The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 189 72. As long as there is enough power, craftsmen like us don't pursue those

Chapter 189 72. As long as there is enough power, craftsmen like us don't pursue those
John Wick, the Brotherhood Assassin saint, was tied to a chair with two ropes bound up and down his arms and legs, a humiliating captivity for a saint.

But the problem is that the person who kidnapped him gave him some kind of strange potion, which caused John Wick to feel weak in his hands and feet, nauseated and unable to perform all his abilities.

There is also a needle on his wrist that is used to inject vials and is connected to a very special blood pump.

The thing is very precise and comes with a centrifuge function. Wick's blood will be purified into serum that can be processed and used after a few minutes.

Worst of all, John Wick was sober throughout the whole process.

He looked at the young figure in front of him who was busy in the half-destroyed underground parking lot. The latter put a strange golden cup on the table and ignited a fire to boil a strange liquid in it.

There are all kinds of strange things in his hand.

From advanced molecular sieves to medieval-style condenser tubes, these things with completely different styles are combined together, and they work in a way that Wick can't understand at all.

"Are you trying to break free?"

While dealing with the raw materials at hand, Mason set up a portable alchemy array, took out an alchemy stone and pinched it in his hand to activate the alchemy.

With a flash of red light, several bottles of potions appeared in his hand, but these advanced potions were not used directly, in fact, Mason just used them as a solution for further processing materials.

While he was busy, he said without turning his head:
"Don't try it, I gave you ten times the dose of Bat Weakness Potion, at this dose, even Superman would cry for Martha, and Veritaserum was injected into your blood vessels at a rate of one drop every 3 minutes.

The high concentration of Isu blood in your body may allow you to guarantee clear thinking in this situation, but please believe me, you will answer whatever I ask you in the next few minutes.

No need to struggle.

It's not your fault for leaking secrets. Who made you meet a rare alchemist like me? "


Hearing this, Wick, who was tied up, bit off his tongue decisively, and spit out the broken flesh and blood on the ground.

This process must have been painful, but the expressionless Assassin Saint didn't seem to be aware of his actions at all.

Mason glanced back at him, then at the blood stains on the ground, and said:

"Hey, I really deserve to be an assassin with faith. I don't care about other people's lives, let alone my own. But if you think this will allow you to keep a secret, you'd be underestimating me."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward to take out a bottle of epic healing potion purified by the golden cup, squeezed John Wick's bloody mouth and poured it down.

His body was already very tough due to the awakening of the Isu blood, and his ability to accept healing potions was also super strong.

In just ten seconds, he felt his tongue was healing.

This made Wick struggle, but Mason just gave a low smile and picked up the special cloak he had seized from the assassin saint before.

This golden thing looks very luxurious, especially the strange and mysterious lines on the cloak that glow in the dark, making it full of the feeling of the future.

Mason stared at it, and the information label quickly popped up:

Shroud of Prometheus

Quality: Legendary Engineering/Tailoring Items Immortal Crafting
Item effects:

[-]. Biological healing:

The cloak is made of ancient Isu technology, which can effectively heal the injuries of all living organisms it touches. When worn with Isu armor, it will give the user [Super Healing] and [Life Locking] effects.


When the engineering attainment reaches Lv6 or has Isu blood, the [Holy Purification Program] of the cloak can be activated, and the high-energy particles it emits can dispel all curses, injuries and poisoning effects on the user.

[-]. Fire Stealer:
The ancient Isu Consus made this cloak to transfer biological consciousness. The blessing of unknown technology makes the cloak have the ability to replicate biological signals and allows the user to communicate with the ancient Isu biological signals stored in the cloak.

When the engineering attainment reaches Lv8 or has Isu blood, the [Biological Consciousness Transfer Program] of the cloak can be activated to digitize the soul and consciousness of a specific object and store it in the cloak to avoid soul collapse caused by physical death.

Creator: Consus the Ancient Isu
Item description: The shroud of Jesus refers to this thing, and the miracle of resurrection in three days also originated from it. In addition, another name of the Isu Consus in mythology is Prometheus.

"No wonder you are still alive and kicking after being shot several times. It almost made me think that the mutation of the Isu blood gave you the ability to be immortal."

Mason draped the Isu cloak on his body, and glanced at the assassin saint who was glaring at him. The latter's tongue injury had been healed.

Mason asked:

"How many assassin saints are there in this world?"

Wick gritted his teeth and refused to answer.

