The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 351 50. Finally, the K team will destroy a world with their own hands

Chapter 351 50. Finally, the K team will destroy a world with their own hands
When Mason returned to Spicy Palace on a sad motorcycle that had just experienced a "emotional crisis", the three Kryptonians had already entered a weak state due to the end of the strengthening.

The superhuman drug that could last for 10 minutes only had a 15-minute "strengthening state" for them, and its strengthening effect was far less amazing than when Mason drank it.

This fully proves that the "diminishing edge" effect also exists in alchemy. It is easy to go from 1 to 90, but from 90 to 100, you can only move forward step by step.

“Stomach so comfortable”

Bizza Compass sat on the ground rubbing his stomach in disgrace, and when he saw Mason returning on his motorcycle, he yelled at him:
"It's like eating a clean yummy, bad enemy Mason, do you have bad pills?"

"This is a rejection reaction, and there is no way to relieve it with medicine."

Mason jumped off the motorcycle, patted Bizarro on the shoulder, and gave him a dose of concentrated life-death water for him to swallow, so that he would not have to endure the discomfort when he fell into a deep sleep.

He then checked the situation of the pale-faced Zod and the pale-cheeked Kara. It turned out that the Superman drug still had a rejection reaction to Kryptonians, but the symptoms were much milder than when Mason took it.

Their feelings are probably similar to diarrhea and gastroenteritis, and it is estimated that the duration will not be too long.

"The rejection reaction is very slight, but the actual combat effect is quite good. It seems that it is time to add the superhuman medicine as your regular combat reinforcement to the ration."

Mason whispered to Zod:

"How does this battle feel?"

"Too bad, I seem to have degenerated from an invincible superman to an elite soldier who can step on anyone"

Zod answered honestly:

"Whether it's the Wasteland Hulk, or the Ghost Rider, or your adoptive father, I have nothing to do with them, only to be beaten."

"this is not your fault."

After the two battles, Kara, who was originally hostile to Zod, seemed to have established some kind of "comrade-in-arms friendship". She was supported by Barbara and said to Zod:
"Switching my cousin over here is nothing to do with them. The Kryptonians have never been invincible, not to mention that we are still far from my cousin's level."

"Indeed, your performance is good."

Mason nodded.

He didn't expect that the final battle intensity of this pioneering process would soar to this point all of a sudden.

Whether it's the Wasteland Hulk or the maddened Ghost Rider, in their heyday, they are enemies that require all the Avengers to fight against.

If you deny the combat power of the Kryptonians because of this, it is unnecessary.

"Logan's still inside."

Barbara put Kara and Zod on the spider car to rest first, then pointed to the area covered by the still burning purple flame with a worried face, and said to Mason:
"Emma said that she could sense that the old wolf's breath of life was weakening, but we couldn't help him through the flame of the power gem."

"Is he dead?"

Mason asked, Barbara shook her head, and then heard Mason whisper:

"Then Logan doesn't need our help and has some confidence in Wolverine who has regained his fighting spirit. Old lady, there is only one possibility for his failure."

"You seem to admire Logan, which is a bad sign."

Old Emma, ​​the White Queen, in a wheelchair, said to Mason:
"For your fighting style, which has already emerged in the field of intelligence, Logan's consistent reckless style of play will only weaken your advantage.

Over the years, Wolverine has failed and suffered more than you can imagine.

Mason, how do you feel about your abilities? "

Facing the inquiry from the titular "mother", Mason did not answer in words.

He raised his hand into the mild wind and light rain in front of him, controlled the rain that enveloped the city with his will, and soon opened the rain curtain that covered his sight again.

Tick-tick let his will and senses be shrouded in the land of rain again. This special weather, which used to be the background of Mason's battles, can now be controlled, but Mason, who actively used the "pray for rain" skill, did not Unskilled, it took him more than ten seconds to let the rainstorm weaken to the level of gentle wind and drizzle again.

"The current limit coverage is the size of New Babylon City, which is about one-third of Gotham City. It can only be retracted freely if there are natural water sources around or underground."

Mason sensed the moisture around him.

Feeling that he has become a natural "water-seeking stick", he pokes on the ground, and he has a clear picture of the distribution of underground water sources within ten kilometers of Fangyuan.

This ability is definitely good for geological surveys, but unfortunately it is currently difficult to use in combat.

"Being close to water gives me a significant increase in the power of energy attacks I can manipulate, but now it's like a child with a new toy, and I don't even have a clue how to play with it."

