The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 178 61. Batman!Your son is in my hands!Quickly take 2 to redeem people!

Chapter 178 61. Batman!Your son is in my hands!Quickly take 20 to redeem people!

In the hiding place under the container area of ​​Pier [-] in Miller Harbor, the Poison Ivy girl who was brought here looked at the two world doors in front of her in surprise.

Especially when Mason told her that after twisting this thing, she would be able to lead to another world. As a top villain in Gotham, she was well-informed, but for a moment, Ivy really felt that Mason might be under too much pressure, so Crazy.

But it didn't look like he was joking, so Poison Ivy fell into silent thinking.

People who can make a name for themselves in Gotham may have a bad heart, but their brains are definitely good. After a few seconds, Ivy figured out the cause and effect. She glanced at Mason and said:
"So, everything that happened in Gotham during this time."

"It's all about this door."

Mason reached out and touched the delicate brass handle, and said softly:

"To be precise, it is related to the organization that made these doors. Their eyes have already set their sights on our world. The last attempt was just the beginning.

From what I know of them, they will not stop until they achieve their goals.

And I don't want to lie to you that we're an organization of heroes who save the world, and most of the members of K-Squad aren't that noble, but we really aren't helping.

And we need your strength now, and you'll see why after it's over.

But Ivy, even now you can still refuse, you have to go through this door twice before accepting a heavy fate and a curse of an uncertain future.

I have to say the guys were really sweet and they gave an 'experience' package. "

"You really admitted it, Mason."

Poison Ivy folded her arms and looked suspiciously at the unattractive World Gate in front of her. She said:

"You should wait until after we've passed and when I can't go back. Are you not afraid that I will tell Batman what happened here?"

"Don't you think he doesn't know?"

Mason showed a meaningful smile and said:

"I'm [-]% sure, the master is very clear about what I'm doing in Gotham, in fact, when we decided to use Gotham as a base of activities, I was already ready to be discovered.

It's just that I was quite surprised that he didn't rush over to confront me immediately, and you were out of luck, just in time for a critical moment.

I can clarify all the doubts in my mind, and you may also be lucky enough to witness the approaching disaster covering countless parallel worlds.


I know the future I'm rendering is scary.

But don't be afraid, at least we won't die today.

If you don't want to, I can send you back, Konstantin has learned very powerful magic, it only takes a few seconds for you to forget everything here. "

"Then I'll go and have a look."

Poison Ivy flicked her long fiery red hair, she hesitated for a moment, looked left and right and said in a low voice:

"Have you heard of 'All Things Green,' Mason."

"Well, the guardian and punisher of all things, the derivative and balancer of the source of life."

Mason looked at Poison Ivy, nodded and said:
"I heard that you are also part of that mysterious force?"

"It's just a small part, not as deeply involved as the swamp monster, so the poor guy is deeply involved, and I can't help it."

Poison Ivy sighed and said:

"But even if only a small part of the power was given to me, it made me suffer. In fact, a large part of the reason why I have been so manic and hysterical in the past few years is from the influence of the green of all things.

On the one hand, I was hiding in Arkham Asylum because I was unlucky to be caught by Batman, and on the other hand, I was afraid that I would do more terrible things outside.

For the green of all things urges me.

do you understand me?Mason.

Although I hated human society before, I was not crazy enough to become a terrorist.

But the source of life and the force of nature in this world have sensed the danger, and it's not just me who has been affected by the foreknowledge and anxiety. As far as I know, the swamp monster has been wandering around the whole world a long time ago.

It's looking for something.

Although I'm not sure yet, since I met you, the manic influence that the Green of All Things has had on me seems to have disappeared, and the potion is only part of the reason.

That's more like an introduction or some kind of omen."

Ivy pursed her lips.

She looked at the door of the world in front of her, and after a few seconds of silence, she said:

"Maybe I'm the forerunner it chose, and that's my fate. Open the door, let me see the world and be a pioneer cannon fodder for the natural forces of this world.

Alas, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes! "

"It's normal and nothing to worry about."

Mason pointed to the sky while turning the door lock to Hogwarts and said:
"The Justice League has assembled, and the bigwigs in the magic circle are recruiting troops. With the power of the Green of All Things, it is normal for it to detect the doomsday crisis in advance.

Anyway, welcome to Team K, Ivy, you can think of us as the pioneers that this world sends to the end, even though we don't have any official authorization. "

After finishing speaking, he pushed open the door and strode into the floating starlight. Poison Ivy stood there with her eyes closed and communicated with some invisible will and power, and then she felt a rush.

