The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 132 15. Fighting and killing are boring, let's form a "craftsman alliance"

Chapter 132 15. Fighting and killing are boring, let's form a "craftsman alliance"
In a certain room of Stars Fort, Mason held a cup of tea and looked at the place like a factory workshop in front of him.

Although it has been known for a long time that the members of the Star Club will repair their residences according to their own ideas, for example, Judy turned her room into a workshop, but this hard-core place with such an "industrial style" is still beyond Mason's imagination.

He walked among them with a cup of tea, looked at the machines with unique shapes, and occasionally looked at the various "practice formations" placed at hand.

This is the unique alchemy ability that belongs to the world of the Elric brothers. Their place has developed alchemy to a new height. As long as there are enough materials and the corresponding alchemy formation, an excellent alchemist can complete an alchemy in an instant. A series of unscientific material transformations, directly transforming materials into finished products.

The complete omission of intermediate links makes this form of "alchemy" indistinguishable from magic.

But Mason also knew that even such an unscientific system followed the oldest rules of alchemy.

Both "equivalent exchange".

"Have you seen enough?"

The blond alchemist Edward's displeased voice came from behind Mason, and he said:
"People who are new to Lian Chengzhen can't understand the principle at all, so I advise you not to try it."

"One 'metal melting' is embedded with two 'shaping', the outer ring uses 'flame' and the inner ring uses 'cooling', so as to form a standard conversion formula of 'smelting steel'."

Mason turned back and took a sip of tea, and said to Edward who was staring at him:

"Look, I'm not an ignorant guy, although I haven't been exposed to your weird alchemy, but I know the general principle.

After all, I am also an alchemist, and I made this on my own. "

He took an irregular gray alchemy stone from his pocket and threw it to Edward, who took it in his hand, glanced at it, and gave it to his brother.

Brother Armor carefully observed the alchemy stone with his thick fingers, and after a few seconds, he said in his own unique hollow voice:

"It is very similar to the principle of the Philosopher's Stone. Perhaps it can be understood as a downgraded version of the Philosopher's Stone. It releases internal energy to affect the material and characteristics of the modified material or finished product."

"So swap."

Mason pointed to the complex-looking formation at hand, and said to the two brothers:

"I exchanged the alchemy stone formula for the various alchemy formation blueprints in your hands. Although it is far from orthodox alchemy, your unique knowledge system is indeed very convenient."

As excellent alchemists, the two Edward brothers are always full of curiosity about unknown knowledge, but this time the blond brother sat on the sofa, shook his head and said:
"We never trade knowledge with Hounds. You say you're not Hounds? Evidence?"

Mason stared at him, took the Sorting Hat off his head, well, the Sorting Hat, and handed it to the two brothers.

The two brothers were taken aback when the Lord of the Hat protruded a blurry face from his own face, and then the Hat narrated everything that happened in the world of Hogwarts, explaining Mason's identity again.

The suffering of a world silences the two brothers.

After learning that Mason's K team hadn't carried out mandatory missions yet, their attitude became significantly more friendly.

"I apologize to you for our previous malice."

The blond Edward handed back the sorting hat. He made a very special courtesy and explained:
"Just because our world suffered the same thing that happened to Mr. Hat's hometown, a plague that destroyed civilization that my brother and I will never forget.

Though that world sucks before it happens.

We only learned the truth from others on an occasional expedition after receiving the help of the Constellation,
This damned organization is both destroyer and savior, hypocritical as hell, and the way those hounds scrape the ground is disgusting. "

"I can understand."

Mason took a sip of tea and put the hat back on his head.

He glanced at the two brothers and said:

"Are there many people like you? As you can see, I'm a novice and don't know much about these things. I hope you can explain it to me."

"Not much, we are the real minority."

Edward shrugged, took out the snacks he bought at the market to fill his stomach, and said vaguely:
"As far as I know, there are only a few lone rangers like us among the B-level personnel, and they never participate in pioneering operations and only provide them with logistical assistance.

But below the C level, it is difficult to describe.

You can see in the market that those guys who are obviously very powerful but can't enter the Starsburg are all of this type. Their own world is gone but they don't want to destroy other people's homes.

But in the system of the Stars Club, we can't withdraw, we can only resist their recruitment in this way.The most typical example is the sword ranger Claude and his two girlfriends
They're just the lowest E-class personnel.

But no one dares to underestimate them. They are always wandering in various worlds, stopping bad things, helping when they are in trouble, and never cooperating with the hounds.

Those hounds call them 'ronin' contemptuously, and even deliberately provoke them in some war worlds, but anyone with eyes knows that the strength of ronin united is terrifying.

