The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 337 36. Cunning and pathetic brat, you still want to run after offending Mason?

Chapter 337 36. Cunning and pathetic brat, you still want to run after offending Mason?
Since Mason joined the Stars Club, he has traveled in many worlds. He has done various great things and been praised by others. He is already a number one person, but today he was robbed in this wasteland.

This is really the world is full of wonders.

However, as the party involved in the "Great Gobi Heist", Mason expressed his emotional stability. Surrounded by dense mechanical ants, he didn't seem to hear the cry of the strange guy who appeared on the nearby bridge.

He's thinking about a question.

If he was living in this wasteland and could control it so well, according to the blue beetle, he could eat up a city of mechanical ants in a few minutes, what would he do if he wanted to live a better life? way?

Do not!
Robbing in this ghostly place where no one may pass by for several days is the most unimaginative and time-consuming "way to get rich", but the guy in front of him just did it.

So either there is something wrong with his brain, or these mechanical ant colonies are not as powerful as they appear on the surface.

At least not powerful enough to be driven to attack the city of New Babylon, which is not far away.

Mason blinked, his Isu senses focused on the delicately crafted individuals in the densely packed ant colony in front of him.

The size of these mechanical flying ants is no different from normal ants, and their production technology is very superb. It is impossible to mass-produce them in the wasteland era, and Mason found many damaged individuals among them.

They have not been well repaired, so they can only drag their remains and continue to fly in the ant colony with difficulty.

"He can't control the ants."

Mason narrowed his eyes and instantly came up with an answer:
"At most, it is guidance and cannot be forced to order. This little thief who robs the way is just pretending to be a tiger!"


Mason reminded K-Squad's master hacker:

"Electromagnetic disruptor preparation."

"It's already being prepared, it's being activated, and it's targeting the sky."

Batgirl said in the newsletter:

"You figured it out too, right? Mason, these ant colonies aren't well-manipulated at all, they're just mimicking ants' predation patterns of action.

This is a scare hoax. "

"I'll know in a while."

Mason sneered, and after waiting on the spot for a few seconds, the electromagnetic interference waves shot from the rear spider car smashed into the sky like invisible shells.

The mechanical flying ants flying around Mason and the others seemed to smell something terrible, and suddenly dispersed, like a black cloud in the sky being torn apart.

This allowed Blue Beetle and Bizarro, who were ready for a hard fight, to escape easily with Mason and Harley.

"Right here, land down."

Mason kept calculating the distance, and after leaving the ravine 30 meters away, he let the blue beetle land on the ground.

He took a few steps forward and looked at the ant colony rolling on the ground in front of him.

Even though it was less than two meters away from Mason, it was like an invisible line stuck in front of his eyes, preventing those vicious mechanical ant colonies from taking a step further.

He shook his head, stood up and looked towards the bridge ahead.

Among the guards of tens of thousands of ants stood a thin young man, who was wearing tattered but very religious clothes, with a silver helmet on his head, and two rusty spots on his forehead. An antenna makes it recognizable.

"Where did you get this Ant-Man helmet?"

Mason yelled to the young robbers on the bridge:
"Are you the 'Ant King' of the Ant Gang? You're having fun, kid. Have you frightened many people with this method over the years? Let me ask you! Did you make the corpse in the ditch?"

"What about me?"

Wearing an Ant-Man helmet, the young man who used this thing to control the surrounding mechanical ant colony saw his tricks being exposed, but he was not afraid, so he stood on the bridge with his hips crossed, and threatened Mason:

"These people are as smart as you! They all figured out that my 'little brothers' wouldn't leave this area, and they all guessed that I couldn't force them.

So they plan to kill me and take the helmet, and you plan to do the same?
You can try it. "

"Hey, if this kind of thing didn't have an 'emergency berserk mode' or something, I would laugh at Dr. Pym's poor skills. It's not so easy to get me fooled, kid."

Mason waved his hand, gestured to Harry, and said:
"Being so vicious at such a young age, this wasteland is indeed crouching fire, hidden dragon, but I'm not here to discuss this with you today, we don't have money with us, I can give you food and water.

Anyway, you took the money and went to the nearby black market to buy these things, but I won't give it to you for nothing.

Do you have a Pym Particle in hand? "

Seeing that Harry took out a bottle of pure water and threw it on the bridge, the vigilant young man picked up the water and tested it with a strange instrument. After confirming that there was no toxin, he turned around and took a big gulp, and wiped his mouth freely. Then he turned to Mason and said:
"What did you say about Pym? What's that?"

