The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 282 Horror Story Difficulty

Chapter 282 Horror Story Difficulty
All the newcomers were intimidated by Li Mu's kick, and finally no one dared to speak out, and Chu Xuan was able to fully narrate the plot of Alien One.

After listening to Chu Xuan's narration, Zheng Zha asked curiously, "When did you watch the movie?"

Chu Xuan adjusted his glasses, and said calmly: "About seven years ago, such a recent time, I still remember it fresh."

? !
Question marks and exclamation marks popped up in everyone's mind at the same time.

A time called "so close" seven years ago?Still fucking fresh in my memory!

What kind of fairy memory is this?

At this moment, the only door in the room suddenly opened slowly, everyone looked in the direction of the door, and the seniors raised their guns subconsciously to the door.

The door was fully opened, but there was nothing outside, Zhang Jie said in a deep voice: "The plot has already begun, everyone should be careful."

However, apart from a few seniors, only Li Mu, Chu Xuan, Ling Dian, and Bawang took his words seriously.

Among the newcomers, two middle-aged men with briefcases walked out the moment the door opened.

Two other white-collar men and women followed closely behind, followed by the three punks, who even directly knocked the white-collar men and women away, and rushed out of the door like crazy.

Zheng Zha was shocked when he saw this, and quickly shouted: "Don't wander around, this is your first plot world, it is very dangerous for you, even if you want to investigate the situation, we should go!"

Zero sneered, and said, "You think they are going to investigate the situation?"

Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment, and vaguely heard the voices of the two middle-aged men: "Hey, you think we don't know, just arrange a movie scene and find some babysitters just to cheat money?"

Zheng Zha was speechless, Zhang Jie said with a smile: "What did I say? Immortals can't save damned ghosts. We only protect newcomers who are worthy of protection. There is no need to worry about those who want to die."

Zheng Zha sighed, ignored those who walked out of the room, and turned his attention to the only young man who stayed in the room and looked not much older than Li Xiaoyi.

The young man walked up to Zheng Zha and the others, and said cautiously, "Can I join you? Although all this is incredible, I still hope to be by your side."

"My name is Li Shuaixi, and my occupation is...uh, I just graduated from university, and I don't have any occupation yet."

"However, I have watched many horror movies and horror stories. By the way, I have also dabbled in fantasy novels in online articles, as well as fairy tales from various countries."

Zheng Zha smiled and extended his right hand to him, saying, "You are welcome to join the team. Although I dare not say that everyone will survive, at least we will not abandon our partners."

Li Shuaixi breathed a sigh of relief, shook hands with Zheng Zha, and said gratefully, "Thank you."

Zhan Lan looked down at the task displayed on the reincarnation table, and said, "The main god has increased the difficulty of the plot, and we have confirmed this."

"That is to say, there may be more than one alien that we have to face. Only by killing all the aliens can all members get a D-level branch plot and 1000 reward points."

"This reward is obviously out of proportion to the difficulty, and people who don't have the ability to kill aliens are completely free rewards."

"Then it is very possible that there will be additional rewards for those who kill the aliens, but I don't know how many."

After saying this, Zhan Lan looked at Zheng Zha and said with a smile: "It seems that this horror movie depends on your performance."

Zheng Zha nodded and said, "No problem, this is my responsibility."

Zhang Jie took off the M4A1 on his body, handed it to Zero Point, and said, "None of us can use sniping, so we are not prepared. Fortunately, in the environment of the plot world this time, we don't need the ability to use long-range sniping."

"Assault rifles are enough, be careful, try to survive, return to the main god space and have everything, and there will be plenty of time for you to play in the future."

After listening to Zhang Jie's words, Zero Point's cold and hard face couldn't help softening a bit.

He took the gun and said: "It's just right, when I don't need to spy, I am most used to using M4, but you gave me the gun, do you have a spare weapon?"

Zhang Jie grinned, pulled out the Sand Eagle from the outside of his thigh, and said: "My Sand Eagle has unlimited bullets, and with my strengthened physique, if I really want to let go, the firepower output is no worse than that of an automatic rifle. "

Overlord said in amazement: "There is also a gun with unlimited bullets? Then if I buy a bazooka with unlimited ammunition, wouldn't it be possible for one person to cover the fire?"

