The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 137 20. Fax Pero!What on earth did you do under my identity?

Chapter 137 20. Fax Pero!What on earth did you do under my identity?
After realizing that the question was wrong, Poison Ivy, who was worried about her best friend, immediately lost her temper.

Several pots of ornamental flowers that were specially placed on the second floor suddenly grew vines, jumped out of the pots and opened their teeth and claws, which scared the men and women who were immersed in joy to death, and wished that their parents would lose two legs Screaming and rushing out the door.

How else can the people of Gotham be different?
Even in such a chaotic situation, there was no dangerous stampede, and the orderly evacuation in the chaos lasted only a minute or two, and the "guests" who were crowded with Cooper's store ran away. .

And Da Congming incidentally "purchased" Mason's store for zero yuan, and took all the potions on the counter.

But now is not the time to feel sorry for his potion, Mason strode into the chaotic shop with a gun in his hands, and at the same time "blessed" those guys with dirty hands and feet in the future.

Given the toxicity of these potions, if the alchemist did not tell ordinary people how to take them, it would not be a good end to unplug them and pour them down.


Mason yelled on the first floor.

The bewildered Captain Jack poked his head out from the railing on the second floor with Mason's face on his face, his expression of disappointment quickly turned into surprise.

He staggered down with half a bottle of wine in his hand, and opened his hands to give Mason a hug, but unexpectedly, the extremely intimidating barrel of the gun touched his chin.

The cold touch and the ready-to-go slug made Jack sober up quickly.

This is probably some kind of talent belonging to the legendary pirate?
"Hmm, it seems that someone is in a bad mood?"

Jack handed over the wine in his hand, his face was full of "you're getting tired of it", Mason didn't take it, but his nostrils moved, and the fragrance that rushed into the nostrils was instantly analyzed by the Lv4 alchemist's instinct.

"How much euphoria did you put in this drink?"

Mason frowned and said:
"At least 1 to 1, right? The craziest wizards use it by the drop, so you're not afraid of drinking yourself to death?"

"The pursuit of happiness is a human instinct, my dear captain, and you have genius to quantify 'happiness' into a mysterious potion, and it is placed within a pirate's reach.

You are clearly encouraging me and even tempting me."

Jack blinked, stretched out his hand to press down the pistol in Mason's hand, raised his head and took a sip for himself, enjoying the joy from the bottom of his heart while saying coquettishly:
"If this doesn't give me an opportunity to indulge, then I think my new life in the new world is too boring.

Your city is so wonderful and lively. Halle and I bought a cake to celebrate her 'birthday', and after shouting casually on the street, many 'enthusiastic people' offered to help!

I would love it so much if they didn't carry guns. "

"The people on this street are always friendly, and they'll even say hello before they rob you, but that doesn't stop you from being a total jerk!"

Mason stared viciously at the indulgent Jack Spyro in front of him.

He glanced at the second floor, where he could still hear the drunk Harley babbling along with the accompaniment on the speakers, and the Poison Ivy girl who was worried about her friend had rushed up the stairs.

"What did you do to Harley Quinzel?"

The young man asked in a low voice:

"Can't you see that she has some mental problems? I skipped a word of warning and you caused such a big trouble for me!"

"I found out. Although I don't know much about psychology and psychiatry, almost everyone on my ship has this problem."

Captain Jack waved his hands disapprovingly and said:

"Putting any normal person in a 'floating coffin' on the ocean with a bunch of violent men for months without seeing land is going to be crazy.

But fortunately, we pirates have our own unique pastime.

I told Halle about my experience, and she weighed it up and decided to take my advice, and as you can see, she is very happy now.

Let go of the bad things of the past, and then feel like a new life. "

While Spyro was talking, Harry, who was also drunk, had already been supported by Ivy and walked down from the second floor.

Under Mason's desperate gaze, Dr. Harley Quizell, who was originally intellectual and generous, has completely "disappeared".

In its place was a "Little Taimei" wearing a sports tank top and shorts, and dyed her blond hair red and blue and tied it into two ponytails.

Her face, which had never been made up, was now also covered in makeup.

The very peculiar makeup gave the eyes the same as smoky makeup but painted different red and blue eye shadows, and a heart-shaped decoration was made with small stickers under the left eye.

It's not ugly to be honest.