So obvious, so clear.

She also lifted her footsteps, and tentatively walked into the light curtain in front of her eyes, and then the light shone in front of her eyes, making her appear on the top floor of Zha Kang's mage tower.

The trees around this three-story magic apartment have been cut down by the pirates, and Zha Kang has opened a huge potion field here.

Because the rich magic infiltration inside the Forbidden Forest makes the soil here very fertile, the various potion seeds that were sprinkled half a month ago have now blossomed and bore fruit, making the surroundings of the entire three-story apartment colorful.

Mason stood on the top of the building and looked down. Two-thirds of the pirates on the Black Pearl had been taken away by Captain Jack, and the rest had adapted to life here. They were working hard or patrolling in order to leave here as soon as possible. Gotham City enjoys peace and prosperity.

"This land, this forest is alive!"

The Poison Ivy girl who went in and out of the precious land could no longer hear the green of all things chattering in her mind, which made this top villain feel a burst of relief.

But before she could smile, she felt something different in the Forbidden Forest.

She raised her hand as if to touch something invisible, and after a moment she said to Mason:
"This forest wants us to clean up the dead. It's begging, but you can't hear me. I can! I can hear it clearly. It doesn't like the dead walking through it."

"Well, there are indeed some theories in the Hogwarts spellbooks that the ever-spreading Forbidden Forest itself is a living will, but I didn't expect this statement to be true."

Mason rubbed his chin and asked:
"Can you ask it, are there any living people here? Maybe someone escaped here when the disaster happened?"


Ivy shook her head and said:
"It's sad, it's an aversion to death, it says the whole world is dead but it's alive. It says you took the last life from here."

"Maybe it says this?"

Mason took out the phoenix eggs in his luggage, looked at Ivy, who nodded and said:
"It begs you to take good care of this egg, which is the last life in this world to survive the disaster, and it also thanks you for saving the little unicorn that should have died.

and many more!

You guys also found unicorns here? "

"No one knows what's in this forest."

Mason shook his head and said:
"I heard there are giants here."

"Yes, but it's dead."

Poison Ivy rubbed her forehead and said:

"The will of the Forbidden Forest tells me that the giant who died and turned into an evil thing is still wandering in the deepest part of the forest, and it is the one who trapped the giant and prevented it from approaching your base.

It seems to take this as an expression of goodwill. "

"Well, thank it for me then."

Mason thought for a while, and said to Poison Ivy:
"I brought you here to ask you to help us manage the potion field, but now it seems that you and this black forest are surprisingly suitable, Ivy, do you like it here?"

"I can't say I like it, but I don't hate it either."

A peaceful smile appeared on Poison Ivy's green face.

She let out a long breath, opened her arms and turned around in a circle, letting the green skirt dance and grow with the vines, just like a green-skinned and red-haired princess in a fairy tale.

she says:

"It's not a bad thing to get rid of the entanglement of the green of all things. I feel that my will is returning. Maybe I should stay here for a while to let me think about the meaning of my life."

"Okay, John won't be coming back anytime soon, so you can live in this house."

Mason stomped his feet and warned:

"Watch out for those bloody pirates, they might try to hurt a pretty girl like you."


Ivy grinned mysteriously, and with a wave of her hand, several nearby plants grew rapidly and turned into vines, winding around her like a terrifying python.

She stroked the docile vine by her hand and said:
"It's not sure who is bullying who. The Forbidden Forest begged me to help eliminate those dead who carry the power of pollution. You also entrusted me to help you manage this potion field. I will be very busy in the future.

I also just needed some help.

No, Mason, Captain, please help me take care of Harley, and go back after I finish my work here. "

"The relationship between the two of you is really good."

Mason pouted and said:
"Are you sure they're just ordinary friends or girlfriends? After all, you and Selena's previous convictions are there, so I have to doubt the truth of this friendship."

"Oh, the heart of a 17-year-old boy is dirtier than a toilet."

Poison Ivy snorted and said:
"I resist and loathe men as much as women, Mason, and the reason I care so much about Harley is because she was the only doctor who really cared about us when I was in Arkham.

She was almost turned into a monster by the clown, and you brought her back from the brink of collapse to the world.

For that, we should all thank you.

But I'm also not sure you've noticed that the twisted closeness the Joker implanted with Harley hasn't actually gone away.