Zhang Jie laughed and said: "In theory, it is, but the bazooka with unlimited ammunition is not cheap."

He inserted the Sand Eagle back to the outside of his thighs, and took off his tactical vest and handed it to Zero.

Zheng Zha said to Bawang: "We didn't prepare any heavy weapons, but my shotgun is quite powerful. When I'm not in the team, the fire support will be handed over to you."

Overlord took the shotgun and the two ammunition belts, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, unless the gun is completely useless against the alien, it won't even try to get close to us."

Zhang Qin scratched her head and said to Li Mu: "Husband, we don't have many weapons prepared. Zhan Lan and Xiaoyi are not strong enough to fight, so they must have guns by their side. How about you use my submachine gun?"

Li Mu gently stroked her hair, and said with a smile: "No, just give me the dagger, I am the strongest weapon, it doesn't make much difference whether I have a weapon or not."

Zhang Qin couldn't laugh or cry: "My husband, although you are very good, but in the world of drama, you really don't have to be too confident. This is the first horror movie, you should give it a try first!"

Li Mu smiled helplessly, but did not intend to explain further.

But he didn't explain, but some people were willing to reveal his bottom line.

Chu Xuan calmly said to Zhang Qin: "Your husband is not overconfident, but really has this strength."

All eyes were on him, but Chu Xuan looked at Li Mu and said, "His gene lock has been unlocked to the fourth level, and he himself is a humanoid beast that is more terrifying than aliens."

Zhang Qin was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked back: "Gene lock? What is that?"

Chu Xuan adjusted his glasses, and said: "This is a very complicated question, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words. I will explain it to you later when I have time."

"In short, everyone has five gene locks on their body, and opening three is enough to make themselves surpass the limits of human beings and become an extraordinary existence."

"As for opening the fourth way, there is a qualitative change. After being extraordinary, one becomes a saint. I don't know exactly how, but I know that Li Mu is no longer a mortal."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and looked at Li Mu with curiosity.

Li Xiaoyi asked: "Then what if the fifth gene lock is opened?"

Chu Xuan said: "The fifth genetic lock is the boundary between man and god. In other words, the person who unlocks the fifth genetic lock can be called a god."

Li Mu said, "I don't know what the gene lock you are talking about is, but when I was in battle, I did have the experience of suddenly entering a strange state several times at the critical moment of life and death."

"In that state, I feel like I can do almost anything, but after I get out of that state, I will suffer a kind of pain that is worse than death."

"It wasn't until I experienced it many times that the pain gradually weakened until it disappeared."

Chu Xuan said with certainty: "This is the sequelae of opening the gene lock. During the process of opening the gene lock, the body will secrete a toxic substance similar to adrenaline."

"If you can't resist the poison, you will cause your genes to collapse and you will die. If you survive it, it will be a complete transformation."

"It's still the same sentence. We'll talk about the details later. For now, let's deal with horror movies first!"

"In short, all you need to know is that Li Mu's fighting power is not weaker than your seniors, and even Zhang Qin's storm girl ability may not be able to hurt him."

Zhang Qin looked at Li Mu with bright eyes, showing a questioning look.

Li Mu smiled and nodded at her, scratched her nose lightly, and said, "I said, I will always protect you, no matter when and where."

Zhang Qin's heart was filled with sweetness and emotion. If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, she would have rushed forward to perform the 36 moves in the room.

Zhan Lan raised her hand to cover her eyes in a funny way, and shouted, "Zheng Zha, lend me your sunglasses."

Zheng Zha turned his head and said, "If you don't borrow it, I'm going blind."

Zhang Qin raised her head arrogantly and said, "You guys are just jealous."

Zhang Jie said helplessly: "Okay, let's think about how to deal with this horror movie!"

Li Mudao: "There's nothing to think about in this horror movie. It's nothing more than fighting. The first thing we need to do is to touch the alien and find out its strength."

