The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 118 1. Master Evil Alchemist's Construction Plan

Chapter 118 1. Master Evil Alchemist's Construction Plan
On the second day after returning from the Caribbean world, he fulfilled the work of treating patients and saving lives in the clinic. At night, Mason took his loyal dog-legged brother Kiteman and the newly recruited Captain Jack to the Forbidden Forest across the gate of the world. in the "Mage Tower".

That is, the magic apartment left by old K.

However, the unique matching and contrast of this three-story house located in the dark forbidden forest does have the taste of "hidden mages".

"Hey guys! How was your last night?"

Wearing a coquettish casual suit, removing the pirate's dreadlocks, washing off the smoky makeup, and wearing a luxurious toad mirror to dress himself like a playboy, Captain Jack cheered out of the room.

Cuddle with your bitter pirate brethren.

Unlike him having a good time in Gotham City yesterday, these pirates sent by Zha Kang to the Forbidden Forest lived in fear last night.

Even though Constantine used magic to temporarily build a spacious residence for them, took out enough food and water from the magic apartment, and even allowed them to bathe and watch movies on the first floor to pass the time, but this damn Forbidden Forest is full of chaos. All kinds of zombie creatures running around still frighten these superstitious guys.

Fortunately, Zha Kang provided enough wine, which gave these guys the courage to survive the frightening night.

"Jack, you'll never guess what I saw last night!"

Mr. Gibbs, the first mate, looked up and down the new image of Captain Jack, and complained to him:

"Centaur! The legendary half-man and half-horse monsters have also turned into ghouls and have been wandering in the forest last night. There are also a few brothers with sperm and brains who went to swim in the nearby black lake, Almost drowned by being dragged down by a zombie mermaid.

This place is horrible.

Why don't you tell the wizards and let us camp in another place, okay? "

"Yes, yes."

A group of young pirates strongly expressed their desire to change places.

"Captain, you promised to let us live a good life when you took us away before, and now this broken place is not as good as we are swimming in the sea.

At least free. "

"Shut up."

Jack carefully glanced back at the balcony on the third floor of the apartment. He was relieved that he didn't see Mason standing there, and turned back to appease the dissatisfied younger brothers.

His glib promise said:
"I also know your difficulties. Yesterday I was not just eating, drinking and having fun. I have already agreed with Mason. This is just a temporary residence. You are here to help the wizards repair this magic tower and open up some potions. Tian, ​​when things are done, you can go to Gotham to enjoy the blessings."

The captain took out the nameplate of the security personnel of the Iceberg Bar and threw it to the first mate Gibbs, saying:
"Look, I've found new jobs for you."

"Work? Bah!"

A one-eyed pirate spat on the ground and screamed:
"I didn't escape from the sea to work for anyone. The man has never thought about working in his life!"

"Shut up, idiot."

Captain Jack was well aware of the nature of pirates, so he cursed:
"Just let you put on good clothes and go around every night to maintain order in the big tavern. You can drink good wine as you like, and you can find beautiful horses as you like. There are also monthly medical examinations and medical subsidies.

Your biggest professional risk is just to take out your guns and fight with punks when they come to make trouble.

This good thing is what I tried my best to win for you, if you don’t want it, get out!Do you want to throw you into the black lake to feed mermaids now? "

Seeing the captain get angry, a group of pirates calmed down.

Jack took out his new mobile phone cursingly, and had already skillfully swiped open the screen to show his younger brothers the screen he recorded by himself yesterday.

Captain Jack, who is well aware of human nature, not only showed them the bustling scene of Gotham and the young girls dancing in the bar, but also showed them the exciting scene of a gang fight when they went out shopping last night.

"Hey, this place looks good, it's luxurious and chaotic, just like a pirate's paradise."

The first mate Gibbs, who was over forty and bald, comforted the pirate monkey on his shoulders. He stared at the screen on his mobile phone, licked his lips and said with bright eyes:

"Jack! This is what you said, as long as we finish this job here, we can go there to enjoy happiness!"

"Of course, you know me, I've always been reliable in my words!"

Captain Jack patted his chest, then took out several packs of cigarettes and a case of fine wine to share with his brothers, bragging to them about his "journey to the new world" yesterday.

The gang of pirate boys who heard it scratched their heads, wishing they could go to the cool and chaotic Gotham to make a "big cause".

"See? That's the correct way to use Jack."

On the balcony on the third floor of the magic apartment behind him, Mason said to the kite man beside him:

"That guy's ability to demagogue people is much better than that of Zha Kang, and what's more rare is that Jack's unrestrained prodigal style is deadly poison to ladies.

Coupled with his group of loyal pirates who look rebellious and disobedient but are actually willing to follow Jack across the world, as long as you maintain a good relationship with them, the underground world of Gotham City will soon usher in a drastic change.

At that point, you're not far from your dream of becoming Gotham's 'King of Villains'. "

"Boss, didn't we say we should not mention this matter?"

