The Heavens: Beginning with the role of a young boy, Broken Waves

Chapter 160 Shushan Wanjianjue vs Fengyun Wanjian returns to the sect! ! !

Chapter 160 Shushan Wanjianjue vs Fengyun Wanjian returns to the sect! ! !

The top of the nameless hill.

Xie An didn't intend to watch Dan Yuanzi continue to kill so much, and then gradually grow up.

In the next moment, his lightness kung fu was at full speed, and he directly used Di Shitian's unique lightness kung fu to climb the immortal step without a sound, and then flew a hundred meters in an instant, and pointed coldly at the center of Dan Yuanzi's eyebrows in an instant.

Xiongba——three-point magic finger. Break jade and divide gold!

Di Shitian is an old immortal who has lived for a thousand years in the original novel, and Xie An is playing him at this moment, which is a bit beneficial.

That is, Xie An doesn't need to care about whose martial arts he uses at all.

Anyway, in Di Shitian's long life of thousands of years, such as changing his name and surname to join the big school, and slowly practicing martial arts from the outer layer, Di Shitian didn't do too much.

Other people's martial arts, as long as it is useful, then bring it to you!Anyway, Sacred Heart Jue can accommodate more than [-]% of the martial arts in the world.

Just like now.

Even if Xie An didn't use the three-point Guiyuan Zhenqi.

But when he pointed it out like this, the vigor and sharpness of his fingertips at this moment were still significantly stronger than when Xiongba was at his peak!
After all, the world will help Xiongba, even though he is the master of the protagonists Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun in Fengyun World.

At the same time, even in the late stage of Fengyun, Fengyun and Fengyun still used the two martial arts that he taught, the palm of the wind and the leg of the god of wind.

But in the later stage of Fengyun World, although the martial arts used by the protagonist Nie Fengbu Jingyun are still called Fengshen Legs and Paiyun Palm, but at that time, the martial arts of the two of them were obviously far superior to those of the early dead Xiongba. .

Therefore, the leg-palm martial arts used by the two of them will completely break away from the cage of the original martial arts moves of Fengshen Leg and Paiyun Palm in the future, and their attack power is more than ten times stronger than before.

And for Xie An, who now possesses Di Shitian's unique skills, and at the same time has received the complete inheritance of Xiongba before, the situation of his current three-point Guiyuan finger is obviously the same.

It is also no longer the original three-point Guiyuan refers to the original martial arts of Fengyun World Xiongba, which condenses the three great skills of Tianshuang Fist, Paiyun Palm, and Fengshen Leg in one furnace.

It was a new version formed after Xie An replaced Tianshuang Fist, one of the three uniques, with the Sacred Heart Jue.

This new version of the three-point return to the original finger, although not the original three-point return to the original finger that every shot has three colored brilliance as sharp as a gun, but instead becomes as cold and white as ice.

However, Sanyuan Guiyuan refers to the magic of the original version, which can easily penetrate gold and penetrate stones and decompose things after making moves, but it not only still exists.

Even because of the extremely strong icy air of the Sacred Heart Art, far exceeding the original Tianshuang Fist.

Therefore, the new three-point Guiyuan finger of Xie An's version, while retaining the original magic of the three-point Guiyuan finger, it can also freeze everything with the power of extreme cold.

Just like now.

Faced with Xie An's sudden distraction, he pointed out that Dan Yuanzi, who was still excitedly killing all directions in the sky, not only immediately felt a mountain of pressure.

At the same time, out of a slight sense of fear of Xie An's strength, he didn't even dare to take Xie An's three-point finger at all, but began to withdraw and back away at the moment Xie An's finger approached.

Then, in the process of retreating like this, he kept waving his hands and blocking Xie An's way with intensive sword light.


The sword light in Dan Yuanzi's hand, although he has gone through his previous crazy killings, has obviously increased in power compared to the beginning.

But this level of sword light was still not enough to stop Xie An, who was in full combat power.

For these roadblocks.

As Xie An waved his hands and continuously pointed out the cold finger lights, they couldn't stop them for even a second, but they were broken into countless pieces as soon as they appeared in the air.

Apart from adding a bit of splendor to the sky, for Xie An, the sword energy in Dan Yuanzi's hand didn't do much at all.

But say so.

But as Dan Yuanzi kept waving the sword energy in his hand like this, Xie An's three-point fingering was sharp.

But because of the sword light waving by Dan Yuanzi blocking the way, Xie An couldn't catch him right away after all, he could only chase and escape with him in circles on the sky.


After all, it is impossible for a process of escape like Dan Yuanzi's to last forever.

Even he himself knew this very well in his heart.

Therefore, after going around several kilometers in a row, the next moment, he suddenly tapped the hilt of the flying sword in his hand with his fingers, and the flying sword in his hand suddenly transformed into thousands of illusions!

Shushan Yujianshu. Wanjianjue!
"Damn Di Shitian, I admit that my Heavenly Sword Sect's flying sword technique can't beat you."

"But my Dan Yuanzi is not only the only contemporary heir of the Tianjian Sect, but also one of the eight contemporary chiefs of Shushan, the holy land of sword cultivation in the world!"

"The world-renowned Shushan Royal Swordsmanship! I will be a part of it too!!!"

There was an endless chill in the voice.

Dan Yuanzi, who was chased all the way by Xie An, was only acting extremely brave at this moment with the flying sword in his hand!
And accompanied by his heroic attitude, there are hundreds of piercing sword qi flying towards Xie An at high speed.

"All Swords Return to the Sect!!!"

