Chapter 78 Killing the Son-in-Law (6)

Seeing Mrs. Song about to show her true colors, Mrs. Wen couldn't help but sneer.

Song Xuan, oh Song Xuan.

You usually pretend to be arrogant, pure and majestic, you don't fight or grab, and you don't have any ambitions. It seems that you don't even care about Xie Xi, but the word "concubine" can bring you back to your original shape!

Mrs. Wen looked at Mrs. Song proudly.

A concubine is a concubine!

She was neglected by Xie Xi, but she gave birth to Xie Xi's only child.

Just because she is the biological mother of Miss Xie's family, Xie Xi would not allow a concubine to ride on her head.

Mrs. Song saw Mrs. Wen's pride, but could only grit her teeth and bear it.

Before she was pregnant with the Patriarch's child, she must not let anyone see her ambitions and see through her purpose.

When Song raised her head, her affectionate eyes became like ancient wells again. She didn't seem to care about Mrs. Wen's humiliation, "I don't know about splashing water, madam, let's look for it slowly, my concubine will go back first."

She said and left.

Mrs. Wen was so angry that she stomped her feet.

He wanted to take the opportunity to provoke Song to show his feet, but failed again!

The butler shook his head.

Even he couldn't hide Aunt Song's thoughts, and she was so naive to think she could hide it from the Patriarch.

Seeing that Mrs. Wen finally calmed down, she seemed to know that "family ugliness should not be publicized", so the housekeeper asked her to go back to the house to rest.

After leaving Linyuan, the housekeeper went to check the scene in person, but saw two maids kneeling there.

Before she could speak, one of the maids said, "I've met Steward Wang. I accidentally spilled the dirty water just now. I'm willing to accept the punishment!"

After finishing speaking, the other hurriedly grabbed her arm, gesticulating something in the air with both hands in a panic, as if he didn't agree with what the other said.

Thinking of something, the housekeeper knew something.

He looked at the two of them kindly, "Are you doing this to fight for the young lady?"

Before he arrived, Mrs. Wen had been scolding Miss.

And the dumb girl and her younger sister were rescued by the young lady.

The two were taken aback, and nodded hesitantly.

The housekeeper smiled when he saw this, "Get up, you have done a good job, I will not punish you, I will reward you, but don't act so hastily in the future."

If the girls can be more concealed and make Mrs. Wen suffer more, then he will be happy to see it.

After each of them awarded a tael of silver, the housekeeper left.

The two servant girls looked at each other, one was anxious to speak, the other was anxious to gesture, and when they found that they both understood what the butler meant, they both laughed at the same time.

The eldest lady has saved their lives, and they also want to do something for the eldest lady.

After the housekeeper returned, he went to see Jin Yan.

Mrs. Wen made such an ugly mess, the news had already spread throughout the Xie family, if she didn't tell Miss, it would be easy for her to think too much.

After hearing the butler's words, Jin Yan was a little curious, "Have you seen what she looks like? Is she like a drowned rat?"


"If it's swill, then she should be worse than a drowned chicken. Maybe she still smells sour. Eh~ Forget it, let alone the details, I lost interest immediately." Jin Yan said with some disgust.


He was about to leave when Jin Yan thought of another thing, "Who threw the water? Guo or Song?"

The butler told the truth.

Jin Yan pointed out something: "Some people know how to repay favors, while others only repay favors with revenge. For such people, it is not too much to kill them, Uncle Wang?"

The butler sighed after hearing this, "Missy is still too kind."

When the Patriarch returns, there are only four words waiting for Lin Ao's ending.

Life is better than death.

 love you~ good night
(End of this chapter)

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