Charles curled his lips in embarrassment.

He glanced at the increasingly noisy pirates below the magic apartment, thought for a while and said to Mason:

"Got to send them there in batches. It's going to draw unwanted attention in Gotham with 100+ restless people, especially from Batman's side.

I'll deal with Jack, boss, you don't have to worry about that. "

"Now distribute the weapons to them."

Mason played with the newly made black quasar gun, and said to the kiteman:

"You and Jack took them around the house, John said that there are at least three tribes of zombie centaurs nearby, and get rid of them today.

Then plant the magic seeds prepared by John.

The soil of the Forbidden Forest is rich in magic power, and it only takes a few days for the medicinal materials to be harvested. The various resources here are also what we urgently need and must be planned well.

In addition, set up a defense line outside the Forbidden Forest. "

The young man pointed to several large boxes behind him, and said:

"Those are mobile guard heavy machine gun turrets I got from Wayne Industries' military lab and put them around to keep uninvited guests out.

After all, this is a public world. Last time, John met other people from the Stars Club. It is estimated that there will be many such things in the future.

Marking them out that this is K-team territory can save a lot of trouble. "


The kiteman nodded.

A few minutes later, the weapons that had been "retrofitted" by Team K were distributed to the pirates.

Mason received various miniature fire control chips from the laboratory of the military department of Wayne Industries from Mr. Lucius Fox yesterday.

In exchange, he gave the genius engineer part of the blueprint for the Quasar Pistol.

The deal was not a loss, and both parties got what they needed.

The quasar gun equipped with a fire control chip can finally exert enough power, and it can finally bring the poor firepower of the K team into a "worthy" state.

The reason why this gadget needs a fire control chip is because this fantasy firearm is a peculiar "technical weapon", and its biggest feature is "charging".

The destructive power of the bullet can be flexibly adjusted through the charging device installed inside.

If you use it skillfully, you can switch from single shot to burst shot to short-range sniper with only one gun. In addition, its unique large-capacity drum makes it an excellent weapon for body protection. very good.

The weapons used by the team members before the new guns were eliminated, and all kinds of low-level firearms and explosives that Mason had made to improve his engineering proficiency were all taken out in one go.

This will be treated as waste utilization and distributed by Captain Jack to his brothers.

Also issued together is the primary enhancer that Mason gave to Zha Kang before. Using the genetic blueprint of the killer crocodile and the enhancer itself can give the user 30 minutes of "superhuman" combat power.

This thing is good for everything, the only problem is that it is still a half-finished product.

It will take some time for Mason's "reverse technology" to figure out the various properties of this reinforcement and then start further processing and transformation, but this group of ignorant pirates can effectively speed up the process.

They will become the most perfect "drug testers".

He stood on the balcony on the third floor of the apartment and watched as the noisy pirates, led by the kite man and Jack, marched in two ways to the centaur zombie tribe in the Forbidden Forest.

There was a hint of thought in Mason's eyes. He didn't intend to use these pirates as cannon fodder.

The ability of these pirates to board the legendary battleship Black Pearl in the Caribbean world shows that they are all skilled people, and it would be a pity to waste them like this.

His idea was to train them as the first "minions" of K-Squad.

Give them weapons, give them strengthening medicine, and give them the necessary equipment, so that they can accumulate combat experience by continuously fighting the zombified magical animals in the Forbidden Forest, so as to provide sufficient help for the K team's world development in the future.

Jack Sparrow, Angelina Teach and Elizabeth Swan are natural minion commanders.

Thinking of this, Mason found out the formula of the Green Goblin potion that Mr. Sandstorm had given him before.

The side effects of this stuff are really scary.

But its strengthening effect is comparable to that of the commander of the Cleaner Legion equipped with strengthening agents. The Green Goblin is not an ordinary little villain in his world.

After all, the gold content of Spider-Man's old enemy is there.

"Do you want to make it or not?"

Mason hesitated.

He had checked Team K's material warehouse before, and found that he had all the raw materials for making this potion on hand.With his current level of alchemy, he can also complete the primary preparation, and he can make a finished product after a few days of research at most.

"Whatever it is, make it first and then talk about it!"

The young man quickly made a decision.

He put the high-quality quasar technology gun in his hand into the weapon slot on his waist, and leaning on his black penguin with a cool handle, he returned to the alchemy room of the apartment and prepared to make this dangerous thing today Come.

Mason also hopes to use his alchemy knowledge to try to "purify" the Green Goblin potion. It would be great if the bad side effects that would produce a second personality could be eliminated or weakened.

While the captain of Team K, Master Mason, was busy, on the other side of the battlefield in the Forbidden Forest, the kiteman was flying at low altitude at the height of brushing the tops of the trees. .

The two high-tech pistols fed by drums have achieved the rate of fire of submachine guns in Charles' hands, and the energy storage control of the internal fire control chip makes the bullets fired with terrifying penetration and destructive power.

