The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 211 9. The Boots of Destruction Finally Fall

Chapter 211 9. The Boots of Destruction Finally Fall

The overnight change reached its peak in the early hours of the next day, which surprised the pirates in the entire Port of Virginia. Both novice navigators and veteran sailors noticed that the ocean was changing.

Ocean currents and sea breezes have changed.

Ships of all sizes have appeared on the sea in the distance, and after talking with them, I realized that those ships came from other islands in the Caribbean Sea.

They claimed to have seen the incarnation of Ms. Colypso, the goddess of the sea, last night, and asked them to leave here immediately to seek the last shelter under the doomsday.

Poseidon has fulfilled her agreement with Mason, and has controlled the currents of the sea as much as possible to open up a "fast track" for other survivors.

As long as you enter this unique and magical ocean current, you can reach Virginia City within a few hours even in the Atlantic Ocean. You don't even need to steer the course, just follow the sea wind all the way forward.

But Colypso's actions did not inform the Pirate Kings in the port, which shocked and angered the members of the Pirate King Council headed by Barbossa.

At this time, they put all their energy on expanding the territory and thinking that this is a "solitary walk" of the goddess of the sea, and they will be annoyed and shouting to find them with the trident that is enough to check and balance Colypso. The Sea God asked for an explanation.

This was not in the plans of the Pirate King Council.

Obviously, they still don't understand where the root cause of the Sea Goddess's behavior comes from?


The door of the conference hall, which occupied the most luxurious area of ​​Virginia City, was pushed open by two pirates, one tall and one short, wearing armor and pretending to be mighty, nodding and bowing.

Mason, who was wearing an invisibility cloak as a "robe", didn't go in immediately.

Standing on this high place, he overlooked the huge and bustling city in front of him. From here, it was not difficult to see that the city still had various traces left after it was breached by zombies.

But in just over half a month, the survivors who were no longer afraid of viruses and zombies rebuilt the first city in the post-apocalyptic era from the ruins.

They exploded with unimaginable architectural enthusiasm.

Even if there were a large number of zombies gathering not far outside the city, it still couldn't stop the civilians from repairing the collapsed houses.

"Give them a little more time, and they can even open fields. Looking at the smiles on those people's faces, I really can't tell them that the lifespan of this world is less than two days.

Maybe even in the next second. "

Barbara beside Mason said with some regret:

"They are working so hard, but it is a pity that fate is not tolerant of them."

"It's ok."

The second barrel with the red helmet held Mr. Hunter's saber and said calmly:
"I went to Peter's side and there is an abandoned city for them to live in. They can repair as much as they want! The most important thing is to survive right now. People who have experienced the ravages of the 'Black Death' should understand this very well."

Mason didn't express any emotion. Before entering the noisy hall in front of him, he took out the hourglass he carried with him and looked again. There was not much gravel left on the top.

"John, what's going on with you?"

Mason asked a question in the team communication, and Zha Kang's unspirited voice quickly rang out:

"Jack and I found the biggest gate in this city, which is the gate of this city. It is not a big problem to pass dozens of people at the same time, and now we are resetting the components of the transfer gate.

This thing needs tweaking, luckily it's a magic side item so I can figure it out.

As long as an hour at most. "


Mason said something, then strode into the meeting hall in front of him.

This place was originally the town hall of the city, and now it is occupied by the Pirate Kings to discuss some weird and messy things, such as they just established the flags and emblems of the various pirate kingdoms three days ago.
As Barbara said, when seeing these guys show such great enthusiasm for the new life in the future, even the second barrel was a little moved.

It's hard to talk them out of it.

But fortunately, Mason has special "persuasion skills", and he feels that he does not need to waste his time.

"Hey, Master Mason! Your arrival really makes this city flourish!"

When Mason walked into the hall, many people he knew or didn't know stood up and greeted him.

Some of them are heroes I have seen in Turtle Island before, and some are other sea heroes who came here to "join the grand event".

But without exception, these guys all knew who gave them the strength to resist the Black Death, so even though most of them were rebellious bastards, they all maintained the least superficial respect for Mason.

This is a good thing.

The lord of Virginia City, the legendary great pirate Barbossa dragged his wooden legs forward and gave Mason a warm hug. This old sea dog dressed himself no differently from an upper-class nobleman.

The only problem is that no matter how luxurious the clothes and wig are, they can't cover up the smell of the sea on this guy.

"Did you instigate Colypso's business? My friend."

With a smirk on his face, he pulled Mason up to the podium, and asked another question in a low voice.

"I won't talk about this today, there are more important things to tell you."

Mason smiled.

He looked at all kinds of weird flags planted around the high platform and the representatives of various forces sitting in the seats below and whispering to each other. After deliberating for a few seconds, he put the hourglass in his hand on the table in front of him and cleared the air. throat, said:
"Everyone, my reappearance is to give you a warning. The end is here, it is on the way, and soon this world will cease to exist."