"A liquid like a drink, purple in color, sealed in a small unbreakable test tube."

Mason described the shape of Pym particles to him, and then asked:
"If you can find the Ant-Man helmet, you must have found an area like Dr. Pim's laboratory nearby. There should be such a thing there. If you can't use it, why not give it to me?

The price I give will definitely satisfy you.

There is no need to worry about the future, the robbery place you chose is really wonderful, the only way to New Babylon is stuck here, and we can't deal with the berserk mechanical ant colony.

You see, I'm a smart guy.

I won't try to take your helmet, I just want Pym particles. "

The deal Mason proposed made the young men on the bridge hesitate, and after nearly half a minute of silence, he shouted:

"If I have, what do you plan to give in exchange?"

"I just said, food and water."

Mason snapped his fingers, and Harry shrugged and unfastened the magic pocket on his waist. With a wave, a small warehouse of purified water, emergency food, and a large pile of snacks appeared in front of him, piled up like a hill.

These things are absolute hard currency in the wasteland, and they are things that even money can't buy in the current situation.

Mason took a few packs of "samples", without fear of the mechanical ants gathering around him, he threw them on the bridge, and the vigilant young people "inspected" them first.

After confirming that everything was edible and tasted good, the young man in the Ant-Man helmet gestured and said:
"Well, the Pym particles you're talking about, I did find a small box. That thing almost killed me ahem, anyway, it's really useless for us to hold it.

I can exchange it for you.

But I want five times that amount for food and water! "

This is obviously the lion's mouth wide open.

The old wolf on the spider car who listened to this condition frowned frequently. He said to Mason in the communication:
"The amount of food you gave him is enough for a force of dozens of people to feed for a month. He is deliberately embarrassing us. Dr. Pym has been dead for 17 years, and the things he left may have been damaged long ago.

Beware of scams. "

"It's okay, we don't lack food and water."

Barbara next to him explained while debugging strange things:

"But Pym particles are very precious. Although I don't know what they are, I have heard Mason talk about it several times. If we can exchange samples with only food and water, then we will make a lot of money no matter how much we pay." gone."

The old wolf obviously knew what Pym particles were, and he didn't persuade him any more. After Mason agreed, the "Ant King" on the bridge activated some functions with his helmet.

A few minutes later, a group of ants came to the bridge carrying a dilapidated small box with the logo of Pym Technology on it, which made Mason raise his eyebrows.

Food and water are also prepared on his side.

Zod, who volunteered to serve as a trader, completed the payment of money and delivery of goods surrounded by mechanical ants.

"Okay, you can go."

The ant king, who got food and water, and learned to use the magic bag, grinned.

He waved his hand, and the red light on his helmet was shining, driving the mechanical ant colony back to the ground, then pointing in the direction behind him, he threatened Mason and his group:
"Don't come to us, wise man, I'll only say this once, if you dare to come, you will be at your own risk!"

After speaking, he quickly disappeared into the hills behind the bridge with his luggage in hand.

Mason opened the old small box in his hand, and there was only a small bottle of purple-red liquid in it. Seeing this, Harry was furious and complained that he had been cheated.

But for Mason, this small tube of Pym particles in front of him is enough.

He picked it up and looked at it in front of his eyes, and the information label popped up:
Pym particles
Quality: Legendary Engineering/Alchemy Creation·Perfect Craft
Effect: It is used to drive a series of quantum combat devices and scientific instruments developed by Dr. Pym. It can also be used roughly to destroy the existence stability of the target object and impose a state of [Quantum Destruction] on it.


This item can only be stored in a specific container, and if it leaks, it will have dire consequences.

Producer: Hank Pym
Item description: The sum of all the bits and pieces you gained from this trip is not as good as this cute little thing. The most ridiculous thing is that you actually exchanged a pile of bread and water for it. Good luck, Mason.


The formula analysis of this item requires Engineering Lv8 and Alchemy Lv8.

"It's worth it."

He calmed the irritable Harry, and put this small tube of Pym particles into his special safe. This thing is extremely valuable, and it cannot be measured by money or materials at all.

What's more, how could a guy as cunning as Mason not keep a hand?

"Have you found his whereabouts?"

Back on the spider car, Mason asked after everyone had passed the bridge for nearly five kilometers. The red light in the eyes of Barbara sitting next to him kept beating, and she said in a hoarse voice:
"If I hadn't just strengthened my brain with super soldier serum, it would take up two-thirds of my RAM cache just to support the running of this nano-scale tracker.

The bad news is that the little guy is sneaky, and the area he's hiding in blocks the signal.

