Chapter 296

"I will answer all your questions..."

Geralt's words only made Hill think he was digging a hole, and Geralt was standing by, waiting for her to jump.

Hill looked at Geralt, thinking carefully about the key points, but Geralt didn't have to stop what he was doing, he took out the eyes of the dead, and quickly dealt with them.

By the time Hill rewatched Geralt, he was already making dinner.

All kinds of seasonings and utensils were neatly arranged beside Geralt, and he was cooking by the fire with a frying pan.

"Try it, my craftsmanship should be good..."

Geralt passed the food in the frying pan to Hill, and Hill looked at the obviously different meat in the pan, and retracted his outstretched hand.

"Hmph! I don't know what to do..."

A word that made Hill frown came from her side. This is Ella, the puppet figure from the past. She appeared here at some point.

And the low neighing of the carrot beside Geralt also reminded Hill that she was lost in thought and ignored the changes around her.

In front of the two ladies, Geralt showed a perfect demeanor, he didn't need to lose sight of the other, and distributed all the food accurately, even the radish had his own share.

Holding his dinner plate, looking at the bright red meat on the plate, Hill asked, "What kind of meat is this?"

"Flying dragon meat, my treasure..."


Hill thought of the Losric Airline he was flying on when he came here. Its huge body and coercion can kill a coward with just a look, not to mention the terrifying flying speed.

How could such a creature appear on Geralt's dining table?Hill looked suspiciously at the food on the plate.

I just heard Geralt explain: "It's a flying dragon, not a dragon. You have to figure out the difference. The flying dragon is a hybrid artificially bred creature, and it doesn't pose much threat..."

Hearing this, Hill breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought it was the dragons of those Lothric knights..."

"That's a flying dragon, not a dragon! Real dragons are very rare now...uh...did I slip up? Don't tell Lothric..."

Geralt quickly swallowed the dragon meat on the plate like a thief, and winked at Hill.

Well, Hill sighed, and began to cut the food on the plate with utensils, and said in a tentative tone: "I thought you would treat me with crabs..."

"The energy contained in the crabs is too low, and only Clint would foolishly hunt them for food..."

Geralt's indifference to his apprentice gave Hill a new perspective on Clint's circumstances.

Putting the dragon meat into the mouth, Hill felt the unique taste, and the energy contained in the muscles exploded in his mouth, running through his whole body like an electric current.

This single bite made Hill believe that he had completed a training and strengthening.

After eating all the food quickly, Hill wiped his mouth and said, "Will you answer all my questions?"

"Yes, I will answer your questions now, even if I can't explain it, I won't fool around..."

"Why is there such a change, just because I saw that goddess?"

"Yes, you met Belga, the goddess of sin, or the goddess is willing to see you..."

Hill was a little puzzled. How could Geralt treat him like this just by seeing the figure of a goddess?

But Hill was unwilling to give up the hard-to-get opportunity, and she was going to ask about everything she saw along the way.

Hill asked, "First question, what's that disgusting frog?"

"I call it the Curse Frog. It should be called the Curse-Death Lizard. It relies on the eyes of the dead to spray the Curse-Death mist. It is a very dangerous thing. As long as it stays in it for long enough, even a god will die... "

Hill did witness Geralt's death, but what about killing gods?Hill is still skeptical, after all, the frog can be wounded with a gun.

But Geralt's explanation was very sufficient, and Hill was not sure about the weird killing method.

Geralt answered every question, and even explained the relationship, which made Hill even more excited about the opportunity to ask at this moment.So Hill was going to continue to ask more in-depth things.

Hill asked, "What are you doing with those crystals and eyes?"

"To make a special equipment, it needs crystals from death, and the eyes of the dead can maintain its existence time."

Geralt showed Hill the crystal and the pupils. At this moment, only a few thin layers of membranes remained in the deceased's pupils that had been treated.

Geralt wrapped the mantle around the crystal, and then superimposed other crystals on top of it, while constantly beating on the crystal with a small hammer.

These cursed death crystals are hammered into the coated crystals, and then the crystals become metallic.

Geralt's hands kept moving, and finally two special knives appeared in his hands.

Like a short-handled flying knife, this knife has a dark and deep blade, and it exudes a strong ominous look just by looking at it.

Showing the flying knife to Hill, Geralt introduced: "This is the cursed death flying knife. As long as it can penetrate the enemy's body, no matter what the enemy is, it will be difficult to escape the fate of cursed death..."

