The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 397 12. Where did something happen!How dare you say that you are not the child of misfortune

Chapter 397 12. Where did something happen!How dare you say that you are not the child of misfortune? -Monthly ticket plus [1220]


The light of the teleportation technique danced, and the hat personally cast the spell to teleport Mason and his party back to Earth from the orbit of Mars, and the landing point was in the basement where he and Harry first entered Hell's Kitchen.

Mason then had the hat record the location in case he needed it.

Facts have proved that it is never a loss to prepare early, and it also proves that as long as the master's steady style is learned well, no matter which world he is in, he will live well.

"So? Shall we go straight to the mutants now? Or go back to Wakanda first?"

The unhappy Zhang Parker looked at the dark and terrible environment in the basement with disgust. This Spider-Man was rich and handsome, and he was good in all aspects, but his attitude towards life was a bit problematic.

He doesn't seem to be happy about anything.

The beating expression that would never appear on old Peter's face made people wonder if someone jumped into the well with his child in his arms, causing him to be full of disgust for the whole world.

But he is indeed a good person in his heart, which can be seen from the fact that he is willing to take the adventure with Agent Hill on the Heavenly Sword, which had a near-death experience.

He who always calls himself an "entrepreneur of conscience" is actually very concerned about the future of the world.

"If you're worried about Aunt Mei, go to Wakanda by yourself first, and help me search for that energy signal by the way."

Mason handed a special hard drive to President Zhang and said:
"You don't need to look at other places, just focus on searching in New York City. Zha Kang is in this city! It's just that we can't see him yet."

"Then you have to find a way to send me there, I can't go on my legs, can I?"

Mr. Zhang complained:

"I can't cross most of the world in a few tens of seconds! Damn, Aunt Mei must be worried after being away for so long this time. She should have pushed that troublesome old lady into the river in the first place."

"Of course you can say that, but in fact, anyone with eyes knows that you also enjoy life with Aunt Mei, so don't complain."

Mason complained, and gestured to Mr. Hat on his head.

In the next moment, a precise teleportation technique was cast on Mr. Zhang, throwing him half a world back to East Africa where Wakanda is located.

This teleportation technique was very abrupt and somewhat brutally used to punish his inconsistency, so Mr. Zhang's screams still echoed in the basement like a lingering sound in the next few seconds.

"Do you know where the mutants in this world gather?"

Mason turned his head and glanced at Agent Brand who was changing clothes. The capable woman with long green hair said without looking back:
"On an island in Canada, after Professor X died of old age, Magneto moved the entire Xavier Academy there, but then he also died of illness there.

Although I am not one of them, I still know these things about mutants. "

"They're all dead."

Mason touched the old Wan's helmet in his arms, put it back in his bag, and said:

"The good news is that we don't have to worry about the Skrull transforming into those two tricky old men to do us a hard job. The bad news is that we won't be able to get the support of the scene people in the final battle.

It's a pity to think about it. "

"Magneto is amazing!"

Harry next to him took out two bone sticks made of Rocky's bones from his luggage and threw them to his dog Grind his teeth, then said to Mason:
"In New Babylon, he almost buried K-team by himself, but he was eaten by Papa Banner in the end. Do you think we can see Wolverine there?

The young ones, or the old Logan? "

"It depends on our luck."

Mason smiled, and led Harry and Agent Brand out of the basement, and glanced at the relatively calm street and the entire city outside, it seemed that the Skrulls had no intention of poisoning the world for the time being.

"I can run over."

He touched the speed ring, looked at the two ladies beside him, and said:
"Maybe we can fly there, you choose."

"Let's use a method that is more in line with the status of a mutant."

Agent Brand, who had changed back into urban women's attire, took out a map from his arms and looked at it, pointed to a block not far away, and said:
"They have a point of contact in New York that has a way to get us fast to Xavier College, which is a church in Brooklyn."

"You're so familiar with mutants."

Harley led the two dogs, and curiously said to Agent Brand:
"Aren't you an alien? You have never lived on Earth before."

"I didn't, but my mother lived here and I grew up listening to those stories."

The previous director of the Tianjian Bureau seemed unwilling to talk about this issue, so she took Mason and Harley to the target church very quickly.

The three of them went straight into the dilapidated church. According to the method her mother taught her, Agent Brand burned a note under the holy water table and let the ashes fall.

"someone is coming."

After about 5 minutes, the hat on Mason's head suddenly reminded:
"There is spatial distortion in front of it, it is very short, very precise, and it is impossible to calculate the landing point. He is a good teleporter."