The big pirates in the first row stopped whispering almost immediately, and this silence soon spread to the entire hall, and everyone fell silent.

They suspect they have heard it wrong.

But from Mason's serious face, they saw that this guy didn't seem to be joking, so an even louder noise suddenly filled the hall.

There were also irritable guys who got up and questioned, but no matter how loud their voices were, they were quickly drowned out in the chaotic noise.


A few seconds later, a gunshot interrupted all the discussion and astonishment. Barbossa, with a gloomy face, was holding a flintlock gun that was still emitting smoke.

He stood up, stared at Mason, and said in a bad tone:
"My friend, this joke is not funny!"

"I'm sure I'm not joking, Barbossa."

Mason pulled out his penguin umbrella.

The evil ghost's umbrella handle that originally contained the umbrella sword was replaced with a golden delicate solid ball covered with geometric patterns, like a special scepter, emitting a golden shimmer when Mason's fingers touched it.

It was as if a faint halo spread from his body, and the golden apple's thinking force field was opened.

Even in the eyes of the rebellious pirates at this moment, His Excellency Mason who was speaking was full of majesty that could not be seen directly, so the noisy hall immediately fell silent.

They strained their ears to hear Mason's next words, a voice telling them that the words were important and they must obey.

Mason said:
"When the last bit of grit runs out that's when the end comes, and my mates and I spend a lot of time looking at it all as we try to find ways to resist it.

Sadly, the end is unstoppable.

Fortunately, we have a way to avoid disaster at our fingertips.

After a maximum of two hours, a door to another world will open at the gate of Virginia City. Through that door, you can leave this dying world and enter a strange place to continue your life.

It's not a perfect paradise.

Just like here, that world has also been hit by the Black Death, and the situation there is a bit more serious than yours, but this is the best solution that can be found so far.

Last night, I had a conversation with Ms. Colypso.

She sent warnings to other survivors' towns because of my instruction. This is not to shake your majesty, my pirate kings, this is just an emergency strategy to save more people. "

"I do not believe!"

As soon as Mason finished speaking, a gentleman with a blond wig got up excitedly, waved his hands and shouted. He was able to resist under the pressure of the golden apple, which proved that he was a man with a firm mind.

Under the pressure of his heart, he shouted:

"We obviously have the magic medicine, and we have reached an agreement with Sea God! We can expel the ghouls and take back our hometown! Obviously everything is going in a good direction.

His Majesty the King has also issued a decree to regain the mainland
It shouldn't be like this!


How dare you confuse the crowd at this time!You deserve to be burned at the stake! "

The old gentleman's scream obviously represented the thoughts of many people in the hall, but the power of the golden apple was constantly released, and Mason came to announce the decision rather than discuss it with them.

Under his cold gaze, the whole hall fell silent again after a few seconds, and he said:

"Of course I don't force everyone to leave, if you think I'm joking, you can move freely. But if you want to live, you know where to take your family.

I've said all I need to say. "

After speaking, Mason picked up the hourglass and left the hall amidst the loud cries behind him regardless of the "old friends".

He also wants to go to the old spider's world to see how Quint will protect the vassal world from the impact disaster, and he doesn't have much time to waste here.

But when Mason and Barbara left with two barrels left, the gloomy Barbosa limped and strode up.

This old pirate is no nonsense.

He took out a key from his pocket and stuffed it into Mason's hand, whispering:

"In the treasury of my captain's cabin, the trident is there, you go get it yourself! Don't disturb other people, and I have a request, there is another thing in my captain's cabin that you have to take with you Walk.

Whether what you just said is true or not, I want you to close this deal. "

"Barbossa, what I say is true."

Mason looked at the treasure house key in his hand, and said:

"You can give me this thing to show that you also believe this, hurry up and leave, there is no point in staying here."

"But I'm a pirate."

Barbossa grinned, showing his large gold teeth.

The greasy big pirate snorted, held his waist knife and said:
"Crude guys like us will never compromise with the damn fate, even if there is a doomsday, I have to see it with my own eyes to convince myself to give up everything I have now.

Maybe your prediction was wrong?

Maybe I can really build a kingdom of my own and sit on all the wealth?Unlike that coward Jack, I don't throw in the towel and leave the game before it's over.

Mason, you may not think so, but I do consider you a friend.

Please protect the most precious treasure in my life.

If you lose it, I will not let you go even if I become a ghost! "

After finishing speaking, the old pirate snorted, turned around and walked towards his group of cronies surrounded by a group of guards.

Mason didn't waste any time. He immediately rushed to the pier with Barbara and Er Tuan to board the Queen Anne's Revenge, and opened the captain's cabin with Barbossa's key.

While seeing the treasure house where the Sea God Trident was stored, he also saw the young girl standing on a chair observing the sky through a huge complicated telescope.