It just shifts. "

Ivy folded her arms and stood on a vine, letting the living plant carry her to the depths of the Forbidden Forest. When she left, she said to Mason:
"Harry cared about you a lot. During the few days when you disappeared, she was always worried about your safety, but this may not be a bad thing. Her character determines that she has to follow someone so as not to lose her way.

It's much better to have her by your side than to leave her to the clown.

Stop trying to cure her, Mason.

What Harry needs isn't therapy.

Maybe you should spend some time with her doing some of the things that friends do and it will make things better for her.If you want to fall in love with her, you can do whatever you want, anyway, the current Halle will most likely not refuse all your requests.

Just don't overdo it. "

"Who do you take me for?"

Mason straightened his clothes and said unhappily:
"I won't be so obscene, Ivy. When you clean up the Forbidden Forest, if you encounter infected unicorns, remember to collect their pure blood. I will use it later.

These potions will be placed here after they are harvested. I will ask Charles to pick them up. Speaking of which, what do you think of Charles? "


Poison Ivy stared back at Mason, and after a few seconds, she said faintly:

"What on earth are you trying to do? This is not the first time you have deliberately mentioned the Kite Man in front of me. I don't hate him, but if you are planning something dangerous, I advise you to stop."

"I just said it casually, don't pay attention."

Mason made a gesture of surrender.

He threw a map of the Forbidden Forest to Poison Ivy who was going out for a walk, and returned to Gotham first.

Although Ivy has been trying to appear calm, but looking at the unstoppable smile on her face, it is clear that she actually likes staying in the Forbidden Forest.

After all, the biggest wish of the villain in his life is to find a plant paradise that will not be disturbed by outsiders and spend the rest of his life in peace.

Now, she has found it.

But Mason received bad news when he returned to Gotham.

The four pterodactyl drones he placed in Cooper's hut are finished, and the warning message sent before the drone self-destructed was more than ten minutes ago.

This made the young man feel a little uneasy.

If the drone is gone, it will be gone, and if the small shop is smashed, it will be the same.

The problem is that Harley Quinn is still sound asleep in the basement, hell!Poison Ivy had just asked him to take care of her friend when this happened.

He rode a small motorcycle back to the small shop quickly, and the mess he saw made Mason have a headache, especially the zombie king who was suppressed by secret techniques made the corners of his eyes twitch.

Luckily the thing got stuck.

If he was allowed to run out, the entire Crime Alley would be ruined tonight. With Jin Bing's super physique transformed into a zombie, the master would not be able to deal with him in a while.

But when Mason pushed open the basement door holding a penguin umbrella and a pistol, Harley Quinn was still lying on the wicker bed that Ivy made for her, sleeping in a half-cloaked invisibility cloak. Mason breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he saw the short figure who was chained and hung around the edge of the basement.


Mason blinked and stepped forward to look at Damian Wayne who was tied there.

The poor little head was bleeding. It seemed that he was attacked from behind. He took another look at the cracked baseball bat in the hand of the sleepy Harley, and couldn't help rubbing his teeth.

He didn't want to think about how this hapless Master Assassin was beaten to the ground by a lunatic woman, but someone must stand up and take responsibility for the loss of his small shop.


Mason waved his hand and patted the unconscious Damian's cheek, causing the latter to open his eyes in a daze and then let out a painful moan.

The captain of the K team put his hips on his hips, looked at the young master Wayne in front of him, and said in a bad tone:

"You don't sleep at night, what are you doing here? Look at what you have done to my store? I know your father is rich, but I can't resist your misconduct?"

"let me go!"

Damian struggled.

The back of his head hurts badly, and he's dizzy and gagging, apparently after the concussion.

The little man gritted his teeth and said:

"You unscrupulous bastard! You put killing machines in your home as zombie monsters, and raised a crazy female psychopath! I knew it, Mason, you are a real villain.

But I'm only here to have a friendly chat with you. "

"Show kindness with military smoke bombs and katana swords?"

Mason stretched out his hand expressionlessly to press on the back of Damian's swollen head, pressed hard on the painful rice and shook it.

Mason then unchained the child and let him fall to the ground.

He pulled out a chair from the side and sat on it, put a large-caliber kinetic pistol in his waist, and leaned on a penguin umbrella with both hands, staring at the bat cub with an unconvincing expression in front of him.

他 说:

"I'm here now, what do you want to talk to me about? Come on, we still have a little time to finish this, but I don't want to see you sneak into my house with a weapon next time.

Trust me, Damian.

There are still many dangerous things in this house, and next time, you won't be able to get out so easily. "

(End of this chapter)

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