[Cursed Death Flying Knife: A short throwing knife made of cursed crystals to make the blade, and the treated dead man's eye pupils wrapped around the handle.Can shoot at the enemy and inflict a curse that accompanies death.The unique malice from the King of Salary was made at random to commemorate his past, but he didn't expect to retain the attribute of curse to death.A malicious curse will devour itself first, and then the enemy. 】

"But you came back to life? Maybe you did have the moment of death, but now you can still talk to me, how can this prove the role of this weapon?"

Hill expressed full disbelief, as a host said, 'Really?I do not believe! ' That clumsy malice.

Geralt instantly thought of the barbarian host, but from Hill's soul, Geralt didn't feel the malice, only suspicion and curiosity.

Taking out a few fragments from his bosom, Geralt showed them to Hill and said: "This is what I rely on, the blessing of Belga, the goddess of sin, which allows me to escape a cursed death, she is the one you saw the goddess."

[Precious Sacrifice Ring: Made through a sacrifice ceremony, it is the mysterious ring of Belga, the goddess of sin.Among them, the ring with red luster is more special.When the wearer dies, he will not lose his soul, nor will he accumulate the curse that caused his death.But as a price, the ring will be lost.The value of the sacrifice is determined by the person being saved. 】

Hill put the pieces together and saw three different figures on the ring. Although there were three figures, it was clear from the bottom of his heart that they belonged to three different manifestations of one person at first glance.

That figure was indeed owned by the goddess she saw, and Hill gradually believed Geralt's words, and she also saw that it was the goddess who put the infant baby into Geralt's body before he came back to life.

Seeing Hill's thoughts, Geralt added: "Verga, the goddess of sin, is the most mysterious of the gods. She has already understood the essence of the world and comprehended the truth of the world. She is full of knowledge about the world. All love and pity. I don't know why she will receive you, but as long as it is approved by the goddess Belka, you will get all the help you need, whether it is me, the Dragon Academy, or the arrogant Lothric ..."

Hill understood the meaning of Geralt's words 'the approval of the goddess Belga is one's own'.

But Hill is not interested in this kind of recognition. For her, the blizzard of birth has taken away all her support, and now she only believes in herself.

Even if Geralt will help, even if Geralt has worked with him many times, even if he is Geralt.

For Hill, this is still not a reason to break through her defenses.

In order to avoid this idle concern, Hill asked some strange questions to divert the topic.

"What exactly is this place? I can even see Losric in the distance. The curvature of the planet is too flat, right? If it is a certain planet, then this planet is too big, right?"

"Why is it a planet? The moment the flame of creation was ignited, time and space have been shattered. Here are just a few more important positions in many dimensions. Even in the universe where the earth is located, you will see it in one Creatures living on the whole flat ground..."

Geralt really answered every question, without any twists and turns, and he didn't talk about him left and right.Hill couldn't even find a rebuttal.

Facing Hill's silence, Geralt took out several rings and handed them to the people around him.Whether it's Hill or Ella, or even Carrot has the same ring.

Hill took the ring in his hand and observed, except for the figure without the ring face, the rest was exactly the same as Geralt handed her the shattered ring.

"This is a sacrificial ring. It can save you from death once. It is also the blessing of Goddess Beerka. I hope you can...forget it..."

The first cryptic punctuation of Geralt's answering session, Hill didn't take the opportunity to contradict his promise.

Hill could also think of what Geralt would say. The function of the sacrificial ring is to avoid death, so what he said later was; I hope you can survive the disaster in the future.

What disaster had Geralt already foreseen about to happen?
Do not!Hill shook his head.Isn't the harbinger of disaster obvious?The savior friends, aliens, and even biological weapons are already marching towards the earth.

And the battle of these gods, or the battle of agents, is nothing more than determining who is the dominant position before the start of the war.

Hill looked at the ring in his hand, slowly put it on his finger and admired it slowly.

But when Hill thought about both Ella and the carrot, he felt his mood suddenly turn bad.

Glancing at Geralt, Hill found a corner away from him and went to sleep. With all kinds of supplies provided by Geralt, the sleeping environment was pretty good.

Touching his nose, Geralt was a little unsure about Hill's state, only feeling that he was walking back and forth on the wire inexplicably.

As the night gradually deepened, Geralt saw a special figure, which was Belga, the goddess of sin.

(End of this chapter)

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