The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 365 64. Damian Wayne is going to be the big brother of the Junior K team today!

Chapter 365 64. Damian Wayne is going to be the big brother of the Junior K team today!
The little madman Damian has always had a bad character.

Don't expect the guy who was raised by Lei Xiaogu to be so peaceful since he was a child. After being half-pushed into the K team by Mason, he is a bit more stable, but he has been staying with the clown grandma for a while recently, which makes him extremely depressed.

This time I sneaked to Osborne Tower with the old wolf just to have fun.

According to his conservative estimate, his elusive father had already predicted that he was about to disappear before he disappeared, but now that Flash is shouldering an important task, it is impossible for Batman's character to let Flash run away because of private interests. a trip.

Therefore, Damian is sure that after he has played enough, he will pick a suitable time to go back and it will not delay the matter. There is no risk except that it may make Ah Fu angry.

This trip is planned!

He originally planned to go to the Amazon gathering place to find a few muscular sisters to fight, and then go to the abandoned city of New York. He heard that there are very powerful mutant zombie heroes there.

Perhaps it is possible to unite with the militant Amazons to organize another "private hunt" to test the progress of their force value during this period.

He originally thought so, but the change was always faster than the plan, and he encountered an unexpected opponent without even going out of the area near the Osborne Tower.


The training knife in Damian's hand was knocked out by the opponent with brute force after several heavy blows to no avail. The little lunatic, who had lost his weapon, took out his gun and aimed at the opponent in the middle of a flexible rotation in the air and a reverse jump by the corner of the wall. .

It was just that they kept aiming after landing, but did not shoot.

"Tch, you should be glad you're just a kid"

Damian complained, and the muzzle of the gun in his hand was slightly deflected. He pulled the trigger to let the kinetic energy bullet eject from the chamber. It scraped Jimmy Hautley's leg and hit the wall behind him. wolf legs.

He is also a member of Team K, and his weapons are all provided by Mason, with good performance enough to ensure enough lethality and precision.

According to Damian's original intention, this shot was enough to restrain the opponent.

After all, he is just a brat, no matter how fierce his appearance is, if he sees blood, doesn't he have to retreat obediently?

However, the facts exceeded his expectations.

Jimmy, whose calf was bruised, didn't even look at his own wound. Not only did he not stop charging, but his adrenaline secretion became faster due to the painful stimulation.


The little lunatic was knocked to the ground, only had time to turn his head, and three gray and white bone claws rubbed his face and pierced into the ground.

Dust splashes.


The wasteland kid on top of Damian yelled:
"Apologies for your rudeness and my new pants! Damn! These are my first new clothes in years, Sister Halle bought them for me, but you ruined them!"

"You mutant freak!"

Damian will finally understand this.

Bullets are useless to the wasteland farm boy in front of him. He has super self-healing and claws just like his father.

No wonder he has the guts to challenge himself.

But after knowing that Jimmy is not afraid of gunshots, the little lunatic not only didn't panic, but showed a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, just like the mood when the master realized that his enemy was undead when he was out on night patrol.

The bat family does not kill people = if the other party does not die, then they can let go of their hands and feet and use all means to fight!

"bang bang bang"

The kinetic energy pistol in Damian's hand emptied a magazine at Jimmy Hautley who was pressing on him at an almost close distance. The violent impact combined with the application of kinetic energy made the Wasteland Coyote take off on the spot. It hit the ground again amidst blood splatters.

His chest was blood red.

Although the wound has begun to heal itself and the twisted bullet head is being squeezed out by the muscles, not only the new pants are broken, but even the top is torn.

And when the severe pain was added to his body, Jimmy suddenly realized that although his father had been acting very useless in the farm, he really protected himself very well.

This is the first time that the little wolf has suffered such a serious injury.

The terrible pain that came over him made him feel like he almost died in that moment.

However, due to the bloodline of Wolverine, the bullet could not take his life away, and the strong stimulation of the imminent life crisis finally made his beast perception that had not been awakened at this moment, as if "Ren Du's second vein" was opened up. The child came to my heart.

"kill him!"

The voice roared in his head.

Just like Logan's first self-awakening ability when he was a child, at the moment when the bullet was squeezed out of the wound, Jimmy jumped up from the spot with a weird posture.

His eyes were blood red, and a low growl came out of his throat, while his body sank slightly and his arms spread out, drops of blood dripped down the bone claws onto the ground, like an irritated wolf cub.

It is unlikely that this matter will end amicably today.

After all, hundreds of years ago, Logan killed his parents in uncontrollable rage when he first awakened.

Although the little lunatic doesn't understand the danger of advanced mutants, he does not lack experience in fighting enemies. Damian is not afraid of being overjoyed when he sees the guy on the other side make a "magnificent transformation".

