Chapter 98

In the end, the two chose a set of psychic swan geese, which looked like black swans at first glance.

This set of psychic swan geese can not only repair the soul, but even improve the soul as the time spent in the soul increases. The most important thing is that for the couple who own this set of treasures, as long as the soul of one of them is still there, the other will be happy. It will not really disappear, this is the most important reason why they finally chose this set of treasures.As for the psychic talk, it is easy to understand. Couples who have psychic swan geese can achieve true heart-to-heart connection, even if they are reincarnated, they can quickly find each other through psychic swan geese.

Among all the treasures given by the main system, the psychic swan goose is not the best, but it is the most suitable for their situation.But even so, they still gave up the benefits of the fourth floor of the Five Blessing Planet. Fortunately, the most precious Five Blessing Land of the Five Blessing Planet was preserved.

After the fusion, the area of ​​Dongtian blessed land has become much larger. Not only is there an additional land of five blessings, a wide ocean and many mineral veins, but even the time flow of the brewing cave has been accelerated a lot.According to the system introduction, her Paradise Paradise has been upgraded two levels in a row, and gradually began to have the outline of a small world, which made Su Jiu somewhat comforted.

Gu Ye was rather happy: "Only [-]% of the Five Blessed Planets allowed Dongtian Paradise to be upgraded by two levels. It can be seen that the potential of Dongtian Paradise is much greater than we originally expected. This is also a surprise."

Su Jiu's mood was not very high: "But your Five Blessing Planet is gone."

Gu Ye rubbed Su Jiu's hair amusedly, and said, "You and I are connected in spirit and soul, your paradise is me."

Su Jiu thought so too, Gu Ye, the blessed land of the cave, can go in at any time, and there will be no place to hide in case of danger in the future.In fact, she couldn't be blamed for this, it was the experience of fleeing for her life in her previous life that left her with lingering fears.

"Everything has been dealt with, don't worry this time."

"Don't worry. Gu Ye, I plan to close the connection between the live broadcast room and the Zerg plane, what do you think?"

"I also don't think it's necessary to continue to connect. Now the audience on the Zerg plane buys food most from the live broadcast room. We may sell a wave of food or recipes. As for the wine making recipe, you decide whether to sell it or not."

Su Jiu couldn't help asking: "Do you think the Zerg plane also has a system similar to the Wanjie live broadcast room?"

"There are too many planets ruled by Zerg. It is difficult for us to guarantee whether there are similar systems on planets other than Desolate Star."

"I'm not sure whether to sell all the secret recipes or not." Su Jiu's brows tightened, and he hesitated.

Gu Ye pointed at the table with his index finger, and said: "My suggestion is that some simple and easy-to-use secret recipes can be sold for success points, and the rest of the complicated ones are left."

Su Jiu thought about it, and the secret recipe that is easy to use is actually even if she doesn't say it, the bugs on the Zerg plane can research it after spending some time, so she also agrees with Gu Ye's suggestion.

"There are still two days to completely shut down the connection, and we must hurry up when we want to do anything. By the way, let's stock up on more energy stones."

After being told by Gu Ye, Su Jiu realized that a day had passed, and hurriedly said: "I will start the live broadcast now, Gu Ye, you can choose a secret recipe. Qiuqiu, this time only open the connection between the live broadcast room and the Zerg plane."

"Okay, host."

"Hi everyone, I'm Blue Star anchor Su Jiu." Su Jiu carefully browsed the barrage, and said: "The viewers who saw the anchor's announcement may know that the anchor is about to say goodbye to everyone. To be honest, I really miss everyone. But as the saying goes, there is always a banquet in the world, our separation today is for a better encounter in the future, the anchor believes that if there is a chance, we will meet again."

Su Jiu felt that she was not lying. If the Myriad Realms live broadcast system could be upgraded to the God of Trading system, she might not have the opportunity to establish contact with the Zerg plane again.

The barrage was full of voices of reluctance, not to mention the black source tree brought to them by the anchor, even the food and wine brought by the anchor greatly enriched their dining table and awakened their taste buds. It can almost be said that the anchor is completely People who changed their lives, that's why they are grateful to the host from the bottom of their hearts.

Su Jiu waved his hand and said, "Okay, everyone, don't be sensational. We will say goodbye in two days. Friends in the live broadcast room can contact the host if there is anything they want. This time, there is really no replenishment Now, everyone must act quickly—”

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately lost their attention to sensationalism, and each of them began to desperately think about what else they wanted, and began to write barrage crazily.

"A friend expressed that he would like to buy some recipes and recipes for wine making. This is no problem. The anchor will put relevant products on the backstage. The quantity is not limited. Friends who need it can place an order. Everyone can pay with energy stones." Thinking a lot People may not have so many energy stones in their hands. Thinking of the greatly reduced mineral resources, Su Jiu added: "All kinds of ores can also be paid."

The worms started to act after hearing the words, one by one desperately raising energy stones and ores, waiting for the anchor to exert his strength.

Seeing a large barrage of snail noodles for her to put on the shelves, Su Jiu twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn't expect the local tyrants to have such a strong taste, and he didn't notice it usually: "I just want to eat snail noodles, no problem, anchor This is stock up!" With a wave of his hand, [-] copies of snail powder were put on the shelves in the backstage. The reason why there are so many stocks is because Taojia snail powder, which is popular on, held an event. , Su Jiu simply hoarded [-] packs.

Su Jiu blinked and looked at the stock that had become "0", feeling a little surprised. She thought that there were only a few bugs who liked snail powder, but she never thought that there were not a few bugs to buy. Could it be that they are usually embarrassed to buy, but this time Knowing that she is leaving, if you don't buy it, there will be no chance again, so you start chopping it?
The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the case. This time, Su Jiu simply placed an order of 100 million copies directly on Since her order is completely worthy of the treatment of a big customer, the shop owner of Taojia Luoshifen said Express it to her on the same day, and the goods will arrive this afternoon!

Therefore, Su Jiu put another 100 million pre-sales directly on the shelves: "This pre-sale is 100 million copies. If there are still friends who haven't bought them, please deduct '0' in the live broadcast room. If there are too many copies, the anchor will consider buying again. There is a wave of pre-sale, friends who have not bought it now, pay attention, you only have 30 seconds to deduct '0'!"

A surprising thing happened again. As soon as Su Jiu finished speaking, "0" was written all over the bullet screen. It seemed that there were still endless gestures. This time, Gu Ye was stunned. , Dare to love is not the taste of a very few people, but the taste of the whole people!
Gu Ye had to switch to two well-known snail powder stores to get 100 million copies. As for Taojia snail powder, they said that their inventory had been emptied and they could not deliver the goods.

 (O ^~^ O): Vote up——

  Monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and evaluation tickets expire and become invalid, don't be stingy——

  If you like it, you must collect it——

(End of this chapter)

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