The good news is, we're better than that.

He is hiding underground!
The tracking line has been issued, and the signal simulation of the mechanical ant colony has also been completed. "

Barbara popped a split chip out of the running personal computer, loaded it into a USB drive-like device, and handed it to the poker-faced Zod who was ready to go.

She exhorts:

"Put this thing close to your body, and the mechanical ant colony will not attack you. Go in according to the route, fast in and fast out, and don't touch anything on the road."


Zod nodded, got up from the speeding spider car, flew into the sky with a vertical leap, and galloped towards the rear.

Want to run after taking Mason's stuff?

Although the 'Ant King' was trained to be vicious and cunning by this wasteland, he was obviously a little too naive.

"Mr. K! How did you put the tracker on that guy?"

Harry asked in surprise:
"You obviously haven't come into contact with him! Can the skills of the bat cubs put the tracker be completed by mind now?"

"Stupid Harry!"

The blue beetle flying next to him covered his stomach and was about to laugh out loud. He reminded:
"That bottle of water! That greedy guy took a sip of water, remember? The nano-scale tracker is hidden in the water, and I just realized it."

"So it's not right!"

Still frowning, Harry said:
"The water was all produced in Osborne Tower, and it was not opened halfway! Mr. K has no chance to put a tracker in it?"

"Uh, is there such a possibility?"

Barbara glanced at Mason with his eyes closed and meditating, and said in a low voice:
"When those waters were filled, were the trackers put in? It's not a problem with any one bottle, Halle, it's in all of them.

You have it all in your body right now, it just doesn't need to be activated. "

The atmosphere on the entire spider car suddenly became weird. Harry rubbed her flat belly, she glanced at Mason, her Mr. K shrugged, and said in a drawn out voice:

"This is just a proper 'protection', lest you go missing and I can't find you, don't think too much, and you have seen it too, it is never a loss to prepare early, right?"

And in the back of the spider car, the silent eagle eye took a sip of wine, and said to the daughter rubbing her belly with a weird face beside her in a hoarse voice:
"This is the new boss you chose for yourself! Ashley, now, do you still have the confidence to think that you have played with him?"

"The Pym's Cross is here! Gentlemen."

The only one who didn't participate in the discussion, the old wolf who had been driving silently, suddenly said something to make everyone look forward.

They were curious about why the intersection closest to New Babylon was marked with the surname of "Pim". At this time, when the spider car passed a mountain depression, everyone understood the reason.

This intersection leading in different directions is at the foot of the mountain ahead.

It was not born naturally, but a huge skeleton nearly a hundred feet high lay there.

Its pale arms point north and south, while its head and broken legs point east and west. Seen from a height, this is the posture of a person who has fallen with his hands spread out.

This is the origin of the Pym Cross.

"During the nuclear war, he blocked the Red Skull's pursuers by himself, buying time for the evacuation of 10,000+ people in New York City. The mechanical ant controlled by the 'Ant King' just now is probably released by Dr. Pym in the last fight ultimate weapon."

The old wolf said hoarsely:

"And after that night, this place was called 'Pym's Cross', and the people who survive in the wasteland are those who were evacuated and their descendants.

It can be said that this place is a holy place that everyone knows.

Clint is stubborn to go to New Babylon, we have to go in the direction of Pym's thigh, and we are going to the old site of Xavier College, we have to go straight in the direction of his left hand.

The two places are nearly a hundred kilometers apart and must be separated. "

"I'm going all the way with Mr. K!"

Harry raised his hand and yelled, but no one objected.

Mason looked at the huge Pym cross in front of him, he turned his head and said to Barbara:

"You follow Clint to New Babylon, keep in touch and stick to plan."


Batgirl nodded.

Apparently she and Mason had made some plans before setting off.

But everyone can't leave now, because the black-clothed superman Zod has not finished capturing and tracking the "Ant King". Mason has a lot of ideas about the power of the mechanical ant colony he saw with his own eyes just now.

He has always felt that Barbara's self-protection ability is a bit weak as a master hacker, and he has to assign a person to protect her every time he takes action.

This model obviously cannot last long, so it is better to take this opportunity to "upgrade" Barbara Gordon.

"I think you should have a new title, old lady."

Mason rubbed his chin, and said to Barbara who was tracking Zod's whereabouts while performing a self-examination of the prosthetic body:
"What do you think of the nickname 'Queen of the Ants'?"

"It's not good, it sucks."

Barbara moved her shoulders uncomfortably, and said:

"I grew up disliking ants."


Mason curled his lips and said:
"Then you probably have to learn to like it from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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