"If it can be solved easily, just level A and pass. If it is not easy to solve, it will not be too late to find a way to use some means."

"The only thing we need to pay attention to is to protect the teammates who are not strong enough, and try not to cause casualties."

Chu Xuan echoed: "That's true. In the most extreme situation, we can choose to go to the escape pod and try to destroy the spaceship."

"Once a spaceship is destroyed in space, no matter how many aliens are on the spaceship, they will definitely die."

"However, if we do this, the Lord God will probably decide that we didn't kill the alien, and we won't get the reward for killing it."

"So this is the last choice. If you can kill it yourself, we try to choose to kill it yourself and get all the rewards."

Zheng Zha thought for a while, then untied the Xiuchun knife on his back, handed it to Li Mu, and said, "Brother-in-law, this knife is for you to use!"

"What I strengthened was the mutated gene blood of the blood family. The corrosiveness of the blood energy makes it impossible for me to use the blood energy when I use a weapon, because the blood energy will also corrode the weapon in my hand."

Li Mu didn't refuse either, he took the Xiuchun knife and put it on his back, then drew the knife out of its sheath, stretched out his fingers and flicked the knife lightly.

He didn't hear the crisp sound of "ding" that he imagined, the sound was surprisingly dull, and it even seemed to have the function of absorbing kinetic energy.

"Huh? What material is this knife made of?" Li Mu asked curiously.

Zhang Qin said with a smile: "It's Edman Alloy, the hardest metal known on Earth in the Marvel world. It claims to be indestructible, and it's much stronger than black iron."

"The black iron knife of the same style only needs 80 reward points, and this knife costs 200 reward points. You can buy two sand eagles with unlimited bullets!"

Li Mu caressed the blade, and praised: "Good knife, with this knife in hand, as long as it has enough power, in theory, there is no substance on the earth that it can't cut apart from Adamantium alloy itself. Its carapace will definitely not be able to resist a knife."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zheng Zha and said, "This knife should not be corroded by blood energy. You can completely attach blood energy to this knife to further increase the lethality."

"And after being attached with blood energy, this knife can even kill ghosts."

Zheng Zha smiled wryly and said, "The knife itself will not be corroded, but the handle is made of rosewood, so it cannot withstand corrosion."

"So after I go back this time, I will go to the main god to order a knife that is made of Adamantium alloy. I just need to make some lines on the handle to increase friction."

Suddenly, Li Mu said, "So that's it. Well, I'll take this knife. I'll make a one-piece alloy knife for you when I get back."

Zheng Zha waved his hand and said: "That's not necessary, brother-in-law is too polite, this knife itself was taken care of by sister Qin, so I have the nerve to ask you to return it."

Li Mu smiled and said: "One size is one size, that's the deal, if that's the case, then let's go out..."

"Ah ah ah..."

Before he finished speaking, there were suddenly a few screams full of fear from the other side of the aisle outside the door. The voices should be the two middle-aged men and the white-collar couple.

"Go and have a look." Li Mu rushed out with the knife in hand, and the others quickly followed.

Li Mu's speed is very fast, and Zhang Jie has the second strongest physical strength among the seniors, but even he can't reach that speed.

Among the crowd, only Zheng Zha can easily keep up with Li Mu, and Zhang Qin also needs to cover herself with wind energy to barely keep up.

The fourth-order gene lock, which is known as the extraordinary and holy, really wasn't built.

In this way, Li Mu took the lead, followed by Zhang Qin and Zheng Zha, and Zhang Jie fell behind a little.

Zhan Lan, Li Xiaoyi, Chu Xuan, Zero Point, and Overlord are all on the same level, and each of them has the physical fitness of a special soldier.

Only Li Shuaixi, a new ordinary person who joined, was out of breath within a short distance, and was left far behind by everyone in a short time.

In such an environment, Li Shuaixi was very frightened in his heart, for fear that a strange shape would appear out of nowhere.

He raised his hand and pointed forward, as if he wanted to scream, but he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Because he was suddenly worried that with his poor physical fitness, others would think he was a burden.

