i invent at hogwarts

Chapter 34: Team of 4, Gather

Chapter 34 Foursome, Gather
It worked!
The stick suddenly struggled and flew out of the troll's hand.

The troll stared at the stick in bewilderment with his small eyes.

Slowly but surely, the huge, heavy stick rose into the air.

The stick floated higher and higher, almost touching the top of the classroom.

Harry and Ron gritted their teeth and insisted, the veins in their necks twitched.

Rigg pressed down on Hermione's wand, which was still struggling to maintain the height of the stick.

Hermione retracted her wand in surprise and hugged it to her chest.

He looked worriedly from Rigg to Harry and Ron.

Hermione's frown tightened.

After recovering, her intelligence and thinking ability returned.

She didn't know what Rigg's plan was, but she looked at Harry who was reluctantly persevering and Ron who had never successfully used the Levitating Charm.

It's better to let her continue the floating spell.

As soon as Hermione opened her mouth, Rigg quietly shook his head and said nothing, just pointed to the troll who was concentrating on the stick.

Clever Hermione needs no explanation.

She blinked her big eyes, and carefully covered her mouth with her hand, for fear of attracting the troll's attention.

In an instant, the tail of the huge wooden stick sank, still shaking unsteadily.

Only the head of the stick, which Rigg was responsible for lifting, remained aloft.

Harry and Ron looked at Rigg in panic as they watched the stick sink suddenly.

Harry actually looked at Ron first.

Unexpectedly, Ron was still insisting, but Hermione put down her wand.

Rigg shook his head at them, motioning silently for Harry and Ron to lower their wands as well.

In a quiet bathroom.

The giant tilted his head to look at the stick, and waved it casually, but missed the stick.

Out of trust in Rigg, Harry and Ron also stopped the Levitation Charm and put down their wands.

They couldn't hold on for long, and they had never floated such a heavy object.

Professor Flitwick taught the Levitation Charm only with feathers!
Now the pressure is on Rigg.

Rigg gripped his wand tightly in both hands and gritted his teeth.

The troll was still looking at the stick, wondering what was going on in its barely-lived mind.

Rigg adjusted the angle and height of the stick and aimed it at the troll.

The troll's pupils were full of that tall wooden club.

It watched the wooden stick suddenly fall rapidly, and it became bigger and bigger in its eyes.

At last the stick hit its master's bald head with a loud bang.

The troll swayed in place and fell face down on the floor like a hill.

With a bang, the whole room trembled.

The group of four was out of breath, looking at each other silently.

Did it work?

Is the troll dead?

Rigg stared at the troll nervously clutching his wand.

If that doesn't work, he's going to be on fire.

After all, it was the only offensive black magic he knew.

Thinking about having to explain it to Principal Dumbledore and the others after using it, Rigg's head got dizzy for a while.

Do not use unless necessary!

Ron stood there, staring at what he had done, his wand still held high in his hand.

Finally Hermione spoke first.

"Is it—dead?"

"I don't think so," Rigg said. "It was probably just knocked unconscious."

Harry, who was clutching his wand, didn't know what a terrible encounter he had managed to avoid.

Rigged Hermione, walked around the troll and reunited with Harry Ron at the door.

Suddenly there was a violent banging on the door and loud footsteps.

All four people in the room looked up.

They didn't realize how much commotion had just happened. Others must have heard the violent collision and the roar of the troll.

A moment later, Professor McGonagall burst into the room, followed by Snape.

In the auditorium, inform Professor Quirrell that there is a troll at the end.

Quirrell only glanced at the troll before letting out a feeble sob.

He sat on a toilet that hadn't been smashed by the troll, clutching his chest.

Harry thought of the first time Quirrell saw him at the Leaky Cauldron.

"Bo-bo-Potter," stammered Professor Quirrell, and took his hand, "to see you so-unspeakably-high-delighted. "

The matter was settled, and Harry was relieved, just thinking of Professor Quirrell's usual appearance made him hold back his laughter.

The foursome stood together, waiting for the professor to check.

Ron watched Harry chuckle and poked him with his wand.

Harry whispered about his previous contact with Professor Quirrell, and Hermione, who was still in shock, couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

The post-war foursome muttered in the corner.

Snape bent down to look at the troll.

Professor McGonagall looked at the foursome.

Rigg had never seen her so angry, and Professor McGonagall was always kind to him.

