I didn't intend to become a fairy

Chapter 13 Someone Visits

Chapter 13 Someone Visits
Luo Butou came back late again today.

Mrs. Wang still brought hot water to wash his feet. Seeing the exhausted faces of her officials, she couldn't help asking:

"Is the person still not caught?"

"How could it be possible to catch it?" Luo Butou sighed, "That man is suspicious and cunning. We set up several traps. Either the method was ineffective, or he saw through it in advance and didn't step in at all."

"What method doesn't work?"

"It's the method of the master of Tai'an Temple."

"The county magistrate..."

"There are still a few days left."

"If you ask me, it's not enough to grab it so hard. Although he can't fly into the sky, he can hide on the ground. Isn't it embarrassing for you to catch him? Is it possible to set him up so that he can't touch the ground? " Wang said, washing her husband's feet carefully, "I still have to ask an expert for help."

"What kind of expert are you looking for? Isn't the method of burying a circle of excrement the expert of Tai'an Temple?"

"Change to another expert to ask for advice."

"Where can I find other experts?" Luo Catcher was irritated and melancholy, "I know some people who exorcise demons and exorcise ghosts, but you also know that they are just a group of bold people who know some simple methods. At most, I can come up with some bad ideas, but I’m afraid they won’t help me.”

"I think the little gentleman opposite is capable, why don't you ask him what he can do."

"The little gentleman? An expert?"

Luo Butou couldn't help frowning.

"The little gentleman has moved to the next door for several days, and he doesn't show any sign of fear at all. He goes in and out normally every day. I chatted with him tonight and asked him if he is not afraid of the female ghost in the courtyard. Guess what he said?"

"How to say?"

Wang then told him about the conversation that night.

After Luo Butou heard about it, he didn't necessarily know how capable Song You was, but he immediately felt that he was a wonderful person.

"Not afraid of ghosts, maybe it's just being bold. Even if you have the ability, you may not be able to help." Luo Tutou picked up his leg from the wooden basin, and did not immediately pin all his hopes on it, "Again If there is nothing to do in a few days, I will bring a gift and pay a visit."

Wang squatted down again to wipe his feet.


I sleep alone at three poles in the sun, it is not that the gods are better than the gods.

Song You slept until noon again.

It's getting later and later these days.

Sometimes I lay in bed until noon and didn't get up, sometimes I got up early and meditated in the room, and didn't go out until noon.

This saves a breakfast.

In the afternoon, I will read a book, and if the weather is good, I will go out for a stroll, buy some food, and cook dinner by myself.In the evening, I go out to have a rest, get together with the neighbors in the neighborhood, listen to their family chats, and feel the life in Yidu City.

Every night, the ghosts in the courtyard will still sing a song or two as usual, or they will dance in the courtyard, and sometimes they can see their figure and appearance clearly.

It is a woman who is no longer young.

After Song You got used to it, she didn't care about it anymore, and really only regarded her as an adjustment to a boring life.

She even gradually developed the habit of listening to music.

Sometimes he didn't feel frightened when he saw her suddenly appearing at night, but Mistress Sanhua was easily frightened. She often ran into her when she was walking around a corner, or when she suddenly appeared while he was doing something, he would jump up in fright.

But last night...

This woman would sometimes run around in different rooms, but last night she actually opened the door of Song You's room and watched him for a long time at the door, which undoubtedly affected his sleep.

If it wasn't for his conscience, he would definitely blame the female ghost for the reason why he slept so late and didn't wake up.

However, this problem still needs to be solved.


Song You thought about it, and decided to go out and buy some jute paper, and then buy a brush, inkstone and cinnabar, and draw a few talismans to stick on the door of the bedroom to keep the ghost from approaching.

At the same time, in the past few days, more and more people have heard about him and feel that he is capable, so some people began to ask him about evil spirits and ghost encounters, and some people wanted to buy talismans to exorcise evil spirits or keep them safe. , Song You felt that this matter was feasible, and he could earn more or less money for a la carte.

This was also a major source of income when I was in the Taoist temple.

There seems to be a lot of miscellaneous things for sale near Washe, so you can go and have a look after eating.

Thinking about it, Song You got up too.

The leftover sauerkraut porridge from last night has not been eaten yet. After heating it in the wok, it is lunch at noon, and it is delicious.

After eating and washing the dishes, Song You went out directly, and only said to the Sanhua cat in the yard: "Miss Sanhua, I'm going out for a while, please take care of the house."


Sanhuamao concentrated on playing without looking back.

Song You went out and walked down the alley.

Not far away, there is a tile house.

As I said earlier, this is a comprehensive entertainment place for eating, drinking, and having fun. Relying on the prosperity of Yidu, it is very lively even though it is daytime.

Along the way, in addition to opera singers, there are also storytellers, wrestling contests, pot throwing and archery, each with its own views and ways of playing.

Song You obviously came to buy yellow paper, but he couldn't help but be attracted by the old man who lectured on storytelling for a while, so he sat down here.

Even asked for a pot of tea.

"Then Ayanqi led a group of soldiers to chase from the water to the land. It was a hot pursuit. Marshal Ma must be killed here! At the critical moment, Marshal Ma fled to a small road, and Ayanqi hurriedly After catching up, I saw a general appearing on the road ahead!
"What a majestic general!!

