The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 141 24. Mason has no generals, and the devil is the vanguard-adding more for the "Priso

Chapter 141 24. Mason has no generals, and the devil is the vanguard-adding more for the "Prisoner on the Throne" brothers [410]

Since engineering skills entered the new world of Lv5, the next two days were uneventful.

Mason is very much like a young and dedicated office worker. He only travels between his small shop and the clinic where he works every day. He lives a two-point and one-line life, which makes the two kanban ladies who rent his house feel this guy There is certainly no entertainment in daily life.

But in fact, there are many things that Mason can entertain himself.

He was used to making all kinds of weird things to pass the time. Of course, he didn't forget to notice more and more demon-style monitoring forces in the nearby corners under the reminder of the Sorting Hat.

The demon knight Jason Brad wandering around Gotham City obviously did not give up. Through the internal communication of the K team, Mason has learned that similar monitoring has been carried out near the Iceberg Bar.

This shows that the not-to-be-messed knight-lord has gradually locked on his target.

Although I don't know how he did it, the danger has undoubtedly approached Mason and his gang.

The day before they were scheduled to enter the base world of the Hydra team for their mission, Mason and his K team also made all the preparations secretly, and they wanted to solve this trouble once and for all.

"Jack, it's time to start."

On the afternoon of the fifth day after returning to Gotham from Fort Stars, Mason got off work from Dr. Leslie's clinic and bid farewell to nurse Wendy to enjoy his weekend vacation.

While riding the blue scooter, he took out the future technology communicator gifted by Judy, and made a call to Captain Jack who was getting ready at the Iceberg Bar.

Call for action!
Jack was the first guy to be targeted by the Demon Knight.

Mason has enough reasons to suspect that this wandering pirate is Jason Brad's breakthrough, and it is perfect for him to perform the task of luring the enemy.

"You guys have to keep up."

Captain Jack, who rushed out of the underground garage of Iceberg Bar in a fancy luxury car, complained in the communicator:

"I never thought I'd be able to get involved with the damn devil in this way in my life, what the hell."

His complaints were ignored, and everyone else had already made their way to the assembly point.

The kiteman and his two female assistants will fly, and Catwoman will set off from Wayne Manor on a bat motorcycle. Ertuan and Zhakang will take up positions in the container base to meet the enemy.

Mason has to go to the Gordon House to pick up Barbara first, and then ask for a leave of absence from the chief.

The nominal reason is to take Barbara out on weekends to relax and make new friends.

Thanks to seeing with his own eyes that his daughter had stepped out of the shadows and turned into sunshine again, instead of being reprimanded by the old man Gordon, Mason was praised severely.

Barbara, who was wearing a safety helmet, and her folding wheelchair were carried away in the back of the small blue motorcycle. From the rearview mirror, Mason saw Director Gordon who kept waving goodbye and was very relieved.

He pouted and said in a low voice:

"If Gordon knows what I'm going to take you to do, he will definitely draw his gun and fight me desperately. Speaking of which, haven't you contacted Grayson in the past few days since you came back?

If the Great Lover knows that you have recovered, he will be very happy, right? "

"Just a while longer."

Barbara, who was sitting in the car, was fiddling with the arm-mounted future technology microcomputer given to her by her good friend Judy, and said softly:

"After I come back this time, I plan to give him a surprise. Mason, there should be no more missions in a short time after I come back this time, right?"

"Well, there should be at least half a month's rest."

Mason carefully observed the surroundings, and then checked that there was no kind eye of hell pin on the collar. He said:

"The next step is Team K's first compulsory development mission. I asked Judy about the mission, and she told me that it would be difficult with Team K's current strength, but it should be able to be completed smoothly."

"Mason! I saw a taxi following me!"

As soon as the young man finished speaking, Captain Jack screamed.

he shouted:
"That bastard must be following me! I've watched a lot of spy movies of your era these days, and they all act like this!"

"Calm down, continue driving towards the pier."

Mason exhorted.

Needless to say, Barbara in the car has already skillfully used her new equipment to easily "hack" into the bat network, and with the help of the monitoring equipment spread all over the city, she found the car that was running wildly in the city. captain Jack.

"There is indeed a taxi following Jack."

Barbara put on a special headset, took over the K team communication, and said to the other members:
"Jack! I'll plan your route, and then follow my instructions. The others must arrive at the assembly point within 10 minutes! Jason, how is the situation on your side?"

"Konstantin is setting up something that I don't understand, but it's definitely evil."

The gloomy voice of the second barrel then sounded, reporting:
"I'm monitoring Port Miller, and I haven't found anyone who seems to be the target."

"Continue monitoring."

Barbara switched the communication professionally. When Mason twisted the handlebar and sent the small motorcycle into the sky, she followed Jack's forward route and gave instructions to the other team members:

"Charles, bypass the Audisberg area in front of you, and enter the dock from the sky above Naihe Island. In addition, your jetpack data shows that you may be overweight. Try not to make dangerous flying maneuvers."

