Chapter 78
Chai Yu smiled, and said in a very peaceful tone, "We broke up."

Qin Sui didn't realize it for a while, Chai Yu was still waiting for someone just now, how could he break up before he waited?
He quickly comforted, "It's okay, she must be blind if she doesn't like you."

Although he felt that it was normal for girls to look down upon Chai Yu's perverted temper.

Chai Yu's eyes twitched, maintaining his gentleness, "Maybe."

To be honest, he wanted to beat Qin Sui up.

However, it was Qin Sui and Qi Yuan who rushed to each other after all. As a latecomer, what qualifications did he have.

After eating from Nanjin, the sky has already dimmed.

Qin Sui walked beside Qi Yuan, thinking about what excuse he should use, and refused to go back with her.

After all, when you are just together, you still have to be more reserved.

What if the little girl is too scared, what should I do?
Qi Yuan didn't give Qin Sui a chance to think, and took Qin Sui home with him, Chai Yu was completely ignored.

Chai Yu raised his eyes and looked over, one tall and one short figure left together, his eyes dimmed, "Uncle Zhang, go back to the teahouse."

In the past, many women approached with various purposes, but he was never tempted.

Qi Yuan's appearance broke his rules of doing business and disrupted his rules of life. He wanted to grab her as a way to restrain her, but in the end, it was the hunter who gave up his armor.

Thinking about it carefully, he likes Qi Yuan because he likes her intelligence and advanced IQ, straightforward and courageous behavior, outstanding appearance, all kinds of combinations, he is afraid that she is the only one in the world, and having her seems to be able to add more help to him.

His liking is not as pure as Qin Sui's, maybe it's the sympathy of the strong, or Mu Qiang's psychology.

However, he was still uncomfortable.

Qin Sui is a beast!

Chai Yu turned his head and watched the two figures disappear into the night through the car window, his eyes were slightly astringent, he blinked and sighed.

It's not fair, Qin Sui is always so lucky, it is clear that they used to be the same kind of people.


The sky is easy to thank, but it is hard to stay in the heat.

Walking into Jiangcheng in early winter, there was an extra layer of cold in the morning, and later, another layer of veil in the morning.

In the vast white world, the chill is thick, and the snow falls on the branches of plum blossoms, each showing a smile.

From then on, Qin Sui moved directly into Qi's house, and hurriedly tricked Qi Yuan into obtaining a certificate.

Chai Yu gritted his teeth, and sent a generous share of money, as well as blessings that didn't match his words.

"Sister, can you stop asking brother-in-law to drive us?" Qi Yang dragged Qi Yuan and peeked at Qin Sui who was busy in the kitchen, "The last time he drove to dig a ditch, we were lying in the hospital for several days!"

"It's scary!"

Qi Yuan held a cup of hot water, "Then you open it."

When driving in foggy days, it would be nice if you can avoid hitting people.

Qin Sui just went to dig a ditch, and lay down for a few days to rest, isn't it good?

Qi Yang pouted, "Sister, I'm not old enough to take the driver's license test yet."

"time to eat."

Qin Sui put the hot milk on the table, turned around and put the hot buns and side dishes on the table, just like a good husband and father.

Qi Yang couldn't help shaking his head when he saw it, because Qin Zhao's brother had suffered so much that he was born a big boss, and he insisted on spending all day in the kitchen.

Qi Yang shivered, his girlfriend must be gentle.He doesn't want to embarrass a real man like Qin Sui!
Qi Yuan dragged Qin Sui to sit down, "Huo Qing contacted me yesterday and wanted you to go back to sit in town. What do you think?"

"I'm learning how to pickle pickled vegetables recently, you can taste it in a few days." Qin Sui talked about him, and put a small bun for Qi Yuan, "Let's eat, I have to go to school later."

Qi Yang bit the bun, puzzled, "Brother-in-law, are you really going to be a househusband?"

"something wrong?"

Qin Sui closed his eyes, his eyes darkened, he naturally wanted to go out and make a living, he was just his age, of course his ambition was not small.

However, he can't go.

There should be no beasts around geniuses.

The world is afraid that the genius and the beast will join forces and tear up the stability they have worked so hard to build.

Qi Yang shook his head, "But brother-in-law is very powerful, wouldn't it be a waste not to go? And...if my sister doesn't want you anymore, you can still support yourself."

Qin Sui: "..."

