Chapter 768 The whole family is a rebel (52)

It is easy to pretend to be deaf, blind, stupid, or lame, but the difficult part is how to close the door called conscience and ignore all the blood, stains, and darkness.

But Xiao Quji still made a choice.

A momentary act of justice and satisfaction in settling scores can indeed change the fate of one or two people, but the court is now at the point of collapse, and no one will be able to escape unscathed. They must choose a more radical and comprehensive approach.

In this way, some people must be given up in order to save more people.

He knew that he didn't need to say much, Jin Yan would understand his intention, so after looking at Jin Yan, he took her into the carriage.

Dozens of guards approached and instantly surrounded the carriage, making it impossible to get through.

Zhong Xing, who was seeing them off at the door, felt his heart tighten and he immediately rushed forward to grab the General of the Household by the collar and ask him whether they were inviting someone into the palace or escorting a criminal.

But before he could take a step, a pair of calloused but powerful hands grabbed his shoulders.

"Don't move."

Zhong Xing was puzzled, and looked at the King of Beidi with anger and worry, "Grandfather, it is very dangerous for Quji and Yan to enter the palace this time!"

The King of Beidi and the two children of the Xiao family were held hostage in Chang'an. Xiao Ji must have gone crazy to send people to assassinate the emperor, putting his old father and two children in danger.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the final assassination was nothing more than a frame-up.

But the emperor was suspicious of the North and doubted the loyalty of the king and his son. Now that he finally had a legitimate title, how could he give up so easily?
The King of the North glanced at him, then looked towards the end of the long street. He turned around only after the dark crowd disappeared.

"Big father!"

Zhong Xing was extremely anxious and immediately caught up with the King of the North.

"Big father..."

"Ah Xing, do you think this assassination was really just a frame-up?"

The vicissitudes and cold voice of the King of the North came from above his head, which made Zhong Xing slightly stunned. Then he remembered the conversation with Jin Yan a few days ago.

Jin Yan had not recovered since he vomited blood and fainted last time, so he had not left the palace again. He told her all the news from the outside world.

After learning about the assassination incident at the hunting ground, Jin Yan asked him a hypothetical question, "Cousin, if an assassin claimed to be a former official of the North, how would the emperor react?"

At that time, he said as many people thought, "The three members of the Xiao family are all in Chang'an, trapped in this small palace, with no trust from above and no freedom from below. In such an isolated and helpless situation, my uncle would be crazy to send someone to assassinate the emperor, and the emperor would be crazy to believe such a clumsy lie."

Later, he added, "If anyone dares to pretend to be a Northern assassin and fiddle with the already sensitive and fragile relationship between the Northerners and the imperial court, they will probably die without a burial place!"

But Jin Yan said something that made him shudder.

Her eyes were clear and innocent, yet they revealed an indescribable coldness. "What if the emperor directed and acted in the drama himself?"

At that time, he didn't think that the emperor would be stupid enough to dig his own grave, but how long has it been since then, and Jin Yan's predictions have all come true?

Zhong Xing came to his senses, and in the face of King Beidi's puzzled look, he told King Beidi about the plan he and Jin Yan had that day.

The King of the North was slightly stunned and remained silent for a long time.

"Big father..."

Zhong Xing spoke again, but the King of Beidi raised his hand to stop him, "How come you can't see through a problem that Yan'er can think of?"

He said slowly: "The emperor only wants to get rid of Xiao Ji and me, destroy the Xiao family's prestige in the north and the world, and get rid of his biggest worry. In order to achieve this goal, he will not easily take action against us. He is the controller of power, and he must know how terrible it is to have a general who has lost his restraint and is no longer loyal to him."

Zhong Xing wanted to say more, "But the situation in the palace is volatile. The fighting between the concubines and the princes has never stopped. Even if the emperor will not kill them for the time being, how can we guarantee that they will not be murdered by others?"

The King of the North glared at him and asked, "Who controls this world? Who is the highest authority in the palace?" Zhong Xing: "..."

He said hesitantly, "Son of Heaven."

The King of the North said: "You still know that he is the Son of Heaven?"

Zhong Xing looked unhappy.

The King of Beidi said coldly: "He wants to kill Xiao Ji and me. Before we die, he will never allow anyone to murder Qu Ji and Yan."

The dragon has reverse scales, which will cause anger if touched.

The emperor had a deep understanding of this and knew what these two children meant to Xiao Ji.

Unless he is truly extremely incompetent, and doesn't care that he will be cursed for eternity in history books, he wants to destroy the world right under his nose!

On the other side, after entering the palace, Jin Yan and Xiao Quji got off the carriage and followed the guards to meet the emperor.

In the magnificent and solemn hall, besides the emperor sitting on the high throne, there were only a few servants kneeling on the ground tending to the charcoal fire.

After Jin Yan and his sister entered, the servants also left.

Just like the first time he came here, Xiao Quji was the first to kneel down and apologize. After Jin Yan looked at Emperor Yan in a daze, he knelt down right after him.

The emperor looked at the brother and sister quietly without saying a word.

Outside the palace, the General of the Central Army had a stern look on his face. His sharp eyes were fixed on the palace door, while his ears were always paying attention to the movements inside the palace.

Not far from him was the guard Zhao Ying. He glanced calmly in the direction of the palace gate, his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was worried about something.

"Xiao Yan'er, what crime are you asking for?"

After an unknown amount of time, the emperor asked this question.

Jin Yan bowed his head, stood up, looked down at the ground, and said in a low voice: "I don't know. If your majesty says I am guilty, then I am guilty."

The emperor seemed to smile.

Everything was just like when I first entered the palace.

"Oh, everything I say is right? Look up and look into my eyes." The emperor's tone did not reveal his joy or anger.

Jin Yan raised his head and looked naively at the dark figure on the high throne in the distance. "Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. Can the Son of Heaven make mistakes?"

Xiao Quji looked terrified. He hurriedly stopped Jin Yan and pulled her to plead guilty, but the emperor burst into laughter.

Hearing the familiar laughter, Zhao Ying's expression finally relaxed a little and his brows relaxed slightly.

What he didn't see was that the General of the Household, who had always enforced the law impartially, slowly relaxed his hand on the hilt of the sword the moment he heard the laughter.

However, after just a few breaths, the laughter stopped abruptly.

The guards looked at each other.

The expression of the General of the Household suddenly became tense again, and Zhao Ying's face changed as well, and he fell in mid-air, unable to move up or down.

Inside the palace, the smile on the emperor's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a cold and menacing look, "Of course I will not make mistakes."

How could the emperor be wrong?
He looked at Jin Yan and Xiao Quji as if they were two fragile and easily controlled baits. "I can't be wrong. The one who is wrong is the assassin. So, is the Northern Palace still loyal to me?"

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