The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 126 9. Sharingan Sharingan!Krypton gold dog eyes! Copy eye!launch! 【810】

Chapter 126 9. Sharingan Sharingan!Krypton gold dog eyes! Copy eye!launch! 【810】

"You just said that Barbara made a 'sacrifice'?"

In Miss Judy's messy studio, the second barrel wearing a battle helmet walked quickly behind Mason and asked in a low voice:

"What does that mean? Make it clear, Mason!"

"Don't worry, Barbara won't be hurt, Miss Judy is a good person in every way, she is enthusiastic and reckless, always trusting others to believe in the existence of friendship.

is a true rationalist.

Everyone longs to have such a kind and beautiful girl as a friend. "

Mason stretched out his hand and touched the wall in front of him where more than 30 guns of different styles were hung. He whispered:
"But no one is perfect. Her only problem is probably... You just found out, she doesn't like men that much."


Barbara's scream sounded from the warehouse deep in the studio, somewhat caught off guard, and the second barrel was about to rush in to save people, but was stopped by Mason.

Your Excellency the captain shook his head and said:
"Don't worry. Judy is a sentimental person and wouldn't do it so quickly. It must be a little accident."

"You bastard captain!"

Two barrels scolded:

"Do you let your team members sell their lust for some trivial benefits? Barbara is a normal person! Hell, Grayson is still waiting for her.

Don't mess around! "

"Then why don't you go? Go in and beat up Judy?"

Mason said in a low voice without looking back:

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, there are at least five military-grade androids in the house and one 'big guy' in shutdown mode. Of course you can kill them, I've always had confidence in your skills.

But listen to me, two barrels.

We don't have to.

The Afterlife Squad is our friends, I'm absolutely sure of that now, rest assured, Judy won't do anything bad to Barbara, I promise. "

"You should bring Selena here."

Ertong listened to the movement in the warehouse, and he could hear the laughter of Barbara and Judy, which made him feel relieved. He looked at Mason who reached out to touch the gun on the wall in front of him, and complained:

"Master Catwoman can definitely handle this kind of situation. I heard that when she ran away from marriage, she had sex with Poison Ivy for a while."

"Hey, isn't this a mistake?"

Mason also said with some regret:
"If I had known that Miss Judy was here, I would have definitely brought Selena here. If she had been allowed to come, Judy would probably have been tamed into a 'little cat'.

But it doesn't matter, the days will be long in the future. "

As soon as the voice fell, a line of prompts appeared on the light curtain in front of Mason's eyes:
"The analysis of the 'Prelude' blueprint of the Kinetic Revolver is complete! Note that this weapon can be modified in multiple stages and extended to [Legend·Immortal] quality."


Mason grinned and moved his fingers to the nearby pistol.

Zhen stroked the slender and low-key gun body of the gun as if admiring it. He pouted at the second barrel beside him and said:
"Anyone interested?"


Jason Todd looked hesitantly at the wall covered with weapons in front of him.

As a weapon master, his vision is very picky, but each of the hanging weapons in front of him is unique.

Based on his experience, it's not difficult to deduce that these are full-fledged killing weapons, and like the quasars that Mason took out before, they are all "gifts" from a high-tech world.

"What's the use of me?"

While admiring the sharp weapons in front of him, he complained stiffly:
"Won't that man-hating little girl give us these goodies, or do you know how to fake them just by looking at them?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it right."

Mason shrugged.

In the next moment, another reminder came into view:
"The blueprint analysis of the ultra-precision kinetic sniper rifle 'Ice Storm' is complete! Note that this weapon can be modified in multiple stages and extended to [Legendary Immortal] quality."

"Choose one for yourself."

Mason, immersed in the happiness and joy of collecting rare blueprints with "Krypton Gold Dog Eyes", urged in a low voice:

"Hurry up, Er Tong, there will be no more shops after this village. I only gave you this privilege when I was in a good mood today."

"Can you really do it?"

Jason glanced at his captain in surprise.

After getting an answer with a slight nod, Er Tong also became excited.

After suffering the catastrophe of his life and being reborn into the dark, he likes these cold weapons, which can bring him a complete sense of security.

It even made him feel more at ease than being by that man's side.

He looked at the wall full of weapons in front of him like he was scanning goods in a supermarket, and finally pointed to a silver-white large-caliber revolver and said:
"I think it's good, what do you think?"

Mason looked at the gun selected by the second barrel. The silver body, the blood-red handguard, the golden trigger and the missing part of the finger guard are quite incomplete. It looks very coquettish with blood red staining.

As if alluding to Jason's turbulent heart.

"Well, 'Archangel'."

