Full-time cartoonist.

Chapter 64 Ratings

Chapter 64 Ratings

Endo Tetsuya called Hibiki Higashino, who was waiting for first-hand information on TV Asahi.

"It's been a long time since a work like "Soul of Chess" has stimulated my creative desire." His teeth were chattering, and the winter night was very cold, but his voice was much more passionate, "What are the ratings? I can't wait to see Know."

Higashino admired Hibiki, and Director Endo really loved his work.

"Then please, I still have to draw manga, otherwise I will definitely be there."

Everyone has their own battlefield, Higashihiro's battlefield is on the tip of the pen.

"Hahaha, you are too polite!" Endo Tetsuya said loudly. He took a sip of instant noodles, sighed freely, and then ended the call.

Higashino looked at the phone and prayed in his heart, hoping to have a good result.

Under the same sky, many people cannot sleep.

Odagiri was lying on the bed, his complexion flushed with excitement.

He gave up the winter vacation and played chess with some students who were not going home from other places.

Just today, he was recognized by Shinoda's fourth dan and officially joined the chess academy, which is another step closer to his dream of a professional chess player.

Recalling his former self, he suddenly felt that the sea had changed, and he seemed to be a different person.

No matter how I thought about it in the past, it is impossible to think of what I am now.

"I want to become a professional chess player."

The moonlight was reflected by the snow, making the room extraordinarily bright.

Odagiri stretched out his palm and looked at the ceiling with firm eyes.

It's a pity that because I haven't played chess online for a long time, when I boarded "IGS", the opponent and teacher "Hirobi Higashino" was not online, so I couldn't share this good news with him.

Moreover, this afternoon, Mr. Shinoda brought rice cakes and buckwheat noodles, making the quiet Qiyuan more lively for the New Year.

He took everyone to watch TV for a while, take a break, and switch their brains.

That is the "Soul of Chess" animation.

In order to concentrate on learning chess, Odagiri has not paid attention to this work for a long time. He did not expect the surprise to come so suddenly, and there is already an animation work.

Fujiwara Sawei and Toya Ryo's chess game, watching his heart agitated, empathizes with him.

In the past, he was like Hikari Shinto now, who couldn't understand the charm of Go at all.

But now, he also wants to play chess with Zuo Wei.

After the animation ended, Odagiri looked at his companions around him.

Everyone was very excited, clenched their fists, and their eyes seemed to be shining.

"You too?" he asked in surprise.


""Soul of Chess" is very interesting!"

"I watch it occasionally in private."

They secretly glanced at Shinoda Sidan and whispered.

How could college students who love Go not like "Soul of Chess"?

Shinoda is also very aware of this. In fact, even he himself is chasing updates every week.

He pretended to be serious, "You must concentrate on learning chess. If you want to become a professional chess player, you must first pass the professional chess player preliminaries from hundreds of people. Only after winning three games can you have the door to the professional chess player examination tickets."

"Even so, there are only two or three people who can eventually become professional chess players."

"It's not difficult. I gave up my studies and worked hard for several years. In order to accompany you to learn chess, your parents gave up their jobs in their hometown and came to Tokyo to live under others."

"Being a loser is what you want?"

"I'm sorry, teacher." Odagiri and the others knelt together, bowing their heads and apologizing.

Shinoda was taken aback. Looking at the frustrated and remorseful looks of the students, he felt that he had spoken too seriously.

He coughed and smiled, "You usually work hard enough, it's understandable to relax occasionally, just pay attention."


"It just so happens that this weekend, there will be a signing event for the booklet of "Soul of Chess", which is near the chess academy. I will take you to participate." Shinoda also wanted to see that young man again.

A boy named Hibiki Higashino has unexpectedly become a serial manga artist, and now his works are animated and sold in separate volumes.

On the road to success, he has made a great contribution to the popularization of Go.

"Oh! Thank you! Teacher!"

The students cheered and jumped up.

When Odagiri thought of this, a smile appeared on his face.

Mr. "Hirobi Higashino" who loves Go, will he also like "Soul of Go"?Will he also go to the book signing event?

Maybe pass him by.

I don't know what he looks like, if I can meet him and let him see his growth.

He couldn't help but look forward to the weekend's signing.


When Higashino woke up, he hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time.

He looked out the window and saw that the ground was already covered with thick snow.

Qiugong and the others are making snowmen in the yard.

He shook his head, and subconsciously glanced at his phone. It was already nine o'clock, and there was a call record from Endo Tetsuya's supervisor.

Higashino quickly dialed back, and after half a minute, Endo Tetsuya got through.

The voice on the other side was very noisy, Higashino couldn't hear what he said clearly, it sounded like he was drinking.

"Sorry, I was at a party just now." Endo Tetsuya may have walked out of the private room, and his voice was much clearer.

"Haven't slept all night, are you still having dinner?" Higashino was surprised.

But listening to this meaning, the ratings are very good.

"It's okay, it's okay," Endo Tetsuya didn't care, "Anyway, I'm used to staying up late."

"Ha...ha..." Higashino thought for a while, the animation industry is really hard, and working overtime and staying up late is normal.

Some people even work on the floor in the company, racing against time to work.

"By the way!" Endo Tetsuya said excitedly: "You don't know yesterday's ratings! 15.3%!"

Higashino didn't know how high or low the ratings were, so he nodded in catering, congratulating him dryly.

"It seems that you don't understand how good this score is," he explained: "Mr. Togashi Yoshihiro's "Yu Yu Hakusho" has an average audience rating of 17.6% after animation, excluding early works such as "Chibi Maruko". "Yu Yu Hakusho" is completely ranked among the best, it is a masterpiece at the national level!"

Higashino suddenly realized that with this understanding, the ratings of "Soul of Chess" are very good, which is a bit exaggerated.

"Why?" He wondered in surprise.

"It's not clear yet." Endo Tetsuya said, "But! There must be a banquet. Will Mr. Akino Bird come over? There will be a second party. Everyone really wants to see you, the hero."

Higashino still had no choice but to decline, "I have to go home, and there will be a signing event tomorrow, so I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, I understand." He was hooked by his subordinates, walked into the room, and quickly said to Higashi Higashino: "I'll hang up the phone first, and I will report back in time if I have any results."

Higashino listened to the busy tone in the microphone, looking forward to the future of "Soul of Chess" more and more.

(End of this chapter)

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