Chapter 91 Killing the Son-in-Law (19)

Thank you.

As soon as Jin Yan lay down to rest, he heard what a few girls were saying outside.

She stood up slightly and listened for a while.

in the courtyard.

Amber winked at the others.

Fei Cui immediately said: "Mr. Xun is also pitiful. He is obviously a young master from the direct line. His life is not as good as that of the son of the Xun family. The son of the son got a big Zhuangzi two days ago."

"My biological mother died young, and no one cares about her. The head of the Xun family spoils his concubine and kills his wife. He doesn't care about Mr. Xun. Mr. Xun has been sent to the countryside by him for so many years. I'm afraid it will not be easy." Manao said.

Amber: "I didn't see the Xun family's servants today, maybe the head of the Xun family didn't even know that he was returning to Lin'an today."

Fei Cui sighed, "I have been in the country for so many years, and every time the Xun family entertained or went to a banquet, the head of the Xun family always brought his youngest son with him, and outsiders only knew that the third young master Xun Cang did not know about the son Xun Yu. The Xun family no longer has a place for Mr. Xun."

Several people in the courtyard sighed with emotion.

Jin Yan scratched his heart and lungs.

It sounds like Xun Yu is really miserable.

His body that knocks every two steps, living in such a noisy place, and only one guard around him, is it really all right?
Thinking about this, Jin Yan couldn't sit still.

Fei Cui came in from the outside, seeing Jin Yan's posture, she hurriedly put down the things in her hands to help her, "Miss, the doctor told you not to lie on your stomach as much as possible, it's not good for your heart."

Jin Yan looked at Fei Cui resentfully, "Bring Wang Weiwei here."

"Ah?" Emerald was taken aback.

Jin Yan pouted, "You guys talked so vigorously in the courtyard, didn't you just want to see my attitude? Are you still betting?"

Emerald: "..."

Nothing can be hidden from Miss.

They also couldn't bear that Miss had been thinking about this matter all the time, and they would feel more relaxed if it was resolved earlier.

Fei Cui went to the door and said something, and the guard Wang came after a while.

Jin Yan told him: "Go and see if there are any yards for sale near our house. It doesn't have to be too big, but it should be sunny and quiet. It's best..."

After a pause, she said directly, "Just follow my yard."

Guard Wang understood.

Just choose the best, most expensive and largest house.

In the evening, when Jin Yan was having dinner, Fei Cui reported that the yard had been found, and three of them were selected, all with similar conditions.

They naturally knew that the house was not for Jin Yan to live in.

Jin Yan was in a bit of trouble.

Xun Yu is in debt.

But he didn't even open his mouth, how could she take the initiative to send it to the yard?


Xun Yu was reading a book when he suddenly sneezed.

Qi Jiu was boiling the medicine, and when he heard it, he hurriedly put down the cattail fan, took a coat from the room and put it on him, saying: "Master, you have only recovered from the cold for a few days."

Xun Yu glared at him, "Just to say, I didn't catch a cold."

"What's that?" Qi Jiu asked.

Xun Yu smiled, "Someone is thinking about me."

Qi Jiu: "..."

And this statement?

Then why has he never heard of it.

Xun Yu casually picked up a piece of dried fruit and put it in his mouth. After a while, he said triumphantly, "You don't understand."

Qi Jiu rolled his eyes.

He didn't understand what this black-hearted master was planning.

I don't know why the master didn't want the spacious and comfortable big courtyard that can be lived in anytime, but insisted on living in such a small and dilapidated small courtyard with nowhere to go.

But he knows medicine.

The master caught a cold and fell ill, and it was he who worked hard.

In case the situation gets worse and the master is cold, where can he find someone who is more generous than the master to take advantage of him!

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  Come on with Jinyan, come on, come on, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
(End of this chapter)

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