I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 69 Little Rich Woman Kinoshita Dance

Chapter 69 Little Rich Woman Kinoshita Dance

Fujisawa Suku, in a certain hotel, in a certain room——

"Okay." Kiryu tied a beautiful knot on the linen cloth tied to Qingdeng's leg wound, and said with a smile, "The wound is not deep. After applying my special medicine and resting for ten days, you will be able to recover." Back to normal."

Qingdeng stood up from the tatami, tiptoed, and took a few steps on the spot.

When the injured right leg stepped on the ground, I still felt some pain, but after applying Kiryu's special medicine, a brown ointment, I felt much more comfortable than before receiving the treatment.

"Boss Kiryu, do you know medical skills?"

"Yeah." Kiryu smiled and helped the pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, "I used to study a little medicine in Kyoto."

"You know so many things...you can mend Wu clothes, you can speak with lips, you know calligraphy, and now you know medicine..."

"Learning all kinds of novel knowledge is my hobby." Kiryu smiled modestly, "How is it? Do you think the sackcloth is too tight?"

"No, no, just right."

At this moment, there are 4 people in this small double room - Qingdeng, Saito, Kiryu, the owner of Senshiya, and Teshiro Kinoshita Mai.

Saito knelt beside Qingdeng, the saber was hung on his right waist and never took off.

When Kiryu healed Qingdeng's leg, Kinoshita Mai sat behind Kiryu the whole time and helped him.

He tiptoed a few times on the spot, and after confirming that the injury was not serious, Qingdeng sat cross-legged and returned to the ground.

And after Qingdeng sat back on the ground, a faint sound of thanks drifted into Qingdeng's ears.

"Tachibana-kun... today... thank you very much..."

The owner of the voice of thanks was naturally Kinoshita Mai.

Perhaps it was because of the presence of Saito, an outsider that he didn't know at all, Kinoshita Mai, who was already afraid of strangers, was very nervous and cautious now.

The two small hands clasped together rested on the legs, the chin rested on the collarbone, and the shoulders were retracted.

Kinoshita Mai, who was originally very small, now looks even petite.

"Ah...you don't need to say thank you, I didn't do anything extraordinary." Qingdeng raised his hand and scratched the flesh on the back of his neck, "Instead of thanking me... why don't you talk to me."

"Miss Kinoshita, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you..."

"I remember you told me before: You are going to meet one of your friends here at Fujisawa."

"The friend you're talking about...isn't it the blond girl?"

After hearing Qingdeng's questioning, Kinoshita Mai, who was already very reserved, became even more embarrassed.

The hands resting on the legs were tightened and released, released and tightened again.

Mouth opened and closed, hesitated for a long time, but did not say why.

Seeing that Kinoshita Mai was too shy to say a complete sentence, Kiryu, who was sitting in front of her, turned his head and smiled helplessly at Kinoshita Mai: "...Let me say it."

"Mr. Orange, the girl you rescued this afternoon is named Elodie de Angoulême, and she is from France."

"As you asked just now, this Elodie is the friend who the young master specially ran to Fujisawa to greet her to show her warm welcome."

"As for the woman in the light yellow Wu suit, she is the maid in charge of taking care of Elodie's daily life, and her name is Mary Leroy."

...Elodie de Angoulême?
After hearing this name, Qingdeng immediately felt: This name...why is it so familiar...?
Qingdeng, who felt the name was very familiar, pursed his lips and thought carefully.

Soon, he recalled—isn't this the very beautiful French girl that Inoko told him before...

Compared with Kinoshita Mai who behaves shyly, Kiryu's behavior is much more natural and graceful.

Just listen to him say slowly:
"Where should I start..."


Kiryu's explanation is very organized.

With just a few words, most of the fog trapped in Qingdeng's mind dissipated.

Five years ago, a French businessman named Anthony traveled across the ocean and came to Japan to engage in transnational business.

This Anthony is Elodie's grandfather.

He brought Ai Luodi to this distant Asian country to settle down and do business.

Anthony's main business is to resell Japanese specialties back to Europe and the United States.

Prior to this, the grandparents had been living in Osaka.

However, the Gyeonggi area, centered on Kyoto and Osaka, has been the area where the "movement against barbarians" has been staged most intensely in recent years, and it is still intensifying.

Out of personal safety considerations and business considerations, Anthony decided to move his family to Edo, which is obviously much safer than the Gyeonggi area.

For some reason—Anthony was unwilling to go to Edo by boat, but insisted on taking a carriage to Edo by land.

Therefore, Osaka Castle, who has a good relationship with Anthony: Matsudaira Munehide, with a big hand, took his trusted subordinate: Komuro Chuichiro as the leader, and sent a total of 36 skilled private soldiers to be Anthony's followers. The team guards escorted the grandparents Anthony and Alodi during their relocation journey.

Kinoshita Mai, who has a very close relationship with Ai Luodi, after learning that Ai Luodi and her family are coming to Edo, in order to welcome her, she has long been preparing to "go out of the city ten miles" and come to Fujisawa to meet her. This best friend.

Because he was worried about letting Kinoshita Mai leave Edo alone, Kiryu could only come to Fujisawa with her.

Kiryu and Kinoshita Mai arrived at Fujisawa the day before yesterday.

On the day after arriving at Fujisawa, that is, yesterday, they successfully joined Anthony, Alodi and his party.

