When they entered the palace for the first time, the emperor invited the brother and sister to have dinner together. After some efforts to persuade them to stay, they were sent back to the palace in the north.

Not long after the two left, a servant in the palace was dragged out by Lang Wei.

Not long after, Lang Wei came to report: "Your Majesty, this is the Queen."

If you want to say who the queen hates the most, it is naturally Princess Wancheng.

However, Princess Wancheng died at the best age and became the eternal white moonlight in the emperor's heart. She also gave birth to a daughter, Princess Jinyang, who was extremely like her.

Love the house and the bird.

The same goes for hate.

After the death of Princess Wancheng, the queen's hatred for her was transferred to her daughter Princess Jinyang.

Before getting married, Princess Jinyang spent her time dodging countless open and secret arrows.

Now, Princess Jinyang is far away in the North, and the defense of the Northland Palace is impregnable. The queen cannot reach her side, so she is thinking about Princess Jinyang's children again.

The second young master of the Northland Palace and the young princess had just entered the palace, and the queen was impatient to send someone to find out the news.

After Lang Wei finished his report, he glanced at the emperor secretly, and when he saw his face was gloomy, he lowered his head instantly.

"Beat him to death with sticks and send him to the queen's palace."

The emperor gave the order, and Lang Wei retreated. At the same time, there were bursts of miserable screams outside the palace.

After a while, the screams stopped. When Lang Wei dragged the blood-covered attendant to the Queen's Palace, the servants in charge of sweeping the palace carried buckets and linen and wiped away the blood on the ground bit by bit.

Half an hour later.

The doctor returned to the palace and told him that the Jin Yan brothers and sisters had arrived at the Beidi Palace safely.

After hearing this, the emperor waved his hand and asked him to go down.

However, he stopped the doctor when he was about to walk out of the hall, backed away from the surrounding area, and issued an order.

"Send someone to keep an eye on the brother and sister, especially the little princess. I must know everything she says and does."


Without the emperor's edict, the North King was not allowed to enter the palace, let alone leave the palace. Even though he was worried about his two grandchildren, he could only pace back and forth outside the palace, hoping for their safe return.

at last.

The sound of horse hooves appeared, and Emperor Langwei approached. A corner of the carriage curtain was lifted, revealing his little granddaughter's cute and fluffy head.

"Big father!"

The immature children's voice was clear and sweet, like the sound of nature, and the heart of the King of the North that had been hanging for a long time finally fell to the ground.

After the task was completed, Lang Wei returned to the palace, and the King of the North held his little granddaughter in his arms, letting his grandson support his frail grandson, and walked into the palace together.

The King of Beidi acted like the world would be peaceful as long as everyone was safe, but Zhong Xing was very curious about what happened in the palace. As soon as he returned home, he caught Xiao Quji and questioned him.

Since entering Chang'an, he has spared no effort to understand Chang'an, the officials, and the most noble man in the world.

In this way, he can formulate plans and take action.

Zhong Xing was calm at first. It wasn't until he heard the word "search" that he suddenly changed his color. He slammed the table angrily and said angrily: "This is too much!"

Xiao Quji coughed twice and said: "Your Majesty is rich in gold and there are many rules in the palace. It is inevitable to be cautious."

Zhong Xing was very angry, "There is nothing wrong with being cautious, but they shouldn't humiliate Beidi over and over again!"

He really wanted to kill the king, but he also knew that the time was not yet ripe. Once Emperor Xia passed away at this time, the world would be in chaos and everyone would be in ruins.

Even he understands the truth, but doesn’t the second young master of the Northern Palace understand it?

Even if Xiao Quji was dizzy, he would not do such a thing.

The old God King of the North was coaxing his little granddaughter to play, turning a deaf ear to Zhong Xing's angry roars. It wasn't until Xiao Ji's personal guard came in and said something to him in a close voice that his expression relaxed a little.

Look carefully, it's a mockery.

Zhong Xing and Xiao Quji noticed it and immediately asked him what happened.

The King of the North said: "It's just that there are some unfamiliar neighbors and hawking vendors. It's nothing important. Don't worry about it." Anyway, even if Xiao Yan'er and Qu Ji don't come, the neighborhood vendors around the palace will change every now and then. human.

He's already used to it.

Just like His Majesty was still weeping over Xiao Yan'er's heart-wrenching words, and then sent people to monitor the two children, even if he felt guilty, even if he was moved to tears, he still remained cold, suspicious, cruel and ruthless. temperament.

This is Your Majesty.

This is the emperor.



After a busy day of official duties, Princess Jinyang had just rested when hurried footsteps could be heard outside.

"Zhang An, go take a look and ask An to run slower."

As soon as Princess Jinyang finished speaking, a boy in smart clothes rushed into the room and almost knocked Zhang An away as he was about to go out.


Xiao Jinan's face was full of excitement. He shook the envelope in his hand and eagerly lowered it in front of Princess Jinyang. "This is from my eldest brother, a letter sent by my father."

Princess Jinyang's fingers trembled when she heard that her husband, whom she had not contacted for a long time, finally had news, but she soon regained her composure.

She took the envelope, and under the expectant and curious eyes of her youngest son, she asked, "Where is your elder brother? Why did you send it?"

Xiao Jinan said: "Brother went to the camp to visit the soldiers. After my training, I took over the task of delivering the letter and came back early."

After that, he begged Princess Jinyang, "Mom, please open the letter quickly and see what my father said. How many enemies have they killed? Is the class teacher coming back soon?"

When his father comes back, he must tell his father everything the court has done, and ask his father to lead the army to Chang'an to bring back Yan and his second brother.

When the time comes, he will take revenge personally and beat the emperor who took Yan away from him to death, so that no one can give them orders anymore!
Princess Jinyang glared at her youngest son, but thought about Xiao Ji's situation outside, she opened the letter.

Princess, my wife, how are you?
How are your children at home?
After seeing the first two sentences, Princess Jinyang couldn't help but blush.

The anger and grievance of being forced by the court, the worry and concern for a pair of children, the worry and longing for her husband who is away at war, the uneasiness about the situation in the North and the court...

Everything was released at this moment.

But she couldn't cry in front of her youngest son.

She is the noble Princess of Jinyang, the ruler of the North, the master of the palace, and the support of her children.

She couldn't cry, couldn't show weakness, couldn't be vulnerable.

"Mom, what did dad say? When will he come back?"

Xiao Jinan's voice rang in her ears, and Princess Jinyang realized that he had moved into her arms again and was staring at the letter.

Feeling the warmth in her arms, Princess Jinyang felt soft and raised her hand to touch his little head.

This child has been inseparable from Yan since he was born, and he still can't accept the fact that Yan went to Chang'an.

From the day Yan left, he never smiled again, nor did he act coquettishly or act like a child, as if he had grown up overnight.

At this moment, he received a letter from his father, the omnipotent general who he regarded as his role model, and he regained a little of his childlike nature.

However, after reading what was written in the letter, he suddenly shouted loudly, "My father said that a man should protect his family, but he allowed my mother to send Yan and his second brother to Chang'an. He lied! Father, speak up No matter what, my father is a liar!”

Xiao Jinan ran out angrily, Zhang An glanced at Princess Jinyang, and then chased her out.

Only Princess Jinyang, clutching the letter in her hand, could not regain her consciousness for a long time.

Xiao Ji.

Her boy general.

The most short-term protection.

If he could, how could he not want to protect his daughter? (End of chapter)

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