After all, no matter how a beautiful girl dresses up, she is eye-catching, but the problem is that Harley's dress is already infinitely close to another "form" of her.

And that's who Mason has been trying to keep her from becoming.

"Harley Quinn?"

Mason sighed, looked up and down at this time Dr. Halle said a name.

"Ha, I love that name!"

Dr. Harley screamed with a happy and sharp girlish voice. She leaned drunkenly in Poison Ivy's arms and watched in confusion as two "Masons" with completely different styles appeared in front of her at the same time.

It seemed to be bothering Harley's cluttered head at the moment, and she suspected she might be drunk, but she didn't resent this new pleasure.

She blinked her eyes and thought, clapped her hands, and screamed:
"A new life should have a new name, the boring Harley Quinzel who always lives in a serious way has been strangled to death by my own hands, but I promise it has nothing to do with Mr. J.

This is entirely at my own discretion.

I want to thank you for your help, two lovely Masons, come and let me hug you~"


Mason reached out and patted his face, covering his eyes.

Jack next to him didn't know what the name represented, and was still happily drinking and watching the fun, which made Mason wish he could shoot the bastard in the head.

"Look at how free she is now, no need to be wrapped up and tortured by the bad things of the past."

Captain Jack smiled and said:
"If she was a man, I would definitely invite her on my ship, she would be a very cool pirate. Don't you know that when I went out to buy cakes with her this afternoon, two bad guys tried to rob us, and then"

"I popped their heads off!"

Harley cheered and waved her fists and shouted loudly:

"With a random baseball bat, just bang bang twice! That feels so good, Mason, I haven't taken my medicine in three days! I feel cute and feel great now.

Perhaps what Mr. J left me was a gift.

While he was indeed a hopeless villain, there was some truth to what he said.

I really should face my shitty life with a more positive attitude!
Maybe from the time when my dad asked me to play fake matches in the gymnastics championship game when I was a child and ruined my sports dreams, when my mother asked me to help her hide cards in the casino since I was a child, I should choose this way.

Stop pretending to be a social elite, no!I don't like to go to class at all, to learn those boring knowledge and take those boring classes. "

"Look what you've made of her!"

Mason swung his pistol and hammered Jack Sparrow, who was whistling to encourage Harry, causing him to sit down on the ground screaming in pain.

The young man stepped forward and clasped the jaw of Harry, who was screaming like he was drunk, and stared into those eyes.

There is no haze in Harry's drunken eyes. It seems that the life in front of him has completed a "transcendence" from the spiritual level and bid farewell to the past life.

The psychological suggestion left by the clown was fully activated.

"Do you really hate your old self that much, Harry."

Mason was silent for a few seconds, and asked in a low voice under the worried gaze of the Poison Ivy girl next to him.

"I don't know, but I can't say I like it."

The drunk Harley pushed Mason's hand away, yawned and leaned on Poison Ivy's chest, blinking her eyes as if she was dozing off, and said:
"It's like living in a trap, when I was young, I was doing it for my greedy and rotten parents, and when I grew up, I was foolishly doing it for those Bichi friends.

When I was in school, I persuaded myself to have a good future for a good job, and after work, I suppressed myself to like that crazy place.

But what sane person would love working at Arkham Asylum?
I do a job that is not valued at all every day, trying hard to show the value of my existence, so that my life like shit can become meaningful.

But my job can be done by any intern or even a cleaner in doctor's clothes
Mason, I actually liked Mr. J before you showed up.

I like staying with him very much because he can always use various methods to relieve me from the boring reality for a while.

I almost followed him.

It was you who brought me back from that terrible fate, but you were capable of curing me, but you insisted that I go back to being Harley Quinzel.

Let me go back to what you consider 'normal' life.

I know you are kind."

Harry opened his eyes suddenly, and pushed the Poison Ivy Girl who was holding her away. She stood in front of Mason with her hips crossed, and reached out to touch Mason's heart.


"But I don't! Joy! Joy! I think I'm fine now, and I prefer the way you've treated me in these three days to those medicines that make me forcefully energize me."

"Well said, girl!"

Captain Jack, who was sitting on the ground rubbing his cheeks, whistled. The effect of the polyjuice potion was dissipating, and he changed from Mason's appearance back to the coquettish posture of the pirate captain.

The scene made Harry, who was screaming, blink.

