Daming: Brother, there is no future for monks, let's rebel

Chapter 602 The gods also asked the Taoist priest for help

Chong Yunzi never believed that there really were any so-called gods and ghosts in this world.

If it really existed, people like him would probably have died long ago without a burial place. How could he still be living so freely?

Those things are just made up by ignorant people to deceive themselves.

So, when I heard the two gatekeepers say that some so-called god was coming.

The first year in Chong Yunzi's mind was when a colleague came to make trouble: "You dare to steal business from a poor Taoist. You really don't know how to live or die."

If it were Chong Yunzi from before, he would really not dare to say that.

In fact, what people in their profession fear most is bumping into each other.

Many of the tricks they use may not be seen by outsiders and they may not understand the rules behind them.

But if they are traveling together, they will know each other's opinions very clearly.

It is quite difficult to accomplish something.

But if you want to break something, it's easy.

If there is a fight between peers, there will be no bottom line.

Chong Yunzi is not afraid of the other party, but he is worried that the other party will do whatever it takes to destroy his good deeds.

This guy has been blocking liars all his life, and this is the first time he has reached this level. He doesn't want to be knocked back to his original form because of something like this.

Of course, what I really can't bear to part with is the money.

Because Datong Mansion had just suffered a severe drought, almost all the people were in the most frightened time, so it was quite easy to be fooled.

Although after Zhu Han came, he implemented many policies in Datong Prefecture, which to a large extent delayed the impact of the drought.

However, the fear caused by a natural disaster of this scale cannot be simply eliminated at will.

It is this kind of environment that is most easily exploited by people like them.

For example, the birth of the so-called Stone Buddha in Ci'en Temple caused a huge impact in a short period of time. In addition to Ci'en Temple's already famous reputation, the most important reason is also for this reason.

People are just ordinary people. When faced with such natural and man-made disasters that ordinary people cannot resist, they will naturally have the idea of ​​​​escape.

At this time, those forces that transcend nature naturally become their main means of avoiding reality.

But Chong Yunzi felt a little strange. Before he took action, he had done some research.

In addition to Ci'en Temple, there are indeed several goddesses, fortune tellers and the like in Datong Mansion.

The fame of these people is probably only that of a few streets nearby.

The most famous Ci'en Temple has also been arrested by Datong Prefecture for forging stone Buddhas.

It can be said that if he takes action now, he will hardly encounter any decent opponent.

But why had I only lived a happy life for two days when someone with the same arrogance came to my door?

His peers are enemies, so it’s not surprising that some people would be jealous when they see him making money.

But this kind of thing also depends on strength. If he is also a well-known fortune teller, it would not be surprising if he wants to come and cause trouble for him.

After all, he came to Datong Mansion to seek refuge and had never thought about doing business in Datong Mansion.

Those who work in their line of work have a very good chance of taking action in other places.

The reason why he started to deceive was not only because of the requirements of the White Lotus Sect, but also because Chong Yunzi discovered that due to the previous drought, many people in Datong Prefecture who relied on this stuff for a living, All have no whereabouts.

Those people either starved to death, or they had already given up on the job.

Although the more people encounter such natural disasters, the more dependent they are on gods and monsters, but this is also the time when people are most strapped for money.

Maybe it would be better if it were another disaster. Even if the situation is bad, they can still come up with some rice and grain. At least they, the magicians, can swindle some rations to prevent them from starving to death.

But this time it happened to be a drought, and the people had no food to eat at home, let alone these magic sticks for them.

Moreover, these people do not have any serious livelihood on weekdays. The little money they have accumulated is quickly squandered under the terrifying food prices.

What's even more frightening is that even if the court provides relief to the victims, it basically won't care about these idiots.

Therefore, the more famous ones have basically become completely out of date.

Those who are still alive today basically do these things as side jobs.

Logically speaking, such a person does not have a huge reputation. Under normal circumstances, you should not dare to provoke him?

But it's famous, wait...

Suddenly, Chong Yunzi suddenly thought of someone as if he was struck by lightning.

If there is such a person in the entire Datong Mansion, he can be regarded as a god-like figure by all the people of Datong.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there really is one.

That was the one who assisted the Yamen of Datong Prefecture and exposed the conspiracy of Ci'en Temple. Bai Qie was regarded as a real immortal by the people of Datong because he dug many wells during the drought.

"Hey! I'm afraid it won't be easy to do business in the future."

Although Chong Yunzi had already thought that people from the Yamen would come to his door before he started working, he did not expect that people from the Yamen would come so quickly.

Although Chong Yunzi thought a lot, in fact these thoughts only flashed through his mind.

What he was really afraid of was the Datong Mansion Yamen behind him, the legendary King Zhu Han, who was never the so-called immortal that ordinary people touted.

No matter what, people like him are never afraid of any so-called gods.

Before Chong Yunzi could do anything, a group of people had already walked in from outside.

Most of these people are young people, basically seventeen or eighteen years old, and they still look childish.

But seeing these people, the expressions of many people present had changed.

Zhu Han heard someone exclaim in a low voice: "Oh my god, it's these evil thieves."

The person sitting next to him was extremely confused: "Evil thieves? I don't think these young people look like bad people."

After all, they were Zhu Han's students and were greatly influenced by Zhu Han.

Although he was not wearing a Confucian shirt, he did not look like a scholar at all.

But as soon as they stop here, their temperament that is incompatible with people of this era will immediately be revealed.

It was as if nothing in this world could affect them.

Compared with some people who reach out to high positions, the difference may not be so obvious.

But if you stand among ordinary people, you will naturally be extremely dazzling.

At first glance, it would be difficult to think of such a person as a bad person.