She was so serious that she didn't even notice the three people walking into the cabin behind her.

"she is"

Barbara asked in a low voice, Mason nodded, and gestured to Ertu:

"No time to explain, knock me out, take me away!"

Er Tong stepped forward without mercy, slashed the girl's neck with his palm, picked her up and put her in Barbara's arms, picked up her dropped notebook and placed it beside her.

And Mason has already used the key to open the big pirate's treasure chest, and in that long box is a rather weird thing from all aspects.

Said it was the Seagod Trident.

But it's more like some kind of weird coral twisted and grown "artwork", without any characteristics that a weapon should have, just like a dead wood in the sea.

The three forks at the top are not even symmetrical, and the overall look is very shabby.

Er Tong, who has a lot of research on cold weapons, came over and took a look, then shook his head and said:
"It's not a weapon for combat at all. You don't even need to try it to know that the center of gravity and balance are messed up, and the sturdiness is also questionable. I doubt that the pirates may have obtained fakes."

"not real."

Mason stretched out his hand and said softly:
"Although many people have rumored that this trident originated from the age of the gods, in fact, the level of power in this world is not enough to give birth to a powerful sea god like Poseidon.

Colypso already represents the pinnacle of power in this world, and you've seen that she's actually just a top-notch super villain, probably even worse than Zhou Ke'er in terms of appearance.

Moreover, this thing is not used to fight.

This is obviously a 'staff'. "

He touched the unremarkable "Trident" in front of him, and the information label quickly popped up:
Trident/Heart of the Sea/Stand of Moses
Quality: Legendary Jewelcrafting Item · Perfect Craft

Traits: Wave Control, Divine Purification, Ocean Control, Divine Container

Item effects:

[-]. The Heart of the Sea:

The trident was conceived from the depths of the sea, and has the power to purify all curses and darkness related to the sea. When holding this item, it will be immune to all curse effects under the divinity, and can heal injuries caused by contamination with darkness or purify any curse. .

[-]. Divine things:
The legendary trident has the most original divinity in this world. It can be used to store divine power or release divine power to fight against the same power. It is rumored that this trident has the power to change fate.

[-]. Torrent control:
When holding the trident, you will gain control of the sea, and the strength of this ability depends on the user's control of energy.

Producer: None

Item description: Hold it up and part the sea in front of everyone, and see who dares to call you a magic stick in the future, but remember to hold it lightly, it is really brittle.
"Looks like I guessed right."

Mason picked up the ugly trident in the box, he signaled Ertong to raise his left hand and touched the trident to the ghost claw tattoo on his arm.

Er Tong frowned immediately, and said:

"I don't feel anything."

"Nonsense, I haven't started yet."

Mason took a deep breath, and used the skill of manipulating magic fire to mobilize weak magic power into the trident.

In the next moment, amidst the reverberation of the rolling waves, the ghost claw tattoo on Er Tong's left arm quickly lit up, and then gradually "degenerated" back to its original form under the horrified gazes of him and Barbara. state.

"It's effective, but it's not enough to get rid of this soul curse. It seems that the divine power is too weak."

Mason regretfully tapped the trident on the ground, stroked his chin and said:
"I probably know why Starsburg pays so much attention to Colypso's divinity. It has nothing to do with how much it is. It's just that we can't let any trace of divine power flow to the opponent.

The hunters may also be secretly trying to use this power that does not belong to mortals to escape the manipulation of the devil.Sure enough, one of Zhakang's previous conjectures was correct.

The curse bestowed by the godhead can only be counteracted at the symbolic level by divine power. "

While talking, Mason tossed the trident to the second barrel without much interest, and said:
"Take it to John, say it's his salary allowance for the next six months, and if he dares to say that I'm stingy in the future, he will kick him hard for me."

The three of them walked out of the cabin with Barbossa's unconscious daughter. They wanted to part ways to seize the time to prepare for the next battle.

But at the moment of getting off the boat, the three of Mason looked up at the same time as if feeling something.

They felt a majestic force suddenly appear above this world as if some barriers were torn apart.

Following the eyes of the three of them, what caught their eyes was the reflection of the other side above the sky, like the glimmer of light in the gaps of the interlaced curtains, and they could glimpse another world slowly emerging from the abyss of stars.

The ascent of the planet between reality and reality has occupied the sky, like a reflection in a mirror, and like a cruel curtain finally opened.

They are attracting each other bit by bit and getting closer to each other.

Just like you and me between lovers, like glue, until the last moment of passionate collision, the two worlds will fall apart in an instant.

"My God!"

Barbara exclaimed, and Mason also clenched his fists. He subconsciously looked at the hourglass in his hand, and the last drop of gravel was falling into the sand below.

The end of Shock is coming!

It finally appeared in front of Mason, just like all imaginations, unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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