An inexplicable resentment rose in his heart, and he also said that he would not abandon his partner, and would just run away when something happened, ignoring his safety at all. Is this the so-called not abandoning his partner?

In fact, in the original plot, Zheng Zha found out about his situation, and came back to drag him forward.

But this time Zheng Zha only cared about keeping up with Li Mu, but ignored the situation behind him.

Because he considers himself one of the main players of the team, he should always be at the forefront whenever something happens.

And the others kept up with Li Mu's speed and tried their best not to fall behind, so how could they notice him?
The most important thing is that the room they were in just now is a room at the end of the corridor.

Going out from there is a single road without forks, so if there is any danger, only the people at the front need to face it.

So for Li Mu and the others to run forward at full speed, everyone didn't think there was any problem, even Chu Xuan thought it was the right way.

Because there was a scream in front, indicating that something might happen, they were naturally able to rush to the scene as quickly as possible.

Li Shuaixi will feel resentful and resentful because of this, one means that he is not calm enough, another is very narrow-minded, and finally he has no courage.

Such a person is destined not to live long in the plot world.

The place where the screams came from was a hall with a size of tens of square meters. All four of them sat down on the ground and screamed in horror, but the three gangsters could not be seen.

Opposite what they were pointing at, three corpses fell straight on the ground. The three corpses were a blond woman, a big black man and a big white man.

Their faces were all extremely distorted, as if they had experienced very painful things before they died.

As soon as Li Mu and the others arrived, the four of them ran away to the other side of the room in horror. Naturally, Li Mu and the others did not chase them, but stepped forward to check the corpse.

Chu Xuan and the others also arrived soon. Seeing the three corpses, Chu Xuan said, "It's the second female Lambert, the scientist Ash and the assistant engineer Parker. It seems that we have more than one alien to face, and more ..."

Zheng Zha frowned and asked, "And what?"

Chu Xuan said: "And it is very likely that all of them are alien queens. You can see that the holes in their chests are obviously a few sizes larger than the holes caused by ordinary aliens in the plot."

Everyone's face changed slightly. The alien queen is not the same concept as the ordinary alien, and her combat power is at least ten times that of the ordinary alien.

In fact, the combat power of ordinary aliens is very close to that of crawlers, even if they are strong, they are limited.

According to Zheng Zha's impression of the creepers, with their current strength, they can easily kill them with a little effort, not to mention one blow.

But if it is changed to the Alien Queen, it will not be so simple.

Chu Xuan looked at the crowd and said, "Obviously, after the last horror movie, you received too much reinforcement. In order to make the plot more difficult, the main god didn't even teach the basics."

Zhan Lan asked nervously, "What basic law?"

Chu Xuan said: "Things like aliens also have their own survival structure, just like ants or bees, there will only be one queen ant or queen bee in a nest."

"Otherwise there will be wars due to division within the ethnic group, or the weaker party will leave the ethnic group."

"But this is a closed merchant ship. There are only a few aliens in total. In theory, there shouldn't be a second queen among them."

Zheng Zha interjected: "But now all the queens are bred are alien queens, and they haven't had a war yet."

Li Mu's face suddenly changed, and he said solemnly: "There is another possibility, that is, there is an existence stronger than the alien queen, such as the king of the alien. In this way, the alien queens will not fight among themselves."

Chu Xuan narrowed his gaze, and said, "It's very possible that in the fourth part of Alien, the human-shaped alien can smash the head of the alien queen with a single slap, and there is almost no solution in the original plot."

"In the end, the heroine also relied on the corrosiveness of her own blood to corrode a breach in the window of the spaceship, causing the alien to be crushed by the pressure of the cosmic vacuum."

"Assuming that this alien is the king of aliens, then what we need to face is probably a humanoid alien and five alien queens."


Everyone gasped, five alien queens were enough to give them a headache, and with the addition of an even more terrifying humanoid alien, did the Lord God want to destroy them all?
The difficulty of 17 people is already close to the highest difficulty, and it is really scary enough.

(End of this chapter)

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