Chapter 57

After the group arrived in Dadu, they were entertained by the Purple Horde Khan Court.Princess Ma took pity on what happened to Zhu Rangna, and kept her by her side, taking her with her.Afterwards, Huang Zicheng returned to France and asked Zhu Yunqi to return to his command, while Qi Tai stayed in Dadu to rest.

The heroine Rangna declined the rewards from the princess and the Zizhang Hanting, and left as long as she had some weapons and dry food, saying that she would come to see her when she had time.She kept her word, haunting Dadu from time to time to visit little Rangna.

It's just that she came and went too casually.Princess Ma's house was being renovated, and the queen invited their family to live in the palace temporarily. As a result, the heroine Rangna also came to the palace to visit the little girl.

This makes the cowards very humiliated.Olafsson reprimanded everyone several times, and specially strengthened the precautions and revised the patrol plan, but the heroine Jeanne still sneaked in from time to time, and then swaggered away, which made him very worried.

Of course, it's not entirely his fault, it's mainly because of the security of the Purple Horde, which has indeed been a bit of a problem.

In the early years, the Purple Horde Khanate did not have the concept of palace ban and security, nor did it have a cowardly system.The Great Khan and the nobles are military leaders themselves, and all kinds of precautionary measures are also formulated for the investigation and attack on the battlefield.

For a long time, the "security" concept of the Purple Horde Khanate has been to concentrate elite forces, intercept the enemy's elite beheading squad, and eliminate them as soon as possible.Of course, the best situation is not to give the enemy a chance to behead, take the initiative to attack, and suppress them.Therefore, the style of Khan Ting's guards has always been offensive.

As for other occasions, they are less prepared.For this narrowly defined, one-person infiltrating assassin, palace security has long relied on Khan and assassins fighting each other.

When the third Great Khan, Alexios VII Miergan, also had an accident.There were disgruntled tribal chieftains preparing to stab the Khan, and Alexios had entertained guests that night, drank a lot, and walked in vain.Facing the assassin who suddenly rose up, he missed for a while.The guard reacted and killed the assassin, but failed to rescue him in the end.

This incident led to a series of chain reactions. In the end, the ruling Empress Dowager Helena couldn't stand it any longer, and made a major rectification of the palace guards, finally making the functions normal.

But the imperial army at this time was established by the queen mother alone, so it also obeyed her orders.Later, in John VIII's coup against the Queen Mother, the Imperial Army sided with the Queen Mother, resulting in the failure of the coup.And with the subsequent loss of power of the queen mother, this forbidden army naturally could not be trusted, and was disbanded.

After Basil III Yerigo overthrew the Queen Mother, he reorganized the Forbidden Army, which is now the Qixue.At that time, the Purple Horde had established close contacts with Novgorod and was still intervening in the situation in the North Sea. Therefore, he restored the tradition of mercenaries in Northern Europe.

The source of soldiers for the Nordic Guards is mainly Norwegians who hate Danish rule and hope to get the support of the Purple Horde, as well as some Scots and Ross people in the north.In this way, the imperial army got rid of the influence of the Greek queen mothers.

As for the rest of the Keshe, mainly the servants and honorary title holders, they cannot be expected to play any practical role.

And this Qixue, in terms of security, is at least stronger than before-now at least the Khan and the guards are fighting the assassin together.Therefore, the challenge brought by the heroine Jeanna made Olafsen, who had previously felt that he was already prepared enough, feel very headache.

Fortunately, after little Rangna's family moved out, Rangna's heroine didn't come anymore, so he was finally relieved.

Little Jeanne is a little older, and it is time to receive education.In Dadu, there is no shortage of enlightenment teachers, but those who are knowledgeable basically have important things to do and time is limited, so there are really not many gentlemen who are proficient in the scriptures.

Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng are also very busy and cannot keep tutoring her.But their vision was very high, Mr. Ordinary still looked down on them, and they were in trouble for a while.