The captain immediately stopped writing and drawing in the notebook, he stood up and shouted to the church:

"Come out, countrymen! There are only two mutants here who need help."

"I have seen and felt it. They are indeed compatriots, but I have never seen you."

A blue shadow flickered above the church, and a long curly tail could be vaguely seen. The jumping mutant said in a strange voice:
"Who are you? Where are you from?"

"I come from a very far away place, and I have to meet the current leader of the X-Men to tell the truth."

Mason replied, and Agent Brand was more straightforward. She took out an old pendant from her arms and held it up, saying loudly:

"I am a child of Algabe. My mother once followed Magneto and is one of the elders of the Brotherhood of Mutants. I have the right to ask to see my compatriots who have inherited the legacy of the Brotherhood."


The mutant who was good at teleportation and space jumping became excited when he heard the name, and fell from a high place with a whoosh, showing his true appearance when he landed.

Blue skin, sharp teeth, a pair of smart eyes, and a devil-like slender inverted triangular tail flicking around.

This is Nightcrawler.

The master of space movement among the mutants is the son of the mutant veteran Mystique and the Red Devil, a senior member of the Hellfire Club.

"I've seen you!"

Harry saw Nightcrawler exclaimed:

"You were poked to death by Barbara. It was a terrible death, but I always thought your tail was so handsome. Can you use it as a whip?"

"Um, I haven't tried it, but it should work."

Nightcrawler couldn't handle Harry's outlandish speech. He glanced at the very familiar Halle suspiciously to confirm that he wasn't a mutant, and then turned his attention to Brand. on the agent.

He looked at the familiar face of the girl with green hair and sunglasses, and after a few seconds he sighed and said:

"I used to be a friend of Algabe, and she joked that if she didn't find a husband by the time she was 35, she would give me a chance. Unfortunately, in one of Magneto's dangerous experiments, Algabe was involved in a black hole. inside.

We all thought she was dead. "

"She didn't die, she fell on a planet in the southern galaxy and met my father there."

Agent Brand said expressionlessly:
"But that's not a good thing, because she still missed her hometown and her former companions until she died. Let's not talk about these, we need to go to Xavier College.

We have something very important to tell you. "

"not now!"

Nightcrawler regretfully shook his head and said:

"The academy has been closed. The Scarlet Witch reported that there are mysterious pretenders in the academy. No one can enter or leave until they are caught."


Mason frowned and said:
"Among the mutants, there are also pretenders mixed in? Just right, we have equipment to detect them here, but before we set off, there is one last thing to do"


Harley, who was connected with Mason, immediately threw the enhanced biological decoy bomb hidden in his hand.

Nightcrawler was taken aback by the burst of energy, but was only truly identified after seeing that he didn't immediately transform into the material of the stele beneath his feet.

"Can this thing detect Skrulls?"

Nightcrawler is not stupid, he immediately realized that this is the equipment Mason mentioned, but he touched his body suspiciously and said:
"Is it okay? I don't feel any changes. Those lurkers are very powerful. The Scarlet Witch's magic is completely useless to them. Hank is designing a machine that can tear them down, but it will take time."

"Since time is tight, shall we continue to chat here?"

Mason replied:
"Let me tell you a secret, Nightcrawler, it's not just the X-Men that got replaced, it's known that over half of the superheroes on Earth have been replaced.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers have fallen, and that's what we're here for. "

"Is it all that bad?"

There was a hint of shock on Nightcrawler's weird face. He hesitated for a moment and finally gritted his teeth. He reached out to hold the hands of Mason and Agent Brand, and wrapped Harry's wrist with his flexible tail.

"And my dog! Wait."

Harry whistled, and let two smart dogs grab Nightcrawler's legs. Amid the "big guy" sighing helplessly, the teleportation technique was activated.

The world turned upside down, and the feeling of dizziness hit in the next moment.

The world before Mason's eyes changed suddenly and then fell into a world of ice and snow. Not far away was the outline of the iconic castle estate of Xavier College.

Lao Wan in this world seems to be a man of appearance, and he actually moved the castle left by his old friend to this inaccessible place intact.

"Professor X made a psychic force field around the castle, and Magneto changed the magnetic field here before he died of illness."

While teasing Harry's two dogs, Nightcrawler introduced to his compatriots:
"This place will not be traced by any signal. We think this is the most secret place in the world, but the maliciousness of the outside world still finds us."