"Bah, what do you know?"

"These guys are all evil spirits who disrespect Buddha. Let me tell you..."

This person who had a lot of opinions on the Huangzhuang students vividly told what happened at Ci'en Temple. Finally, he concluded: "Think about it, these people even dare to dig up the stone statue of Buddha. In their eyes, there is no awe at all."

The person sitting next to this person said disapprovingly: "But didn't it prove in the end that the Buddha statue was indeed a fake, and that the Buddha statue was pushed out of the ground using bean sprouts?"

"If they hadn't exposed this scam, I don't know how many people would have been deceived and lost their money."

The man was naturally unconvinced and immediately retorted: "What do you know? The key here is not the authenticity of the Buddha statues, but what these people do..."

These two people were talking to each other, and their faces were red when they were arguing.

After Zhu Han's students came in, Chong Yunzi straightened his robes and led his disciples to greet them.

He stopped about ten steps away from He Fengyu and said the proper Taoist etiquette: "I have met my fellow Taoist Taoist Chongyunzi!"

What he said was actually quite skillful. To people who didn't understand the key point, it was just a greeting.

In fact, he was asking about the origins of Huangzhuang students.

Although he also knew that these people were definitely coming with bad intentions, it would never go wrong to treat them with courtesy first and then attack with force.

The purpose of asking this question was to test whether He Fengyu and the others were here to cause trouble, or if they were simply dissatisfied with him.

If it wasn't to ruin the business, Chong Yunzi wouldn't mind bowing to the other party.


The development of things was completely beyond Chong Yunzi's expectations.

The students at Huangzhuang looked at Zhong Yunzi with great interest and whispered to each other at the same time.

"Is this guy Chong Yunzi? Don't tell me, just by looking at his outfit, he seems to be like that."

"She's not just dressing up, I've heard that she has real skills." I don't know who it is, but the sarcasm in and out of the words can make a person angry to death.

"I said He Fengyu, you kid is also learning from others. Look at them, no matter whether they are really capable or not, at least they look like that. Look at you, you still look like a master. "

He Fengyu's face turned red: "Senior brother, I am not a swindler, so there is no need to work hard in this area."

I came to say hello politely, but these guys dared to ignore me.

If the people who supported these people were not the Datong government, and their mentor was not King Zhu Han of England, Chong Yunzi would have given these people a lesson.

Even though these people are all young and strong, if they really take action, all of them together are no match for him.

Chong Yunzi waited patiently for more than ten breaths, but found that no one paid attention to him. Chong Yunzi suddenly became a little angry.

He gritted his teeth and recited in a deep voice: "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, all my colleagues, come here, but what's the important matter?"

When saying this, Master Chongyunzi also used a little effort.

The sound was not loud, but many people who were close to it felt their ears buzzing and had a dizzying feeling.

Several Huangzhuang students were even a little unsteady on their feet, staggering and almost falling.

Fortunately, there were more people here, and no one really fell down after helping each other.

Otherwise, they would be very embarrassed this time.

Seeing their embarrassed appearance, Chong Yunzi's eyes showed contempt.

I thought these students of the King of England were so great, but in the end they were only at this level.

Perhaps it was the students at Huangzhuang who seemed to be performing unsatisfactorily.

Chong Yunzi suddenly became confident again and felt that he could do it.

What happened at Ci'en Temple before was probably just a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

These people were just lucky enough to decipher the secret of the Stone Buddha of Ci'en Temple. They themselves had no particularly outstanding talents.

The sky is clear, the rain has stopped.

Chong Yunzi suddenly felt that he could do it again.

Immediately, he flicked the fly whisk and said, "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, where did all the lost owners come from?"

"Pindao, there are still many people here who need help. If the donors have nothing important to do, please forgive me for not being able to accompany them."

It's obvious that these guys have bad intentions. If that's the case, there's no need to hide them.

The title also changed from Taoist friend before to donor.

Only then did Zhu Han's students remember what they were doing here. They exchanged glances with each other and quickly came up with an idea.

Unlike the previous digs for Buddha statues, they were fully prepared that time.

They had already used the knowledge imparted to them by Zhu Han to analyze the truth to a close.

So naturally, you can take action without any scruples.

The situation now is different. They were hurriedly summoned by Liu Shenhong.

We haven't fully understood Chong Yunzi's situation yet.

Although each of them knew very well that the old Taoist priest in front of them, who looked like an immortal, was actually a hateful charlatan.

However, how to expose this charlatan is a problem.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on He Fengyu. At this time, this guy was the first to be pushed out to block the gun. Who made him famous?

He Fengyu had already had this awareness, and helplessly gave these senior brothers who could not find him a big look, then walked out of the crowd and said: "I have long admired your name, Master."

"I have no other intention in coming here this time. It's just that a friend of mine has encountered some problems, and I really have no way to solve it, so I came here to ask the master for some advice."

As soon as He Fengyu said these words, everyone exploded.

"What's going on? Did I hear you correctly? Are there still problems that even the Water God can't solve?"

"What's so strange about this? The Water God may only be good at finding water. He really can't do anything else. He can only find an outsider like Taoist Master Chong Yunzi to solve the problem."

"Even the Water God came to see Taoist Priest. This shows that Taoist Priest Chongyunzi is really powerful."

Being so praised by others, Chong Yunzi felt on pins and needles.

No one in the world knows better than himself how many pounds he has lost.

He is just a charlatan, and he doesn't really have any magic tricks.

Although he didn't believe in any weird things, he really couldn't solve what the water god in front of him said!


This idea immediately appeared in Chong Yunzi's mind.

But soon, he gave up this idea.

"How could you let such a good opportunity pass up so easily?"

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