right, take your team members to collect weapons at the Afterlife Bar, and Judy will arrange for someone to send you to the operation area.

Haven't you always wanted to show your dad your progress and abilities?

Don't say I won't give you a chance in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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