He summed it up like this, neither exaggerating nor belittling.

This attitude made Emma very satisfied.

she says:

"Don't despair, Mason, mutants are like this.

Even an out-of-the-box Omega-level mutant, such as the Iceman, one of your paternal gene sources, had to practice hockey hockey honestly when he just awakened.

That's why the professor started the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

After all, with the exception of Logan and Saber-toothed Tigers, who have spent hundreds of years honing their abilities to the extreme, most Yeluzi mutants' abilities are quite poor. "

"I can understand."

Mason nodded and said:

"This is obviously a force that needs to be learned, practiced and guided. It is very suitable for me. It seems that in my complicated schedule, I will take some time to follow you to learn how to discover and control my own abilities."

"Of course I'd like to help."

Emma showed a smile, and she said:

"I was also one of the lecturers at Xavier College and served as the interim principal for a while. I will try my best to guide you, Mason, but now, I think we should leave.

Black Bolt is ready to destroy the entire Project Weapon X base with a single cry of rage. "

"That's not enough, not nearly enough."

Mason narrowed his eyes, waved his hand and said:

"This base in front of us is just a manufacturing factory for replica X-Men, we destroyed it and they still have enough resources to build another factory overnight in other parts of the world.

In fact, I think this wasteland may not be the only base, otherwise they would not need to send tacticians like Red Skull to stay here.

But also to hide the whole world painstakingly.

This is an 'axis of evil'.

What we want to destroy is not this factory that shaped me, what we want to destroy is the world under our feet, just like the swordsman who sent me wants to see it.

The world died 17 years ago.

All it needs is a decent funeral that takes all the glory and loss away.

I'm ready for it. "

Barbara beside Mason sighed. She knew that Mason had made a plan to destroy the world before entering here when she was under the authority of Delaman when Mason was unconscious.

She whispered:

"Before we were always discussing what to do if the K team faced an order to destroy the world one day, but we didn't expect that the first time we exterminated a world came from our own considerations.

But Mason was right.

A base that has been in operation for 17 years means that they have a complete and mature system in their hands. Blowing up the base in front of them is not enough to change the reality that the power of mutants will continue to be squandered by the Council of Hope.

Only by destroying the entire system can delay the time for this evil to be used again. They want to find another suitable world, and it will not be so easy to reorganize the mutant breeding factory under covert circumstances.

Injuring his ten fingers is worse than breaking his arm!
I support Mason's approach. "

Black Bolt King was also a little moved.

But he is too old, and his strength has been lost over the years, making it difficult for him to complete the feat of destroying stars alone, and Mason does not need the extreme destructive power of this old king.

As Ghost Rider said just now, Mason has placed a bomb deep in the base of the Weapon X project.

"Open Attilan!"

He turned to Black Bolt and Emma and said:
"Put in all those scattered from New Babylon! For good or evil, they will always find their place in the New World.

The Hulk gang's expedition gathered people from the entire wasteland here to save the time of containment, and we left immediately after the containment was over. "

Black Bolt nodded, and pushed Emma into the energy gate of Attilan without delay, and soon the hidden city was activated again and projected the entrance into the ruins of New Babylon.

And the White Queen used her spiritual power to sweep across the entire ruins, guiding the lives that survived and hid in the chaos into this last city.

"Hello, little brother."

Banner's father, who was bound in the sonic cage, looked embarrassed. He kept his "Fire Cloud Cthulhu" costume and shouted to Mason:

"You want to destroy this world, right? From your self-confidence, I feel that you have this ability. Leave me here. The aftermath of the world's destruction is enough to completely annihilate me and Hulk.

I beg you.

let me die.

Think of it as fulfilling the last prayer of a wicked old man. "

"You still have your mission, Mr. Banner."

Mason glanced at him and said:
"There will always be a battle between you and the Hulk, where you can fight in that glorious field until death is overwhelming.
That is your moment of liberation. "

"You're just trying to use me, brat!"

Papa Banner thumped the sound cage, his eyes were bloodshot and he scolded:
"It's like in the doomsday 17 years ago, the Red Skull used me and the Hulk to kill Thor. Maybe I should wake up the Hulk again and squeeze you all to death here!"

"You also know that you have been used?"

Mason pointed to the cage of purple flames burning in front of him, and said to Papa Banner with contempt:
"You and Logan both made a big mistake 17 years ago, but Logan's response to this seems to be different from you who want to die. You were friends, weren't you?