However, the veritaserum that was dripped into the blood vessel every 3 minutes continued to take effect, so under Mason's smiling gaze, his blushing cheeks finally said in a hoarse voice after 1 minute:

"174 bits."

"Very well, that's a good start."

Mason smiled, turned around and walked back to his temporary workbench to continue concocting the potion he was preparing. He put the serum collected from Wick into Hufflepuff's golden cup to purify.

There was already a pale golden liquid in the golden chalice, and as Wick's serum was added to it, the amount of liquid began to increase.

He carefully observed the changes in the "Isu Serum" being purified in the golden cup, and asked without looking back:

"How many of these 174 saints were created by Abstergo's Phoenix Project?"


Wick felt like he was going crazy.

As a powerful and professional assassin, he received rigorous training from an early age to make himself the inheritor of the ancient creed, but the miraculous Isu power could not stop this evil potion from continuing to take effect.

This made the Assassin Saint feel a kind of shame.

But the "desire to share" from his heart made him have to tell everything that Mason was interested in.

"Oh? That is to say, in this era, no matter whether it is the Assassin Brotherhood or the Templars, there are no natural saints born on both sides? It seems that the quality of your generation is very poor."

Mason glanced back at the flushed assassin, and said:

"Then let me change the question. Is the Isu demigod who lived more than 2000 years ago still alive? You know who I'm talking about, the mediator between the Assassins and the Templars, the defender who balances chaos and order Where is Lady Cassandra, Granddaughter of Leonidas I, Falconer of Sparta, and Knower of All Mysteries?"

"I have no idea!"

Wick heaved a sigh of relief the moment this answer came out.

He really didn't know.

He is just an assassin who obeys orders, and that kind of legendary character is not within his reach. It is said that only elders can interact with that legendary god.

"Then what happened to this attack?"

Mason asked:
"Since when did you monitor the Constellation? Was it seven months ago when your world was accidentally discovered?"

"Why do you think you guys discovered us? Arrogance!"

Seeing that he couldn't stand the ravages of Veritaserum, Wick took a deep breath and changed his strategy. He no longer resisted talking to Mason, but started talking nonsense to delay time.

He was weakly tied to the chair, staring at Mason, with a mocking smile on his lonely face, and said:

"We knew about your existence long before you entered this world, you entered this world seven months ago, but the system dedicated to monitoring you was set up twelve months ago.

Our elders and the legendary 'Fates' predicted the emergence of the Constellation two years ago.

You will bring chaos and disaster to this world, but evasion is never an assassin's choice, we are always prepared!

As it turns out, the Golden Apple's mind modification works surprisingly well for you greedy worms.

Every pioneer who walks away with spoils spreads the word of our wealth to more people, and as we expected, more arrogant fools came here to pan for gold.

We only need to pay for some replicas of ancient artifacts, and it is enough to wring all your secrets from your mouths!You poor explorers don't know how to keep secrets.

All it takes is a glass of wine, a game of poker or an arranged romantic encounter.
Hehe, you are the database we use.

But now, this boring game should be over.Facts have proved that you are facing the same crisis as us, but you can't come up with any effective means at all. You are like a group of idiots who are carnival under the doomsday and think they are powerful. "

"Good scolding! It perfectly sums up the image of the stars in my heart."

Mason was even clapping, applauding Wick's brilliant insult.

He glanced at the near-boiling medicine in the crucible next to him, waved his hand and took out a complex distillation device from his bag and connected it to the electric box in the underground parking lot.

While he was busy, he said:

"So the device that you are activating now that can cut off the connection between the world is the device that has been protecting you for a long time in the past?

I guess it was made by the Isu to protect the world.

I ask you, Wick, have you experienced a shock? "


The Assassin Saint gasped and said:
"The ancient artifact has protected this world twice, keeping us from the malicious interference of the stars, but it has also been severely damaged, which is why we have to close the 'Aurora Device' to get in touch with you.

We had hoped to find a way to end the apocalypse in you, after all you seemed confident.

However, it turns out that all this is just a waste of time.

You know no more than we do, and in the face of the same calamity we longed to find a partner, while you took advantage of the dawn of the Dark Ages to launch your savage conquests.

You are just wasting your time. "

"I see."

Mason nodded.

He has obtained all the information he wanted to know, and even exceeded the task assigned by Mr. Hunter.

The Odin Golden Apple in his hand doesn't need to be untied again.

Taking the golden apple proved to be just a bait put into the outside world by the assassins of this world. As Zha Kang said, the K team this time topped the tank for Mr. Hunter.