"Got it, Barbara."

The kite man's voice sounded in the team communication, with a hint of complaint:

"I don't know why two thin looking ladies are so heavy. Ah! Sorry, I shouldn't have said it, don't start! It's flying in the sky!
Be quiet you two crazy girls! "

Barbara grinned, and informed the last member:
"Selena, you need to stop and check your Batbike. I've shown that you have at least three monitors working on your car, one of which belongs to Bruce and the remaining two are unknown signals.

You are being followed. "

"It must be that lingering little brat!"

Lady Catwoman complained fiercely:

"Damian has been pestering me to bring him to meet you, Mason, he's interested in our team. You need to find time to meet my boys, or I'm going to be annoyed by his little tricks. "

"I promised his mother would take good care of him."

Mason, who was soaring in the sky with flying goggles, whispered:

"Recruiting a 12-year-old into an organization that has to fight his way across worlds doesn't look like taking good care of him. Jason, would you be interested in bringing a tow bottle?
After all, theoretically, the child is yours too.”

"Fack! Mason! Shut up!"

Er Tong viciously interrupted what Mason was about to say next.

Ten seconds later, Ertong said again in a cold tone:

"I've seen Jack and the taxi following him. The distance is about 500 meters. Can I shoot? I'm unlikely to miss at this distance."

"Stay there quietly!"

Zha Kang, who had been silent all this time, also joined the communication, and the black magician warned in a voice that could not cheer up:
"Even if Brad gets hit in the head with a sniper bullet, he won't die. Instead, our arrangement will be exposed. Next, we will enter the communication silence, everyone listen up!
The perception range of the Demon Knight is very large.

He could easily overhear our comm once he's in the dock, so stick to plan!I forced Brad into demon form, and the others bought me time to cast the spell to get his attention.

This job is dangerous.

You'd better not try to fight it in close combat, be careful not to be burned to death by the flames of hell wrapped in the body of the upper demon. "

"Roger that!"

Responses from other people rang through the communicator, and then Barbara turned off the communication within the team, and Mason had already seen the outline of Port Miller in the setting sun.

He glanced at Batgirl in the back of the truck, who was pulling a distinctive black shotgun from her backpack.

Its minimalist design and that iconic looped handle represent its provenance.

"Judy is really kind to you. She gave me a computer and a gun."

Mason said in a sour tone:

"I'm getting annoyed why I'm not a pretty girl anymore, are you guys in a relationship? Barbara, you know it's going to hurt Grayson."

"Shut up, Mason, it's not what you think."

Barbara snorted, loaded the futuristic kinetic energy shotgun skillfully, and said to Mason:
"I borrowed this from Judy, and I will return it later. Judy also said that she can help me implant some smart prosthetics and teach me the hacking techniques of their era. To be honest, I am a little moved."

"Then you'd better not be upset."

Mason lowered the height of the motorcycle and warned in a low voice:
"The implants they use from the 2077 era are harmful to the body.

Ordinary people in that era have always been regarded as consumables. Judy was born there and regarded all this as normal, but I don't want my team members to come into contact with those dangerous things. "

"No, Mason."

Barbara shook her head and said:
"If I volunteered to join the K team and hope to help those suffering worlds, then I have to make some sacrifices. Judy described their mission scenarios to me, and my current ability is not enough to join such a dangerous confrontation inside.

And I don't want me to be the breakthrough and short board of the K team.

Besides, isn't there still you, the alchemist?

I believe you can always minimize the damage of prosthetic implants. "

"Gordon will definitely kill me, and I don't want my sweet and soft girlfriend to have some weird metal parts in her body."

Mason, who has no captain's dignity, said in a resentful tone:
"So for the sake of my life, you'd better think about it carefully."

After speaking, he twisted the handlebar to let the flying motorcycle pass by at low altitude. When he passed the commanding height where the second barrel was, Mason opened his luggage and dropped two pistols and a sniper. The folding light machine gun was thrown to him.

The flying motorcycle glides to another container with excellent posture, and Mason and Barbara jump out of the car and form a blocking position on the spot.

Batgirl was holding a shotgun while Mason inserted a black-gray kinetic revolver into his waist, and took out a precision rifle with his backhand and half-kneeled on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Team K completed the changeover and formed a firepower network on the way to the container base.

In front of their eyes, the luxury car driven by Captain Jack has come all the way, and the taxi behind him even followed it without any concealment.

In that yellow taxi, the expressionless demon knight Jason Brad had apparently spotted the K team in front of him.But he doesn't care.

He was even in the mood to drink the coffee in his hand in one gulp, then slammed on the accelerator and slammed into the direction of the blocker.

He has confirmed that these mysterious guys in front of him are definitely related to the previous alien invaders.

