Chapter 44
Penguin returned to his office.

The exquisite hairstyle and monocle glasses he spent a lot of money on are not damaged in any way, but there are some traces of dust all over his body, and there are a few drops of blood splashed on his face, but he quickly disappeared. erased.

He slowly sat back on the chair in his office.

His female secretary pushed open the door and hurried into the room. When her high heels touched the floor of the room, she immediately restrained her voice sensiblely.

She walked quietly behind Penguin and gently squeezed his shoulders.

"So... boss?"

She said, "What is the clown going to say to you?"

She was about to say, "The clown wants you to do something," but her survival instinct quickly stopped her.

"It's still the same, Maiev." Penguin frowned: "It's another game waiting for Batman to participate. You know, the third child, hostage, bomb, which one to save."

"The playground in the outskirts, or that ace chemical plant, who knows, the clowns will always buy some nook and cranny. I have to comment that these are nothing new, I bet there may be piranhas in there, but this time The hostages may be a bit heavyweight."

The Penguin breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the half-drinked milk and drank it: "Mayor Carlo, you know. A few hours ago, I just received the information that he led the 2 National Guard in high spirits. Then What? He was incontinent just now in front of me."

He said sarcastically, "Like a dog."

"But even if Carlo's a dog, he's the mayor," Maiev said. "Batman is busy again."

The penguin didn't say a word, it was a tacit agreement.

He cursed and said: "Damn clown, every time he goes to someone's house, he always finds a reason to kill him!"

But the anger quickly disappeared from Penguin's face, and the lives of those killed brothers were also worthless to him.

他 说:

"Go and dispose of the waste corpses killed by clowns in the restaurant. Wipe the blood clean. I don't want customers to say that the ground is red when the restaurant opens tomorrow."


After his secretary left, Penguin finally relaxed.

To make up for the scare he's had today, he decides to eat 5 more... no, 10 cookies.

But just as he stood up to look for the biscuits, the soft expression disappeared from his face.

And the reason for disappearing is:
Someone was breathing behind him.

It's just a simple inhalation of air and exhalation.

Penguin could even hear the air hissing around his ears.

This sudden threat made his heart tighten, he subconsciously took a deep breath, and then forgot that he was still drinking milk.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
He snorted loudly at the milk coming out of his nose, then stood up abruptly.He knew who was behind him——

There is only one person in Gotham who is so adept at intimidation to this degree.

The penguin said, "That's enough, Klein, no matter what you came here on purpose to say something to me, pretending to scare me won't change the outcome of our chat."

"Well, well, well, after all these years, still so sharp, Copopapat."

Penguin turned around, but there was no one behind him.He turned his head back to the front, and saw a tall and thin man with a figure like a bamboo pole suddenly appearing on a chair in his office.

Penguin simply wiped the milk, showing a familiar expression.

"Klein, my old friend, I thought you were just as obedient to the clown as I saw."

"This is only a temporary cooperation, Copopat. I don't know when you fell in love with empty words."

"Ha, does the clown know that you left him and came back alone?"

The Scarecrow looked into Penguin's eyes.

"The Joker and I are just a partnership, Copopat. As long as our interests cannot be aligned, this fragile alliance will be destroyed at any time."

"Yes, you are right, I have fully understood."

Seeing that the Penguin's threat to him dissipated, the Scarecrow went straight to the point and explained why he came: "My reason for coming is Bane."

"He's a pretty scary guy, and we both could tell he was behind everything going on," he said.

"I don't doubt that Batman can stop him, but I think it's a good time to end it all - if only we can unite all of Arkham."

It took a long time for the penguin to keep the milk from spraying out of his nostrils again because of this plan.

He perfunctorily said: "As a friend, Klein, I think it will only be counterproductive if we try to intimidate any of our colleagues."

"And it's hard enough to keep these lunatics from crossing the line, and you're adding fuel to the fire and taking them to something big?"

"So then, just watch Batman defeat that Bane? Let Batman control the whole of Gotham once again?"

Penguin clicked his tongue.

"Then you should do the job you brought yourself to stop everyone."

"Bane, Batman, and those disobedient colleagues, you can try to defeat them all by yourself and fulfill your ambition."

Penguin said:
"If you just want a piece of land in Gotham, I can give you one at any time. But you want the people of Arkham to listen to you? What are you going to use to restrain them?"

The penguin said: "Rely on money, loyalty, or mercy? Or the belief in capturing or defending this city and fighting for this city?"

Penguin shook his head.

"My ancestor Nathan Kpopat protected Gotham during the Civil War, a man like him, a man with nothing compared to you, would never cry like a bitch while fighting for his city .”

"But sadly, this kind of morality only exists in books, and running away is the nature of Arkham. You are as completely crazy as the clown, you idiot in Halloween costume."

"External force." The scarecrow who hadn't spoken all this time said, "External force. Otherwise, why do you think I'm hanging out with the clown?"




Chen Tao silently withdrew his attention from the Alfred agreement.

The transformation abilities brought to him by the agreement do not need to be realized immediately and on the spot. He has a long time to study slowly.

"We should go back." He said to everyone present.


"So when did I become your subordinate?" Poison Ivy looked at the ventriloquist, then at the Cheshire cat, and then at the dead shooter who helped Harley Quinn up from the ground.

She kicked him away: "Get lost, only I can support Harry!"

"That's why you walked with us." Chen Tao said.

Immediately afterwards, he ignored everyone and dialed Alfred's communication.

Three minutes later, he was sitting in the seat of the stealth plane with Alfred.

"Alfred, contact Lucius for me." He said.

The laughing gas infected with Bain and his distorted smile made Chen Tao feel the existence of a person, something he had envisioned before... must be put on the production schedule, and there is a plan to continue to regain available combat power——

In the future, he will be busy with many things, and many plans will be pushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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