After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 92 091: Win the championship sooner or later, how late, how early?

Chapter 92 091: Win the championship sooner or later, how late, how early?

"Hey, what's wrong with Shay? It's been like this all day."

Seeing Shay sitting on the bench in a daze, AC. Green leaned over to Perkins and began to gossip.

"What else? According to the old man's experience, he should be in love."

"Ah!? That's not okay, Shay! As a boy, you have to keep yourself clean. What time did you get home last night? Didn't you go out and fool around with those dubious girls!?"

AC. Green rushed to Shay in astonishment. It is rare for me to have a fellow-spirited person who will accompany me to practice boy kung fu.

Hearing AC. Green yelling, Shay raised his head in confusion:

"Ah? What are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

"That actress, is that the actress? I knew she was plotting against you!
Shay, at our age, we should be career-focused, and we should be."

Just when AC. Green was about to pull out the Bible to preach to Shay, the door of the training hall was suddenly pushed open.

"Merry Christmas guys!"

Jenny Buss walked into the training hall in high heels, and there were staff pushing two trolleys behind her.

The trolley is full of well-packaged gift boxes, and it looks like the boss' daughter is here to give everyone holiday benefits.

The players all came to the gift curiously. Sam Perkins was about to reach for the small square gift box on the top, but Jenny Buss took it away first.

"Choose something else Sam, this one's just for Shay."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Jenny held the gift in both hands, and walked towards Xie who was sitting in a daze with brisk steps.

Seeing this, Sam Perkins shrugged at AC Green beside him:

"I think your abstinent brother is becoming more and more dangerous. Our bunny daughter seems to be very interested in him."

AC. Green knew about Aunt Jenny, and he quickly closed his eyes, muttering something incomprehensible, "Sin, sin, this is the test the Lord gave you, Shay".

Perkins smiled and shook his head, Shay is really welcome after the Bulls game.

Speaking of which, what's going on with Junior Dan Zi?
He lost yesterday's game, so he is probably still angry today.

I don't know if the blood vessels burst.

The Lakers are enjoying themselves, while the Bulls are facing a big enemy at this time.

Pippen called all the brothers to form a circle, and everyone looked dignified.

"Listen, today's action is very important!

Again, what is our mission? "

"Never let any newspaper get out of Michael's hands!" the crowd replied.

Today, the Bulls will make sure that Jordan doesn't see the newspapers in the Los Angeles media.

If Danzi sees the comments about him in the newspaper, everyone will suffer on the training ground when he goes back!

At this time, Danzi got on the team bus with a displeased face.

The blood vessels on the bald head are still bulging, it seems that the blood pressure has not dropped yet.

As soon as he sat down, Jordan looked for newspapers around the seat.

"Who has today's paper?"

After Jordan finished asking, he scanned the bus and found that no one answered.

So he turned to look at Pippen:
"Scott, didn't you take the newspaper from our room?"

"Newspaper? What newspaper?
If you want me to say next time the team don't book this poor hotel, it doesn't even deliver newspapers in the morning, it's really annoying! "

Pippen immediately blamed the hotel.

As the saying goes, it takes a long time to become a doctor.

Pippen has a lot of blame, and he has more or less learned one or two tricks to throw the blame.

Seeing that Jordan didn't pester him any more, the entire Bulls team breathed a sigh of relief.

Who knew that the driver of the bus came up with a newspaper at this time:
"Gentlemen, get back to your seats, we're leaving."

Everyone on the Bulls opened their mouths.

Who would have thought that the defending champion was actually killed by a bus driver!
Sure enough, as soon as the driver put down the newspaper, Jordan yelled:

"Williams, please pass me the newspaper, thank you."

Second-year rookie Scott Williams swallowed and had to do as he pleased.

Everyone else is covering their heads, they all know that the next week, training will be very sad.

Jordan got the newspaper, and the front page was a huge photo of Shay dribbling the ball and Connery clapping.

Then in the photo, a red circle was used to mark the surprised Jordan who was chasing Shay from behind.

Above the photo, there is a bold and bold black title:
"Xie Di scored 29 points and 4 steals against Jordan, and Jordan lost to Shay in a crazy fight.