With a murmur of unsheathing the weapon, the famous knife Jue that came from Er Tong was pulled back by the little lunatic.

Since bullets are useless, there is no need for a gun. Facing this loose opponent in front of him, Damian feels that using a knife is a form of respect.

"I'll apologize, buddy."

He pulled down his bat hood and flipped up the bat helmet he ordered from Mason, and said to the cub who roared and rushed towards him:

"After I feel enough fun, I promise to pay you a container of clothes, so that you can change one every day for ten years and it won't be the same. Hey, I like this wasteland world more and more!
Every day brings something new. "

Ten minutes later, Ashley Parker, a wasteland spider girl with a bottle of beer in her hand, jumped back and forth between the nondescript beehive buildings of Osborne Tower with a relaxed expression on her face.

Although she didn't inherit the full Spider-Man ability and couldn't shoot spider silk out of thin air from her wrist, as a gift for meeting "Grandpa Different World" for the first time, old Peter gave her a pair of brand new spider web launchers.

This allowed her to finally realize her childhood dream.

Although she is still not proficient, this crooked spider girl is still experiencing the feeling of her grandfather swinging around in the city.

This feeling is indeed very novel.

Not only because of the addition of the spider web, but also because this was the first time Ashley Parker had seen a city of this size.

Although Osborne Tower is nothing more than a small doomsday city to the members of the K team, it is already a bustling metropolis to the wasteland girls.


Relying on her inherited blood and her deadly dexterity through active practice, Ashley spun in the sky like a gymnast and then squatted firmly on the top of a beehive house.

The whole parkour-like wandering across half of the city didn't spill a single drop from the beer can in her hand.

She leaned on the eaves in a classic "spider squat", looking at the city at dusk, but to be honest, this posture is not suitable for women.

Especially those in good shape.

Such half-squatting and half-squatting always reminds people of some less serious occasions.
The spider girl in the wasteland rewarded herself with the drink in her hand, thinking over and over again:
"Old Peter has a lot of good things in his hands. After I get my own super soldier serum from Captain Mason, I will go to fight him.

Maybe Grandpa Another World sees my potential and will teach me all the fighting skills of Spider-Man Uh, I heard screams, someone is fighting? "

Her keen senses quickly caught a trace of bloody smell, and she quickly covered her face with the spider hood, and then shot forward the spider silk and flew herself to the combat area while pulling her arms.

"Tsk, it's exciting! Two little lunatics are fighting to the death!"

When crossing the dark alley, she quickly saw the scene below. The whole alley seemed to have been slaughtered, with blood and clothing fragments everywhere.

A short man with a knife is viciously nailing a guy covered in blood but with claws to the wall, just like the legendary trick of nailing a vampire.

The short man with the knife wasn't intact, though.

He was wounded too, bleeding from his waist and legs.

The spider girl lightly landed at the entrance of the dark alley, quietly hiding in the darkness and observing the fight between the two guys in front of her.She quickly discerned that neither of these two guys wanted the other's life, and they didn't know what they were doing as they were evading the vital points.

"Tch, it turns out they are two little bastards who can't fight at all!"

Ashley didn't care much about such sloppy battles. Since she was a teenager, she had seen so many tragedies in the world that she had been involved in gangsters in the wasteland.

She quickly lost interest in this non-lethal "tango for two" and planned to turn around and leave.

But Damian, who had just nailed the little wolf to the wall, took a step back, turned around and shook his hands, and three black bat darts whizzed into the darkness behind him.

The spider girl who has no sense of spiders chooses to roll and dodge dexterously in the face of the surprise attack, and easily avoids the piercing of the batarang. However, she doesn't know that for the batarang, piercing is only the most insignificant function.

The batarang that was accurately pushed into the triangle on the wall by Damian then exploded. The dazzling flames, the smoke that obscured the view, and the piercing sonic attack instantly put the self-important spider girl into a awkward position.

Following the traditional tactics of the Bat-family, Damian pulled out a hemostatic agent and inserted it into his leg, then grabbed the nightwing fighting stick and rushed into the smoke like a ghost.

He doesn't care who is peeping at him.

After spending some time defeating the wasteland coyotes, he obviously hasn't "enjoyed himself" yet. He feels that he has finished warming up and is eagerly looking forward to the next real "challenge".

Ashley suddenly appeared under such circumstances, it was like a "gift" from heaven.

I'm sorry for this arrangement if I don't "enjoy" it well.

"You little lunatic! Stay away from me! I'm just here to watch the fun!"

Parker's scream echoed in the smoke.

But the response was harsh electric shocks and beatings with sticks. How could the crooked spider girl suffer this kind of grievance?
She also quickly started fighting with Damian in an environment that was not conducive to her at all. All of this was seen by the camera behind a weird mechanical ant hidden in the corner, but that person had been there from the very beginning. The guy who was peeping didn't show up right away.