Therefore, the high-level officials also turned a blind eye to this, and did not forcibly oppress it to avoid trouble.

Oh, right.

There are guys like that in the upper echelons, and you just met one. "


Mason took a sip of tea in surprise and said:
"The old wizard of Cos Gandalf just now? I said he feels like a very powerful guy, who is that?"

"'Thunder' Shazam."

The armored man Alphonse standing behind his brother said with a tone of admiration:
"Members of the 12-member A-level council, the famous neutral faction, although they are under the command of the Warlock Grand Master, they never participate in aggressive pioneering operations.

He has a high reputation among ronin.

But the old man does have a lot of eccentricities. He always likes to dress up as famous wizards from various worlds and walk around. My brother and I were tricked by him when we first came here.
Ahem, I mean, we were blind that time. "


Mason raised an eyebrow.

He thought of Shazam in the Gotham world, but on his side, the old wizard seemed to be dead, and even his power was passed on to a fool.

So it should be a space-time alien.

"So, the aggression system formed by the hounds is actually just a part of the Constellation Society?"

Mason put down his teacup and sat beside the two brothers.

He stroked his chin and said:
"Isn't anyone thinking of twisting them together? Since so many people are dissatisfied with the way things are done by the Stars Club."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Edward pointing to his left arm.

Mason understood immediately.


With the curse of the soul, it is indeed almost impossible to destroy the establishment of the Constellation from the inside, but Edward's introduction and the existence of the "ronin" did make Mason see that the Constellation has nothing but darkness. the other side.

Thinking about it, it is impossible for everyone in a large organization that spans countless worlds to be an incurable bastard. No matter how dark the place is, there are always people who stick to the bottom line.

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about the things between us."

Mason shook his head, took out a piece of paper, and wrote down the formula and process of making the Sorcerer's Stone that he had analyzed so far, and handed it to the two brothers. He said:
"I'm not kidding when I say this is an industry exchange between alchemists. I really want to learn some useful knowledge from the two of you. Maybe we can develop deeper cooperation.

You two should have many good things from traveling the worlds, some of which I really need. "

"You mean this?"

The short Edward glanced at Mason, and with a flick of his finger, the Ark reactor dedicated to the rescue machine that had been placed on the counter before jumped into his palm.

He looked at Mason, swallowed a ball, chewed and said:
"Your eyes were burning when you looked at this thing before. It must be very important to you, right?"

"Yes, I need it, but I can't afford it."

Mason shrugged, made a pitiful look and said:
"I'm just a C-level rookie after all."

"Who says you can't afford it?"

When Edward looked down at the knowledge on the piece of paper, the outspoken armored brother immediately said:

"Don't you have the Philosopher's Stone in your hand? If you give us that thing, we will not only give you the Ark Reactor, but also the Mark series armor we collected.

In the previous Hulk World War, my brother and I were lucky to find Iron Man's Lost Workshop.

Not that we're bragging, but what's inside is really, really good. "

"That thing is not for sale."

Mason shook his head and said:
"I only have a little bit in my hand, and it is impossible for me to make something of that level in a short period of time. Selling it to you is tantamount to emptying me out.

I'm curious though, why do you keep looking for the Philosopher's Stone now that your world is doomed?Are you still planning to resurrect your mother?

You should have learned the lesson, the refining of the human body is an absolute taboo in alchemy. "

"It seems that Mr. Hunter did tell you a lot. But, no! We intend to use the Philosopher's Stone to do the right thing."

Edward put away the paper in his hand, stood up and took out a box full of various blueprints from the corner of the workshop, put it in front of Mason's eyes, and pushed it over for him.

The short alchemist looked at Mason, and he said seriously:
"With enough Philosopher's Stones, we can bring our world back."


Mason immediately shook his head and said:
"Although I don't know the truth about the 'Shock' incident, I can be sure that this is a cosmic disaster, and the rewriting of the Philosopher's Stone cannot cover such a high-level level.

This is equivalent to trying to charge the Cybertronians with AA batteries.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality

"Of course it's impossible under normal circumstances."

Edward stuffed a skewer of roast meat into his mouth, chewed and said:

"But we are all in a secret organization that exists across the world. What else is impossible? If we follow the principle of equivalent exchange, as long as we can pay enough, repairing the world will come true.

Of course, that will have to wait until after this unfolding disaster is over.

This box contains all the alchemy formations that my brother and I have mastered so far, as well as an introductory guide to alchemy. If you don't understand anything, you can come to Stars Castle to find us at any time.