Before, little Rangna and several other little girls received enlightenment education with their adoptive mother, Mrs. Huang.But Mrs. Huang insisted that she can't teach more advanced content by herself, and if she wants to learn it well, she has to go to school and study hard.It's just that everyone has doubts about this. Qi Tai and Princess Ma couldn't make a decision, so they asked Zhu Yunqi.

Zhu Yunqi has encountered a series of setbacks at the moment, and he can take it easy.He replied that now that he is in a foreign land, he has to act in a hurry, so there is no need to pay so much attention to it.

There are no special conditions here, and the local nobles are not trustworthy, so now he can only put down his dignity, and start by winning the support of various ordinary people, traffickers, and pawns, trying to restore the great cause.Under such conditions, how can you force your children?

Zhu Yunqi said with emotion that after traveling for these years, he realized that many things were different from what he thought before, and he had to learn from scratch. "The Analects of Confucius" said, "I am also humble when I am young, so I can despise many things. Are there many gentlemen? Not many."It can be seen that when Confucius was poor and humble, he also learned a lot of messy skills, but this did not hinder his greatness.On the contrary, a gentleman can learn too many of these skills, and it will always be beneficial.

Therefore, he asked Zhu Rangna to go to school as well, and not only to study classics, but also to learn everything that is useful, so as not to be like him now.

When Qi Tai and the others received this letter, their heads got dizzy.

Zhu Yunqi completely reversed the meaning of this sentence.According to Zhu Zi's explanation, this sentence means that Confucius was good at many skills, not because he was a saint, but because he was poor and forced by circumstances when he was a child.These messy skills are not for leaders, and there is no need for a gentleman to pursue versatility.This is the opposite of what he said to learn more.

Of course, everyone has become numb to Zhu Yunwen's injustice in his daily quotations.Moreover, this statement is not unreasonable.On the whole, in the current environment, I really have to learn more messy knowledge.

The people who stayed in Dadu sent Zhu Rangna to the school as ordered, and asked her to go to Huang's school together, wearing a robe and trousers like a male student.

There are no generals in Zhu Yunqi's team, but martial arts and the art of war cannot be left behind.Zhu Yunxuan specifically instructed that both sons and daughters should learn martial arts.Among other things, he must be able to beat Li Jinglong in the future and vent his anger on his father.

Therefore, everyone invited Li Xuanying's father, Li Huawen, to teach her how to use a knife immediately and use a lance immediately.Little Rangna's talent in this area is surprisingly good, compared with all her seniors and brothers, they are all quite outstanding.Li Huawen was amazed by this, and began to focus on training her.Of course, for Li Xuanying, there is another "child from someone else's family", and the current pressure is even greater.

Zhu Yunqi also believes that living in Europe, some other abilities are also indispensable.For example, he observed that the presence of the church here is quite strong.It is said that the level of Confucian classics in the Holy See is the highest in the western world, but Constantinople in the East is only not lower than Rome.This thing is the Four Books and Five Classics of Europe, so you can’t do it without studying it.Since we are in Junbao, we should find the archbishop there and learn from him.

Coincidentally, the Grand Lama, the Patriarch of the Junbao Church, is also very familiar with them.Although they had reservations about this, everyone followed Zhu Yunqi's order and let little Rangna study theology with Lama Wang.

Lama Wang also quickly recognized the talent of little Rangna, saying that this girl learned everything very quickly, and it didn't take long for her to learn a lot of theological skills such as flying talismans in the air and making smoke with nothing from him.If she wasn't a princess, I would have wanted to train her more, and make an exception for her to serve as a priest in the future, becoming the first female patriarch in the history of the church.

Guo Kang also had contacts with little Jeanna. As far as he knew, these words were probably not polite and flattering.In these aspects, little Rangna is more conspicuous than her brother.

 I heard that you can rush to Sanjiang, continue to ask for tickets
(End of this chapter)

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