I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world.

Chapter 325 What is a great achievement?

Chapter 325 What is a great achievement?
Originally, Sol thought it was nothing. The systems of different worlds and forces are different, so some differences in salary are justified.

However, Asgard has been established for so many years, and it is one of the most famous forces in the universe.

The issue of remuneration and remuneration can be said to be very different from Void Island. Void Island is the sky, and Asgard is the earth.

Although Asgard's soldiers go to other worlds, they can make some money if they think of a way.

But the average level of Asgard's soldiers is a little better than Steve Rogers, who was injected with the super serum.

In the case of not being able to grab casually, it is limited to making some money. As for living freely and not treating money as money, only a few gods can.

Sol himself directly took some gold, silver and jewels in Asgard's Asgard, and went to other worlds in the Nine Realms to exchange for a lot of money in the local world.

But if this method is ruled out, he still needs to find a way to stop treating money as money.

"Asgard seems to be a theocracy?"

After Banner was a little speechless, he also remembered something and said.

"You remember correctly, Asgard is indeed a theocracy."

"It's just that I didn't expect you to have such a huge power in Asgard, and the treatment is so low..."

When Tony heard Banner's words, he affirmed them directly, watching Loki and Sol speak.

The theocratic system can also be said to be the ultimate class system, but it is a theocratic system.

As a well-known power in the universe, Asgard does not say that everyone is equal, but life should be prosperous.

But from Sol's point of view, it is obvious that Asgard's 50 cannot be compared to the universe currency.

Because Asgard's money may only be applicable to Asgard and the Nine Realms.

The cosmic currency is basically applicable to all advanced civilizations that have embarked on the interstellar era, and only has no effect on backward civilizations.

However, with the purchasing power of cosmic coins, before going to the backward cosmic civilization, you only need to buy some gold, silver and jewelry or scarce materials or treasures that backward civilizations do not have.

Even buying grain directly as hard currency can be exchanged for a large amount of local money immediately.

"Asgard's treatment is indeed a bit lower compared to Void Island, but the royal family is supreme."

Compared to Thor, Loki didn't feel that there was anything to say.

"To put it bluntly, your royal family has not developed trade properly for so many years, and only your royal family has become rich."

"Most people may live a life of living and working in peace and contentment. As for wealth and freedom, it is not at all compatible."

"Considering that God King Odin has long passed his youth, it is normal to choose to be content with the status quo after becoming king."

"But Sol, if you want to do better than your father, you have to be better than blue."

"As the ruler of a faction, protecting the Nine Realms and fighting bloody battles against foreign enemies for the Nine Realms to wipe out everything is undoubtedly a story worth singing about."

"However, improving the overall environment is also a great achievement."

"This kind of thing is still circulating in the history books of mankind, even after many years have passed."

Seeing Loki, Tony thought it was nothing, so he said it directly without politeness due to the relationship between several people.

His own consideration is to bring all mankind into the interstellar era, so Tony knows that he will definitely not be able to relax for a while.

But he will still do it, even if he is not the so-called king of Blue Star, and he doesn't need to be responsible for so many humans.

It's all because he thinks he has such abilities and talents, and he will do it if he wants to do it.

As long as human beings don't do vicious incidents such as not thanking him, but criticizing him collectively.

Let him feel extremely disappointed in human beings, and he doesn't need to pay too much attention to whether the process will be very tiring.

"But I'm only good at fighting, not these things."

When Sol heard Tony's suggestion, it's not that he didn't listen to it, but he didn't know how to do it.

Asgard's strength lies in its individual abilities, and it possesses various treasures.

But compared to the development of various civilizations in the universe, Asgard has indeed lagged behind for many years.

It is impossible to change the theocracy, but it is indeed worth doing to improve the living conditions of the people as a whole.

He doesn't mind doing this when he becomes queen, but how to do it is a problem.

"You Asgard also have your own technology."

"There are so many people in the Nine Realms, so spend some time looking for someone to give you a blessing."

"It's not difficult to sell some technology crystallization that is not Asgard's top secret, earn more income and improve the overall treatment."

"And the king gave instructions, so it was impossible to do everything by himself."

"Master Kassadin, the God of the Void, is also assisted by Miss Sonia, so the Void Island can develop rapidly."

"To put it bluntly, there is a truth. Professional things should be done by professional people."

Before Tony could speak, Banner directly made a suggestion.

It's just that Banner mentioned Kassadin, the god of the void.

Loki instantly felt dozens of gazes sweeping towards him, all observing his every word and deed.