The original intention of Anthony and his party was to rest in Fujisawaju, a large dormitory, for 2 days before starting.

But who knows—an accident happened today.

Elodie and her maid Leroy's young woman suddenly disappeared in the hotel this afternoon!
As for the reason why the two "disappeared", it has now been found out - it turned out that Mai Kinoshita and that Leroy sneaked out of the hotel with Elodie together...

Elodie, who has heard the name of "Enoshima Shrine" for a long time, has long been fascinated by the famous "Enoshima Shrine" in Fujisawa.

She had begged her grandfather to take her to visit "Enoshima Shrine", even if it was just for a little while.

But Anthony's heart is very firm - he is not allowed to leave the hotel casually at the moment when the so-called "dispossessed barbarians" are still rampant!

Since Anthony couldn't be persuaded, Elodie's small thoughts became active.

You can't leave the hotel in a big way...then leave secretly!
So, determined to go to Enoshima Shrine, she teamed up with her best friend Kinoshita Mai to make a bold and detailed plan to steal away from the hotel.

It was impossible to leave the inn without trying to convince her inseparable maid: Leroy.

So Elodie begged Leroy to make an exception and let her go to the shrine, just for a while.

Leroy, who couldn't stand Alodie's begging, finally softened his heart for a moment, and went along with Alodie's wishes...

This is the beginning of today's series of accidents...

After quietly listening to Kiryu's explanation, Qingdeng couldn't help casting a surprised look at Mai Kinoshita beside him.

——Miss Kinoshita...is a very good friend with that Elodie...?
In this era, European and American businessmen who can travel across the ocean to do transnational business here in Japan are basically not small merchants with little power.

A wage earner who works in an employment agency and the granddaughter of a big businessman who is engaged in multinational business are very good friends... The status of the two is different, and it doesn't seem like they can be friends.

Kiryu seems to have seen through Qingdeng's thoughts at this time.

I saw him smile slightly:
"Well... Mr. Ju, you must be wondering how the young master and Alodi became friends."

"The reason is not complicated."

"Before I came to Edo to open the 'Thousand Things House' because of my personal interest, I had been working in a small silk merchant named 'Rin House' in Osaka."

"The owner of the 'Rin House'... is also my lord, the young master's god-grandmother."

"Five years ago, Anthony traveled across the ocean and came to Osaka to do business, and had a very close business relationship with Rinya."

"Young Master, that's how she met Anthony's granddaughter, Alodi, and then became friends."

Having said that, Kiryu cast a gentle gaze at Mai Kinoshita who was sitting behind him.

"Looking back now... time flies so fast."

"In order to cultivate the young master, the lord asked me to accept the young master as the hand of Qianshiwu a year ago, so that the young master can start training and learning from the most basic level."

"In the blink of an eye, the young master has been under my command for a year now..."

"So that's how it is..." Qingdeng looked at Kiryu, and then at Kinoshita Mai, "No wonder you keep calling Ms. Kinoshita 'young master'."

——Miss Kinoshita is the daughter of a merchant with a good family background...

——I was thrown to work at the grassroots level on the grounds of "accepting training"...haha...it really looks like me...

Qingdeng couldn't help but look at Kinoshita Mai a few more times.

Kinoshita Wu's family background and experience made Qingdeng feel a little familiar.

In his previous life, Qingdeng was also the son of a merchant.

His father ran a moderately large department store, and his family was fairly well off.

When Qingdeng was still in middle school, during winter and summer vacations and other long vacations, his father would often throw Qingdeng to the lowest level of their shopping mall under the pretext of "receiving exercise", and let Qingdeng follow the employees of their family Going to do all kinds of ordinary rough and heavy work together.

At first Qingdeng didn't understand his father's behavior.

He has determined to be a policeman since he was very young, and he has never thought about inheriting any shopping malls. Why is he frequently "delegated" to the lowest level of the shopping malls, and let him do this kind of ordinary physical strength without technical content? live?

It wasn't until he grew up that Qingdeng understood what his father's intentions were—it wasn't a very deep intention, he just wanted a free labor force that didn't require wages.

What?You want a salary!You don't have a share in the family business? !Helping with housework and running the business at home is what you should do! ——Father's "teaching" still rings in my ears.

Kiryu's explanation made most of the doubts in Qingdeng's mind disappear.

Even the question "Why does Kiryu always call Kinoshita Mai the young master" that I had been wondering before was also answered.

Just when Qingdeng silently digested and sorted out everything he heard from Kiryu just now——

"Excuse me, is it convenient for people to come in?" A questioning voice with a very strange accent suddenly came from outside the door.

Qingdeng glanced at the door suspiciously: "Ah... please come in."

After obtaining Qingdeng's entry permit, the door made of wood and paper was slowly opened...

KFC? !

Qingdeng looked in shock at a white and chubby white old man who came into his eyes after the door was opened...

Thanks to the new lord [I Love Frame Me Actually 12]!
This book currently has a total of 3 leaders, gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate!

The author is now going to start to pay back the "leader's explosion" that he owes little by little.

Repay the first alliance leader today: [very mature magician] explosive update!Today, 1 chapters will be updated in a row, and 3 updates will explode!
The remaining 2 leaders: [L5? ? ] and [My Love Frame I Actually 12] will be added later!
(End of this chapter)

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