As soon as he finished speaking, two vigorous figures crossed the sky. Among the fluttering wings and the snowflakes rolled up by the strong wind, the angel Warren and the storm girl Ororo descended from the sky.

The two genuine X-Men looked at the three strangers brought by the Nightcrawler very vigilantly, but before they asked, Mason took the initiative to say:
"T'Challa sends you hello, Ms. Ororo, the prodigal son who gave you three hickeys on your neck asked me to pass on his thoughts to you, he said that love came from the sunset in Wakanda.

And look forward to you sneaking into his room on the next stormy night so you can reconnect. "


In this world, the long-haired, graceful Storm girl blushed. Amidst the mocking laughter of the handsome Angel Warren, she waved her hands in embarrassment and said:

"I probably know where you are from, but Xavier College can't go in now, unless"


Mason loosened his right hand and turned it into a suspended stream of water, wrapped a small box of biological bait and handed it to Storm, saying:

"Take it back for testing. Put one in each dormitory. If you're lucky, you'll find the hidden Skrulls within 10 minutes. We're here to help, compatriots."

"This is Abigail's daughter."

Nightcrawler also pointed to Agent Brand and introduced a sentence. Storm nodded, and finally looked at Harley, jokingly asked:

"So, this 'citizen', what is your superpower?"

"the power of love!"

Harley puffed out her chest solemnly, took Mason's wrist and said nonsense:

"I am an 'honor mutant' awakened from my love for Mr. K, a very powerful love warrior. Although I don't have your cool superpowers, I firmly believe that my love for little sweetheart can make I became the most powerful mutant!

Maybe I should take the risk of participating in an experiment on the awakening of the X gene or something.

I believe that as long as the love is strong enough, I can become a beautiful and powerful female warrior of love. "

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she is a family member."

Mason rubbed Harry's little head and explained to the X-Men:
"We can stay here for a while, but it's better to let the current leader come forward, we have the news from Nick Fury and Peggy Carter, the Skrulls have invaded the earth, and they are preparing to fight back.

The Rebels need the power of the X-Men, and the world needs the power of the mutants. "

"I will notify Scott, Hank and Logan immediately, please wait a moment."

The Storm nodded solemnly, and after a few words of instruction to the angel, the storm aroused and dragged her back to the academy.

To be honest, when seeing the attitude of Storm Girl flying in the falling snow under the gust of wind, it is not difficult for Mason to understand why Star Lord Black Panther, the prodigal son, still has a bad relationship with Storm Girl.

Not only because this "Storm Goddess" is indeed elegant and outstanding, but also because of the air shock, brothers!
This basically belongs to the "unique secret technique" of Her Majesty the Storm, which man can not be tempted?

A few minutes later, three figures quickly walked out from the gate of the academy. They were the "Big Three" in X-Men uniforms, the brainsack Hank, the professor's apprentice Cyclops, and those who would never be absent in any X-Men story. logan.

It's just that this Uncle Wolf in front of him looks more vicissitudes than the young Logan in Osborne Tower.

The ambient temperature was about ten degrees below zero on a cold day. This hunk came out shirtless and wearing a vest, with a cigar in his mouth. His tendon, which is not afraid of the cold and heat, is really enviable.

"The professor told us before he left that there have been disturbing changes in S.H.I.E.L.D., and the superhero registration bill pushed by Tony Stark has made people see the signs of civil war."

Cyclops wearing cool goggles said calmly:

"At this juncture, we don't want to participate in the war very much, but if it is really about the safety of the world, then the X-Men will not be absent."

"But first there is a problem to be solved."

Uncle Wolf blew out the smoke ring. He kept looking at Mason and felt that this young man was quite kind-hearted. He said:

"The White Queen left the academy privately not long ago. It is said that she went to New York to hang out with the Green Goblin. That cunning and vicious woman planned to reorganize the Hellfire Club. Mystique has been tracking her but has not gained much.

Without the professor, no one can hold her down.

So before going to war, we have to bring back that element of instability, and we've already had a preliminary."

"Logan! Scott! Come back!"

Storm Girl's exclamation suddenly sounded from the communicators of the three at this moment, with a panic, she shouted:
"Student dormitory! Come here! Something happened!"


The three of them looked at each other and turned around before rushing towards the college. Mason frowned and felt that the matter was not simple. The reorganization of the water molecular structure made it easier for the nearest water source inside the college to jump out.

Then, Mason's exclamation exploded in the team communication:
"Why are there zombies in the girls' dormitory at Xavier College? Harry, bring the vaccine, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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