There is a posture that as long as he dares to be disrespectful, he will be killed immediately.

This made Loki's forehead involuntarily leave a drop of cold sweat.

"It is possible to bless people and let people from the Nine Realms come to Asgard to help."

"But I don't have the ability to give blessings to others like my father and king."

Sol, on the other hand, didn't notice the gazes around him, and spread his hands in a helpless look.

The future that Tony mentioned, the great achievements that can be built is indeed a good thing, he has no reason not to do it, the problem is that he can't do it.

"As the blood of your father, the divine power you possess allows you to have the ability to bless you."

"It's just that your grasp of divine power is not strong enough now, so you haven't mastered the ability to give blessings."

"Blessing is similar to enchanting magic, except that enchanting can only enchant items, so that an ordinary item has special abilities."

"Blessing is a bit more advanced, it can bring strength to the living body."

When Loki heard Sol's words, his eyes flickered, he affirmed, and said.

After the comparison in the Gravity Building, Loki completely understood what is called the gap of blood.

It can be said that Sol's age is almost the same as him, but the difference in divine body and divine power is very obvious.

Thor's reputation in Asgard is indeed higher and his strength is stronger.

And Sol's sex is not like he would have dark or selfish thoughts to speculate on others, so Sol is indeed the best choice to be king.

Giving people divine power is similar to enchanting. When people hold a certain item or treasure, they can get the blessing of divine power.

As long as there is the blessing of divine power, it can directly change a person's physique and strength.

"But Loki, you said before that neither you nor I can learn to bless."

Thor said in surprise when he heard Loki's words.

"Before was before, now is now."

"After I learned more magic, I also understood the nature of blessing."

Loki felt Thor's eyes, and he didn't say that he deliberately concealed it before, but discovered it later.

After agreeing to his father to assist Thor, Loki naturally revealed some hidden things.

Although Loki doesn't think there is any problem with the status quo of Asgard.

However, Tony's proposal is also correct. Improving the living conditions of the people as a whole is a feat worthy of being sung.

"That's it, then you will see how to teach me later."

Sol didn't have any doubts when he heard Loki's words. After all, it was many years ago when they discussed how to bless others. At that time, Loki's magic level was indeed not as superb as it is now.

"Instead of asking me to teach you, you can ask Father Wang to teach you after you go back."

Loki said when he heard the words.

"Is it really possible to ask my father to teach?"

When Sol heard that he was looking for his father to teach, he suddenly lost his confidence.

"You tell the king what you want to improve the lives of the people of Asgard as a whole."

"He has a high probability of being able to teach."

Loki said seriously.

In fact, there is another more important reason that the father is running out of time. If he doesn't teach Sol now, he will have the opportunity to teach later.

So even if Sol doesn't mention it, the father will definitely find a way to teach Sol how to give blessings to others.

The gods of Asgard are not all born as Asgardians, but talents from various worlds in the Nine Realms.

As the king of Asgard, if you don't give blessings, you can still be a king.

"At that time, you go with me. If the father doesn't teach it, you can see if you can teach me the principle. I will try."

Thor nodded upon hearing Loki's words.

The surrounding members of the Void God Cult saw that Loki, the Asgardian, did not mention Lord Kassadin's name, so they didn't care about it.

Tony and the others came to the cafeteria while chatting.

Sol and Loki saw groups of people sitting at different tables scattered.

The delicacies on the table were richer and more varied than what they saw in the experimental building.

Just when Sol and Loki were surprised.

"This way, this way."

A loud voice has already sounded.

Loki and Thor heard the sound and saw Kyle waving to them.

All of a sudden, Tony attracted a lot of attention, even Loki and Sol were watched by a group of people.

"Remember what I said and you'll be fine."

After Tony whispered something to Thor and Loki, he walked over directly.

"Tony, Banner, you two are too unkind. They have been on the island for several months, and it's the first time you brought them to the cafeteria."

Knowing that the other members of the Void God Cult were still somewhat dissatisfied with Loki, Renoli also took the initiative to speak up.

"I wanted to bring them here, but I went to the gravity building first, which made them fascinated by the gravity room."

"Stay there temporarily for the past few months."

Tony knew it well when he heard this, and said.

Some members of Void Island knew that Thor and Loki had arrived on the island, and some knew that Sol and Loki were staying at the Gravity Building during this time.

But not all of them know, so it is necessary to explain for the two of them and inform others of the situation.

If nothing happened after staying for a few months, then naturally there is no need to hold such hostility towards the two of them.

 The second more three thousand words are sent.

(End of this chapter)

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