Does learning from him give you a hard time?

It is the traitors and the stars of your world who have conspired to create this tragedy for you, and you are the victim.

So, please use your anger where it should be, Mr. Banner who has indulged himself for 17 years.

You're going to die sooner or later anyway, so what's the difference if it's earlier or later? "

"Do you know who betrayed us? Have you found out the truth about the treacherous situation 17 years ago?"

Papa Banner in the sound cage was stunned for a moment, and then asked:
"Tell me! Who is it?"

"After we leave here, I will tell you in detail."

Mason waved his hand and said:
"Now, be quiet, and get out of trouble for us and yourself."

After speaking, he took a few steps forward, and Mason waved his hand while Harry was following him, covering his fingers with the Black Death Sword suit, but the man in the suit obviously had no idea about such non-divine things as Infinity Gems. interest.

Mason had no choice but to pull out the speed brick with only a small half remaining, planning to use another kinetic energy explosion to tear the flame of the power gem apart.

The Speed ​​Force is obviously a cosmic wonder on the same level as the Infinity Stones, and the collision of the two will annihilate each other's energy.

But before Mason could make a move, the surrounding purple fire quickly weakened and disappeared without a trace, and in the arena covered by it, the red skull was lying on the broken ground in a miserable state, and the old wolf was riding on him Grabbing the captain's round shield, he slashed madly at President Doom.

The state of these two people has been so miserable that it cannot be described in words.

The Red Skull's gauntlet inlaid with power gems was torn off by Logan, and the villain who caused the end of the world with one hand was torn off his legs and left hand, almost becoming a human stick.

But Logan, who had the upper hand, was even worse.

The purple gem was clasped in the palm of Logan's molten Adamantium hand, and the fire of power burned his flesh and blood. Rao, the self-healing of the undead is still in effect, but every time a trace of flesh and blood grows, it will be entangled in the body The purple flames lit on it.

Under the watchful eyes of Harry and Mason, he was almost left with a skeleton focused on the Adamantium alloy fighting, and the mighty power derived from the Infinity Gem even made the Adamantium alloy on Logan's body melted again.

The alloy covering the skeleton flows like melting, almost drowning Wolverine. It is really hard to imagine how the struggle between the two has advanced to the present.

"Kill me! Release me!"

The Red Skull shouted hoarsely:

"Ha, it's like being reborn from the cocoon, Logan.

Here unleash my wretched flesh, and I shall return from the dead!

I will return to the human world with a stronger posture.

I'm going to crush you one by one like I did 17 years ago, there's nothing you can do to stop this, you pathetic mutant bastard.
Come, cut down this vengeful blade. "

He is provoking the old wolf.

The latter grasped the blood-stained round shield and lifted it up high. He only needed to smash it hard, and the sharp edge would completely smash the Red Skull's head, together with the brain he transplanted into his own head.

The brain of Professor X that belongs to this world.

The flames of vengeance were howling for Logan to deliver the final blow, but the warning of death from Magneto made the last string in his mind tight.

He was born of anger, and he has learned to live with anger over the years.


The blood-stained round shield wiped off the Red Skull's face and split his left eye. The trembling Logan stood up and spat bloody saliva at the stick under his feet.


He bent down and lifted the Red Skull up, saying:
"You don't deserve a clean death, a merciful forgiveness that will never come from me."

Under Mason's gaze, Logan staggered out of the burning ruins dragging the remnant of the Red Skull, with flesh and blood healing itself in the flames with every step.

In the roar of the Red Skull losing his mind, he enjoyed this kind of insult from the enemy.

Like a song of joy.

He threw away the priceless power gem in his hand and said:

"You deserve to experience the despair you have imposed on us, to see all your plans go bankrupt, and to meet your doom in fear.

This is the best judgment for you. "

"Sweetie! What about this thing?"

Behind Mason, Harry used a box to put the blood-stained Power Gem thrown away by the old wolf. She asked:
"Are we going to take it?"

"Do not."

Mason turned around and took the box from Harry.

He looked at the rough stone with purple light spots in the box, and for a moment in his heart, he really had a little interest and desire for this mung bean-sized thing, but then he closed the lid and looked at the ruined land in front of him.

As the rain cleared behind him, he said to Harley:

"This is a good treasure, and we need it to play its last role here, as my last memorial to my troubled hometown.

It's hard to come here once, right?

You can't come here for nothing. "

(End of this chapter)

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