She glanced blankly at the expressionless Mason in front of her, and then at Jack Spyro who was winking at her on the ground.

When she realized that she had been listening to the chaotic guidance of a guy she didn't understand for the past three days, Harry's face paled for a moment.

She is a professional psychologist and psychiatrist.

Even drunk she was professional enough to judge that she had done something in the last few days that she absolutely must not have done at this stage of her treatment.

All previous efforts have been wasted, my family.

"I'm done."

She covered her face and took a few steps back, screaming and being supported by the Poison Ivy Girl.

But in the next moment, he gritted his teeth and grabbed the bloody baseball bat from the corner behind him, screaming that Captain Jack, who threw himself on the ground, wanted to perform an "emergency craniotomy" on him.


Jack was terrified.

He shrieked and hid behind Mason, looked over the captain's shoulder, and vividly interpreted the cunning face of a troubled pirate pretending to be afraid.

Especially the coquettish orchid fingers
Others definitely don't have this taste.


The baseball bat that Harry swung down screaming was firmly held by Mason in the air, his strengthened physique made his figure not shake at all.

He said to Harley, who was about to cry when he was wronged in front of him:

"Things are already like this, and what you said is not unreasonable. Maybe it's not a bad thing to let you go on this road, at least you can be happy.


Dr. Leslie and I have been focusing on pure treatment without paying attention to your own feelings. If Harley Quinzel was really unhappy in the past, it would be a wise choice to start over. "

Mason sighed and let go of the baseball bat in his hand, and said to Halle who was stunned:

"But you have to keep drinking the medicine!

Just because you want a new life doesn't mean you have to allow your mental state to slide in the direction of Zhou Ke'er until you turn yourself into a complete lunatic.

Now you should go to rest, the shop is closed tonight. "

He winked at the Poison Ivy next to him, who immediately grabbed Harry's hand and dragged her upstairs.

Harley secretly glanced at Mason with some fear, and she was relieved when she saw Mason showing his iconic gentle smile, and followed Ivy to the second floor.

As she stepped up the stairs, Mason thought about it and said softly:
"Sorry to interrupt your birthday party, but happy birthday! Harley Quinn."


Harley, who was emotionally ups and downs, was made to cry on the spot by this sentence. She sniffled miserably and turned back to Mason with the comfort of her best friend:

"Want to have a birthday cake together? Mason, that bastard Jack and I have chosen the best looking one, although there aren't many left."

"No, I don't like sweets, it's not good for my health."

Mason shook his head and said:
"But I can give you something to eat. In the far east, this is also a way to celebrate birthdays. Wait a minute, I will clean up here first."

After sending away the violently fluctuating Harry, Mason looked back at Captain Jack who was still drinking.

He gritted his teeth and said:
"Say! What else have you done besides Harley? Don't tell me you used my identity to do other unforgivable things!"

"Ha, no, how could I be so unreliable?"

Jack waved his hand, then took out a piece of paper and stuffed it into Mason's hand with a smile on his face. The young man opened it and saw that it was full of densely written phone numbers.

The captain stood up and held Mason's shoulders, whispering:

"This is the call of my 'handpicked' girls. From 16 to 46 depending on what you like, I've approached them and made them remember me with my amazing charm Mason Cooper is a fun and open guy.

When you are lonely, you only need to make a phone call.
You know.

Look at you living like an ascetic, that's not good, Mason.

A young man like you should learn to enjoy yourself in time, a good life is like this, don't wait until you are as old as me to regret it.

This is what I should do, you are welcome, Captain. "

He took a sip of wine, took out his pirate pocket watch and looked at the time, then patted Mason on the shoulder and said:
"I'm going back to the bar first. I'm specially invited to a rich lady's party over there tonight. I don't want to miss it."

"You'd better get ready, Jack."

Without any hesitation, Mason clenched the paper in his hand, called on the magic fire to burn it into flying ashes, then raised his head and said to Captain Jack who staggered out of the shop:

"We are going on a mission in five days, and you have to go with me this time. I will prepare your battle clothes and weapons, and don't lose the chain when the time comes.

If you can't keep up with our progress, I will not hesitate to leave you in that dangerous world and let you fend for yourself.


This is not a joke.

And definitely not 'private!people!Yep!blame! ', don't think about it when you go to bed at night. "

(End of this chapter)

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