But seeing these bitter sword qi falling from the sky.

The expression on Xie An's face was not flustered when he encountered a counterattack all of a sudden. He quickly gave up the attack with the three-pointed magic finger in his hand, and switched to use the highest skill of the sword sect in Fengyun World-Wan Jian Guizong!

So come on.

In the blink of an eye, Xie An also roared and flew out of the palm of Xie An's palm, and it was a head-to-head confrontation with the strong flying sword energy in front of him.

Shushan. Wan Jianjue vs. Fengyun. Wan Jian returns to the sect!

Spells vs Martial arts!


In the sky, as Shushan Wanjianjue and Fengyun Wanjian Guizong fiercely collided, a series of rumbling and thunderous clashes sounded continuously.

Immediately afterwards, as the two collapsed at the same time, a huge aftermath full of destructive power not only instantly shattered all the clouds within a radius of several hundred meters above the sky.

At the same time, the aftermath spread far to the ground even at a height of [-] meters, blowing up the entire roof of the unnamed hill, and also wiped out the lives of many unlucky people present on the spot.

As a result, the total number of masters from various factions in Guangdong Province who came to participate in this fight with Xie An was only a little over a hundred.

In such a situation where Xie An slaughtered and destroyed a wave first, then was slaughtered by Dan Yuanzi again, and then was finally shocked to death by the aftermath of the two people's fight.

At present, the number of those who can really survive on this unnamed mountain is even less than [-]% of the original.

And these survivors, because those who dared to stay on the peak are all dead, so they are all timid and afraid of death, and now almost all of them are about to run to the bottom of the mountain.

However, for this group of people, whether it is Xie An or Dan Yuanzi, there is no time to take care of them at all.

Among them is Dan Yuanzi.

After seeing that he failed to win the battle with Shushan Wanjian Jue, his heart was really chilled now, and he completely lost the courage to continue to confront Xie An.

However, Dan Yuanzi didn't want to fight anymore, but Xie An, who was opposite him, had no intention of stopping at the moment.

Taking advantage of Dan Yuanzi's lack of success in such a blow and gradually losing his inner courage, Xie An's legs made Fengshen's legs martial arts, just like a violent storm, only stirring up layers of tornadoes in the sky.

Forcibly kicking Dan Yuanzi so that he could only scurry around in the sky, the scene was extremely embarrassing.

After five or six breaths like this.

Because of Xie An's violent attack, the mana in Dan Yuanzi's body gradually began to run out.

Forced to do so, Dan Yuanzi rolled his eyes, and immediately turned his heart to the ground. He forcibly took Xie An's leg with his own body, and only let the magic power in his body for passive defense.


As such.

With a mouthful of scarlet blood spurting out of Dan Yuanzi's mouth, his whole body was like a shooting star from the sky in an instant, and he was kicked straight a thousand meters away by Xie An's kick.

But Dan Yuanzi had deliberately wanted to be kicked by Xie An just now, and he had already prepared for this situation in his heart.

Therefore, in such a process of being kicked away, although his body kept turning in the air.

But he used the magic power in his body to keep his body in a relatively balanced state all the time, and used his magic power to forcibly hang his body and never let it fall to the ground.

So in this case, although Dan Yuanzi looked extremely embarrassed at this time, he was not too seriously injured by Xie An's kick, nor did he lose his strength too much.

Even taking into account the consumption of mana in Dan Yuanzi's body at this time, he can still maintain [-]% of his combat power level in his heyday, and his escape speed is still extremely fast all the way.


"Dan Yuanzi, you can run!"

"I would rather be kicked by me, but you have to run wildly! You look so embarrassed now, but you really don't have the arrogant style you used to!"

"Dan Yuanzi, if you want me to tell you, if you are still a man, then use all your remaining courage and continue to fight me to the death!"

on the sky.

Seeing that Dan Yuanzi was suddenly deliberately hit by his Fengshen leg, he took advantage of this to run very fast!
For a moment, Xie An couldn't help being angry and funny at being made by him.

While hurriedly continuing to pursue, Xie An couldn't help but began to attack him verbally without hesitation.

But Dan Yuanzi managed to find a chance to escape quickly in the sky, how could he still be in the mood to care about Xie An's verbal provocations for a while.

Dan Yuanzi turned a deaf ear to these innocuous things.

His whole figure was surrounded by sword light, and he could fly forward hundreds of meters in an instant.

According to Xie An's visual estimation, Dan Yuanzi is estimated to be able to go up at least five or six hundred yards per hour at this time.

Not only is it definitely much faster than the high-speed rail in Xie An's previous life, it can even catch up with ordinary small passenger planes.

However, Dan Yuanzi's speed is obviously due to the use of some forbidden techniques that damage the body, so even if Xie An's strength is clearly much stronger than him, it is still extremely difficult to chase him for a while.

After all, even if it is the original Di Shitian.

Of course, he can use his unique lightness skills to ascend to the immortal step, and his flying speed directly breaks through the sound barrier in a short period of time.

However, if he is in this continuous pursuit, the flying speed he can achieve in an hour is also only a little over a thousand yards per hour!

It can only slightly exceed the average speed of [-] yards of Xie An's previous civil aviation airliner, and it is still lower than many high-end fighter jets.

And so.

Since even the original Di Shitian only has such a speed of [-] yards.

At present, Xie An, who is only in the early 40% of Di Shitian's acting speed, even with the previous inheritance strength, wants to quickly catch up with Dan Yuanzi, who is obviously using the body-damaging forbidden technique. The difficulty is also extremely great.

(End of this chapter)

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