Chapter 99 Killing the Son-in-Law (27)

Although the woman wanted to harm Xie Jinyan, but Xie Jinyan clearly had nothing to do, but Xie Xi ruthlessly ruined the wealthy businessman's family and took the lives of his father and daughter.

Li Xiner also criticized Xie Xi's actions along with others.

But in private, she couldn't help but envy Xie Jinyan for having a father like Xie Xi who protects his weaknesses and loves his daughters like his own.

I have also thought about it many times, if she is Xie Xi's daughter...

Li Xiner's thoughts flew away, but was pulled back to reality by the sound of plopping and kneeling.

Looking at Xie Xi with a gloomy and terrifying face, and then at her aunt who was lying limp on the ground next to her, her heart was suspended in an instant.

Mother Lin didn't dare to look up at Xie Xi's face, and didn't know how much Xie Xi had heard, so she said, "Patriarch Xie, when did you come..."

"Where is Lin Ao's stick?" Xie Xi asked.

Mother Lin was taken aback for a moment, then became frightened again, "Thank you Patriarch, Ao'er was injured..."

"Patriarch, Lin Ao lives in this room."

After the housekeeper finished speaking, Xie Xi left with him.

Mother Lin's legs were weak and she couldn't get up, "Xin'er, pull me up."

Li Xiner didn't move for a long time, but her expression was a little dazed.

Thinking of something, she suddenly ran into Lin Ao's room like crazy.

Xie Xi had already arrived at the door, smelling the smell of sweat and powder coming out from inside, he frowned uncomfortably, and his thin lips were drawn into a line.

The housekeeper raised the curtain, Xie Xi lowered his head and entered.

Lin Ao's room was the largest in the courtyard, but Xie Xi, who was used to living in a large courtyard, felt cramped and cramped, with no place to set foot.

There was a screen at the entrance, Xie Xi glanced at it and looked away, but the housekeeper noticed that it used to be something from Xie's family.

Half of the bed is hung and half is down, and the sweat-soaked underwear of the person on the bed can be seen.

Lin Ao's hoarse and confused voice came from inside, "Xiner, good Xiner, your body is so cold, let me hug you again..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Xie Xi, who had a dark complexion, kicked the foot of the bed heavily.

A click.

The pillar at the foot of the bed broke, and the whole bed fell to one side.

The window curtain floated up and hung on the carved hooks, and Lin Ao, who was sweating profusely on the bed but was rubbing a woman's small dress in his hands, also appeared in front of Xie Xi.

He slumped down along with the bed, moaning and screaming in pain, completely unaware that his head had been placed under the dog's head.

Xie Xi's eyes were like knives, full of murderous intent, like a devil returning from hell staring at a rotten and smelly prey, ready to stretch out his sharp claws to tear the prey to pieces at any moment.

If Lin Ao was awake, he might have been scared out of his wits.

Li Xiner broke in at this moment.

As soon as she entered the door, she looked anxiously at the bed, but met Xie Xi's eyes that were so cold that there was no warmth.

Li Xiner's legs softened, and the blood on her face disappeared instantly.

She held on to the screen in a panic, but because she couldn't find a fulcrum under her feet, she fell down together pressing the screen.

Xie Xi looked at Li Xiner coldly.

No wonder the woman said that she wanted to seek medicine for Lin Ao even if she tried her life. It turned out that the two had secretly communicated with each other and committed adultery!

Xie Xi only glanced at it before closing his eyes in disgust.

Then he raised his foot and kicked Lin Ao heavily in the stomach.

Lin Ao screamed out in pain from the bursting and displacing pain from his viscera, and his drowsy mind became sober at this moment.

Lin Ao: "..."

who am I?
where am I?
what am i doing?

Why does this person in front of him look so much like Xie Xi?

 Lin Ao: I seem to have seen the ghost who came to pick me up from hell
(End of this chapter)

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