If it weren't for Mason's sudden appearance, Mr. Hunter should have come this time in person.

But now he learned from John Wick that the world has survived two shock events under the protection of the ancient Isu artifact, which made Mason even more interested in this device.

If such a device can be promoted in parallel worlds, does that mean another possibility under the doomsday?
Mason blinked. He knew that to answer this question, he had to go and take a look in front of the "Aurora Device" that was protecting this world.

To enter there, Mason had to arrange a "disguise" for himself in advance.

He looked at the still that was running in front of him, and glanced at the Isu serum that was already being purified in the golden cup, all the preparations were almost done.

"Now I'm going to put you to sleep, Wick."

Mason strode up to the Assassin Saint, looked at him condescendingly, and said:
"Someone told me that you are a time-space alien in this world with two bastards named Johnny Silverhand and John Constantine, and I will not harm your life just because of this.

You may have to follow me to the Great Temple of New York, though. "

"My companions will find you!"

Wick also stared at Mason, angry like a tiger, he gritted his teeth and said:

"This is a trap for you, you have jumped into it, and you don't want to go anywhere."

"Indeed, facing the assassination of a group of assassin saints who are as fierce as you and wield Isu artifacts, let alone me, even Da Chao is here enough for him to drink a few pots."

Mason took out the paralyzing injection and stuck it into the neck of the assassin saint in front of him. He said:
"But you overlooked one point, I am not your enemy.

In fact, for your meticulously prepared killing of the stars, I am so excited that I even want to join in and make up for a few shots.

Many will thank you for the just execution of villains today.

Among them is me.

Go to sleep. "

Mason watched John Wick lower his head and fell into a coma before him. He carefully locked him with bat handcuffs and put him in his suitcase before returning to his workbench.

The sorting hat he placed on the workbench protruded from the outside with a vague human face, saying:

"Are you going to use the Isu bloodline of this world to make reinforcements for yourself? Mason, with all due respect, from my observation, these Isu bloodline reinforcements are not suitable for combat.

The assassins in this world have explored it for an assassination technique, which is the best way to use it.

Compared with the reinforcement formulas you have obtained so far, mixing Isu blood does not bring you outstanding enhancement results. "

"No, hat, I'm not looking for power."

Mason explained:
"The super potential of the Isu in terms of creation and learning is what I need most. I have never been a warrior. As you can see, I am more interested in making things than drawing knives and cutting people.

Things like strength are always tempting to degenerate, making you more and more able to fight but also more and more stupid, so for me, enough strength is enough.

The wisdom I am most proud of is the capital for me to settle down in this dark era.

Besides, there are too many people in the K team who can fight, and I am not one of them. "

"Well, what you said won my heart."

The Sorting Hat was very satisfied with Mason's explanation, and the old man said with a smile:
"I've been worrying about you being influenced by the barbaric habits of the Society of Stars. Now it seems that you have been sober. Yes, this is what a Hogwarts Avenger should look like."

"Stop complimenting me, hat, I'm blushing from what you've said, and if you say a few more words, I'll even be proud and complacent."

Mason opened the distiller and collected a syringe-sized blue liquid from it. He flicked the thing in front of his eyes, and the information label immediately popped up:
Super Adaptive Solution
Quality: Sophisticated Alchemy Creation · Outstanding Craftsmanship
Item utility:

The basic solution based on the super soldier serum and modified formula can be used as an aptamer in the production of alchemy items. This solution is extremely applicable and can effectively adapt to and enhance the effect of various alchemical reinforcements.


The alchemy solution is originally derived from the super soldier serum, so all enhancement items made using this solution will have the effect of strengthening and transforming the body of the drinker.

However, this enhancement is less effective than the original Super Soldier Serum.

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: You ruined a drug that can turn you into a superhuman, which makes people wonder what you want to use it for?

Mason took out a blood-red crystal the size of a little fingernail from his arms, and threw it into the solution in his hand with a distressed expression, and then purified the gold cup to a sufficient concentration while a large number of bubbles and liquid turned into blood. The Isu Serum of the Isu was also mixed into it in a delicate way.

Even just holding the test tube, Mason's fingers could feel the power contained in the medicine he had just made.

He knew that drinking it by himself would mean the beginning of a new life.

"Although I made it myself, I don't even have a shelf life or a list of ingredients. It's really worrying about the effect of this thing. If something happens, I can't ask myself for compensation, right?"

He complained, raised his head and drank the bloody liquid in one gulp.

"No orange flavor, I like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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