Chapter 82 Killing the Son-in-Law (10)

Hearing that Lin Ao was racking his brains to fabricate his life experience for "Lin Aotian", Wang Huwei felt disgusted and kicked him on the thigh again.

He kicked it down hard and stomped it back and forth a few times.

Lin Ao's facial features became grim due to the pain.

Wang Huwei scolded him, "Be honest, let me ask again, are you Lin Ao, and do you know Lianying Yihonglou?"

Lin Ao endured the pain and retorted, "I'm not..."

Wang Huwei sneered, "Think it over carefully, if you dare to lie, I will tie you to a pillar on the street, and let everyone take a good look at your face when the sun rises!"


Lin Ao was silent.

After a while, he said in a low voice: "Everyone, heroes, what are you looking for? I, Lin Ao, have never done evil to others, and I have never made any enemies. Why do you want to beat me?"

"Just tell me, do you know Lian Ying who is leaning on the red building?"

"...Who are you from Lianying?"

Lin Ao was thinking about the relationship between the original owner and Lian Ying, Lian Ying clearly said that she had no other man.

But what's going on now?

Guard Wang raised his foot and kicked again.

I don't know which bone was kicked, but there was a cracking sound.

Lin Ao's painful cry came from inside the sack.

It's a pity that no one sympathized with him.

"Is Lianying your name?" Wang Huwei satirized him like a ruffian, but he didn't exert any force on his feet.

A few feet in a row, scared the Pearl who was watching the show.

She hurriedly winked at Wang Weiwei.

It's almost time to stop.

If Lin Ao dies if the fight continues, it will not conform to the "sustainable development" policy that the lady said.

Guard Wang nodded, and then winked at the other guards. They shot almost simultaneously, and soon the whole street was only left with Lin Ao's miserable screams and begging for mercy.

Just when Wang Huwei was about to stop, Lin Ao suddenly shouted, "Stop! Since you know that I am Lin Ao, you should also know that I am the son-in-law of the Xie family, and Miss Xie is my fiancée. My love is deeply rooted, if you hit me, the Xie family will definitely not let it go..."

"Xie's family? You deserve to mention Xie's family!"

"What do you think will happen if the Patriarch of the Xie family knows that you frequently go in and out of brothels?"

"I dare not provoke the Xie family, but I dare to kill you!"

If Lin Ao honestly begged for mercy and admitted his mistake, it would be fine if everyone beat him up. After all, he will be beaten up in the future, so he must be spared.

But Lin Ao actually brought up the Xie family and Jin Yan.

Now, including Pearl, everyone wanted to kill Lin Ao directly.

When punches and kicks fell on him, Lin Ao finally realized what a stupid thing he had done.

It would be fine if the prestige of the "Xie family" can scare the gangsters.

If he can't be frightened, let these gangsters go to Xie Xi to complain and get rewards, then he will be finished!

If Xie Xi, a tough, sinister and ruthless character, knew that he had cheated their father and daughter and failed his precious daughter, he would definitely be cut to pieces!
Thinking of this, Lin Ao's heart was filled with despair, and he felt that life was hopeless.

He has just been reborn, he hasn't invented all kinds of things, he hasn't conquered the ancients by memorizing ancient poems in middle school, and he hasn't married so many beautiful women, how can he die?
Just when he was desperate, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Lin Ao thought he was hallucinating.

But when he listened carefully and found that there was indeed only his own breathing left in his ears, his heart of despair and fear finally fell back into his stomach.

The prestige of "Xie Family" is really useful!
 I love you~ good night (v)
(End of this chapter)

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