The captain rubbed his chin and said its name, then praised:

"That's right, you have vision! I'll help you get two when I'm free. Go and help me watch the wind now. I still need a little time."

He directed the second barrel to guard between the studio and the warehouse.

I keep reaching out to collect various drawings of these rare weapons, not only the production drawings of the firearm itself, but also some additional accessories.

These weapons are Judy's collection.

Or rather the entire Afterlife squad's last memorial to a world they've destroyed, these collections are great, and now their power belongs to Mason in another way too.

After nearly 10 minutes, the second barrel said in a low voice:

"They're coming out, hurry up!"

"Shh, don't rush, there is only one left."

Mason put his hand on the last silver-white compact rifle, and he could hear Judy's shoes hitting the ground, but he wasn't in a hurry.

Inscriptions to Lv2 endowed with the mysterious side talent [Picture Memory] is really a magical skill, with its blessing, Mason can analyze these blueprints at least five times faster.

It's just that the structure of the compact assault rifle in front of him is so complicated that it took Mason a little more time.

Finally, when Judy and Barbara returned to the studio, Mason also got its blueprint:
"The blueprint analysis of the ultra-precision smart submachine gun 'Ying Long' is complete! Note that this weapon is classified as a fantasy gun and smart weapon, and it needs to be equipped with a special implanted prosthesis to unlock and use it.

Engineering skill Lv6 can be modified in multiple stages, and the weapon can be extended to [Legend Immortal] quality"

"Hey! You, Mason! Stay away from my collection!"

Judy, who came out with a box and Barbara talking and laughing, suddenly changed her face when she saw Mason. She said coldly:

"Don't touch them! Watch out for my captain to cut off your claws."

"I'm just admiring the art of killing, Judy, no offense meant."

Mason withdrew his fingers, turned around and said to the fierce girl:
"I have to say that your weapon collection really opened my eyes. But I learned from Mr. Sandstorm that you who specialize in technology have more ferocious combat tools besides these individual weapons.

Can you open my eyes?
Those legendary smart power armor, heavy vehicles and weapons of mass destruction. "

"Shut up."

Judy is clearly displeased with Mason's behavior.

She put the box in her hand on the workbench and said coldly:
"Those are 'not for sale' items that require the captain's nod to show off! But it's too difficult for you to meet him, even if we have Mr. Hunter's recommendation, we don't necessarily have to treat you as a friend.

Now, take your pay and leave!

You are not welcome here. "

"Second barrel, Barbara, take your things and go back first, see you at night."

Mason didn't care about Judy's cold attitude, he gave instructions to his team members.

Ertong picked up the small box and walked to the door, while Barbara said goodbye to her new friend in a low voice, and took something like a communicator from Judy before walking out of the birth team's resident room.

When only Mason and Judy were left, the young man breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the dissatisfied Miss Judy and said:

"There was a Constellation invasion a while ago on my base world, and I guess you know what I mean by 'invasion'.

Barbara joined my squad after that too. "

"so what?"

Judy pouted and said:

"If you were really a good person, you shouldn't have dragged a good girl like Barbara into our mud pit! Her character of being too kind and making people suffer is not suitable for this ghost place at all."

"My team is full of people like this and take it easy, listen to me. Do you have an anti-tap device here? What I'm about to say could be dangerous.

I don't want to be heard by anyone who cares.

Especially someone like the Great Teacher. "

Mason waved his hand and asked a question.

Judy hesitated for a moment, then walked to her cool-looking computer and entered a line of instructions.

In the next moment, in the faint red light flashing, some devices similar to electromagnetic creations were activated, and a magnetic field that impacted the mind was applied, which made Mason dizzy but quickly got used to it.

"Let's talk, this device can interfere with all monitoring methods, even those weird magic."

Folding her arms, Judy tossed her cool hair and said:
"The warlock master teacher is not in the Stars Fort now, and there is no one to monitor the enchantment, so you don't have to worry about being intercepted."


Mason nodded and told everything that happened in Gotham City, including his own role in that incident.

After hearing the young man say that he killed 27 B-level personnel at one time through some small means, and completely annihilated the four advanced development teams, Judy, who was well-informed, froze in place.

She looked at Mason suspiciously, and said:

"Wait first! I'll ask the captain to confirm what you said."

After speaking, she turned and rushed into her equally messy bedroom.

A few minutes later, she came out again. Although she still resisted men on her delicate and heavily made-up face, her attitude was obviously much friendlier.

Even when Mason reached out to touch the gun collection on the wall, she stopped being scolded by her.

This is obviously a sign that the favorability is turned on.