"Black helmet, black armor and black battle robe, black tiger-headed combat boots under his feet, a red tasseled gun in his hand, and a piebald beast under his crotch, with a face like a crown jade and eyes like cold stars!
"Behind the general are five hundred sword-wielding lieutenants. They are all about the same height. Each carries a big sword. The sword is five feet long, the head is two and a half feet, and the shaft is two and a half feet. The big sword has a thick back and a thick blade. There is one finger, the blade is a little thick, shiny, bright, white, deep and cold, and there is still a coldness a few feet away, and each of them carries an iron bow and carved feathers and arrows on their backs, like a tiger with wings, swimming in the middle of the sea of ​​dragons. ...

"It is General Chen Xin and Chen Ziyi!

"A Yanqi was shocked immediately, why did Chen Ziyi appear here?
"What's more important is, who can defeat Chen Ziyi under my command now? And who can defeat Chen Ziyi's personal soldiers?"

This is a real history of this world.

Just a few years ago.

At that time, a war broke out in the north of Dayan, and Ma Hong, the general of the three armies, was accidentally ambushed and the army was defeated.When he was about to be captured by the enemy's commander, General Chen Xin, who is currently very popular among storytellers, arrived. It was rumored that he almost single-handedly stopped Ayanqi's pursuers, rescued the marshal, and left behind a legend.

The old storyteller told this story in a very passionate tone, of course, with some artistic processing.

Song You is very interested in this kind of story.

I probably think that such a legendary story must be famous in history, so after many years, future generations will probably read this story when they read history, right?Read the same story he had heard thousands of years ago.This is also a kind of comfort for him, who is stuck in ancient times.

So he kept listening until he got up and left.

Did not forget the purpose of coming out.

Then I went around in and out of Washeri and successfully found a shop selling jute paper.

It is not necessary to use yellow paper to draw talismans, but it has been a habit for a long time for Buddhism, Taoism and folk strange people to draw most talismans on yellow paper.

You don't have to use hemp paper either.

Generally, rattan paper and hemp paper can be used, but bamboo paper is rarely used, let alone rice paper.Generally speaking, each place has its own customs. For example, places that produce hemp paper often use jute paper to draw symbols, places that produce rattan paper often use rattan paper to draw symbols, and Yizhou is rich in bamboo and hemp paper.

Song You is also used to jute paper.

The paper in this store is well made. The paper is thick and tough. As long as this kind of paper is not damp, it will not change color for a long time.

Jute paper is thicker and rougher than white hemp paper, showing a light yellow color, and there are some grass sticks and paper scraps on the back, which do not affect the use.It's just that Song You picked up a piece of jute paper and looked left and right at the sky, always feeling that the color was a bit wrong.

"Guest officer, what's the matter?"

"I don't know if it's because I'm dazzled or something, but I always feel a little reddish?"

"Ouch! The guest officer has a good eye! You can see it at a glance!" The store immediately laughed, "This batch of paper was newly made yesterday. When the paper was made, an urchin accidentally got some red paper into it. But ordinary people don't have the eyesight of a guest officer!"

"I see……"

"Does this... affect the use of guest officers?"

"Has little effect."

The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and boasted again: "Guest officer, you are right to come to the small shop, and you are not boasting about yourself. The villain thinks that the hemp paper made by himself is rare in the entire Yidu. Even those big shops can’t easily compare to the paper from small shops, that is, the small shops don’t have a good reputation, but anyone who has bought paper from small shops will come back after keeping it!”

"give a discount."

"The cheapest..."

After some haggling, Song You bought a stack of jute paper, a pen, an inkstone and an ink, and it cost more than 300 Wen.

Among them, pens, inkstones and inkstones are the most common goods, if you want to buy good ones, then there is no cap.

In this day and age, reading and writing are really expensive.

The cinnabar was bought from another store.

On the way back, I saw a butcher shop and thought that I had spent a lot of money anyway, so I cut another catty of pork and bought some garlic sprouts, and I was satisfied.


As soon as he pushed open the courtyard door, he saw a motley shadow running out of the back room quickly. When he saw him, he said:

"Taoist priest, someone knocked on the door just now looking for you."

"Who is it? Did Empress Sanhua open the door for them?"

"It seems to be those people I met at the gate of the city that day, and those who live on the opposite side." Sanhuamao looked up and stared at him, "Mistress Sanhua didn't open the door. You said that Mistress Sanhua should not be allowed to speak in front of ordinary people."

"Just remember it, don't be afraid of it."


"Are there two groups of people who knocked on the door?"

"Yes, they met at the door and chatted for a while." Sanhuamao said, "They said they would come back tomorrow."

"Understood, thank you Empress Sanhua."

"Don't be too polite."

"I bought pork, does Mistress Sanhua want it raw or cooked?"

"same as you."


Song You didn't care about the person who knocked on the door today, and went to the stove with the meat and vegetables, and began to pack them up.

After the rice is boiled, drain the water and put it in a steamer.

The best two-knife meat is boiled with pepper and ginger until it is almost mature, cut into thin slices, washed garlic and cut into sections, and under the watchful eyes of Mistress Sanhua, heat the oil again, stir the meat out of the lamp socket over low heat, and put it in the stove Add another fire, and put in the garlic sprouts with a snort.

Song You can complete the whole process alone.

And he was not at all in a hurry, instead he was in an orderly manner, looking for his own inner peace in this world of smoke and fire.

No need for many seasonings, just season with fermented soy sauce, and a delicious twice-cooked pork is ready.

It has only been a few decades since the rise of cooking in this era, maybe there is no such dish, but this small courtyard has already raised the fragrance of dishes that should belong to a few years later.

(End of this chapter)

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