Her lips were pale.

"What the hell are you playing?" Professor McGonagall said, with cold anger in his voice.

She was really afraid that if she was late, the students would be hurt.

"Fortunately, you were not killed by it. Why don't you stay in the dormitory honestly?"

Snape gave Harry a quick gouging look.

Harry and Ron quickly looked down at the ground as if there were flowers on it.

Rigg looked directly at the professors, and Hermione hesitated to speak.

"Please don't, Professor McGonagall—they're looking for me."

"Miss Granger!"

Hermione licked her lips nervously. She never lied to the professors.

"I'm here to find the troll because I... I'm in a bad mood today." Hermione still revealed her secret because of nervousness.

"I thought I could learn well, but I kept losing to Rigg."

Although she was making excuses, Hermione really wanted to cry when she said this.

Eye sockets turned red.

Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione upon hearing this.

Helplessly closed eyes.Feel your temples throbbing.

"If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead by now. Rigg, Harry, and Ron cast the Levitation Charm together and saved me. The troll was going to devour me when they came."

Rigg also added: "It was Hermione's roommate who told us Hermione's location in the auditorium. At that time, Professor Quirrell hadn't notified that there was a troll."

"Oh—if that's the case..." Professor McGonagall looked at them.

"Hermione didn't know about the troll, and we were worried that we would meet her when she came out. And we didn't see the professor at that time, so we went directly to Hermione because of time constraints."

Hermione hung her head, overwhelmed by the guilt of lying to the professor.

If it was said that she was crying and hiding in the toilet because of Ron and Harry, Hermione was worried that the trio who saved her would also be punished.

Now she is neither angry nor sad, and feels that there is a tacit understanding surrounding them.

Just like friends.

Ron and Harry stared at Hermione with their mouths open.

She was the last person to break a school rule, and now, in order to get them out of trouble, she lied about breaking it.It's almost like Snape started giving out candy to everyone, it's unbelievable.

"Miss Granger, five points will be deducted from Gryffindor for this incident," said Professor McGonagall.

"I'm very disappointed in you. If you're not hurt at all, you'd better go back to Gryffindor Castle. The students are having Halloween dinner in their houses."

Hermione was about to cry now, and Professor McGonagall couldn't bear to look away.

Hermione left first with red eyes and flat mouth.

Professor McGonagall turned to Rigg, Harry and Ron.

"Well, I'm still going to say you're lucky, there aren't many first-years who can take on a full-grown troll."

Professor McGonagall looked at Rieg and sighed.

She likes smart students very much, but things always go wrong.

"You've each earned five points for Gryffindor. I'll let Professor Dumbledore know about it. You can go."

They hurried out of the room and went up two flights of stairs without a word.

Finally, they couldn't smell the stench from the troll, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"We should have won more than ten points," Ron grumbled.

This is when he broke through in danger and successfully used the levitation spell to save Hermione!
Ron still seems to be in a dream now, feeling that everything is not real.

"Only ten points, counting the points she deducted from Hermione." Rigg corrected.

"Hermione was kind enough to step up and get us out of trouble," admitted Ron, "but don't forget, we did save her."

"If we hadn't locked her up with that thing, she probably wouldn't have needed to be rescued at all," Harry reminded Ron.

Ron was back to reality now.

The three of them walked slowly all the way to the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Pig nose." After saying the password, they got in.

The common room was crowded and noisy.Everyone was eating the food that was served.

Only Hermione stood alone at the door, waiting for them.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and they were pushed by Rigg.

Then, they didn't look at each other, they just lowered their heads and said something.

"Thank you Hermione, I'm sorry we said the wrong thing earlier."

He hurried to his plate.

Ron and Harry stared at their plates, their faces flushed with heat.

Rigg didn't have their awkward mentality of bowing his head and apologizing. He picked up a slice of just baked baguette coated with honey and had a happy meal.

From that moment, however, Hermione Granger became their friend.

 The four-person team successfully formed a team!I've always felt that three people are very stable, but it takes a gentler and more emotionally intelligent person to complete the foursome, so that many small heartbreaking things can be avoided.Like Professor Lupine in Harry's father's group.Of course Rigg isn't just Lupine, he's super strong
  Please follow up and ask for a recommendation ticket———save Vera ah ah ah ah I'm going to have trouble getting through the pk next week, don't raise her

(End of this chapter)

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