We won't be leaving here for a while. We're trying to purify the unicorn blood you gave us earlier. That curse is troublesome, but it's not unbreakable. "

"Maybe we can work together?"

Mason was overwhelmed when he heard this. He opened his bag and took out several bottles of cursed unicorn blood, and took out his alchemy handwriting and said:
"I have also researched several ways to use unicorn blood, and I am still testing it, please listen to my thoughts first.

I'm going to 'fight poison with poison', and if it can't be completely purified, add more poisonous substances to it to make it an offensive alchemical poison. "

He said his thoughts again, and before Edward could speak, Brother Armor shook his head and said:
"No, the polluted unicorn blood has already deteriorated in theory, and its stability is easily destroyed. Adding poison will not only make it unable to extract effectively, but also make it useless."

"But I have this."

Mason took out another small bottle of water from Lazarus' Pool.

As soon as this thing was taken out, the two brothers immediately jumped up and took several steps back. They could tell that the toxicity of this thing was far more than ordinary toxins.

"Don't be afraid. Although it comes from a demon god, this thing is not fatal. Come on, let me show you how to use it. Do you have alchemy vessels for purification here?"

"We have better ones."

Fullmetal Alchemist snorted, snapped his fingers and said:
"Alphonse, take out the molecular purification machine we got from Mister Fantastic's laboratory and open your eyes to Lord Mason. Since it's an alchemist's industry exchange, we have to show some real skills, right?

But looking at the things you took out, are you a traditional alchemist specializing in potions? "

"This is too small to look down on people."

Mason shook his head and stepped back to make room.

Then he released the anti-superman armor that he had repaired half of, and took a copy of all the weapons he was currently making to show his strength in engineering.

If it wasn't for the fact that Fenrir's armor was left in Judy's workshop to replace the control module, Mason planned to take it out to "shock" the two brothers.

But how can professional people be intimidated?

People can see the problem of the anti-superman armor at a glance.

"This thing is in a damaged state to be repaired, and there is a problem with the design idea, or it is estimated to be designed like this."

Edward stepped forward to check it out, shook his head and said:
"Heavy defense has weakened it in other aspects, but it has obtained top-level defense capabilities among mechas of this size. If I read correctly, this should be a mecha that is effective against a specific type of enemy.

And you're reassembling it to make it a usable battle armor? "

"Yes, the renovation plans have been drawn, but there are some key positions that I haven't figured out how to design."

Mason took out several sophisticated design drawings and invited the two brothers to look at them. The three alchemists were discussing Mason's new design in this factory.

The two brothers were not even as young as Mason, but their knowledge was terrifying.

Before the world was destroyed, they experienced unimaginable stories. After the world was destroyed, they traveled and wandered in various worlds. Not only did they improve their alchemy skills, but they were also very proficient in other manufacturing fields.

It just so happens that Mason's wish is to become a "full-professional master". He is currently practicing manufacturing skills in various fields so that he can keep up with the thinking of the two brothers and put forward some opinions of his own.

The three chatted more and more speculatively, and at the end of the chat, Mason simply invited them into his "suitcase factory" and showed them his collection.

"I think we should form a small organization."

In the workshop specially set up by Mason for the transformation of the Batmobile, he said to the alchemist brothers who were watching the design of the Batmobile with great interest:

"A very pure organization among artisans. I have too many wonderful ideas but I can't realize them due to my current lack of ability. You two must have the same troubles, just like a pen pal club.

Meet regularly for a brainstorming session.

And you must have your own network as wandering merchants, and I can also borrow it to sell my various manufactures. "

"Then why don't you be the captain of Squad K, abdicate as soon as possible, and don't participate in these things that will make your hands bloody sooner or later."

Edward looked up and said:

"Our trading team can squeeze out a spot for you."

"Yes, Mason, you don't want to pay attention to war, but war will always come to your door. My brother and I have personal experience."

Armor brother Alphonse also persuaded:

"Your personality may be more suitable to be an excellent engineer or an excellent alchemist. Since this is what you are interested in, why throw yourself into that quagmire?"

"If war is bound to come to your door, you have to prepare in advance."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Your world is gone, but mine is still there. They need me, and I really can't be as chic as you. Let's not talk about this, come, first help me see how to fix these three gadgets."

He took out the three spells he got from the old wizard Shazam before, and said to the alchemist brothers:

"If I can repair them, if I make them, believe me, this thing will definitely sell well, when the time comes, I will entrust the sales right to you two, and we will get [-]% of what we earn.

By the way, give me a set of the workshop components with the formation array that you have in the station, and give me a discount by the way.

Look how empty my place is.

To be used as a mobile factory, it would have to be refurbished. "

(End of this chapter)

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