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Chapter 41 The Feast of Bliss

Chapter 41 The Feast of Bliss
Nine p.m
After Su Xiaoxiao sat down, she happened to touch a remote control. She pressed the red button on the remote control, and the projection on the wall began.

This is a projection TV. On the huge wall, Huanzhugege is playing. Ziwei is blind, and she keeps calling Erkang, Erkang.


Su Xiaoxiao changed a few more channels.

Find some news and so on, and through the above introduction, I have a basic understanding of this prison. This is a prison in the desert and it is also a key project of the country.

All prisoners of war are held here.

There are [-] floors in the entire prison, and the prison guards and chefs live on the top five floors. Su Xiaoxiao lives on the first floor of the prison, which is the closest floor to the chef.

The next time is the second floor, the third floor...

The food is eaten first from the first layer, then the second layer, the third layer... until the last layer.

The prisoners here range from three to ten people in each room. Every five days, the number of floors the prisoners live in will change. The specific changes are all random.

According to the statement on TV, although the prison prepares sufficient food every day, starvation will still occur. In order to avoid such a situation, the prison has been increasing the food for prisoners.

Su Xiaoxiao quickly cleared her mind. After analysis, she found that the most important thing in this society is actually a weapon.

She was really lucky, the first five days were the first floor with the most food, and one of the two men in the same room was her "father", so she was relatively safe.

It doesn't mean that she will be so lucky for the rest of her days. If she falls to the lower floors, she doesn't know if she will be able to eat enough.

I don't know what's going on with Big Brother Li now. In the last round, it was up to him to survive the last day safely. This time, Fatty is not here, and Big Brother Li is not here, so I can only rely on myself.

Su Xiaoxiao quickly accepted the reality, it was impossible to rely on others, she could only rely on herself, and she didn't know if Big Brother Li was doing well in Snake Island Town after leaving?
"Girl, don't go to sleep. Now, let's go and see what's on that man." Cheap Dad whispered to her, and his eyes fell on the man who was curled up in another corner.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Okay."

She followed Cheap Daddy, and slowly groped to the man in the corner. At present, she didn't have a good grasp of this world, so she could only follow "Cheap Daddy" to explore the rules of this world.

Cheap Dad tiptoed to the man's side, his actions were very skillful, it seemed that he had done this kind of thing not once or twice.

The man slept soundly, and even snored, without any sense of crisis, and even farted a time or two during the period.

After a brief pause, Cheap Daddy began a search.

From jacket to trousers, from jacket to inner lining, everything was searched. She pinched her watch and it took less than half an hour.

Not much was found in total.

A watch, a bag of Huazi, a lighter, a world map, a fruit knife, a remote control, a box of safety condoms, and an unfinished fruit.

Cheap Dad sighed in disappointment, and complained in a low voice: "Fuck, another poor guy."

"Put away the knife and lighter, and put the rest back for him." Su Xiaoxiao said emphatically, and she reminded Dad Cheap: "We live on the first floor, and we won't be short of food for the time being."

Dad Cheap nodded approvingly: "Okay, knife, where's the knife?"

(End of this chapter)

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