Instead, he waited with great cunning patience.

After another five or six minutes, Damian, who was wounded all over, dragged the hair of Ashley Parker, who was so numb from the electric shock and could not stand up, out of the range of the smoke bomb, the predator in the dark felt perfect. The moment has come.

It's time to end the "harvest"!

"Woo ha ha ha ha"

Weird laughter sounded at the other end of the dark alley with the sound of mechanical ants gathering from all around, and Damian, who had defeated two opponents in a row, suddenly stood up while resting.

He looked vigilantly at the surrounding ant colony and the sky blocked by flying ants, and finally his eyes fell on the short guy in front of him who was slowly walking out of his hiding place.

The guy wore a black bat-shaped helmet on his head, and pretended to wrap himself in a cloak, looking very gloomy and cunning.

But what made Damian happy was that this guy was actually shorter than himself.
Finally found some height advantage.

"You three are very nice!"

Franklin Richards, who finally stole his Ant King helmet back from Barbara Gordon, folded his arms, and while driving the mechanical ants to surround the three people in front of him, he sneered in a low voice. .

He scolded:

"All three of you have excellent potential! I am very satisfied, this new world is wild and uninhabited, and it obviously needs some powerful forces to set order and rules for it.

I've got the best brains, but I need some serious thugs.

Now I give you a chance!
Obey me, obey the ant king!

I will lead you to a brilliant career in this world, don't lose face, three, my little brothers are very hungry, and they are eager to have a full meal across the world. "

"I thought you were crazy enough"

Jimmy Hautley, who was nailed to the wall like a famous knife, said to Damian while struggling:

"I didn't expect a crazier one to come. This guy is the legendary Ant King, right?"

"Yes, Ant King! The one who robbed houses near Pym's Cross."

Ashley Parker, who was sitting slumped on the ground and trying to recover from the paralysis, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and responded to Jimmy:
"The three bosses I talked to all reminded us not to go to his territory. It is said that this guy kills people without blinking an eye. How could he come here?

Hey, little madman, give us weapons!

This guy is not an ordinary person, he won't fight like you. "

Damian ignored the two defeated men, and he didn't care about the oppressive ants around him. He just stared strangely at the bat-shaped helmet on the head of the ant king who had a great advantage in front of him.

After a few seconds of thinking, Damian raised his wrist to activate the bat communicator, pointed the target forward, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Bat family access code LB-0578, identity verification, takeover mode, program terminated!"


In the stunned perception of the dominant Ant King, the control helmet on his head suddenly shot out a blue light to scan Damian in front of him, and cut off the power instantly after a second.

The mechanical ant colonies under his control also became "at a loss" all of a sudden, and then entered the self-discipline mode, and began to return to the nearest collection box.

"This! What's the matter?"

Seeing the "little brothers" rebelling in an instant, the Ant King, who was sure of winning, suddenly panicked.

He turned and ran, but Damian stepped on the wall and rushed up with a standard bat kick, kicking the ant king to the ground and then using a standard crossbar to hold the guy to the ground.

Franklin yelled in pain:
"It's not fair! You kid cheated!"

"Huh, this helmet is made by Mason, right?"

Damian sneered ruthlessly:

"You idiot, you dare to use whatever Mason made? Did he allow you to use it? That's how you end up stealing something you don't understand. How dare you treat me like a little brother?
Give you a face!

Call 'boss'!Huhu, what you said just now gave me a great inspiration, maybe I should also form my own 'Damian Special Operations Team'.

You all look like you have potential."

"I said, what are you guys doing? You are still disturbing the people here without rest at night? Don't the neighbors need to sleep? A little bit of public morality, okay?"

Just when the little lunatic was immersed in the thrill of defeating powerful enemies in a row, a voice that made Damian's scalp tingle rang out from above with sarcasm and ridicule.

He looked up suddenly and saw the second barrel with the barrel helmet falling down with the flying claw gun.

"No! You listen to my explanation!"

Damian yelled, but Ertong didn't listen at all.

Pulling out the famous knife inserted into Jimmy's chest with his backhand, and then flicking his wrist, a dark red mechanical ball hit the ground, and the invisible magnetic field swept around, exerting forced deformation.

In the blink of an eye, the four fighting lunatics in place turned into bleating little sheep.

"Mason, I found the Ant King's helmet."

Er Tong put away his precious sword, picked up the Ant King's helmet that had been knocked down from the ground, and reported to the real boss:
"A few other brats have also been found, no, they have no intention of standing on the mountain at all, they are just playing house games, yes, it's like a little girl's afternoon tea.
I'm taking them back right now. "

(End of this chapter)

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