Can we hope that he will be better?
His teacher Qi still likes his... body.

Even if he doesn't go out to work, the shares in his hand still have investment, which is still profitable.

After Qi Yuan finished his breakfast, the two were still chatting, "Qi Yang, if you don't eat, you will be late."

After breakfast, Qin Sui drove Qi Yuan and Qi Yang to school.

School gate.

Qi Yuan tore off the red scarf and handed it to Qin Sui, "Give me some purple stones, the watery ones, preferably bigger ones that can be used as small teapots."

"Okay." Qin Sui took the red scarf and adjusted Qi Yuan's collar, "Drink more hot water these days, don't touch cold ones, don't write on the blackboard if you can, don't freeze your hands, let them do the test papers themselves Good answer too."

Qi Yang: "..."

That's easy to say!
Are the test papers so easy to do?
Qi Yuan clicked his tongue, "Well, pay attention to safety when you go out for a few days."

After Qin Sui left, Qi Yang carried the bag for Qi Yuan, moved to Qi Yuan's side, and asked curiously, "Sister, what will brother-in-law do when he goes out?"

Could it be that he has become enlightened and intends to fight?
But it shouldn't be just a few days.

"He bought a few mines in the south, and he went to find some stones in the past few days."

Qi Yang: "..."


That's emerald!

"Sister, did you give brother-in-law money to buy the mine?"

"His private money is enough to buy some stones." Qi Yuan turned his head to look at Qi Yang, "When you grow up, you must be better than him, after all, he hasn't worked for a long time."

"Don't dare, brother-in-law is the best."

He shouldn't have asked!
My brother-in-law is rich even without going out, I'm envious!

If he can buy mines with his private money, how can he stay at home and cook?He must be going out to play a game, with this money, what can he do if he wants to play?
A few days passed, and the end of the semester was getting closer and closer.

Walking into the teaching building, the sound of reading is loud and the learning atmosphere is strong.

Several people surrounded the door of Class [-]'s classroom. Qi Yuan saw Teacher Wang at the corner.

Since that playground meeting, she went out early and returned late, and never saw Teacher Wang. According to others, Teacher Wang looked for her several times, but she couldn't find anyone.

Unexpectedly, in order to block her, he came so early.

"Teacher Qi is here!"

A girl ran to Qi Yuan and hid beside her, "Teacher, I don't want to transfer classes, really!"

"Your grades are so good, you are already qualified to go to the experimental class, Jingjing, don't lose the big because of small things." Jin Jing's parents frowned, hating that iron can't be made into steel, "You stay in this poor class, in case you fail to enter the university , how to inherit father's company?"

"You are the only seedling in the family. With a head that has not gone to school, can you support the family?"

"Jin Jing, whether you like it or not, you have to go to the experimental class for me today!"

Jin Jing's father calmed down and looked at Qi Yuan. "Teacher, you are Jingjing's head teacher, right? I haven't gone to much school, so I don't want my child to follow our old path. Please forgive me for offending me so much today."


Qi Yuan told Qi Yang, "Come into class and tell them to write silently in class."


Write silently again!
Qi Yang entered the classroom, closed the door by the way, turned around, and looked at the previous class with resentful eyes.

I didn't read the gossip, alas.

"My sister said, write silently in class."

Jiang Ming raised the book and shook it at Qi Yang, "How's the commotion going outside? Is your sister not being bullied?"

"Who dares to bully her?" Qi Yang returned to his seat, "You still don't memorize it? She said to write silently in class!"

Qin Zhao took a lollipop in his mouth, "Write it silently, just take a look at it. What's going on outside?"

Qi Yang: "...I don't know!"

A bunch of disrespectful people!
Be a smart egg behind his back!
Seeing this, Qin Zhao took a lollipop in his mouth and looked towards Qi Yang, "My elder brother is married to your family, how is it going?"

"Very good, the meal is well done."

Qin Zhao was taken aback, "My eldest brother cooks?"

How can it be!

Qi Yang glanced at the lollipop in Qin Zhao's mouth, "It's possible for you to quit smoking, but why can't he cook?"

"What's the difference? I'm here for Weiwei, for love, understand?"

Weiwei doesn't like his smoking, saying it's bad for his health.

"Your elder brother probably did too."

Qin Zhao was puzzled, "Do adults have love too? Don't they just live?"


Hehe, when I am able to become an adult, I will break up with your Weiwei!

(End of this chapter)

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