Chapter 36

Kiyanagi Town, Granny Ping's home——


Nishino squatted next to Granny Ping's body, with a pensive look on his face.

——No way... I can't find any more valuable clues at all...

Being blocked in his thoughts, Nishino could not help but slowly knit his brows together.

But just as the skin between his brows began to tighten, Nishino's pupils suddenly shrank.

--what!Not good, not good!
Nishino quickly raised his right index finger, kneaded vigorously between his eyebrows, and loosened the wrinkled skin.

——As a samurai, how can you frown like a daughter!
- You have to look like a samurai, you have to look like a samurai...

—A samurai has to be serious all the time...serious...serious...

Nishino took a deep breath, and his expression became ( ̄︿ ̄) stern again.

After bringing his 4 Oka guides to the crime scene in Kiyanagi Town and letting Qingdeng, who was in the way, leave, Nishino immediately launched an investigation.

At the beginning of the investigation, Nishino collected three extremely valuable clues in one go:

One: The knife edge on the victim's body was messy, and only one of the seven knives hit the vitals, which shows that the criminal is not good at using knives.

Two: The victim was killed probably last night. Because he was wearing normal clothes, not pajamas, and the place of death was in the living room of his home, it can be seen that he was killed before going to bed.

Three: The perpetrator pressed the victim's mouth with one hand to silence him, and the other hand held a knife to attack. According to the traces of pressing and scratching left on the victim's mouth, it can be judged that the perpetrator's slap was very large, which is consistent with " The clue that the perpetrator controlled the victim's mouth with one hand and the other hand held a knife to commit the murder" can basically determine that the perpetrator is a male.

Although so many high-value clues were collected in one go at the beginning of the investigation, the results were quite gratifying, but... the gratifying results ended here.

Since then, Nishino has collected no other more valuable clues...

Although the three clues known so far are quite valuable, they are far from enough to narrow down and lock down the scope of suspects.

The delay in finding more useful clues made Nishino feel secretly anxious.

Nishino raised his head again, carefully observing the crime scene for the first time.

After scanning every corner of the scene, he finally landed on the...candlestick with a small stub of candle placed not far from Granny Ping's body.

For some reason, since entering the scene of the crime, Nishino has always been concerned about the candle on the candlestick.

Can't tell why.

There is a candlestick for lighting in the corner of the living's normal, there's nothing strange about it.

But...why do I feel a strange sense of disobedience...

Nishino felt as if he was catching a catkin flying in the wind—it seemed that he could grasp the catkin immediately, but when his finger was about to touch the catkin, it turned slowly with the breeze flew somewhere else...

It's just a little bit... It's a little bit close to realizing something...

Nishino raised his hands and rubbed his temples on both sides, thinking hard.

Nishino was thinking hard about this——

"That...Master Nishino, the crowd gathered outside seems to be getting more and more."

One of the four Okakiri who he brought to investigate the case suddenly came to Nishino's side and whispered.

"Although they are still safe now, there are so many people gathered together, it is still a little bit uncomfortable. If there is an accident like a stampede, it will be troublesome."

"People who rely on themselves alone should be unable to drive them away."

"Master Nishino, why don't we go out and persuade them to disperse quickly."

"Is there a crowd outside the house..." Nishino was startled, then turned to look in the direction of the door, "...that's can't just let the crowd gather like this."

Due to the large population and the lack of usable land, every city in the Edo period had a very high population density and housing density, and the houses were densely connected together, making most of the streets and intersections quite narrow.

This kind of thing happened before—there were too many people gathered outside the crime scene to watch the fun, so a stampede happened accidentally, 3 people were trampled to death, and more than a dozen people were injured.

"Tsk..." Nishino curled his lips and smacked his lips, "Where did that idiot go? Didn't he help maintain order outside and disperse the crowd? Or did he go somewhere long ago... "

"Tsk... What a useless guy..."

"Obviously this place is under his jurisdiction, and there are so many people gathered around the place where the crime happened, so he doesn't care about it..."

As a member of the "Dongcheng Group", he naturally disliked the members of the "Arima Group" who often robbed them of cases.

But—it's just because they belong to different "camps", so they don't like each other.

In terms of personal feelings alone, Nishino does not dislike Arima, Inotani, and Ushiyama of the "Arima Group".

But only Qingdeng is an exception!
For this dumbass, how does Nishino dislike him!
As a dignified samurai, as a member of the "three chapters", he is so incompetent!
What a system!

Nishino doesn't hate incompetent people, after all, there are strong and weak in this world.

But he really hates the kind of people who occupy the latrines and don't shit, and don't perform their duties well!
Hold the strongest contempt to the ****—this is Nishino's persistence all along.

Therefore, Nishino has never given Qingdeng a good look.

She didn't even bother to look at him, and didn't even want to say a word to him.

Nishino concluded: With the virtue of Dutou Deng, he will definitely not pass the "big boss test" in one and a half months.

Now he can't wait for the "Big Boss Examination" to come quickly, and then remove all the bastards headed by Qing Deng.

In this way, their atmosphere of "Three Returns" should also be revived.

Just when Nishino was about to go outside in person and drive away all the people surrounding the house——

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...!
Outside the house, it suddenly became extremely noisy.

--what happened?

Nishino was stunned, then hurriedly walked towards the door of the house with three steps in parallel.

Before arriving at the door, I saw a member of the staff who belonged to him pull the door open with an excited "wow":

"Master Nishino! Good news! Good news! The criminal who killed Granny Ping has been arrested! The criminal has been arrested!"


Nishino froze in place.

"Have you caught the criminal?" After being stunned for a moment, the shocked Nishino asked him loudly.

"Yes! Master Tachibana caught the criminal!"

"...Master Tachibana?"

Nishino was taken aback again.

"Which Master Tangerine?!"

"It's Master Ju Qingdeng!"


The silence inside the house was in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle outside.

New book set sail!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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