Chapter 173 Rosemary Hill
Compared with other places in the manor, there is a world of difference.

"Well, judging from the current situation, we should have gone the wrong way. But I have never been here before, and there are places like this in this manor. Is it a special feature?"

Featured yarn.

Who likes to see such features.

"It's getting cold, let's go back, we have to work tomorrow."

The moon is dark and the wind is high, Su Xiaoxiao doesn't want to stay in this ghostly place any longer.

She liked watching ghost movies before, and she didn't usually feel scared, but now in this environment, the movies she usually watched all popped up one after another.

The two of them had just walked back a few steps when a few childish voices suddenly came from the garden behind.

Su Xiaoxiao paused, she reached out and tugged on the fat man's sleeve.

"Did you hear anything?"

"Hmm..." The fat man also stopped, and then asked Su Xiaoxiao: "Is there a child's voice?"

It's already 11:30, and it doesn't make sense for anyone's little ones not to be home and play in this deserted garden.

According to her experience of watching ghost movies for many years, it is best to escape here immediately.

But you can't be bold enough to find out just because you are curious.

Just as she thought about it, the fat man turned around and walked into the garden, "Let's go and have a look."

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxiao had no choice but to follow, she secretly wondered if the fat man never watched ghost movies.

"Let's go back."

After walking a few steps, she tried to persuade the fat man not to go, but the fat man insisted on going his own way.

Seeing that he insisted on walking into the yard, Su Xiaoxiao had no choice but to trot to follow.

Facing going back alone, she would rather choose to be with Fatty.

At least with someone around, she wouldn't feel so terrible.

The two returned to their original positions again, just about to move on.

Suddenly there was a cry from behind.


Looking back, a dozen bodyguards armed with electric batons led by a man ran towards the two of them, and quickly caught up with them.

Then the leading man speeded up and ran to Su Xiaoxiao, directly blocking the way of her and the fat man.

"Two guests, have you lost your way? We have come here specially to pick you up."

Su Xiaoxiao recognized this man. He was the one who spoke on the stage at the opening ceremony. She thought he was of a high rank, but she didn't expect to be involved in such a thing as looking for someone.

"Haha, your service is really good." The fat man praised him, and then reminded him, "By the way, there seems to be a child's voice inside."

Hearing this, the man's face was stiff, but he still tried his best to maintain his smile, and patiently explained to the two of them: "Why, I guess you are hallucinating. It's getting late now, and this garden is not safe. Let's send the two back first."

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxiao tugged on the fat man's sleeve.

She signaled the fat man to go back. There was a strange feeling in this place. Since the man said no, there was no need for them to continue pestering him.

It's better to go down the donkey, and then find another opportunity to visit here again.

The two and the people from the manor behind them left one after the other, keeping a distance from each other.

After successfully returning to the bed and breakfast, the man bid farewell to the two of them politely, and then quickly withdrew from the bed and breakfast with a group of people.

After they all left, the two came to the fat man's room.

(End of this chapter)

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