After breaking Jordan's ribs, Shay broke Jordan's winning streak again!
The Lakers beat the defending champions violently, and the dynasty is coming again!
Jordan: I did lose, and Shai is indeed a young man with great potential"

The corners of Jordan's mouth twitched as he watched the news headlines that had been chopped off.

Do you need to make a red circle in this photo to mark my embarrassing expression?
Also, it's only 6 points, how did you have the nerve to report it as "the Lakers won wildly"?

And what is "Jordan lost to Shay in a crazy strike"?
I scored almost 40 points and you didn't mention it!

Barkley: Man, I'm used to this.This is the big city, this is LA media!

The newspaper hadn't been opened yet, but after reading the headlines, Pippen saw that Jordan had turned purple-black from anger, like a burnt Thanos.

The angry-eyed Danzi gritted his molars and began to speak:
"In the next week's team training match, I hope that all gentlemen will be more serious and increase their intensity.

We've lost four games this season, four games, gentlemen!
In the next training, everyone will work harder!

Don't think I will talk too much, because as long as you don't do well, I will keep laughing at you until you are on the same level as me! "

After finishing speaking, Danzi smashed the newspaper on the ground with a "snap".

Everyone sighed in pain.

The days of being the defending champion are really tiring.

Zen Master glanced at the newspaper that had been thrown to the ground, but his gaze was not on Jordan, who was marked with a red circle.

Instead, he stared at Shay for a long time.

I don't know when this new rising star will bring real trouble to the Bulls.

Hopefully not too soon.

Shay didn't know that he had only been in the alliance for two months, and he had already become the hatred of the biggest ruler in the 90s.

Jordan's loss to Los Angeles ignited Shai's popularity at home and abroad.

A rookie who beat No. 1 in the current league naturally gained a lot of fame.

Not only Shay, but even the magician's reputation has improved recently.

Shay Jianghu is called the little magician, and the little magician can lead a team to kill Jordan.

Isn't the real magician playing Jordan just like playing?

So many basketball commentators said: "If the magician does not retire early, Jordan will not win the championship."

In the original history, the magician who was swept by the gentleman Jordan in the finals has changed in this history, becoming a man Jordan cannot beat.

The magician himself didn't expect that Shay won Jordan, and he could follow the fire inexplicably.

This young master Xie is really good news for my Lakers!

That is to say, the magician's child is a boy. If the second child conceived by his wife is a daughter, the magician is willing to let Xie Yi be the son-in-law of the magician.

In China, Shay is also popular all over the country.

Even if you can play in the NBA, you can still beat Jordan.

Now the country is most concerned about whether Shay can represent the Chinese team in the 92 Olympic Games.

The Chinese men's basketball team has already played the slogan of "single heart and strive to enter the quarterfinals".

If Shay joins, the possibility of achieving this goal will undoubtedly increase greatly.

Our men's three major balls can finally show their talents in the Olympics!
In addition, Coca-Cola in China has also increased its publicity, and the breakthrough point of the publicity is naturally their spokesperson Xie Yi.

So now on the street, Shay's billboards can be seen everywhere.

He became a well-known sports star.

While Shay was on fire on both sides, the NBA schedule continued.

Shay, who had just defeated Jordan, led his team to take down the rival Clippers in the same city in the Christmas game on the 25th.

Harper and Shay continued to hurt each other. Today, Shay was defended 13 of 5 by the difficult Harper, with a shooting percentage of only 38.5%.

In fact, Shay's singles against Pippen in the last game was a bit difficult.

It's just that in the end the overall performance was too good, so that glossed over that.

West also saw that Shay's singles ability is actually not strong enough when facing a real perimeter gate.

However, with Shay's hard work, he firmly believes that Shay will one day evolve into a terrifying single player.

Although Shay's shooting percentage was not good today, he still scored 18 points and 8 assists.

Harper was miserable. He scored 11 of 3 and only scored 9 points!
Harper really doesn't want to play against Shay anymore, when will we repay our grievances!

Is it interesting to fight each other like this?

Shay: That's how I played with Jordan.

In the end, relying on the basketball concept of making the opponent stronger, Shay led the team to slaughter the Clippers 98 to 85 and achieved two consecutive victories. This season, they have double-killed their rivals in the same city.