Judy chewed gum, looked at Mason, a rookie, with a monster look, and said:
"The captain confirmed what you said, and said that you can be our backup ally. But you are really bold. If you dare to say such a thing in Stars Fort, aren't you afraid that I will report it to the A-level 12-member council? "

"Will you betray Mister Hunter?"

Mason admired the weapons hanging on the wall, he said without looking back:
"I now confirm that she is also one of my own, a rebel hidden in the upper echelons of the Stars Association, and she will not be harsh on Team K's behavior. She doesn't care, why should I be afraid of the unmasked 12-member council? "

"Makes sense."

Judy nodded, and then she glanced at Mason strangely, and said:
"But it's really rare for a rookie like you to be so powerful. You probably haven't done your first pioneering mission yet, right? In theory, you're still in the 'novice protection period', but in the end we did it, and we need careful planning to do it. thing.

But I'm curious why you let Mr. Sandstorm go? "

Her expression became a little more indifferent, and she said:
"The city we live in, Night City, was once dropped biochemical weapons by six-headed snakes, Watson District fell overnight, and some of my best friends also
I appreciate you helping us take out the Hydra squad, but you really shouldn't have let that scum go. "

"I can't keep him either. It was the best choice to let him go at that time. Team K's situation is special. We have to maintain our personal connections in the base world."

Mason glanced at Judy and said:

"But now that we're friends, can you tell me more about Mr. Hunter? Or about our 'rebel group'.

To tell you the truth, although the K team has taken the first kill of the teammate, my team members and I are still at a loss as to what we are going to do. "

"I'm not supposed to tell you this, Mason."

Judy shook her head and said firmly:

"You have to ask him about Mr. Hunter yourself, he doesn't like people gossiping behind his back, someone did that before, and then they 'disconnected' inexplicably when they set out the mission afterwards.

Of course I am not implying that Mr. Hunter is small-minded.

But let's not take this unnecessary risk, okay?
As for what we are going to do, it depends on what secret mission Mr. Hunter assigns to you. Anyway, the afterlife team has been carrying out protective inspection missions in various worlds, and occasionally participates in some dangerous pioneering missions.

I heard that Mr. Hunter also has an Aix team under his command to deal with some shady things for her, and she herself has a mysterious team that only obeys her orders.

Members of the 'Guardian' nature are not counted in the establishment of the Stars Club.

I feel that our small organization is similar to the mercenaries in Night City, taking money to do things and never asking too much.Of course, in this situation, no one pays us money. "

As she spoke, Judy walked to the collection wall, she looked back at Mason, and said:

"The captain said just now that for the sake of the annihilation of the six-headed snake team, we can give you a few collectibles as a thank you.

Come on, pick one and take it away.

These are really top-notch items. Someone once offered a D-rank vassal world to buy these weapons, but the captain ignored them.

However, for fully intelligent weapons, you may need to implant a prosthetic body first. I can help you with the implant surgery for free, and may also need to replace a prosthetic eye.

Don't make such a face.

Don't worry, this process is not as scary as you think. The prosthetic eye is cultivated with your DNA, and it is completely your eye except for some optical components inside. "

"It's still not necessary."

Mason shook his head and declined the gift.

He looked at the dazzling array of firearms and weapons, and said:
"By appreciating and understanding them, I have gained something more valuable, and I have realized my previous misconceptions about engineering.

I can't be stuck in my own world building a car by myself.

I have to constantly absorb the wisdom of the outside world, constantly absorb the experience of others, and constantly learn other concepts to make my skills grow faster.

But since you must give presents, it would be disrespectful for me not to accept them. "

The captain who changed the topic turned his eyes around Judy's studio, and finally shook his head and said:

"But there is really nothing here that I desperately want. Why not ask you, an excellent future technology engineer, to help me solve a problem that has been bothering me."


Judy folded her arms and snorted, and said with the arrogance of a craftsman:

"Let me see what's bothering you?"

"Then I let it out, don't blink."

Mason opened his suitcase with a smile.

Then, the heavy and huge Fenrir armor appeared in Judy's workshop.

When Batman's own war weapon fell to the ground, the entire studio was shaken, and some of the weapons hanging on the wall fell off, and the young girl who watched was stunned.

She has seen a lot of power armor in her world.

She has seen both the intelligent and the unintelligent and has some operating experience, but the fierce and gloomy man like a mechanical giant in front of her is still beyond her imagination.

She can be sure that this is definitely not something designed for ordinary warfare!
"One guy talked me out of it by telling me it was bound to his DNA, but honestly, I really don't want to pass this thing up."

Mason patted the arm of the mighty and domineering Fenrir armor, and said:

"So, please, help me crack it, Judy. I have a feeling maybe I'll use it soon."

(End of this chapter)

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