Chapter 35 Toss in vain?

Wu Feifei nodded: "Of course. Let's leave a contact information, Ms. Zheng. I'll talk to the director and see when I can audition for you."

"Thank you senior."

Zheng Yashuang quickly took out her phone and added friends with Wu Feifei.

Wu Feifei glanced at Nalan Shaojin calmly, and smiled at Zheng Yashuang: "Miss Zheng, since we have added WeChat, we are now friends, and you don't have to be polite to call me senior, but call me Sister Feifei." That’s fine, as for me, I’ll call you Yashuang, is that okay?”

"Of course!" Zheng Yashuang nodded quickly, opening her mouth to speak falsely.

"I have always admired Sister Feifei. Today, I met Sister Feifei so close, and found that you are much more beautiful than what you see on the screen~! Sister Feifei has such good skin, do you have any secrets for nursing care?" ?”

Wu Feifei smiled generously: "Since Yashuang you have asked such a question, why don't we sit down and have a chat?"

"Okay." Zheng Yashuang smiled brightly.

She wants to seize every opportunity to climb up!
She and Wu Feifei were in the same entertainment industry, but Wu Feifei was backed by the big tree of the Wu family. Not long after her debut, the Wu family threw money at her to be promoted to the position of a first-line floret.

But as for her, she is struggling in the entertainment industry, and the little help provided by Yu's family is not much different from not having it. This has also led to her being barely [-] years old.

Unexpectedly, when I came to Wu's family to attend a birthday banquet today, I was lucky enough to be able to board Wu Feifei's popular ship.

She believed that as long as she firmly grasped Wu Feifei, she would be able to make a name for herself in the entertainment circle, and it was just around the corner!
As for why she suddenly won Wu Feifei's favor, Zheng Yashuang didn't want to know.

She only knows that when the opportunity comes, she must seize it!
Wu Feifei took a seat at this table in Yu's house, chatting with Zheng Yashuang while pretending to be affectionate, while looking for an opportunity to speak quietly.

"Ya Shuang, I heard you have a cousin, didn't she come over today?"

Hearing Wu Feifei mention Yu Lingchu, Zheng Yashuang repeated what she said to Nalan Shaojin before.

"My cousin doesn't like lively places."

"That's it."

Wu Feifei leaned closer to Zheng Yashuang, pretending to be outspoken and said in a low voice: "The daughters of wealthy families are all social, and don't like lively occasions, it's... not good to be sociable.

Oh, Yashuang, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean your cousin to be embarrassed.

I just think that maybe she should learn more from you, socialize more, and make a lot of friends, what do you think? "

"I think Sister Feifei is right." Zheng Yashuang also approached Wu Feifei and whispered, "My cousin is very strange."

"Really?" Wu Feifei showed a look of surprise, gossiping: "But I heard people say that your cousin has an engagement with Mr. Nalan. According to what you said, the engagement cannot be true Bar?"

Zheng Yashuang sensed something was wrong, but facing Wu Feifei's questioning gaze, she didn't have time to think about it, so she whispered back: "It's true."

Wu Feifei's heart sank, and she said with a smile: "Are you kidding? Didn't you just say that your cousin has a strange temper? If you say that Mr. Nalan's fiancée is you, I believe it."

Zheng Yashuang was aroused by Wu Feifei's words to provoke jealousy in her heart, and said angrily: "Who will make my cousin's life better?"

"How do you say that?" Wu Feifei hurriedly asked.

In the monitoring room, Yu Lingchu stared at the WeChat message sent back by Nalan Shaojin, thought for a moment, and replied to him: "As long as Mr. Nalan agrees to help, I will treat you to dinner and thank you."

Nalan Shaojin quickly replied, "Eat? Was it poisoned or not?"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"System, look at what question he is asking, am I that kind of person?"

System: "emmm, don't ask me, I don't know~"

Jade Lingchu→_→

"Host, think about the glass of spirits in the bar last time... Hey~ it's all your own fault, right?"

Yu Lingchu: "Alright, you can shut up now."

Her fingers fluttered, and she quickly replied to the message: "Mr. Nalan, you may have misunderstood my character. We are not those who break the law and discipline. Just a little help. Mr. Nalan is such a good person. Shouldn't you have the heart to refuse?"

"Speak and see."

"Mr. Nalan, can you promise me first?"

"Don't say it? Then forgive me for being helpless."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"If you see my parents, don't talk about the last time you saw me in the bar, okay?"

After Yu Lingchu finished sending the message, she sent another emoji of begging you.

Seeing that cute emoji, Nalan Shaojin tried hard to hold back his smile, and replied, "That's it?"


Yu Lingchu replied to the message almost instantly.

Nalan Shaojin followed up with a message: "I'm really sorry, I've already said it."

When Yu Lingchu saw the news, she was so angry that she hammered the table with her hand.

This movement frightened the other two security personnel who were watching the surveillance with her, and immediately looked at her in horror.

"Chu...chu sister? What's wrong?"

"Did you find out what happened?"

Yu Lingchu breathed out: "It's okay."

The other two: "?"

It's okay, why are you hammering the table all of a sudden?

Yu Ling gave them a first glance: "What are you looking at me for? Is there surveillance on my face?"

The other two quickly relocked their gazes to the monitoring screen.

Why did the first sister suddenly lose her temper?
very scary……

Yu Lingchu stared viciously at the figure of Nalan Shaojin on the monitor screen.

I really can't see it.Nalan Shaojin turned out to have a big mouth, he couldn't hide anything!

It's over T^T
Her parents knew they were cheated, they knew she was in Haicheng, but they just hid and didn't go home, after they caught her, they couldn't spare her...

Is she really going to hide outside for the rest of her life T^T
Yu Lingchu stared viciously at the screen of the phone, poked her finger vigorously on the screen and typed out a line of words: "You bastard, don't let me see you!"

Seeing this news, Nalan Shaojin almost laughed out loud.

She is in a hurry, she is in a hurry, hahaha.

He typed back: "I lied to you just now. I didn't expect that Lingchu would dare to go to the bar, and would be afraid of being caught by his parents."

Yu Lingchu who received the news: "..."

She took a deep breath, and another breath...

"Ding dong~!"

The message sounded, and Nalan Shaojin sent another message.

"Tell Lingchu the good news, I'm with your parents now."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Labor and management know!It's up to you to say it!

She said quietly: "System, Nalan Shaojin threatened me..."

"Host." The system said calmly, and sighed faintly: "You have to know, when you come out to mess around... you always have to pay it back..."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"Can I be the one who is threatened casually?! Threatening me? Hmph!"

Holding the phone, Yu Lingchu sent Nalan Shaojin a message backhandedly.

(End of this chapter)

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