Now that Batman is not in Gotham, it is a good opportunity to catch him.

As for how to get them to tell the truth, this is not what the Devil Knight needs to consider.

The upper demon in his body was already extremely irritable, and he just took this opportunity to relieve the suppressed violence in his heart.


Lying on the commanding heights and holding a high-tech heavy weapon, the second barrel was the first to fire.

The fully charged bullet accurately hit the hood of the taxi, easily pierced through the engine and made it emit black smoke, and also let Captain Jack, who was running wildly, open a distance and rush into the container area in front of him.

The two female pirates waiting there were now fully armed, and after Jack got out of the car, he threw two quasar pistols to him and began to retreat underground.

As for the Devil Knight, Shi Shi ran out of the scrapped taxi, raised his hand abruptly as soon as he got out of the car, and held the second bullet that was aimed at his head from the second barrel in his hand.

This cool action made Er Tong's eyes widen.


This is a charged and accelerated sniper bomb!

It's easy to overturn an elephant with a single shot!
You can still grasp the impact at this speed, which is not the case for being cool!You're absolutely screwed, right?
A brimstone-flavored fire erupted in the hands of the demon knight, melting and distorting the pointed bullet instantly and throwing it on the ground, just like a provocation.

He moved his body, still wearing the old dark red windbreaker and striding forward, as if nothing could stop this guy from catching these mysterious people in front of him.

"Ordinary bullets are useless to him. Zha Kang said that this guy has the ability to predict and avoid the ballistic trajectory in advance."

Mason is holding the technical rifle "Widowmaker". Amid the sound of the charging device in this rifle beeping, he whispered to Barbara beside him:
"So we're going to have to get some unusual 'bullets.'"


The charged precision rifle fired.

The engineering bullet flying out of the gun flew towards the demon knight at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary bullets. The latter sensed the danger and wanted to dodge sideways. However, Mason, a gun that does not speak martial arts, has two accelerated muzzles, which can be fired at one time. Two bullets.

The first shot was sent flying, but the second shot opened a blood hole in his chest in an instant.

Then there was a cold force erupting in the bullets that penetrated into the body, not cursed bullets but frozen bullets processed with ice sea heart pearls.

In an instant, half of the Demon Knight's body was frozen.


Mason ordered.

Strong firepower was fired from the left, right, and sky. The firearms made by future technology were amazingly destructive, and the demon knight who was hit in the blink of an eye was covered in blood.

The most exaggerated is the kite man suspended in mid-air.

He held his "new toy" in both hands, and the square muzzle of a kinetic light machine gun nicknamed "Defender" rained bullets downward at a frenzied rate of fire.

A magazine is emptied in seconds.

But even after Mason's transformation, the recoil force of this thing is astonishing when it is fully fired. Only a guy like the kiteman who can adjust its orientation in the air can use it well.

In order to restrain the danger, the powerful Demon Knight Mason spent all his money. The freezing bombs from a whole bullet box froze the Demon Knight and the range of a few meters around him.

To be honest, if he hadn't just mastered the convenient mass production of Lian Chengzhen, the shuttle bullet that the kite man just had a good time would have to be handmade by Mason for two hours.

But seeing that the scorching fire was already swaying in the frozen land, Mason stopped shooting and shouted towards the communicator:
"John, come on!"

"Don't rush, won't it be over soon?"

Zha Kang's roar then sounded, and amidst the weird and noisy chanting, a mass of distorted magic power locked on the demon knight who was frozen on the ground.

It's like a skeleton key.

In Jason Bullard's angry roar, he forcibly temporarily cut off his suppression of the demon in his body.

"John Constantine! You are killing yourself!"

The fierce and hot hellfire erupted on the spot, melting all the nearby ice like a spinning pillar of fire amidst the hoarse howl of the demon knight.

The human figure of the Millennium Knight quickly melted in the flames.

Instead, it was a huge monster with a height of nearly four meters, a red body, and a mouth full of flames.

"Ah! The silent day of the human form, when the demonic nature wakes up! Where are the ghosts and monsters running? Kill all the evil spirits and never let them go."

The moment it appeared and announced its arrival in a very symmetrical hymn-like language of demons, the temperature in the entire container area began to rise rapidly.

The big guy with eyes like burning light bulbs roared wildly, like a moving magma behemoth, savagely knocked away everything along the way and rushed towards Zha Kang's direction.

It disappears almost in the blink of an eye.

All that remained was the wreckage of a container that had been knocked open, melted and collapsed.

"The task of luring the enemy is completed! Zha Kang has stabilized the hatred, let that violent demon wreak havoc in another world."

Mason put away his gun, pinched his nose, and shouted to his team members who were still in a state of stupor because they saw the devil with their own eyes amidst the unpleasant smell of sulfurous flames:
"Squad K, change clothes and go! The new world is waiting for us."

(End of this chapter)

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