Ordinary zombie centaurs will be headshot on the spot if they are hit in the head, and huge scars will be torn off the body.

In addition to the advantage in firepower, the kiteman is also very skillful in controlling a dozen black flight engineering bombs beside him. These flying bombs, which have been upgraded with the blueprint of the bat drone, are faster and more concealed.

Among them is the "alien bomb" that Mason just made.

"Get out of the way! The big guy is coming out!"

Charles, who was high in the sky, soon discovered that in the chaotic centaur village, a large and strange zombie centaur rushed out of the hole screaming, and the guy was still holding a heavy spear in his hand.

He shouted to the pirates who were enjoying the fun of Chug Chug outside.

The first mate Gibbs, who was wearing a communication headset by his ear, was startled by the sudden shout before he understood the principle of this small device that could transmit sound for thousands of miles.

He grabbed a big-caliber shotgun and yelled at the pirates beside him, kicking over a few chug-addicted bastards before they backed away to a safe distance.

Then two flying bombs roared down from the sky.

After the explosion, there was not only an impact but also magical frost splashing, and the burst of cold air froze the zombies and monsters around the explosion point in place and became living targets.

"Call me!"

Seeing this scene, the first officer of the pirate immediately regained his spirits.

Those who like to fight with the wind screamed and raised their firearms, which were much more powerful than flintlock guns, and shot towards the target in front of them.

The big zombie centaur was constantly bombarded by the kiteman with flying bombs with various control effects, and nearly a hundred bullets were shot by the pirates, almost smashing his body into a sieve.

"Mr. Gibbs, pick a few 'warriors' to drink the medicine! Go forward and try the enhanced effect of the boss' medicine, this is one of your tasks."

The kiteman's instructions came from the chief mate's earphone.

Gibbs hesitated, but quickly went back and picked a few pirates he had always disliked and forced them to drink the oddly colored potion.

No one wants to drink this stuff!
But in the face of the raised black muzzles around them, a few pirates who were usually not very popular so they were isolated had no choice but to grit their teeth and dry up the green potion.

A few seconds later, several shrill screams came from the mouths of those guys, startling the kitemen hovering high in the sky.

As Mason's "eyes", he has to record the effect of the potion all the way.

Under the gaze of the high-altitude telescope, Charles saw the pirates scratching their hearts and screaming on the ground, with green scales growing from their blood-stained skin.

Make them look like they've turned into monsters.

But soon, after about ten seconds, the pirates got used to the new "power".

They were pleasantly surprised to feel the increasingly powerful brute force and the body that felt invulnerable, and they were pushed forward by the wild burst in their hearts.

Under the wide-eyed gaze of a group of pirates, they fought hand-to-hand with zombie centaurs extremely bravely.

This scene surprised the kiteman very much.

He suspended in the air and took out a very professional recording board, completely recorded the changes of these drug testers, and marked the effect of the drug at the end.

Although this thing does look very powerful, but the kite man definitely doesn't want to drink those things into his mouth?As Mason's number one henchman, Charles knew that this thing was still a "semi-finished product".

God knows what the hell side effects will be if you drink it rashly?
Therefore, he carefully wrote the comment "suggested for use by servants and cannon fodder" in the last suggestion column.

But doing large-scale drug experiments on Mason is definitely not enough, so at the end of the battle, the kiteman issued a new order to the group of pirate servants:
"There will be no guns in the next battle! Half of the people will drink the No. [-] potion, and the other half will drink the No. [-] potion. Mr. Gibbs, you are the ground commander, so you drink the No. [-] specially assigned to you.

rest assured.

Number four works best!

I promise. "

While Mr. Gibbs pinched his nose reluctantly and poured down No. [-] potion, on the other side of the Forbidden Forest, Captain Jack also issued a similar order to his fellows.

But the situation of these pirates is better.

Their task is not to test potions, but to test the performance of various armors and melee weapons that Mason tossed out with different ores.

Among them are some "primary magical armors" that have been treated with enchantments and inscriptions.

It is almost a life-threatening task for the pirates to wear experimental armor to fight zombie centaurs, but under the joint "persuasion" of Captain Jack's earnest words and the black muzzles of the two quasar pistols in his hand, a group of pirates still fought with the dead. Like a mother, she brandished a cold weapon and rushed towards the zombie centaur in front of her.

Watching this scene, Captain Jack was quite emotional.


The servants of the K team are really not so easy to be.It looks like wit and wit aren't enough to stay long under the evil Mason Cooper.


The brothers are really awesome. I have ordered 4000 for the first time, which is really an unexpected good result. I don’t want to say anything, and I will send it in the tenth update!There is also the leader Jiageng, today. Cough cough cough, let me take it easy, the symptoms of the lamb are really terrible.

The addition of the alliance leader will be done before the 7th, and there will be an addition on New Year's Day, which has already been arranged, love you all!

(End of this chapter)

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