This Christmas holiday, the Lakers have won the Bulls and the Clippers successively, which made the Los Angeles fans very excited.

They are all ready for the tickets in their hands, and they are bound to make Shay an All-Star in his rookie season!
Fans who love to vote are handsome and rich fans~
Speaking of the Bulls, after losing to the Lakers, they also slaughtered the Celtics in the official Christmas game on the 25th today.

The Big Beeping Bird, who was plagued by injuries, only took 10 shots today and only scored 4 points.

This can't help but make Celtic fans heartbroken.

After all, the old bird can't fly anymore.

But Bird's hip pull is not the main reason for Lukai's loss.

The main reason is that Danzi, who was beaten in Los Angeles, ran to Boston and scored 43 points!
The mentality of Boston fans has collapsed. Why should we bear all the consequences for the crimes committed by the Lakers!

It can only be said that the Lakers and Lukai are worthy of being sworn enemies.

The Lakers tried every means to make Jordan explode in Boston.

Jordan not only has excellent statistics today, but also made the Celtics players desperate with his various performances on the court.

Anyway, Reggie Lewis is quite desperate, because he imitated Jordan's performance last time, so today he was sent to mark Danzi again.

As a result, Jordan's trash talk to Lewis never stopped.

"Did you make a mistake? You didn't guard against this?"

"Why did you fall? Damn, your head smells like my crotch!"

"Crap shot selection, I can block every shot you take if I think about it!"

In addition to verbal attacks, Danzi also performed his performance art in front of Lewis without hesitation.

For example, in the middle of the third quarter, Jordan used a fake shot from outside the three-point line to shake Lewis who was jumping up.

After Lewis flew past Jordan, Jordan did not aim at the frame.

Instead, he stared at Lewis while throwing the ball. In the end, the shot without aiming at the frame was accurately hit.

After entering, Jordan shrugged at Lewis: "Come on, your defense is not as good as Barkley."

Lewis: How can you insult people like that!
Barkley:? ? ?

Danzi, aren't we friends?

It is not wrong for Barkley to be complained by Jordan. After all, after losing the game and returning to Chicago, Barkley, a true friend, was the first to call Jordan.

Then sneered at that Chicago tyrant!
"Hahaha, I was cheated four times, and you were cut off four times.

Our two big brothers, not to mention the second brother, are all rubbish hahahaha! "

After scolding, Barkley felt something was wrong, wait, did I breast myself?

Jordan is also convinced, this fat man really lost his face just to scold me!

So Jordan will bring Barkley with him when he talks trash now, and bury him crazily.

Under the joint "inspiration" of Shai and Barkley, Jordan scored 43 points in Boston to defend the face of the defending champion.

Only a world where the Celtics were injured was born.

Although Jordan scored 43 points, the hottest player this Christmas is still Shai.

People say that Shay will lead the team to win the championship sooner or later, and that he is a super giant candidate.

The champion in 91?
Damn who knows who it is.

In the 91st class, we only recognize Shay!

As for West, he is now very concerned about how late or early this "sooner or later win the championship".

In order to continue to explore the potential of the Lakers lineup, he discussed the improvement of the lineup with the two coaches.

"Didn't you see how well Divac performed against the Bulls? Why are you still thinking about trading him?"

"I said Divac is good, but not for Shai. I think Clifford Robinson of the Trail Blazers is a perfect fit for this system.

You've all seen Shay's leadership and team leadership skills, as long as he is given the right people, he will definitely be able to do something! "

"Clifford? The power forward with a bad attitude who landed in the second round? No kidding, he doesn't even like finishing in the paint!"

"Okay gentlemen, can we stop arguing like children!" West yelled, ending the quarrel between Carlisle and Dunleavy.

Carlisle and Dunleavy have no hostility to each other at all, but they have different team building philosophies.

So seeing West losing his temper, the two of them stopped arguing and apologized to each other for the aggressive tone just now.

West originally thought that the matter would calm down temporarily, but he didn't know that the next game against No. [-] in the Western Conference would intensify the contradiction of lineup improvement.

There is a long way to go to win the championship.

 Today's [-]D update is presented, and Conscience Laohe has insisted on updating [-]D without interruption for half a month.With such a conscience, it’s okay for the big guys to ask for a small ticket, right?I'm begging, thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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